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Story: 'Dream Boy' Chapter 3

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Trademark 2004 Allen Aldrich, All Rights Reserved.


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18, you'll probably be reading it anyway, so it'd be

kind of useless for me to tell you to stop. By reading

this chapter, you acknowledge you have read the full





I awoke, sweat pouring off my face and down my body. This is the third week in a row I've had the same dream. A dream that has haunted my waking hours also. I couldn't get the images out of my head. They were starting to interfere with my work, which wasn't so much a good thing when I was trying for a raise.


The boy was 6'1 with dark, short spiked hair, his stare made my legs melt. He would stand there, in the corner of my room, just staring at me. He wore a tight black shirt, he didn't have a chiseled body, but it was nice none the less. He would always have his hands in the pockets of his long baggy black pants, just looking at me. Then he would take two steps towards my bed and I would wake up, sweating and with a hard on.


When I thought about him, watching me, I would instantly get hard again. No matter where I was at, it would happen. I'd run to the bathroom, covering as much of it as possible and jerk off. It was so intense, it didn't even feel like I was there when it happened. It felt like I was back in the dream, with the boy coming closer and doing it himself.


If this went on, I'd be in trouble; I was losing sleep, waking up weak and more tired than when I went to sleep. I dropped my head back onto my pillow, rubbing my hand down my chest, feeling the sweat that was beading up on my body. I peeled the sheets down off myself and opened the window before laying back down. Once again rubbing my hands down my chest, down my abs which weren't quite as formed as they could be yet. Finally, my hand found what it was looking for and mere moments later I was brought over the edge, a gentle moan escaping my lips. My legs once again turned to water and I saw the boy laying between them, looking up at me.


My body went stiff, then he was gone, just as I had finished. I saw him... I know I did! He was in my room while I was awake... This had to be more than just a dream. I got up out of bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower, stopping in front of the mirror to look at myself. A smile crossed my face, I don't think I look that bad. 5'10, 140lbs, dirty blond hair and hazel eyes; my skin was a bit pasty, but that would change once the summer hit and I started going to the beach again. It's kind of hard to sit out in the sun in the middle of January.


I looked in the mirror again. The boy was standing behind me, reaching out to touch my shoulder. I turned as quickly as I could, but the boy was gone. I sighed heavily. I wanted to see him there, I wanted to hug him. I wanted to kiss him deeply. I know what I saw in his eyes; it was the same lust I felt for him. When would he let me make love to him? Would he ever? My mind was still a bit hung over from the orgasm he'd given me. Of course he would, because if he didn't I would go insane. Was I already going insane?


I stopped thinking about it as I got in the shower, the hot water rolling off my body. Another moan left my lips as I imagined him behind me, thrusting his swelling member into me. I got hard again and sighed.


"You're going to be the end of me you know," I said aloud to no one, because no one was there.


I leaned my hand forward against the wall of the shower; I needed the reinforcement to keep myself up as I gently stroked my swollen 8 inches. I leaned forward more, propping myself up with my head as I rubbed my hand against my nipples while I stroked. I felt the energies building in my sac; I knew I would be cumming again soon. I quickened the pace of my strokes, my breathing began getting faster and shallow. I closed my eyes, bringing the image of the boy back into my mind, and bringing myself over the edge.


I opened my eyes to see the mess against the wall of the shower. I turned around to get a cup from the other side and I saw the boy, this time nude, standing behind me, his cum hanging from his cock and slowly sliding down the wall next to him. I was in shock, I could see him. Instinctively I reached out and grabbed him by the arm harder then I meant to.


"Boy, wait!" I nearly shouted as he began to fade.


The fading stopped suddenly, I could still see his misty form. I heard a disembodied voice coming from around me, not from any one direction, but from all of them.


"I know you Allen; I've been following you for some time now. You intrique me. I wish to know more about you... I want to feel you," the voice said before the boy dropped his head and I swore he was blushing.


"Then you're a step ahead of me there, I know nothing about you.. Why are you following me? Who are you?"


As the words left my mouth he looked up at me and gave a quick smile before fading all together, my hands passing through the hardly visible mist of the hot water before I turned around and sighed.


"This is going to be a long day," I said out of frustration, once again to no one but myself.




I'd like to thank Joseph for editing it for me and all that good stuffs :)

Edited by Cadoimond
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I suppose certain authors... not mentioning any names *coughs*Allen/Cadoimond*cough* might think that I'm saying this 'cause I'm listed as one of his "Favorite Authors"... then again, he might think I'm saying it because I'm his editor... or possibly just 'cause I'm in the story.


However, none of those are the reasons why I think it's a good story. I think it's a good story because it is a good story.


(And, there's more reasons ( :wub: ) why I could have said that, but... ;) )


Edit: I just wish he would stop calling me Joseph :wacko: (is j/k)

Edited by Taryn Winterblade
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Thank you DK. :worship: .. I am writing chapter 2 now, thanks to Joseph and his barbed whip of DOOM.... No, I'm kidding.. Its not barbed... But anyway, I'm glad you like it so far :) I'll keep you all posted on its progress, and it should be getting posted on Nifty when I get to sending it in on there.


Keep the feedback coming! ^_^ Can e-mail me too, if you like with your feedback.





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Trademark 2004 Allen Aldrich, All Rights Reserved.


Disclaimer: You cannot distribute this story, print it

for publication, put it on another web site, display

this story, nor publish it anywhere without the

express written consent and permission of me. If it is

in any way illegal for you to read this story in your

country/state/town/village/cave/hovel w/e then stop, I

take no responsibility for your actions. If your under

18, you'll probably be reading it anyway, so it'd be

kind of useless for me to tell you to stop. By reading

this chapter, you acknowledge you have read the full





Chapter 2:


I jumped out of the shower and started to dry myself off, swiping a towel from the sink and wiping off the mirror. I watched the water drip off my hair, before rolling down my body and into the towel around my waist. I somehow knew today was going to be different from any other. The boy spoke to me, or at least I think he did. Were his lips moving? I don't think they were, the voice was coming from around him. Why did he leave so fast? So many questions I needed answers to, but where to get them from?


I decided to call out sick to work. When I picked up the phone, though, I didn't recognize the voice on the other side of the receiver.


"Allen... Help us..." the voice said. This couldn't be coming from my job! No one ever answered the phone like that before when I called.


"Hello? Mister Savanger? Hello? Is anyone there?"


I was getting frustrated again; this wasn't happening to me! I needed to know what was going on and I needed to know now! I hung up the phone and had started for the door when the phone began to ring again. I froze in my steps. Should I answer it? I didn't know who it was but I turned to retrieve the phone anyway. When I picked it up I only heard static.


"This isn't f**king funny... who's there? Damn it, say something!"


I heard a new voice on the other end, very quiet, almost like a whisper.


"Allen, I need you to listen to me... there's been some odd things going around lately and you've been chosen to help us. You will be told everything you need to know once you get here, even though you don't have much choice in the matter..."


The voice slowly trailed off and I heard another voice. I couldn't make out the words, it sounded like there were two people talking; I heard the whispered voice, but the other was too quiet.


"Are you sure? This can't be good. Joseph isn't going to like this..."


The sound seemed to cut from the phone; I stood there and looked at it for a minute before I could hear the static again.


"Sir... Allen, I need you to close your eyes and picture the boy you saw yesterday if you could for me please."


That didn't seem to be a problem for me, since I had been seeing him in my head all day, every day, for at least three weeks. I started to get dizzy and I didn't know why; I tried to open my eyes but they seemed sealed shut. I felt like I was going to get sick but I couldn't move at all. Something was holding me in an iron vice grip. My head started to scream at me; I could feel walls closing in around me. The dizzy feeling was getting worse. If this didn't end soon, my breakfast was going to end up on whatever it was holding me there.


Then, as if it had never happened, the feeling was gone. I clenched my eyes shut and I didn't want to open them. I could feel a breeze coming from somewhere and I was scared. I got the chills as I felt a hand brush up against my face. Wherever I was, it smelled like roses and clean crisp air; I could almost taste a sweetness in my mouth. That's it. I was dreaming. I'm dreaming and I am going to wake up soon.


I knew I had to open my eyes soon. I had been standing here at least 5 minutes, trying to see if I was either going to wake up or die; either one seemed possible at this point. I slowly opened one eye; I saw lots of light, and swirling darkness. I opened my other eye and saw swirling blues and greens. Then both sides seemed to collide together. In the center of them both was the boy from my dreams, the boy from the shower and from my bed. Ok, yes... it's official I am going insane; this isn't real, none of it. It can't be. I fell to my knees and started crying.


"I never did anything that bad! Why me? This can't be happening! I have to be at work in like 20 minutes. I'm going to be late, every ones going to be mad at me... every ones always mad at me... this isn't real... it's not reality..." just sputtering on and on, I could hear him move even though he didn't make a sound.


"Please, Allen... stand up. I can't greet you while you're on your knees. Well, not until later anyway," he chuckled at me, the same voice I had heard before did belong to him.


I slowly started to stand; it was then I saw I was standing on nothing! There was nothing below me, nothing around me. Nothing except for all the swirling colors, and the boy standing in front of me, wearing the same black clothes he had been wearing in all of my dreams.


"I... how did I get here? What the hell is going on? What's with all the..." I couldn't finish my question because just as the words left my mouth, his lips closed in over mine.


My eyes opened wide in shock, this kiss was nothing like what I had expected. It was one hundred times better, if that's even possible. I mean, the taste... the heat... the raw emotion that seemed to pass from him into me through that one kiss. I closed my eyes, reached my arms around him, and pulled his body close to mine, rubbing one hand up the back of his head. My other hand seemed to find it's way to his face, just feeling it, moving around his ears. I knew then that this boy was mine, as I was his.


We belonged together. Just as I somehow belonged in this place, I felt oddly out of place, kissing him without knowing even his name.


<You know me, Allen. I am Joseph. Just as I have known you all your life, and before. You've known me just as long. You need only remember.> I heard it in my head and the questions swam.


Yes, I was going to wake up soon. I had to. This kid was almost as delusional as I was. If he even existed, which I found kind of hard to believe at this point. I broke the kiss then, pulling back and looking at Joseph.


"No... this isn't real, none of it... not even you! What's going on? Please, just tell me..."


Joseph took a deep breath as he crossed his arms in front of his body, spreading them out in front of him. I started to see a rippling coming from the air around his arms. He was in a slow dance with his arms, moving them out in front of himself, then crossing them and drawing them back. Soon the ripples turned into an almost mirror like constancy. Images started swirling in it. I saw another boy with short dark blue hair with an odd green tint to it. His clothes were not black, like Joseph's, but a light gray, though they were almost of the exact same design. This new boy had a blue rose, floating less then an inch above his right ear. I saw as the boy moved through blackness, his eyes closed, his arms close to his body. By the way his clothes were moving it looked as if he was falling and a wind was flowing from below him.


Just as fast as the images started they were gone. Joseph was getting tears in his eyes; I could see he felt something for this boy.


"Are... are you ok, Joseph?" I said while reaching my hand to grasp his shoulder.


"Yes... I'm fine, but it will be better once we figure this out. It's never happened this way before..."


Joseph moved back, away from my arm, and started to fade again. I jumped forward, grabbing his arm again.


"Wait! What about me? You can't just leave me here," the terror on my face for even thinking he was going to leave me here was evidence enough to stop him from fading.


"You're free to leave when you wish... the same way you got here," with those last words he began to fade again, the mist that was once his body swirling around my outstretched arm and up, swirling around my body before completely dissipating.


"You've got to be kidding," I said to myself, not wanting to feel the almost-pain I felt when I first came here.


I closed my eyes and saw a picture of my room, next to the phone and I started getting dizzy again.




Notes: Well, theres chapter two, it should be getting posted in nifty when I send it in... So yeah, e-mail, reply, w/e :) Lemme know what you guys think. Joseph was a big help in me getting this story all worked out heh. If not for him, it would never get done. Him and that whip *Rubs a big welt along the back of his neck*



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  • 2 weeks later...

Trademark 2004 Allen Aldrich, All Rights Reserved.


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18, you'll probably be reading it anyway, so it'd be

kind of useless for me to tell you to stop. By reading

this chapter, you acknowledge you have read the full





Chapter 3:


The disorientation left much quicker then it did the first time I tried this, but I still fell to my knees. The ringing of the phone next to me shook me back to reality. I opened my eyes and I was thrust into shock; there was a man in front of me, one I thought long ago I put out of my life. Someone who had caused me so much pain I never thought he would have the nerve to come to my house again.




The name escaped my lips and then everything went black...




We were walking to school, we missed the bus yet again and his parents were already at work so there was no chance for a ride from them. It's not like the half-mile walk was too much for us, it gave us even more time to be ourselves. I looked over to him. He wasn't much taller then me, only 5'11. His blond hair hung just over his ears, as was the cut he and I had always gotten. His dark blue eyes showing the joyful youth, as mine betrayed me and looked down his body. He was wearing a small tank top and shorts, it was quite warm out today so we didn't need to wear much else. I looked down at his legs, the muscles there seemed odd to me; I didn't have that kind of definition. We were both 14, our birthdays only a week away; he would turn 15 before me by 3 days. Since we met at 12, we were almost inseparable. His parents took to me almost as fast as we did each other. They were so glad he finally had a friend who lived so close to him.


Once we were about four blocks from the school, I stopped him.


"John, I have to tell you something," my voice caught in my throat when he looked at me, giving me one of his signature smiles.


"Sure, what's up bud?" He was looking me right in the eyes, running a hand through his hair and somehow managing to turn his backpack around enough to bite on one of the straps.


"Umm... well, you know that Shawn kid who is always hanging all over you during gym?" I tried not to look too shocked when his features turned from a caring friend to some... almost beast after hearing the kid's name.


"Yes... what about that fag? I think if he tries to touch me today, I'm going to have to break his neck, I told him to back the f**K off last week. I can only hope he takes my advice for his sake," the fires in his eyes made me stumble and fall to my knees.


"John... I didn't know you felt that way at all... He is a bit clingy but I'm sure he only has a crush on you," we both laughed a bit as I got up and punched him in the arm, continuing our walk to school. Somewhere in the back of my head I put off telling him how I felt for him, this obviously wasn't the time. I'd never heard him use the term fag before, or talk about violence.


John was on some basketball team that his dad would always bring me to see when they had a game. I would sit there checking out all the guys, his dad sitting next to me, when he would pass by, dribbling the ball. No matter where my eyes had gone, when he came by they would instantly follow him...




Everything shifted, and then I was sitting in my living room. John was next to me and we were playing 'Perfect Dark' for N64. He always whooped my ass at games but if I had to lose, I'm glad it was always to him. I decided I would tell John how I felt on his 17th birthday. In three days he would find out how I felt, we had grown so close over the years. There was nothing we kept from each other. He had noticed I was acting weird and asked me a few times what was wrong. I couldn't tell him, not yet. The nights I had spent crying because he wasn't next to me were catching up, I couldn't act this way anymore; either he would accept me or not. If he turned me away, I didn't know what I would do. Of course he wouldn't turn me away.


He had told me he loved me before and I know it was just friend kind of love but it still made things worse for me inside. My feelings were welling up inside me to the point of tears whenever I saw him. Sometimes I would spend the night at his house and just watch him breath, wondering what it would be like to run my fingers down his chest, but I never would. Not even in his sleep; I had too much respect for him.


The day came. There was a big party at his house and he invited all his friends, I was the first one there, of course. I had spent the night over his house just to make sure of that. I was going to tell him before anyone else showed up and when his parents went to pick up some ice cream. I woke up and got out of his bed, we had shared his for years, and went to relieve my bladder. I guess I made a little more sound then I intended. He walked into the bathroom right before I flushed.


"Oh hey Allen, didn't think anyone was in here," he said as he turned to leave.


"No. John wait, we have to talk," I said as I walked out behind him.


"Sure, whatever bud just let me get business over with and you'll have me all to yourself," flashing me another wicked grin before closing the bathroom door and leaving me to my thoughts.


Time seemed to stop as I remembered growing up with John. I thought that if he was going to reject me I would want to remember as many good things about our life together as possible before he did, so I would know our friendship wasn't a waste. I heard him flush, breaking me out of my reverie as I watched the door open, John stepping out in his boxers and walking over to the chair in front of his bed. I was lying across his bed just looking at him for a few minutes.


"So, what did you want to talk with me about bud? Must be something important to spring it on my birthday," he said as one of his legs crossed the other. He was chewing on some piece of leather he got hold of, probably from his father.


"Well, you know I've been acting strange for a few days. There is a reason for it..." I let the thought hang for a minute, making sure I had his full attention. "When we met and you became my friend, I was the happiest boy in the world, I didn't know anything till your friendship... I don't think I could live without it, you've been my best friend for years. I hope what I have to say doesn't change that fact."


"Umm, you still haven't said it bud. Although whatever it is I don't think anything could come between us, you're my best bud too ya know," he said as he leaned forward in his chair, wrapping his arms around my head.


I didn't realize it but I was crying, he thought something was wrong to make me feel so weird. Little did he know.


"I love you John," I blurted out, closing my eyes "I've always loved you, ever since we met I knew I was gay. I love you," I stammered out into his ear. The next part of this was more then I expected.


"You little faggot," I was shocked when I opened my eyes to see him standing above me, tears rolling down his cheeks. He balled his fists up and raised them. I didn't know what to do; I just sat there when his fists came down on me.


I was never good at fighting, and this time it was no exception. He was beating me for at least an hour. Every time a fist came down it would hit either my chest or face. I felt my nose crunch after the first few hits. I didn't know what to do, I just sat there while he beat and beat, I must have passed out because after I felt no more I saw blackness. Only blackness.


"Allen... Oh my god John what did you do... Allen are you ok.. Allen speak to me are you ok?" I heard and I tried to move my neck, there was a shooting pain up my back. Not that the rest of my body wasn't in pain, I couldn't move my left arm or feel my fingers, my leg felt like it was torn to shreds. I knew I had a few broken ribs because it was hard to breath and I coughed up blood onto the seat of whatever car I was in. When I opened my eyes I saw John's mom driving her mini van, we were going to the hospital. I couldn't talk, my mouth wouldn't move.




There was another blur and I woke up on the floor of my house, John still sitting in front of me, not looking like he aged at all. He moved towards me, still sitting down. This was impossible, what was happening? John was in my house, sitting on a chair and gliding over to sit in front of me.


"Well, faggot, time hasn't been well for you has it?" he said as he slowly stood.


"Please.. John... Forgive me..." was all I could stammer out. Then all I could see was light; white light... from everywhere.




Notes: Thanks to Joseph, my editor and everyone else who waited the week and a half for this chapter to get written :P I hope it's worth the wait. Feedback is my food and drink so write me and let me know what you think :)


Edited by Cadoimond
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  • 3 weeks later...

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