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Crazy Weather


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Ok, so on Monday there were Cherry blossoms in D.C. Tonight its supposed to get down to 32 in inland southern CA.


Whats up with that?

Tonight's predicted low for where I live in central Contra Costa County is 23 degrees. And tomorrow night's supposed to be even colder. If it was wet weather (it's not) we'd have snow on Mt. Diablo, and I could post a pic of the real thing in my Winter Anthology story Christmas Break.


Colin :boy:

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lol...sorry guys I got ya beat currently it is minus 20 celsius here...that is minus 5 fahrenheit. Plus we have had 40 mph winds...and thus it has felt a lot colder! Brrrr



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The weathers been a roller coaster ride so far this season. We've gone from a high of 70 last Saturday to a high of 38 by Wednesday. Our forecast high for this coming weekend is 60. We've had rain, which caused a Flood Watch to be posted and a 15 minute snow storm on Wednesday.


I'm expecting to see some bad weather Friday 1/26/07 as I'm taking the day off to attend a workshop on Editing and Proofreading.



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As Bob Dylan said : " the times there are changing....

remember Katrina and the changes of the Gulf Stream..

Either we "play" with the Weather with our carbon monoxide and dioxide in the atmosphere, or the Earth is going from itself to a warmer period. the Earth seems to have been ice-free even in high latitudes except during relatively rare glacial maximums such as the one from which we emerged 10 to 15 thousand years ago. So the "normal trend" is what we are living now.

Here in the alps, we expect a large decrease of our glaciers, more rock falls, and warm winters as today .

Enjoy the warmth :2thumbs: We do here.

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Here in the alps, we expect a large decrease of our glaciers, more rock falls, and warm winters as today .

Enjoy the warmth :2thumbs: We do here.

Which is good and well, provided you don't want to go skiing!


Don't mess with Gaia - but then it's already too late...

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Which is good and well, provided you don't want to go skiing!

you have to go above 2'000 meters. There are still huge amounts of snow there, but you must be more carefull (avalanches !). And for the kids and families, you have artificial snow on the pists, provided the temperature is lower than 2 degrees Celcius.

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Around here I've been told has been like this before,Some people said it started with the industral age, weather has always change with or without our interference, problem for us is that it's such a complex issue, many scientist only give us one side, imo misleads us.


but still I find it annoying around here that it's that warm :P Also all that said I still believe we need different fuel altervatives, I think what some people don't get is that the earth will always go on, it will just get rid of us like a bad cold.

Edited by Drewbie
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I live in Wisconsin, and we have not had a substancial amount of snow yet thi year, maybe a little dusting here or there, but no real snow... it kinda sucks. It is sleeting right now... :(



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The weather here has totally gone crazy. Last year was the hottest year on record. The four hotest years in recorded history have been the last four years. Seems our summers are steadily getting hotter (not dryer though :angry: )


Then the winter's are getting harder. For example for the last two days we've have 70mph winds with constant rain. We've had constant weather warnings all week for both wind and flooding.


Yesterday I had to make a 25 mile detour to get home because the suspension bridge I cross was closed, I think thats only happend once before in the 20 years the bridge has been there.


If this carry's on I think I may need to move to the snow of southern cali :P





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Normally, when I make my annual Christmas trip home to Indiana, from the Philly area, I see snow in the mountains but not this year. I almost didn't get to see any snow while there. It snowed for a while on Christmas day, but it didn't stay long.



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We have plenty of snow, and you're welcome to come get a few truckloads.


Denver, where I live, normally gets its snow in a series of 3-6 inch storms that melt away within two or three days. We've had major storms every week for the last month, and the south metro area has had 56 cumulative inches of snow in the last three weeks. We got another inch this morning, and the forecast calls for another 6-8 inches by Monday, which will be well over six feet of snow in a month! :blink: :wacko: :blink:


It also very seldom drops below 0 degrees F here, but as I write this, its 1 degree F, with a brisk north wind behind it. It's gonna be cold this weekend. I need a job somewhere further south!



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you have to go above 2'000 meters. There are still huge amounts of snow there, but you must be more carefull (avalanches !). And for the kids and families, you have artificial snow on the pists, provided the temperature is lower than 2 degrees Celcius.

Australia doesn't have many places above 2000 meters.... :thumbdown:


On a more serious note, we had one of our driest winters on record last year and now that it's summer here, it's really hitting hard. We've been in drought conditions for years and this summer it is REALLY hitting hard.


We've got farmers who are shooting their stock because there is no feed for them, and no one is buying. When people ARE buying, it sometimes costs more to transport the stock to market than they are able to sell them for.


There are ancedotal stories of farmers locking the house, locking the gate, and then going out and killing themselves :( . Australians tend to be very independent and stoic about difficulties, so you know things are getting desperate when there is a major push for advertising mental health services (and suicide prevention in particular) in rural parts of the country.


I saw a newspaper making a prediction of drought-breaking rains in April. I hope they're right....

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It's dry where I live, we haven't had as much rain as we usually get. It's cold, I just checked the outside temp on our weather station, and it's 27 at 9:06 p.m. That's a lot colder than usual, and the weatherperson on our local radio station said the low would be 22 tonight. BRRRRR!


I wish we were getting some of the rain/snow that Southern California is getting. Send some our way, shdowgod!


Colin :boy:

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This weekend sucked in the Pocono's. It started to flurry as we were leaving on tuesday... but it rained all day friday and part of saturday. Saturday was 65 degrees! It just got cold enough monday night for Big Boulder to fire up the guns... but Vernon Valley in Jersey is still completely shut down... normally by this time they're 90% open.


All things considered... I'm thinking of spending my engineering career on fuel-cell technology.

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Well the weather, thinking back to when I was younger there was a fear of ice storms that lasted weeks knocking out power where I live. There was always snow storms that would practically shut down town and schools for weeks at a time and I enjoyed a lot of Snow Days.. lol. Now and over the last three years there hasn't been that terrible of winter weather. Now there's been Tornadic storms rolling over my part of Kentucky in late December/Early January. I know last February there was a tornado that went through the county east of mine.


This year I've only seen snow on the ground twice and only about two weeks worth of freezing temperatures. No tornado yet, but I see that changing as it gets into February.


Right at this moment we're under a Flood Watch, but it's not rained a drop.. lol.



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Well, the weather is coming back to normal in Montreal. Today high, it's expected to be -8C/18F and the low will be -11C/9F. Later in the week, they're calling for -25C/-13F...look like I should get ready for that day since I have to work outside. :blink:


the weatherperson on our local radio station said the low would be 22 tonight. BRRRRR!

Do you know that 22F is considered a wintery heatwave in Canada? :P


Come to Canada for a while and you'll get an idea that 22F is not COLD to the Canadians or me. I deal with 10F...0F...-10F all the time here, even in the daytime (yes, we do get 0F in the middle of a sunny day). I'll spare you the story of windchill factor. ;)

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It's never truly cold in Mississippi. Today we had the windows and doors open because it was getting warm and we didn't want to turn the AC on in January...


If it actually snowed here, people would freak out. There'd be mass chaos... martial law would be declared... car crashes everywhere... it just doesn't get cold here, lol.


'Course the last few years I've noticed have been MUCH warmer than I remember when I was younger.

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I got outside wearing just a shirt last night and it didn't feel cold! But if the weather truly gets screwed up, within a few decades northern France could have much colder winters if the Gulf Stream no longer brings warm water from the south in the winter. Let's enjoy while it's still enjoyable. And make the right choices so we stop making it worse!

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I should note it was a nice and balmy 85F on tuesday... Currently its 35F which is beating the pants off of our average of 65F.


Current temperature here: 3 degrees at 10 pm, on it's way down to about -4.

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I heard this rumor that it actually snowed in NEW ZEALAND a short while ago. I was a bit stuned to hear that since they are in SUMMER and we should be in WINTER. I say should because I'm able to walk out side in a short sleve shirt and thats sort of freaky since lets face it I am like cold blooded or something. I normally have a long sleve top on in the middle of summer. So that's saying something.

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The snow fields in Victoria (which are NOT very high -- we have a short snow season as a consequence) reported snow on Christmas day -- well into Summer (our Summer starts 1st December).


The weather at that time of the year was just plain weird....

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