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"Savage Moon 2"


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Just a short note to let you guys know the the story is now up in its entirety on the story archive of the Shack.


Please let me know what you think, good and bad! I really want to make this one stand out. Once the third chapter is posted, I hope to have this story reach a new level of perfection. So feel free to drop me an email, k?



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  • Site Administrator

Great Chapter as ever... but I need more!

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Once the third chapter is posted, I hope to have this story reach a new level of perfection.

That's gonna be pretty hard since your writing is already so damn good! B) Nice chapter Com, can't wait for the next installment!

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Guest Daxsaw

This story Is sooooo very eloquently written so far... I'm hooked like a fish. Comsie, you need to stop with the cliff hanger... I'm practiaclly dying here to know more.. You are a very good author.. I like all your stories.

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