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Names of Characters

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I received an email last weekend with the subject in all caps: I AM CHIP L (I'll omit the rest of the name).


Here is the body of the note:


I ran a Google search for my name tonight and, much to my surprise, I found it in your story, "Domes and Teapots." Though I've not read it thoroughly, I do find it interesting that the setting is Washington, DC, where I live. That said, do you know me? If so, how and if not, I'm really interested to find out how you came up with a unique name as mine. No ill intent - just found it strange to find my name in a story. Please reply, and thank you!


Chip L


Well, to say I was a little surprised is an understatement. Chip was a friend with whom I had lost contact over the past six years - I later found out he still lived in D.C at a different address and I had moved to the California desert (otherwise known as The Gay Mecca) 0:) . I had always been fond of him and decided that his name would fit the character in the story.


Needless to say, I sent a reply back - using my real name - with all my pertinant data. Yesterday we had a terrific conversation on the phone and vowed to see each other on either coast at some point. It felt good to re-establish a real friendship (as opposed to another plastic/fantastic acquaintance).


This is no biggie...just an amusing little oeuvre I wanted to share.


Jack B)

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I have an author friend who has used "Talon" a few times in his story now. And he's not through with me yet. Eventually, I will become a character in the story. I'll be part of a duet, complete with fighting stats, and he will use my name. I'm honored to be associated with David, Miro, and Nikolas.



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I totally relate. I constantly run google searches using my name! :wacko:


At least you can. My name, both first and last, are so common that googling brings up nothing about me. The only combination that I've tried so far that worked was using my name and the college I went to, which brought up a letter to the editor I wrote.


Back on topic, that's very cool that you managed to reconnect with someone like that, Jack. I probably wouldn't use someone whose name I knew ever, but in this case it turned out well.

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Glad to hear you got reunited!


I'm sure that if someone I know was to look close they could find themselves in Memories -- but they would be spread over three characters. I never use the full real name; instead I'll use a nickname on one character, the first name on another, and the last name somewhere else. To really mess with things sometimes I'll see a kid that reminds me of a character I'm planning to add, I'll hear his first name, so I'll put the new character in with that first name and some random last / middle name.

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Glad to hear you got reunited!


I'm sure that if someone I know was to look close they could find themselves in Memories --


A mini-essay on nothing in particular and everything.


As a matter of fact, my close chum from high school found me on a Google search last year. Apparently our small high school class (it was a mid-term graduation) from - are you ready, acfan? - Des Moines Roosevelt had a very active alumni group. They continually were reaching out for the lost.


Long and the short of it is I was found after having completely drifted away due to my jobs and distant residences. I left Des Moines for college and never looked back. After re-connecting last year, a few couples from the class who come to Palm Springs every winter joined me for drinks at the restaurant I manage. This year, I hosted the cocktails at my home and then we all went out for dinner.


In October, we're going to have a reunion in Florida...I know, it may be a little odd and esoteric but we're a small, somewhat affluent group of characters. During dinner, Nancy the organizer (I guess every class has one of these) talked about an old classmate who is an artist in Santa Monica and pretty low on funds. She said that she was going to take care of him coming to the reunion.


I was sent pictures of the last reunion held in Sedona, AZ. It was really strange looking at this group of old farts - fortunately, Nancy identified each person in a written legend. Before seeing this photograph, in my locked vault of memories, they were still bright-eyed, virile and 18. I found out later that two of the hot, cocky jocks in our class had succumbed to heart attacks. Wow. Talk about looking at reality in the face. If anyone has read Bill Bryson's "Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid", we are a walking, talking testament to his fictionalized characters from the 50's.


It's funny how casual high school acquaintances take on a different friendship as you mature. I think, in part, the closer bonding is a result of us being among the survivors...so far. By the way, I was in Des Moines a month ago to bury my mother. I had a chance to drive around and really marvel at what a terrific community it is.


Bottom line: never disparage a Google search.


Jack B)

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