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[dkstories] Let's Do It, Chapters 9 & 10

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wow. damn you and your cliffhangers, dk (jk, keep going). i am so glad i'm suffering from insomnia tonight, or i might have had to wait till after work to read them. awesome. just awesome. and while i don't want to spoil anything for anyone seeing this who hasn't read them yet, FINALLY!!! :2thumbs:

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well, well, things are not so easy in this timeline :P .

Dan, your are like always an evil, and a good one.

But its time to introduce some political opinions in our comments.

The US Democratic Party says (Its yours Dan !)

* "Support right to choose even if mother cannot pay. Because we believe in the privacy and equality of women, we stand proudly for a woman's right to choose, consistent with Roe v. Wade, and regardless of her ability to pay. We stand firmly against Republican efforts to undermine that right. At the same time, we strongly support family planning and adoption incentives. Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare."

* "Choice is a fundamental, constitutional right. Democrats stand behind the right of every woman to choose. We believe it is a constitutional liberty. This year

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You must get some sick, twisted pleasure from doing this to your readers! You could have just posted ch. 9 and held ch 10 until you could post ch 11 at the same time but no! You had to post them both now. You truly are evil. :devil:


Sighhhhh, I guess if the reward is to read more of your awesome stories I will gladly submit to more of your torturous cliff hangers. :P

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I loved how these chapters were playing out - until the end :angry:


Actually, I'm not worried about the cliffhanger at the end. We know that Brian hasn't done anything with Marcie since he returned, so IF he impregnated her, it had to be before he came back. We know that in the original time line, Marcie did indeed trap Brian into marrying her, but that the child wasn't even his, so the same thing must be true now. The only problem is that Brian may well not even know this. Of course Brian will be inclined to do the right thing, but given all that Marcie has done, he has every reason to be suspicious and to insist on a paternity test. If they baby has a tissue type that doesn't match Marcie or Brian, then the kid isn't his. :D

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The key issue is.... does Brian know its not his baby? In all the time he spent with Davey during his previous lifetime, did Davey tell him about this?


Bloopers for the next chapter:


"Brian, we need to talk, I'm pregnant, and its yours."


Heh, well... I was hoping I'd come back in time far enough that she hadn't gotten knocked up while sleeping around on me, and it really was a pity about that glass Davey dropped for nothing. I'd had plenty of time to think about how to deal with this situation should it arise but in the instant I heard that message I was inspired into a sadistic response which probably caused my parents and poor Davey to think I'd lost my mind.


I picked up the phone and dialed Marcie's number,

"Marcie, this is Brian. Its not mine so you can **** off with that ****. Whore."

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Firstly, let me say it's interesting that Dan has been able to come up with a plot line that lets Brian and Davey suffer the sorts of things that might be the result of gay-bashing, not because they are gay but simply because they are on the wrong side of Marcie. Cars and backpack books being vandalized. Heavy breather phone calls. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!


Secondly, we can deal wth the last line of Chapter 10. "

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I only have 1 question regarding this part of the DO series... What happens when the scientist creates the time machine for Alexei Shevardnadze again? :o *gasps* :P


i was under the impression that the program sean created at the end of the last timeline blocked all the other time-travel events, and that's how the other timelines were erased. this timeline wouldn't exist otherwise, since davey was originally sent back years before everything that's happening now.


i imagine something along the lines of...

"it will totally work! ...why isn't it working?!"

"you wasted all my money for this crap?!"

"but it should work! my calculations were perfect!"

"whatever, idiot."

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The Bitch is In.......


Well, not like she was really out in the first place, but now....... :thumbdown: & I was getting all smiley reading about how well Davey & Brian aree going together. :angry: Should've known Dan would be one to make heart-stopping cliffhanger :worship:


(sigh) I Hope Brian remembers that the kid isn't his int he first place. Because I remember Davey talking to Brandon in the first time line about it. The kid isn't Brian's, that bitch had been having extra on the side....

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Now that was a cliffhanger! :2thumbs:


When the all headed for the barn, in uniforms, I suspected that something just might be up. Great scene!


I do hope that Brian isn't dumb enough to believe Marcie, after all she's done.

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