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Timothy M.

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Everything posted by Timothy M.

  1. and Lisa for saying everything I wanted to, but couldn't because I hated Abby so much. I hope she feels awful for weeks and Kelly has a go at her and both brothers tell her to get lost until she has learnt to behave. How typical for a bitch like her to feel remorse the moments her claws has ripped you open. Lots of excuses and apogies and tears, and then she expects them to forgive and forget. Grrrrr
  2. Uh oh, Dylan really needs to come clean ! And Chuck needs to stop fretting about who has money now. If he becomes a Chef he'll eventually make more money than Dylan. Will he then leave or want Dylan to feel bad about earning less? Of course not, so why does he think it matters? But I guess Chad had already hinted at Chuck being a gold digger, which is pretty absurd, when he didn't know of the trust fund. However, those nasty remarks may be one of the reasons Dylan has been reluctant to say anything. But why did he say in ch 2 he couldn't afford going to hospital? It worked at the time, but now it seems quite weird. If nothing else, his dad woud have paid.
  3. Oh ho, the two Kellies didn't want their brothers to know they were going on a date. Sneaky. Of course Kelli didn't break the Vow since Chuck has already met Kelly. Those two four-year-olds would drive me bonkers. But then I've never really wanted kids.
  4. Those four friends are great together. Amazing how we're all beginning to like Isaac. And now we know what Chad's problem is. Jerk. I bet he knows about Ron cheating, so why would he try to hit on Chuck? He probably defends it with 'making sure he's not a cheater.' Bastard.
  5. Awesome. Nana sure is the matriarch with a will of steel. She had The Talk with Chuck's sister and parents and prevailed. The fact Chuck is such a great guy is surely due to the Family support. Even if it's reluctantly given by his stupid parents. I'm glad Dylan took it in his stride and even took charge in bed for once. Now he needs to unburden himself as well.
  6. Bad Cole, making us all jittery, lol. No, just joking, I think you did well in showing us they have issues and need to work on their relationship and to trust each other. It wouldn't seem real if everything was smooth sailing. I Wonder what The Talk is about.
  7. Loved the Chad payback, serves him right. He doesn't listen to a word Dylan says or think about his happiness. Hopefully he'll shut up now - or Dylan could ask him if he should call Matt and Tim to teach him another lesson.
  8. Hmm, it's a bad sign that Vern doesn't have a nick name. Chuck and Dylan was at the brink of something nasty but they managed to work it out. I have to admit I have sympathy for Dylan, though. I hate surprises like that, and I would have wanted to know this was a meet-the-friends situation beforehand.
  9. Oh, Raleigh, what an awful outcome of some poor drunken choices. I'm glad his mother had good sense even if she didn't know what was wrong. But I bet she suspects.
  10. I loved the two confidential talks and the way they all reassured their best friend. Awesome. Chuck's future as a Cook seems assured now, one way or another.
  11. I'm not sure I'm keen on the whole let's tell embarrassing stories about our siblings deal. You made it fun, but I'd be mortified if it happened to me. And in front of my (straight) employer too.
  12. You must have read my mind. Just what I wanted for them. Thanks, Sasha.
  13. Aww, thanks Lisa. I'm glad you feel it's a good reflection on jwolf's awesome story. I enjoy writing these reviews, and luckily Renee is happy to receive them.
  14. Timothy M.

    Twins in town

    LOL - no seafood on the pizzas, does that help?Good idea with the dancing lessons, this will go into my story notes. I'm grateful for your reviews even if late
  15. Ohhh, Vasili's pack is something a bit different. No problem with silver and an affinity to Water. Sounds interesting. Poor boy, but at least he didn't reveal anything to Terpes, except for his existence. And Mahi and Vasili will know Terpes knows of them when they find the body. I'm guessing that will be as good as a declaration of war. Hope they gut his evil heart.
  16. Good start on the dinner party. I hope they give the food all the credit it deserves. Krill dating comment was hilarious.
  17. Another thing I like about this story: The fact they bring out the best in each other and are supportive and encouraging. Gives me hope for their future as a couple. They really do bring out the best in each other - and I guess the same could be said about Isaac and Raleigh.
  18. I try to skip over the food stuff quickly or I have to go raid the cupboard. One of the best parts is how well they communicate most of the time when they are on the same wawelength about what they need. Like the sleeping together. I've always wanted a cat too, but it's never been possible. I like their independent nature.
  19. Hugging therapy sounds brilliant. I've read massage can be helpful too, simply because it's tactile. And it's a non-erotic, relaxing and undemanding therapy for the recipient. Now I'm worrying about scary times, too. I'll have to keep reading.
  20. Ouch, not good, but I guess they needed the clarification. The nightmares worry me.
  21. Timothy M.

    Twins in town

    Thank you so much. I'm flattered you stay with the story, in spite of it not quite being your cup of tea.
  22. Sometimes it's easier if your first time is with a friend and not the love-of-your-life. There is less pressure and you can laugh and be honest about what you want and like. And few of us end up long term with the first person we have sex with.
  23. Timothy M.

    Chapter 16

    It was perfect, thank you. Hope there's a lot of people who feel ashamed at their lack of attention to the signs of abuse.
  24. It's cool when the popular good-looking guy is also a nice bloke and not a predator or a jerk. I'm glad Dylan had a good first time.
  25. Isaac and Raleigh are hilarious. And hopefully this will mean they become nicer persons on a more permanent basis, although I have my doubts about Isaac.
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