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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Happy belated birthday, Robbie. I hope it was a good one.
  2. I don't know if this ad has showed up in other areas, but I saw it yesterday, and I thought it was about damn time something like this was said on TV. I pretty well want to slap people across the face when they say something is gay. It's utterly infuriating. Anyway, ever since Wanda Sykes came out she's been doing a lot for the gay community and I applaud her actions.
  3. Tiger

    One Week

    It's official. I've been in Waxahachie, Texas for a week now. This is a very different place. Even the stop lights are weird! I shall explain. On most stoplights I have seen, the red light is at the top. The yellow light is just below it. The green is on bottom. However, that's not the case in Texas. In Texas, it goes from left (red) to right (green). Also, you are on likely to see a stop light that says "Left turn yield on green". Instead it says protected. I've figured out that it means you CANNOT make a turn unless there is a green arrow. The weather is crazy here. I remember one day last week it was in the lower 80's, but the next day it was more like the mid-40's. Anyway, despite the weirdness, I like it here.
  4. Well, I've been in Texas since early yesterday morning, and I am at the library of all places. They even have Wireless, so I can bring my laptop with me and sign in. I like it so far. The weather is nice. Now I just need to find myself a job and cowboy.
  5. I agree with Kevin. I'd rather live alone. People are highly overrated, especially when they live in the same house as you do.
  6. I like The Flaming Kittens. Of course, I am rightfully biased.
  7. Okay, it's extremely short, but I intend to write a longer one and post it either in an anthology or in e-fiction, but this is my first attempt at anything in 2nd person. Comments and advice are welcome. You look at this sleepy town and wonder why you have not left. No one here understands you, so you decide it
  8. "Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm Of The War Drums" by A Perfect Circle Don't fret precious I'm here, step away from the window Go back to sleep Safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils, See, they don't give a f**K about you, like I do. Count the bodies like sheep Count the bodies like sheep Counting bodies like sheep To the rhythm of the war drums Count the bodies like sheep Go back to sleep Go back to sleep Counting bodies like sheep To the rhythm of the war drums Go back to sleep Go back to sleep Counting bodies like sheep To the rhythm of the war drums Go back to sleep Go back to sleep Counting bodies like sheep Go back to sleep Go to sleep [x14] Go back to sleep Go back to sleep Go back to sleep Counting bodies like sheep Go back to sleep Go back to sleep Counting bodies like sheep Go back to sleep Go back to sleep Counting bodies like sheep To the rhythm of the war drums Go back to sleep Go back to sleep Counting bodies like sheep To the rhythm of the war drums Go back to sleep Go back to sleep Counting bodies like sheep To the rhythm of the war drums [x2] I
  9. Just when I started getting comfortable, there's a cure? Seriously, I don't want a cure. Men can be a real downer sometimes because of all the drama, but life as a straight guy would be so damn boring. Bring on the men. And yes, I know there's not actually a cure.
  10. January 5th is the day I move. I'm excited, because I'm going to have the life I deserve. No longer am I going to be stuck in this stupid town that has nothing for me. No longer am I going to see the same old people in this sleepy town or hear an annoying train two blocks away at 7 o'clock in the morning. I know that if I play my cards right, I can have everything I want within a couple years. I can find a great southern guy to spend the rest of my life with and finally be free from the loneliness that has plagued me for so long. I can even have a son or daughter, and that's something I want more than anything else in the world. January 5th cannot come quickly enough, and I want it to be here more than anything, because I don't want to be here anymore.
  11. Tiger

    Bad night

    There comes a point where we look at our lives and think of how different things should be. For example, I should be able to find that special someone and stop being interested in the wrong ones. Deep down they're wrong in every single way, but I seem to be a masochist in that regard. My gut reaction is to push them away, but it never seems to work. Meanwhile, I'm sick. That makes it even worse. I don't know what it is about alcohol, but my body overreacts to it. I rarely puke, but there are other ways to be sick. So here I am feeling sick and thinking about how alone I am, and it really sucks.
  12. Tiger


    Well guys, I'm not sure when I'll be able to start the game. I'm moving to the Dallas area a week from Monday. I have no idea when I will have internet. I may go over to a friend's when I'm there so that I can have some time to relax. That would probably allow some online time. We'll just have to see.
  13. Happy birthday, Jack. I'm a little late, but it's better late than never, right?
  14. Merry Christmas to all.
  15. Tiger


    I'm trying to set up the game. I've got some variations, but here are the basics. I've posted a sign up thread. Please sign up! This game is fun. I will choose the werewolves, including the leader, Velkan. Velkan can choose 4 players to be werewolves. However, he chooses one every other day. There will also be 2 seers and 2 fools. They can PM me to spy on one player each night. The seers will get the truth while I shall lie to the fools. There will also be a lover who chooses another. If one dies, the other is sad and heartbroken. There will be a Count Dracula with similar powers of Velkan with 4 vampires. Velkan turns one vampire every other night and kills on the other. The same applies to Count Dracula. The nights will alternate though. There will also be a village priest. Should Velkan or Count Dracula try to turn him, both the turner and the priest die. Van Helsing and his sidekick will be aware of one seer each and can choose targets. They will be allowed to kill one person every other night. However, one might be a fool. The two seers and fools will think they are all seers, but I will randomly choose who gets to be the fools or seers on a given night. Villagers get to vote daily for a target who gets lynched. I'll be working on the details, but I am hoping to have plenty of activity! Sign up here.
  16. I like kittens. However, I'm dreaming of the companionship of a cute gay Texas cowboy or a handsome Cholo.
  17. Happy birthday, John! I hope you can come back soon.
  18. Happy Birthday, Jan!
  19. It seems like I'm waiting forever to get out of here. I've been so lonely here. There's no one around. I feel more isolated than I've ever felt in my life, and at the end of the day, I just want to leave this place, but I don't get to leave until next month. Meanwhile it's freezing, and the snow seems to be never ending. I'm ready for at least slightly warmer weather and a chance to start a new life in Texas. Worst of all, I'll probably be alone on Christmas, and that is a terrible feeling. It's so depressing. It's like no one to care for or about me anymore. I'm just basically trapped. It's like a never-ending emptiness in my heart now as I wait for a day that seems not to come quickly enough.
  20. Well, when I feel more inspired to write, I may try to write my very first evil cliffhanger.
  21. My view is that a real man is a protector, someone of virtue who stands up for the people around him, not through brute force but through logic whenever possible. He's not afraid to show his emotion when the time is right, and he's confident, not arrogant, and comfortable in his own skin. These are the qualities of a real man. As for George Bush and whether or not he is a real man, that is a discussion for The Soapbox.
  22. Well, a few months ago I moved to Kansas. Well, I'm moving again. This time I'm moving to Texas, Waxahachie to be exact. It's a city of about 20,000, and it's south of Dallas. I was thinking of staying here, but then it hit me the other day. I really don't want to be here, so I've decided that's where I want to go. I will miss what family I have here, but that's about all. The whole depression thing was caused by just not wanting to be here, so that seems like the perfect solution. Anyway, I'm not sure when I will be moving, just that I will be.
  23. Tiger

    Sick of Being Stood UP

    I think that it's a risk you take. Most guys on those sites are only really interested in one thing. If you want something more, you usually have to meet someone the old-fashioned way, especially at your age.
  24. Actually, I am a versatile. I'll sneak into chat again some time. By the way Bob, I'm 26, not 29.
  25. He doesn't say so in his profile, but today is Duncan's b-day. Happy birthday!
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