How Do You Like Your Eggs? (Two Fists in The Parking Lot) Complete
By Sasha Distan, in FanFiction. 12/18/2020 (Updated: 12/18/2020)
Publicly Decent 5. Well Groomed Complete
By Sasha Distan, in FanFiction. 12/14/2020 (Updated: 12/14/2020)
Max and Charles 4. Appetites Complete
By Wombat Bill, in Fiction. 11/19/2020 (Updated: 11/26/2020)
J.A.M. 1. J.A.M. J.A.M. Universe Long-Term Hold
By Wesley8890, in Fiction. 10/04/2017 (Updated: 11/01/2020)
Billy and the Goon Complete
By RichEisbrouch, in Fiction. 10/02/2020 (Updated: 10/29/2020)