The Ultimate Vehicle of Earthly Bliss 36. Verse Translations Temporary Hold
By AC Benus, in Poetry. 01/27/2024 (Updated: 08/31/2024)
Translation Trashbin 7. Verse Translations Temporary Hold
By AC Benus, in Poetry. 10/20/2017 (Updated: 08/07/2024)
The Great Mirror of Same-Sex Love - Poetry 34. Verse Translations Temporary Hold
By AC Benus, in Poetry. 08/17/2021 (Updated: 06/03/2024)
The Walled Garden of Enchantment 35. Verse Translations Complete
By AC Benus, in Poetry. 05/03/2024 (Updated: 05/03/2024)
Light & Dragonflies: Nature Poems/Love Poems 33. Verse Translations Complete
By AC Benus, in Poetry. 08/13/2023 (Updated: 01/23/2024)
After Days of Rain and other poems 28. Verse Complete
By AC Benus, in Poetry. 05/14/2023 (Updated: 05/15/2023)
Miracles 32. Verse Translations Complete
By AC Benus, in 2023- Exploration -Poetry. 04/06/2023 (Updated: 04/14/2023)
Sakura, and Other Poems for Sunny 27. Verse Complete
By AC Benus, in Poetry. 02/24/2023 (Updated: 02/24/2023)
a Glass Floor Underfoot 26. Verse Translations Complete
By AC Benus, in Poetry. 05/24/2022 (Updated: 02/22/2023)
Audre Lorde Knows What I Mean – 2021 in review 18. Verse Long-Term Hold
By AC Benus, in Poetry. 01/06/2022 (Updated: 07/05/2022)