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Beta Readers

  1. Tranquility
    • Members
    • 1 Stories

    Hello guys!

    Well, if you click on my stories tab to the left, you'll find it's rather empty at the moment. But I'm working on fixing that, honest to god! :P

    So, I'll keep this here short; whatever you want to know, just ask me. :) I'm a chatty, friendly guy so hit me up whenever! :)

    Peace y'all!
  2. Mann Ramblings
    • Signature Author
    • 6 Stories

    When I grew up, there weren't any heroes I could relate to while I tried futilely to hide the person I am happy to be today. I finally found my voice, the voice that says it all right to revel in the so-called inappropriate joys, laughs and loves that storm inside my head, and I can't wait to share them. It took a long time to find that courage and now that it's here, I plan to use it well.
  3. wolfwriter
    • Author
    • 3 Stories

    Wolfwriter is new to the literary world, but has had the desire to write since she was in junior high school. She moved from a small town in Iowa in time to start high school in Louisiana.
    She found GayAuthors.org and after some encouragement she decided to post her first story. With the enthusiasm of readers her confidence grew and she took the step to send off her first story to be published. It was with great delight when she was offered her first contract. Hopefully, the first of many.
  4. Geemeedee
    • Members
    • 1 Stories

    Tall, sexy black girl. (I'm 46, but I don't look it or feel it.) More of an editor than a writer. When I do write, it's nonfiction -- column or commentary writing.
  5. layla
    • Author
    • 2 Stories

    Layla writes. Hard times, troubled times, the lives of her characters are never easy, but then what life is? The story is in the struggled, the journey, the triumphs and the falls. She writes about artists, musicians, loners, drifters, dreamers, hippies, bikers, truckers, hunters and all the other things she knows and loves. Sometimes she writes urban romance and sometimes its aliens crash landing near a roadside bar. You may someday see a vampire wander through, or a shapeshifter, or even a dragon. Occasionally there is poetry and every now and again you might see a song or two. So visit often, there’s almost always something new and if you like what you read, then please hit like and review.

    Layla is the author of: Guitars and Cages,
  6. Wally J.
    • Editor
    • 1 Stories

    Im trying to become and editor to help out the GA Community. So if you would like me to Beta read or Edit. Im more than welling to do it.
  7. Guest



    • Guests
    • 1 Stories
  8. Sasha Distan
    • Promising Author
    • 9 Stories

    Sasha writes romantic fiction for men who love men, and everyone else who likes that too. Mixing the beautifully mundane with the outlandish and fantastical, Sasha generally just wants everyone to end up happy and in love, and sometimes the characters play along too. There is often, but not always, a fairly healthy amount of sex involved.
  9. AC Benus
    • Signature Author
    • 47 Stories

    With a degree in Fine Arts, and a long professional career in design, AC brings unflinching attention to detail to his writings and poetry. He strives for emotional realness in all circumstances, and excels at structure and dialogue. A love of history, philosophy, and the humanities informs his work, while having honed his craft from his adolescence has allowed him to delve into the workings of the human heart. He also has a wicked sense of humor.
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