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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

The House Always Wins - 39. Chapter 39


I returned around 11am, walking into an empty apartment. I’d half dreaded that he’d be home still, and catch me as I snuck back in to put everything back before he noticed. Finding him gone at least gave me time to prepare for what was probably going to be the most important conversation I’d ever had. I wondered how he’d react, when I told him to keep his money, in return for the one thing I wanted to hear. I just hoped he’d finally come right out and say it.

Remembering that I’d turned my phone off, I let my backpack slide down to the floor and retrieved it. Turning it back on, I almost dropped it when it began to buzz immediately after it powered up; what the...

I heard another sound, a gasp, and looked up to find Michael standing in the doorway of the study. He looked hellish; his hair mussed, like he’d combed through it a lot with his fingers, a shirt on but unbuttoned, not even tucked into his pants; as if he’d just put it on and then forgotten about it. In his hand he clutched his phone. He pressed a button and mine stopped buzzing.

"You’re here," he said, breathlessly, staring.

"Umm...yeah, I’m here?"
Why was he looking at me like that? And why was he so...disheveled?

"Your things were gone...you’re here?” he repeated.

Shit; so he’d seen I’d taken my stuff. How was I gonna talk myself out of this one?

I didn’t have to.

One second he still stood there, staring; the next he was in front of me, grabbing my head with both hands, his mouth landing in a kiss so hungry, I had no other choice but to yield. Oh, hey! Wow! Okay, not expecting that!

"You were leaving me, weren’t you?" he asked, speaking against my mouth between kisses. "You really weren’t going to say anything? Just leave me like nothing ever happened?"

"I ehr...well, I was," I admitted. He growled softly, his arms constricting around me, I could hardly move. It felt great and scary, at the same time. "Michael, Olivia told..."

"You," he interrupted, "are not going anywhere! You belong here, with me. I’ll lock the elevator if I have to."

My heart began to pound. Oh God, if only he’d say it; I’d never dream of going anywhere, ever again.

"What if there’s a fire?"
He glared. Okay, so maybe not the right time to be cheeky.

"It’ll have to go through me, first."
He groaned.
"Dammit, Jason," he continued, "I could kill you for this. And if you ever hang up on me again, and turn off your phone, there’ll be hell to pay. God...what are you trying to do to me..."
He clearly was angry!

"But you won’t... because..." I prompted. If that wasn’t enough, I’d take Olivia’s advice and ask straight out. I’d go all-in, nothing else to lose.

He damn near exploded.

"Because I love you, you idiot!" He roared, right in my face.

Oh fuck.
He said it! He really said it!

"Didn’t you realize that? I thought I showed you, for fuck sake; what else can I do, other than...”
He paused, going still.
"Jesus, I never said it..."

His hands still cupping my jaw, he shook me.

"Oh God, I’m an idiot. Jason, I thought you already knew! I. Love. You!"

Ah man, my heart was racing now and when he withdrew, and sought my gaze, I could actually see it. His eyes blazed with it.

"You thought I didn’t? Of course I do. I thought I’d been obvious enough! Which is why I didn’t understand...I woke up, and all your things were gone. If you were trying to get me in hospital, you almost succeeded. Damn near gave me a heart attack."

Before I realized what I was doing, I slid my arms around his neck and jumped up, wrapping my legs around him while burying my face in his neck, whispering that I loved him too.
He grunted but held me tightly to him.

"Fucking hell, I was so worried! When I found all your things gone, you have no idea how I felt. Like I lost it all."

Leaning back, I looked at him, interlacing my fingers behind his neck and grinned wide, so stupidly happy.

"Say it again."

"Kiss first," he demanded, smiling and appearing a lot happier than a minute ago. Relieved.

So hell yeah! I’d kiss him silly, if he wanted. Planting one on him, I began to laugh when I felt us moving, his mouth hungrily taking over. But once it ended, him having sat down on the sofa with me astride him, he said it again.

"I love you so fucking much, it hurts."
Pulling me closer, he glared.
"And I’ll never let you out of my sight again! You little deceiver, using your tricks on me like that."
I grinned.


"Not forgiven!"
He softly bit my nose.
"But you can make it up to me."

"Deal. What do I have to do?"

"Marry me."


"I’ll forgive you if you marry me. I know you don’t believe in it, but I do. And I mean it, Jason; I really don’t ever want to lose you. I want us tied together, legally. Forever."


"Can I think about it?"

I tried to keep a straight face when he growled again, failing. I already knew my answer anyway.

"You have five seconds."
Biting my lower lip, I counted in my head. At four, he blew up.

"Fine! Yes! Jeez!"

"Even if you don’t believe in it? You’ll do that...for me?"

Abso-friggin’-lutely! Because it tied him to me, too! Forever!

"Yes! But you can forget about the stupid dog. I don’t do doggy."

"I know for a fact that you do," he winked, "but fine. No dog. I’ll take a husband in return."

At that, he let go of me and pumped the air with both fists.


I grinned and nodded.

"Ahuh. I guess the house always wins..."

"And don’t you dare forget it."

The End.

Copyright Andr0gene 2005 - present, edited by his biggest fan(s)

Edited 28/12/2013

I would like to thank my editor Bill, way back in 2005, and Renee Stevens, since 2010; without you two, the story wouldn't have been quite the way it turned out.

andr0gene 2004-Present
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Wow. This story was such a joy to read. Such a thrilling, emotional relationship. And funny too!


I did think the ending was rather abrupt, though. An epilogue maybe would make things end a bit more fluid. It would be nice to see what happened to them next.

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such a great story....it was light hearted...nice to read a story without a hugely tramatic event. I also liked the fact on how short it was, sad that there is no more to read though at the same time, epilogue would of been wonderful....but then it ended really great so tough call lol.

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I am sure you have regretted the ending; as it stands. (presumptious, I know) The story you worked so hard on and I so thoroughly enjoyed, deserved a better resolution. I hope you have the opportunity and desire to continue the tale. there is so much potential in these characters and in the story. I will put it in my farorites and hope. Good work; Thanks.



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On 03/20/2011 11:47 AM, sojourn said:
I am sure you have regretted the ending; as it stands. (presumptious, I know) The story you worked so hard on and I so thoroughly enjoyed, deserved a better resolution. I hope you have the opportunity and desire to continue the tale. there is so much potential in these characters and in the story. I will put it in my farorites and hope. Good work; Thanks.


You are quite right, and perhaps you'll be happy to know I'm 'fiddling' with it, lol! I too find it quite abrupt, the ending, and it needs a better conclusion. For one, the chess game; you wouldn't believe how many people wanna know who won! For another; Michael said something over the phone that he should say to J.J. face-to-face, because he never actually said it. So...I know, and am working on it. ;) A.
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WOW--- I come across this story yesterday and I love it..... i really hope that there's more to it.... Michael telling Jason that he love him lots of times.... Jason finishing his mayor, adopting 2 babys.....OH by the way who won the chess game???.

I'm you fan, love the story, lots of kisses, bye. : )

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Good story, well written, fun to read! A bit predictable, perhaps, but sometimes the point is the journey, not the destination. I've read a fair bit of Andr0gene, and enjoyed all of it so far.. Thank you, for the time and effort, and for the great story!

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Absolutely, positively wonderful story. I don't think the ending was hurried at all, but each to his own. BTW, I would love to see a continuation of these two guys. They were a joy to read. thank u so much!

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Love everything about this story! Even the end..although..i DO hope you'll wright a sequal, like so many others before me has said, there's MUCH more to tell about these two wonderful guys.

- Sweet

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Amazing story. Great characters and I found the chemistry so palpable. I wanted them to just on each other's bones since like chapter 5. Lol. Great work.

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Two things 1) perfect ending to the story, I am glad it didn't change :thumbup: 2) you are an awesome writer but more chapters and more stories hehe. I read you stories, they suckered me write in then boom they are all done. I can't wait for the next story!!!

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You said in your comments that you thought your story was a bit sweet. I would agree with you, but at the same time, tell you that it's completely okay that it was a little bit sweet. I don't need or want hard, biting, difficult, make me think or make me weep stories to read as a steady diet. I went to bed with your story and woke up with it, and a cup of coffee, the next morning. Thanks, it was just what I needed.

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Wonderful story, really lovely to read. I saw in the reviews that I´m not only one wanting to read more about their lives, but perhaps that´s not happening after all these years.

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Congratulations on a much better ending, huge improvement and a lot more fulfilling both with the fun interaction and the romantic stuff. And nicely tied in with the title as well.

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I just wanted to say this is one of my favorite stories on here, probably because it is the prefect reread lenght and a great story. If you don't find it insulting, I would say good rom-com set up. :)

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On 02/05/2014 06:44 PM, wholysoul said:
I just wanted to say this is one of my favorite stories on here, probably because it is the prefect reread lenght and a great story. If you don't find it insulting, I would say good rom-com set up. :)
That is far from insulting; I find it a compliment, thank you. :D
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What an absolutely delightful story from beginning to end. You are so romantic! And it's so sexy too. Wow! Michael is such a dish, though one doesn't realize that to begin with because he seems so much the officious hotel manager and a bit of a dick in the worst possible way. It's only as Jason gets to know him and appreciate him that we do too. I just love the way you developed the story and the characters. Thanks for writing. You're definitely on my favourite authors list.

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I loved this story and the changes you have made to the ending. Michael did deserve to get a bit of a reality check and I adore Olivia and her clever antic with Jason getting him on the plane - brilliant!!! 

You are a great writer and am now onto the next story 

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4 hours ago, Sonya said:

I loved this story and the changes you have made to the ending. Michael did deserve to get a bit of a reality check and I adore Olivia and her clever antic with Jason getting him on the plane - brilliant!!! 

You are a great writer and am now onto the next story 


Thank you for reading. And have fun with the next!

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you all can argue about the ending but this is a winner because the characters are so clearly drawn and the interplay between them is so intense, funny, tense, loving, stupid, ....

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I read this a while back but really enjoyed it this time as well.  Very likable characters.  Keep writing. Hugs

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I loved the story the first time around but yeah, I have to agree that Jason needed to hear those three words face to face. All throughout this story feels like watching a movie (Jason’s thoughts and reactions  intermixed in the dialogue were a gem and so funny and endearing) and I truly loved every minute/word of it. 

Thank you!!

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I just read this for the first time, so I only know the rewritten ending. I very much enjoyed it, though agree a continuation would be appreciated.

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