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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Little Man - 11. Epilogues and New Beginnings

“Your can take your headphones off now, Eric.”

I tapped my blond roommate soundly on the shoulder. He startled explosively and fell off the sofa, nearly dumping his soda on the floor. His eyes were wide saucers as he shook himself to keep from admitting that I'd just scared the living hell out of him.

“Music on loud enough?” I was having a hard time trying to suppress my laughter. Eric was hiding a few deep breaths while he pressed stop on his I-pod and pulled the earbuds out.

“I had to drown out Ogre screaming, 'Fuck me harder! Fuck me harder!!' Christ, he's a loud fuck. Speaking of. . .” He looked around the room. “Where's Ogre?”

I pointed my thumb down the hallway. “He's in the shower. He tried to drag me in with him, but I'm not letting him be late to his first classes.”

“He wanted to play again?” Eric's face was twisted in comical shock. “Jesus! You two have been like screaming, humping monkeys lately.”

I looked away while I clasped my hands behind my back. “He's nervous. Sex calms him down.”

“If he gets any calmer, he'll be comatose,” Eric deadpanned. I snorted loudly feeling the flush rise in my cheeks.

It was the first week of classes in September. Ogre had managed to change his major to art over the summer after he officially moved in with Eric and I. His father had resisted the idea, but ultimately his mother eased the way. He was still anxious about the new start. Members of the football team raised an eyebrow over the changes in his life, but it had been mostly uneventful.

Either way, the beginning of art classes was a huge step for Steve. The more nervous he became, the more physical comfort he required. The last few days were quite the sex-fest. I was not complaining. I couldn't keep track of how many times Ogre had asked me to fuck him stupid.

“Once he has his first class it will be a lot calmer,” I said.

“Thank God. It was bad enough walking in on him fucking you that time. Having the image of Ogre on the bottom begging for it takes a little getting used to.” Eric closed his eyes with a dramatic shudder.

“Bite me. For all the times I've walked in to find you screwing some chick senseless I think you can take some of your own karma.”

Eric raised his hands in a truce. “Just tell me you haven't been fucking on the kitchen counters.”

I just stayed quiet and turned away from him.

“Aw, man! I prepare food in there.” I grinned devilishly as Eric whined.

“Don't worry. We clean up after ourselves,” Ogre said. He wrapped his damp arms around me from behind. I hadn't heard him exit the bathroom. He was only wearing a towel and a smattering of water droplets transferred from his skin to mine. I was only wearing a pair of gym shorts I threw on before tossing him into the shower and I could feel his ample cock pressing into me. Even through the towel it felt impressive. The touch of his flesh shot surges through me and my mind flashed back to earlier as I watched my cock bury itself over and over, merging our well earned tan lines into one. Ogre began to grind himself into me and I could feel the rush of blood to my cock.

“Oh no you don't!” I cried. I jumped forward to disconnect his heated touches. I was not about to throw wood in front of Eric in a pair of loose shorts without underwear. “Go get dressed!” I spun my giant boyfriend around and pushed him towards our bedroom.

“Are you coming to dress me?” he husked. Over the summer, Ogre had lost his shyness in front of Eric.

“Go!” I gave him a firm shove into the hallway with a smile on my face. I wanted to follow him so badly, but he'd never make his first class.

Ogre closed the door with a fake pout and whimper and I just shook my head grinning. Refusing him was not something I was used to. I was so happy.

Eric stepped up to me and rubbed the almost skin-tight crop of my hair.

“I'm still not used to your haircut. You never kept your hair this short in the past.”

The summer had brought a close to the criminal case of Chuck Mason, the redneck who attacked me. Almost two months had gone by before I learned his name. A nameless rapist had an air on surrealism that kept the horror under control. He had pled guilty to all charges after the testimony and evidence had been examined. There wasn't going to be a trial, but sentencing had yet to come along. The district attorney requested a victim impact statement to ensure a long prison stay, but I still suffered disturbing nightmares for most of the season.

It had been weeks since I cut my hair off. It was part of a drastic change that made me feel empowered over my assault. I had read about Roman soldiers shaving their heads to keep the enemies from using it to slit their throats. I bought a pair of clippers later that day. No sooner had I shed my hair, I walked into a local tattoo parlor. Along my flank over my previously broken ribs in large script letters now permanently read, “No Victims Here.”

Ogre and Eric both flipped out. I don't think it was about getting the tattoo as it was that I just ran out and had it done without so much as a word to either of them. They felt it was so out of character, but they didn't understand at first that I was taking control. I was tired of reliving my helplessness as I laid bloody and broken on the bathroom floor. Strangely enough, after doing both of these things, the nightmares seemed to fade. I felt more centered these days and wasn't looking over my shoulder in the dark.

I wasn't cured, but my worst life experience wasn't in the front of my mind every moment anymore.

“It was a little bit of therapy,” I said.

“Since you said the word. . . How are your sessions with Dr. Lambert coming?” Somehow he had managed not to press me for more details over the summer and only absorbed what small bit of information I would pass along to him. His respectful distance over the matter was very unlike him, but I felt he understood my need to process and gave me the space I needed.

“It's been good. She's says I'm at a point where I don't need to come see her on a regular schedule anymore, just if I find myself needing to talk. She says that you and Ogre have been a good support group for me.” Eric's hand slid down to my shoulder into a familial hug. Even though it took some time for him to learn how to share his paternal attentions with Steve, it was something that made life feel recoverable afterwards.

Steve had been amazing. I never imagined a man so large could be so innately gentle. He took care of me while my body healed, even when my restlessness fought against him. He told me every day how much he loved me and how grateful he was to have me. My heart ached when we weren't together. I didn't care how co-dependent it sounded, I loved him so much.

It wasn't easy. Both of them doted on me so badly in the beginning that I nearly walked out on my crutches on several occasions. After one spectacular meltdown they backed off and I made my first appointment with Dr. Lambert.

I was terrified at first but the woman who looked like the grandmother you always wanted with a psychiatric degree eventually helped me find myself again. I managed to catch up over the summer on the art classes I couldn't complete from my wrist fractures and the new semester had me looking forward again. Ogre starting art classes had only renewed my outlook.

“Remind me why I'm wearing this again?” Steve asked. I watched with a leer as he walked back into the living room.

I had chosen his clothes for the first day and he was wearing a frayed white wife beater that hugged his chest and a pair of jeans with strategically placed tears that a pair of black boxer briefs barely made decent. That paired up with a pair of work boots made me want to make him miss his first classes after all my efforts.

“Because your first class is 2-D Design with Professor Meadows.” I walked a circle around him surveying my efforts. “There's no secret that you're a football player in the art department. There are going to be some instructors that will think you're just trying for an easy A. Meadows has never been especially fond of athletes before, but she has always had a soft spot for a good looking young man. You're trying to make a good first impression.”

“But what about Professor Keefe in Drawing 101 after that?”

“He also has a soft spot for good looking men.” I looked him over top to bottom and resisted the impulse to molest him. “Now take your portfolio and tackle box and get out of here. You're going to be late.” I placed his art supplies in his hands and spanked his ass to usher him towards the door. My giant bent down hands full and kissed me softly.

“God, I love you,” he said. His face was a warm smile as he turned and walked out the door. I watched his backside sway in his jeans suggestively as he walked to his truck and drove off. My mind drifted to our earlier escapades. Eric shook me by the shoulder out of my fantasy.

“Cut it out! He's not even gone and you're already undressing him with your eyes.”

“I can't help it.” I gently bit my lower lip. “But his body is so nice and if you knew what he lets me do with it. . .” I shivered. “Oh, God. Let's gets some breakfast before I embarrass myself even worse.” My cheeks felt hot as I headed into the kitchen.

Eric followed me as we broke out with our respective stashes of cereal and settled at the kitchen table. He kept eyeing spots on the counter suspiciously.

“Not there, Eric. We were closer to the fridge.”

Eric grunted. “I'm trying not to think about it.” I couldn't help laughing at him.

We ate our breakfasts in comfortable quiet. It had been a while since Eric and I had been alone in the house together and it left a strange nostalgia. Ogre's addition to our family was a good thing, but change always came at a price even if it was a small one. With everything I'd gained from Steve moving in, I now had less time to spend with Eric. It was inevitable, of course, but I was relishing the moment that no doubt would become rarer as the weeks and months would go on.

“So are you finally going to let Ogre be on top for a change?” Eric asked. I almost spit-sprayed milk and Fruit Loops across the table over his bluntness.

“He told you that?” I stared at Eric. My eyes refused to blink.

“No, but it's not your voice I'm hearing crying out the Lord's name over and over while being fucked through the floor every night.” Eric stuffed another spoonful of Frosted Flakes in his mouth. I paused for a moment to gather my thoughts.

“I want to. It's. . . it's been difficult.” My voice was quiet. I loved Ogre so much and he would never force himself on me. He proved this over and over. Since I got out of the hospital he hadn't asked to be on top. In fact, he's been offering his own ass up on a regular basis. It wasn't like the incident with Heidi. I wasn't trying to force his hand. I was simply scared.

“I know it's been hard, but eventually you have to be fair to Ogre. He obviously likes you to fuck him, but I know he likes to wet his cock too.” Eric sounded like a perverted version of Ward Cleaver at this moment: thoughtful, introspective and completely inappropriate. “You guys are too good for each other to let something like this be an issue for too long.”

“It's not like he's not having a good time.” My brow flattened as I found myself feeling a little defensive.

“No kidding, Little Man,” Eric chuckled. “No one makes that kind of noise when they're hating it. I'm just saying it seems like things are a little one-sided these days.”

“I know,” I sighed. “I just get scared sometimes of allowing him to be that dominant.”

“This is Ogre we're talking about. You love it when he picks you up and throws you over his shoulder all caveman style, and you know as well as I do that he would never hurt you. But if you need to top from the bottom, tie him to the chair and go ride his cock. Best of both worlds.” Eric shoveled anther spoon of cereal into his mouth as I stared at him blankly, my dripping spoon frozen inches from my mouth. That was so not Ward Cleaver. “Just warn me ahead of time so I can go to the library or something. I don't want to hear both of you shouting sex noises.”

I didn't have a response to that. I continued my breakfast as I contemplated what Eric's suggestion really meant. Could I marshal my courage and let go of the last vestiges of fear that were misdirecting my love life? It seemed simple enough of a tactic. My introspection was interrupted by Eric's next question.

“You know what makes Ogre perfect for you?”

“Tell me.”

“Because if you're never ready to let him be on top again, he won't stop loving you.”

A warm smile bled into my face as I finished my cereal. I rinsed out the bowl in the sink and walked up behind Eric and wrapped my arms around him. I tightened my hug and softly spoke into his ear.

“Thank you, Eric. I don't know what I'd do without you.” I could feel the happy warmth in response.

“You're my Little Man. I'm always there for you. Never forget that.” Eric gently pressed his temple into mine. I wasn't sure how I got so lucky. “You and Ogre belong together.”

My eyes misted slightly as the wave of joy bled over me and I hugged Eric even tighter still. At that moment I realized that I was capable of anything and that I would no longer be ruled by the fear of past events that couldn't be changed.


“Yeah, Little Man?”

“I think you should go to the library tonight or charge up your iPod. I don't think you want to hear me climb Ogre in the chair.”

“Gross. . .”

I stood there for a moment pondering Eric and wishing him some amount of happiness that I'd ultimately gained with Steve. I wanted that for Eric, too. He had never been content to date anyone regularly because of our friendship and his dedication to his schoolwork. It didn't seem fair somehow.

I had a sudden inspiration. Steve was going to kill me.



“Have you ever met Heidi?”



I just wanted to give a special thanks to Cia and especially MJ85 for all their help in making this story work. It would be a much different story without them.

And a special thank you for all my followers and readers who have made the experience of posting my first M/M story a fantastic experience! I am so glad I came to GA. I have more stories to come slowly but surely. Follow me to be up to date! Thank you all!!
Copyright © 2012 Mann Ramblings; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Recommended Comments

Chapter Comments

I really enjoyed every chapter of this story. The perspectives were unique and I enjoyed the growth of the three boys. Thanks for posting and I'm looking forward to your next work.

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I loved this story so much. The characters felt real to me, and the plot was well-thought out. Little Man also invoked feelings in me, making me laugh one moment, and then cry the next. Excellent work!



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A fine ending to a great story. You wove in so much emotion to this

tale that I've become attached to the three guys, and I'll miss them.

You have a wonderful talent, thank you so much for sharing it..

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I was one of the ones who wondered about the need for the rape, but I was very willing to let you play it out and can only say that it indeed merged with all the other threads into a wonderful serape that anyone would be proud to have woven. Thanks for a great story, and I definitely look forward to more from you.


Oh... and the ending was fabulous for all of us who loved Heidi and wanted to see more of her. I certainly can see her holding her own with Eric!

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Omg, I was thinking the same thing about Eric and Heidi! lol


This last chapter was terrific! I love the 'perverted version of Ward Cleaver', that was hysterical.


This story was wonderful. All three of the characters grew and learned what was important in life and who was important. You brought out so many emotions in every chapter and the dialogue was superb. I looked forward to every update.


I'll really miss these boys, but I can't wait to read your next story! :)

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On 11/12/2012 12:11 AM, hillj69 said:
I was one of the ones who wondered about the need for the rape, but I was very willing to let you play it out and can only say that it indeed merged with all the other threads into a wonderful serape that anyone would be proud to have woven. Thanks for a great story, and I definitely look forward to more from you.


Oh... and the ending was fabulous for all of us who loved Heidi and wanted to see more of her. I certainly can see her holding her own with Eric!

I'm so glad you continued reading and had the chance to see the whole story I was trying to create. I hope others that reacted to chapter 9 can see it the same way.


Little Man was such a great experience and I'm so thrilled to the response I've gotten. I hope my next endeavors are as successful. And yes, that means I have more stories to share. :)

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On 11/11/2012 02:36 PM, Rebelghost85 said:
I really enjoyed every chapter of this story. The perspectives were unique and I enjoyed the growth of the three boys. Thanks for posting and I'm looking forward to your next work.
Thank you so much! I can't believe I just posted the last chapter. I'm still in awe of everyone's positive reactions. I'm still doing a happy dance.
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On 11/11/2012 02:41 PM, SoullessCynner said:
I loved this story so much. The characters felt real to me, and the plot was well-thought out. Little Man also invoked feelings in me, making me laugh one moment, and then cry the next. Excellent work!



I'm still blushing from all the praise. Seriously. :D I can't thank everyone who followed this story enough. This has been amazing!!!
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On 11/11/2012 09:41 PM, Stephen said:
A fine ending to a great story. You wove in so much emotion to this

tale that I've become attached to the three guys, and I'll miss them.

You have a wonderful talent, thank you so much for sharing it..

With how much it took to create this story, I'm going to miss them too. It took a long time to get the nerve to share and I'm so glad I did. Thank you so much!
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On 11/12/2012 03:05 AM, Lisa said:
Omg, I was thinking the same thing about Eric and Heidi! lol


This last chapter was terrific! I love the 'perverted version of Ward Cleaver', that was hysterical.


This story was wonderful. All three of the characters grew and learned what was important in life and who was important. You brought out so many emotions in every chapter and the dialogue was superb. I looked forward to every update.


I'll really miss these boys, but I can't wait to read your next story! :)

Thanks for being a faithful reader, Lisa! I have more stories in my head to share. I'm working on one right now, but my schedule is going to slow down its posting. I don't want to share until I'm sure I can post regularly AND finish it. (Nothing worse than incomplete stories you've sunk your teeth in. Ugh)


Have no fear. It will happen. LOL Easiest way to know for sure is to follow me or keep a patient eye on the update list. :)

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This story had a lot of charm, warmth and humor despite the rape episode. And a lot of love, both eros and philia. I hope your next story is already on it way to us.

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YAY! I loved the way you tied all this up. I think your pacing of the story was wonderful. I think I will really miss these guys. Very nice job getting us all hooked into your story. Write more please. thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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I enjoyed the characters, and I'm glad there's room in Clay's life for both Eric and Steve. But honestly, I was hoping for something a little less sex-drenched (believe me, I'm stunned that I just typed that, because normally I'm all about the "erotic" in erotica). I guess it's all about sex with them because they're so young, and the relationship is so new. But I wanted to know if Steve was out to everyone (sounds like he's not) and if it was causing problems. I wanted to know what he planned to do with an art major. I wanted to know what was holding these two together besides sex and borderline co-dependence (at least that's how it reads to me, and you even have Clay mention it). From your comments, Mann, it sounds like you're ready to move on to other characters and stories. Kudos for creating this set that made me want more. They'd be great to revisit if you ever felt like tackling the issues that come with sustaining a relationship over time.

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On 11/14/2012 05:22 AM, Geemeedee said:
I enjoyed the characters, and I'm glad there's room in Clay's life for both Eric and Steve. But honestly, I was hoping for something a little less sex-drenched (believe me, I'm stunned that I just typed that, because normally I'm all about the "erotic" in erotica). I guess it's all about sex with them because they're so young, and the relationship is so new. But I wanted to know if Steve was out to everyone (sounds like he's not) and if it was causing problems. I wanted to know what he planned to do with an art major. I wanted to know what was holding these two together besides sex and borderline co-dependence (at least that's how it reads to me, and you even have Clay mention it). From your comments, Mann, it sounds like you're ready to move on to other characters and stories. Kudos for creating this set that made me want more. They'd be great to revisit if you ever felt like tackling the issues that come with sustaining a relationship over time.
Thanks for the feedback. You're absolutely right, there are many long term aspects of LM's and Ogre's relationship that have gone untouched. Mainly, that's because I wanted this story to simply focus on how they came together. I haven't abondoned the characters and may pick them back up and continue when I find a storyline that I feel can do them justice.


Right now, I am working on other ideas and stories and hope to have something workable soon. Thank you so much for reading my first real piece. I hope I can keep everyone's interest as strong on my future works. :D

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I like to leave comments at the end of a story since I like the whole picuture. And well.... I loved it. Maybe because I am in a simular situation. I am trying give my "bottom", who is really a top, his manhood back after so many have stolen and belittled it. So, I have promised the old vows of marriage. I would be "bony and buxom in bed or board" and that he is the head of a soon to be growing family. We have the dog, grandparents, the house, and looking for a child (or more). First though.... a little ceremony to prove to others and God (whom I believe s/he had a devine plan for us, and especially for me) that we are committed. No matter how many times he or I might have extra "marital" (we live in TEXAS, But we have met some really supportive people, even conservatives) relations, which I hope are few (and there have been... marital struggles are a bitch LOL) and none actually. I just wanted to say, this story really resonated with me


Great Job


please excuse any grammer errors... Sleepy on a saturday night, not good lol!

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Okay, I have a few things on my plate but I finally read the rest of your story. I seen people worried about the rape and what that would mean. I believe you handled everything in delicate way and let it still be believable. Clay finally has someone he can trust with his heart in Ogre and still has Eric as his brother/father figure.


This was a great read and I am glad to have had the pleasure of exploring the world you created for us. I look forward to more of your ramblings in the future.

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I just wanted to say that I loved the story! So much drama for them all to get through, but such a wonderful outcome in the end. Awesome job.

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Another great tale, well written. Now Mann, if we can just get you to knock out 50,000 words a week (and for a man of your undoubted talents... that should be a doddle), we'll all be happy.


Thanks for the entertainment Mann.



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On 05/15/2013 06:14 AM, Stephen ODonohue said:
Another great tale, well written. Now Mann, if we can just get you to knock out 50,000 words a week (and for a man of your undoubted talents... that should be a doddle), we'll all be happy.


Thanks for the entertainment Mann.



I think that's a great idea! Now we just have to get rid of that need for a pesky day job!
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I always thought Heidi would be perfect for Eric. I loved this story it was way to short. I would love to read more of their story. Btw you could have closed the story down later that night it wouldn't have hurt my feelings.

The sentencing should be extremely harsh for the red neck.....

Great story this may have been your first but am very glad it wasn't your last. Awesome writing Mann!!

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On 08/25/2013 09:31 AM, Daithi said:
I always thought Heidi would be perfect for Eric. I loved this story it was way to short. I would love to read more of their story. Btw you could have closed the story down later that night it wouldn't have hurt my feelings.

The sentencing should be extremely harsh for the red neck.....

Great story this may have been your first but am very glad it wasn't your last. Awesome writing Mann!!

Heidi seems to be a favorite all around. :) I was seriously impressed that I wrote a story this long in the first place and incredibly flattered over how many wanted it to continue! :o


Thank you so much for all the reviews! This was a great experience for a first time writer and I'm so glad I'm sticking around to write more.

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Been sampling different authors here and have to say you definitely among the favorites! Great job! Your characterization is excellent, realistic & convincing and the story is full of great incidents/events/dramas that really take one places. Lots of emotional highs and lows, which is good. You do it so well. Plus, plus, plus you write such readable English in good sentences. I loved it all. Thanks. Hope you go on to use these characters again and tell more of their stories as there's still so much more to come.

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On 08/31/2013 03:25 AM, Jaro_423 said:
Been sampling different authors here and have to say you definitely among the favorites! Great job! Your characterization is excellent, realistic & convincing and the story is full of great incidents/events/dramas that really take one places. Lots of emotional highs and lows, which is good. You do it so well. Plus, plus, plus you write such readable English in good sentences. I loved it all. Thanks. Hope you go on to use these characters again and tell more of their stories as there's still so much more to come.
Wow! Thanks for the great comments! I still get weird goosebumps to know people are reading my work. I don't think I will ever not be excited over the prospect.


Thanks for the review! :D

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