Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Jacob Finding His Way - 26. Chapter 26
When we woke up the next morning Joey and I had a serious talk about all what my grandfather spoke of last night. He was right. We have been spending way too much money lately, like there was no tomorrow. We need to stop spending like that and get back to common sense spending.
By the end of our talk we agreed to either put the dividends we get back into investments or back into our saving accounts. Whatever we do with the money we are getting, we are only going to put aside twenty percent of it for living costs.
That should be easy for us. We own everything we have from the house to the cars. We only have to pay for the cost of living and the small extras we want to get such as some clothes, movies, or anything like that. Something like that as extras, not like another vehicle or brand new hockey equipment like we have been spending money on recently.
When it comes down to Chase and David, they are more than welcome to stay here at the house. But from now on, if they want anything extra such as a movie, games, or anything like that, they are on their own.
Chase is my responsibility because I invited him to live with us at the house. So I will continue to buy any clothes he needs or school supplies. But anything else beyond that is on him. As far as David, well we need to find out exactly what is going on with him.
We let him stay at the house during the time he was broke up with Tom. We wanted him to forget all about Tom and move on. Now it looks like Tom and he are back together. We are not going to kick David out at no means. We just need to find out his plans for the future. We are not running a boarding house here.
Joey and I agreed on each of the issues and planned to put them in play as soon as possible. It is going to be another day of talks I really do not want to have but need to have them no matter what.
It was our actual full day back to school in all of our classes. Monday I was sick and had to stay home. On Tuesday was the DAI inspection and had to stay over with the Battalion all day long. So, I already knew today was going to be hell on wheels!
We had gotten all of the assignments for the two days for all of our classes. As we attended each class, we turned them in. So we really were not behind in our studies.
The day went by fast and before I knew it, I was at Track practice. It was hard for me because I was still weak from the kidney stones. Still I didn’t let it stop me; I pushed myself to get through the day of practice.
As soon as we were home, Chase was there without Linda. I figured she must have dropped him off after school since Chase didn’t catch a ride with us.
“Hey guys, what is up? How were classes today?” Chase asked along with the greeting.
“They were fine!” Both Joey and I said at the same time.
“Hey Chase since we have you here alone can we talk to you about something really fast?” I asked as I was putting down my book bag.
“Of course, man; anything! I hope I am not in trouble or anything like that!” Chase said with a very nervous tone.
We sat down at the table in the dining room. I started to explain to him about my grandfather’s comments yesterday. I said that I agreed with my grandfather’s assessment. I told him he was more then welcome to stay and we will continue to support him as far as food, clothes, and roof over his head. But anything else is going to be on him.
“I cannot ask for anything more Jake!” Chase said with a look of relief on his face. “In fact I should be responsible for helping out this household. I will get a job and take off some of the pressure from you guys as far as my being here is concerned!”
“Chase I really do not want you to get a job while you are in school. In summer if you want that is fine. Remember I did that, and it was hard to balance everything. Something will suffer if you do that.
Look I got this money and I don’t mind helping out a friend that needs help. That is what friends are for. Just stay in school and attend all classes, that’s all. We will do the rest for you. And again if you want to get a job during the summer, that is cool. Whatever money you make is yours. We will not ask for a dime of it”; I told him.
“Thank you Jake and Joey. I don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t have good friends like you guys!” Chase said in sincere appreciation.
Chase got up and gave Joey and me a hug with a fist to the back. He headed back into the kitchen to begin dinner. One thing we decided on Monday was each of us was going to take on chores at the house. We were not going to spend on maids or going out to eat everyday. Each day we are going to take turns on the cooking and the cleaning of the house. We are grownups and it is time we start acting as such.
I made up the schedule for all of us to follow. It was fair across the board and I hoped this is going to be an idea that works. Really, none of us like to cook, but we will have to do it from now on.
There was still the last person we need to talk with. I don’t like being a hard ass about things, but we need to know what is going on in our house. More so after the last party with the football team!
As we were sitting and watching TV, David got home. He went into the kitchen and grabbed the plate of food that we left for him to eat. I got up and headed over to the kitchen to speak with David.
“Hey my friend, how is going?” I said in cheery greeting.
“All is good Jake my man! How about you? Is everything good?” David asked sincerely.
“Yeah is good as I could ask for. Hey David, I need to sit down and talk to you about something important man!”
“No problem Jake, go right ahead!” David responded.
“Well Joey and I had a talk with my grandfather last night. He kind of kicked my butt about spending as I have been lately. He was right doing so. I never meant to spend the amount of money I have been spending in the last month or so.
Anyways I need to talk to you as I did with Chase earlier. I know when you came down and started staying with us was because of the break up with Tom. I do not know and you do not need to tell me what is going on with you and Tom right now. What I do need to know is what your status as far as living arrangements is? Do not get me wrong I am not asking you to leave or anything like that.”
“No Jake, you have the right to ask me that. I have been meaning to talk with you about this. My family decided to move in with my grandmother. She has fallen ill and they feel it is necessary for them to be there with her in the house.
Her house is already a small house as it is. And now with my family living there, it’s just the house isn’t big enough to hold all of us. Don’t get me wrong Jake. If you need me to move back home, I can do that.
I just want to stay here, going to Newman High School, where I started. I really want to graduate with my friends and classmates that I started going to school with. So I guess what I am saying is that I would like to stay here if it is ok with you guys.”
“We have no problem with you staying with us David.” I responded.
“Cool man and you don’t have to worry about supporting me. My parents said they will continue doing that. They will foot the bill on my clothes and personal items. They said they want to give you a check monthly for food costs.”
“If they can afford it, and that would be cool. What we will do with that check is put it in the bank for you to save for when you graduate. You do not add much to our grocery bill or the bills in the house. Just as long as they buy you what you need.”
“Yeah they are going to do that Jake. Thanks man, for letting me live here with you guys. You guys are fucking awesome!”
David headed off upstairs after we finished talking. I went back to join Joey in front of the TV. We sat there for another couple of hours like couch potatoes. Then we headed to bed ourselves.
For the next couple of days I was helping out in ROTC to get us ready to head up to NMMI (New Mexico Military Institute). We go every year to NMMI for the Drill and Rifle Team competition. As in the past we have had money left over from the year before to attend the competition. This year was a different story. We had no money left over due to attending more competition and events last year than normal.
I had to start working on the sponsoring program sooner then I wanted to. Basically what I wanted to do and sold to Major Moore on is a simple sponsorship program. We will get rid of the annual candy drive and have the local businesses sponsor our program.
It was hard for me to get this done. During the day I attended all my classes and after school practices. So by the time I got out to the local merchants, the owners were already heading home or just didn’t want to talk.
I really didn’t know how hard it was until I started going to the local merchants asking for their support. For being rich people, they didn’t give a damn about good programs for high school kids.
On Thursday I was already getting frustrated with the local merchants. Then I thought I was getting lied to about where the owner’s office was in some of these businesses. When I walked into Mesa Ford, where I bought Joey’s truck, I was surprised how nice the manager was to me.
He told me the main office of the dealership wasn’t at this location. The owner owns more than this car lot. He actually owns a Chevy, Dodge, Chrysler, and Lincoln Mercury car dealerships all over town. The main office was located on Montana Street by the mall. He actually called down there and set up an appointment with the owner in an hour.
I headed over to the Lincoln and Mercury lot on Montana Street. It took me almost forty five minutes to get there. When I walked up to the front desk and told the young lady who I was and that I had an appointment with the owner. She rang the owner’s office to conform my appointment. Once she confirmed I did have an appointment, she directed me where to go.
When I got to the owners office I sat and waited to be called in. An older gentleman came out of the office and presented himself to me. He stood maybe five foot four, a white guy in his late fifties at least, balding white hair.
“Hello my name is Jimmy Dick Senior, the owner of the auto group.”
“Hello Mr. Dick, my name is Jacob Hernandez from Newman High School.”
We walked into his office. As I looked around I could tell this guy wasn’t from here, just by the way the office was decorated. He had hunting trophies all over the place. Heads of animals I think he killed sometime in his life. I sat down as he started talking.
“I understand you bought from us a brand new F150 fully loaded duel cab!”
“Yes sir I did. It was a gift to a friend of mine!”
“Wow I would like to have a friend like you. I saw you drive up in your car. Did you get that from our Chevy lot Jake?”
“No sir I did not. I didn’t know you owned all these lots. When I went out and bought that car I had to buy it from the closet dealership to me. I walked to it because at the time I didn’t have a car.”
“Well I can understand that. I hope in the future you will buy all your cars from me. Which dealership were you most happy with?”
“Well Mr. Dick when I went out and bought the car, I wasn’t too happy with your Ford Dealership. Simply because your sales men ignored me and my friends when we were looking around! Now by buying from both owners, your dealership, and I am not just saying this. I had a really bad run in with the dealer when I bought my car. They actually thought we were playing a prank with them.”
“That wasn’t good business practices on their part or on my part when my sales reps didn’t even come up and talk with you. Well Jake, please tells me why you’re here and call me Jim!”
I sat there explaining to the owner about our program and what we do. How we have in the past made the funds through the year. What I was trying to do with my school and then if it works, we will begin to work it into the others. As well I told him about the winning record our school has had over the years. That is why we are the pilot school that will be trying out the sponsorship program.
“Jim, as you can see we need to get sponsors from our local merchants! I know we are not the football team that can wear our sponsors’ logos on our uniforms. That is what the sponsors want. They want to be seen as the one sponsoring the team. What I can promise you is that we will wear your logo on our required sweats clothes that are worn during our trips and team events.”
“Can ask you Jake, why are you here not your army instructors asking for me to sponsor your program through the year?”
“Jim, the reason I am here is because I am the Cadet Battalion Commander, the highest ranking cadet in the unit. This program is run by the cadets and not the instructors. The SAI, Major Moore, gives his higher ranking officers the orders, and we carry them out. Don’t get me wrong, they are there in the background making sure we never over step our bounds or mess things up.”
“I love programs like that. I wish there was a lot more of them in our schools. Teach the youth responsibilities at a young age. Soon I will be handing my dealerships over to my son. Boy, do I fear that day when it comes.”
Jimmy Dick started to laugh as he got up and grabbed two cans of soda from his refrigerator. He handed me one and then sat back down.
“Well Jake let me say this; you sold me on the program. I will go ahead and sponsor your program this year. The only thing I ask is that my company is the only sponsor of your program, Jake. Can you give me that promise?”
“Well sir, the amount of money we need throughout the year is kind of high. We attend several competitions out of town and as well in town. If we win the district again, we are responsible for getting the funds for State.”
“Do you have the numbers you spent last year Jake?”
I actually did have the amount we spent throughout last year. The figures actually included the newsletter as well. I got up and handed him a copy and took him line by line on the expenses in the budget.
“Jake I can see why you are the Battalion Commander. You know your facts and figures of your Battalion. I have no problem writing you a check in this amount today. I just need to get you promise that I will be the only merchant sponsoring the program. The reason I ask is because I want to show I am giving back to my local community that has given me so much.
I started out with just the car lot across the street, the Chevy dealership. Now I am the biggest in the southwest region of Texas. I want to give back to the community and the people that have given to me, Jake.”
“I can give you that promise sir. You will be our only sponsor. I also forgot to tell you, we march in every Thanksgiving parade. What we will do is make a banner stating the school, battalion, and brigade as well as your company as our sponsor on the banner. This banner will be carried in front of our drill teams in the parade.”
“You have me sold Jake. Let me even this amount off and cut the check right now to you. I will write it out to the name that is in on the bank statements here!”
I looked at the bank statements and saw it was the name we asked the people who bought candy for us to write their checks too.
“Yes sir that is correct!”
The owner left me in his office as he had the check cut. He returned about five minutes later and handed me the check in an envelope. I got up and shook his hand.
“Jim you are always welcome to come down and watch the teams practice, or get a tour of the building. Also I will be bringing you tickets to our events here in town. I promise you I will give you a complete record of the way we are spending your donation. I also had another thought while you were out of the office. Would you be OK with being noted as the Battalion sponsor in the newsletter? We would be pleased to display your logo and business information, say a half page display ad in each issue?”
“Jake, that would be fantastic! I will provide you with the artwork you’ll need to do that easily. May I have that copy of the Flying Tiger so that we can make sure we format the artwork correctly?
I was pleased by his reaction and let him know that we appreciate having the artwork already preapproved and ‘camera ready’.
Thank you Jake and it was nice to meet you. You guys have a good year and I will be looking forward to watching your teams drill throughout the year.”
I left Jimmy Dick’s office happy as can be. I actually turned up the radio and sang all the way home to the music on my radio. When I got home dinner was just about ready. I got changed and went down to eat with the guys.
Afterward dinner and cleanup, Joey and I cuddled up in front of the TV, David, Chase and Linda joined us in the TV room. Around ten, I was already dozing off in front of the television, so Joey grabbed me and we went to bed.
The next day after morning track practice, I ran down to the ROTC building. Major Moore wasn’t in his office so I had to wait to see him during class. As I was walking out, Major Moore was walking in.
“Jake I need to get with you as soon as possible. Colonel May was asking me this week on the sponsoring program. He wanted to know if we are going to be able to start it this early in the year, or if need to borrow from his office.”
“That is the reason I came down to speak with you sir!” I replied with a grin from ear to ear.
“Good come on in and we will sit and talk about it!”
We walked into his office. I was surprised to see Sergeant Haney in the office. I had knocked on the door and no one answered my knock. Major Moore took his seat at his desk and asked me to sit.
“Major Moore, you can tell Colonel May we can and will start the sponsorship program this year. I started working on it on Monday” I said still keeping the cat in the bag.
“So tell me how is it going out there? Are we getting any interest in our program or is it a lost cause” the Major inquired revealing the doubts he had in his mind.
“At first Major Moore, I am not going to lie to you; I thought it was a lost cause. Then I met with the owner of several car dealerships here in town. We spoke for almost an hour yesterday. To make a long story short he agreed to be our sole sponsor”; I reported with unbridled pleasure and pride.
“You have got to be kidding me Jake! He wants to, singlehandedly, sponsor the teams this year?” Major Moore asked with obvious surprise and still loaded with doubts.
“Yes sir and he had a check cut out to us yesterday in the amount we used in total for all of last year’s events and as well, everything the program expenses.” I said with a cat-that-ate-the-canary smile.
I handed Major Moore the envelope with the check. He opened it and took out the check. A big smile went across his face. This was actually the first time I ever seen Major Moore smile like that. I thought he was born permanently not able to smile.
I explained to Major Moore the promises I made Jimmy Dick and what all we agreed on. Major Moore had no problem with any of the promises I made.
“Jake you did really good here son. I am so proud of you and the work you have done in the last couple of years. I will be calling Colonel May and give him the good news. He will probably come across town personally and give his thanks to you.
The first time you sold candy bars for me. I told you that you could sell anything to anyone. You are a born salesman. But I do hope you don’t make that your career.”
Major Moore laughed getting up and patting me on the shoulders. He dismissed me and as I was walking out I heard him asking to speak with Colonel May on the phone.
I felt so good about the work I had done, I actually felt I was walking a little taller as I headed out to eat breakfast.
Friday swung around before we knew it. Joey and the football team won their football game pretty easy that night. Once again Joey ran in two of the five touch downs that night racking up two hundred and forty two yards. Joey was getting better as each game he played it seemed. Joey told me several times after the meeting at the house, the guys on the team were treating him as one of the guys finally. Tom got back his captain slot again and I was happy for him.
As always, I was in the stands rooting for the team, but more for Joey than anyone else. On Saturday morning we won our track meet also. Again, Joey was there rooting me on in the races I was running in that day.
I ran in the normal four races the coach has been having me run. I didn’t beat my best time in any of the races. In fact I was little sluggish in the races. I put it off as being sick and my body still trying to recover. I still walked away feeling pretty good that I won.
We still haven’t come out at school, but you could tell our relationship was more then just a friendship between the two of us. I was tired of hiding the feelings I have for Joey. Don’t get me wrong, we still do not kiss in public or even hold hands. It’s just the way we are to each other when we are around one another through out the day. Some may think it is more like brotherly love kind of thing, then anything else.
Joey and I were looking forward to the trip to NMMI the following weekend. Joey of course is going to shoot on the Rifle Team down there. I am going for the newsletter and Major Moore asked me to go.
Because we had a meet that weekend, the Drill Team members didn’t have to wear their uniforms on Tuesday. But they had to wear the ROTC sweats. I was glad to wear my uniform, rather than the sweat pants and shirt. We already had new ones made up for everyone that was going. I had every dealership Jimmy Dick owned printed as our sponsors on the back of the sweat shirts. The way it came out, it wasn’t tacky at all.
We had a tiger coming out of a circle with his claws coming out at you. The dealerships were printed around the circle the tiger was coming out of. You could read them as far as five feet away. In the front we put the years we won district, state, NMMI, and Ysleta.
As soon as we got them, I took down ten sets of the sweats to Jimmy Dick for him to have. He was so happy to get them when we walked in. It seemed it was like gold to him when I handed him the sweats. I introduced him to Major Moore and Sergeant Haney. They got along right off the bat.
On Wednesday when I walked into class, Colonel May was there and he called me over. He thanked me and pretty much repeated what Major Moore told me. He wants to start this sponsorship program in the other Battalions as soon as possible.
I know for sure Jimmy Dick isn’t going to sponsor all the Battalions. So I will need to get separate sponsors for each school. Right now I just wanted to think about our trip up to NMMI and just that.
It seems the weeks fly by when you are involved in some many things at once. Friday was here once again and it was game time for Joey. I went and cheered Joey on as he played the game on Friday night.
He was awesome as usual! I love it more and more as Joey is playing football every week. I see in him another person than what was he was before. Joey is becoming more confident in himself and the doubts and his disbeliefs in himself are going away. I love the Joey that he is becoming. Oh, we did win that game, but this time it was a nail biter all the way to the end. Still a win is a win and we won it.
When we got home after the game, we only had a few hours of sleep before Joey and I had to get back to school to catch the bus with the teams.
NMMI is located in Roswell New Mexico. The trip is about five hours from where we are. Major Moore wanted us to arrive at the school at one in the morning, because he wanted to be on the road by two. That way we would be in Roswell by no later then eight.
The only thing we had to pay for was our three meals that day. Because we are only going to be there for one day and that was it. So we are going straight up and straight back on Saturday.
When we got home I was surprised to find the house dark. Everyone was asleep or not there from there evening events. I went up stairs followed by Joey to get a few ours of sleep. As we walked up the stairs, we walked as quietly as we could. Neither Joey nor I turned on any lights because we were able to move around with the lights coming in the window. We got undressed as quickly as we could and crawled into bed together. We cuddled up against each other and as I wrapped my hands around Joey, Joey was already snoring. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.
Before I knew it I felt Joey shaking me to get up. I thought I just fallen asleep. But I had slept already to twelve. Joey and I got up and got ready fast. We both put on the sweats and combed our hair after brushing our teeth. As we walked out we grabbed our wallets, keys, watches and uniforms.
We got to Newman High at ten till one. We were not the first ones to arrive. Major Moore was there already, but not in his uniform. This was the first time I actually saw him out of uniform. Sergeant Haney was running around in sweats.
As the rest of the team members arrived we took roll call to make sure everyone was here. Once we were sure, we headed to the busses. Major Moore rented two Blue Bird busses for the trip. Nothing fancy with a toilet and big seats. It was like a school bus but not yellow.
As we headed to old US-54, Major Moore had the driver stop at a convenience store before leaving town. Everyone was to use the restroom if needed and get anything they want to drink or eat for the trip. We will stop again in a couple of hours, so we were to get what we needed to last us that long.
As soon as roll call was done on each bus, we headed out. Joey and I sat in the seat in the back right hand side of the bus. I sat near the window and Joey next to me. As we drove out of the city, it got really dark. This old highway had no lights whatsoever.
I leaned into the seat, with my knees against the seat in front of me. I looked over to the seat across from us. Major Moore used that seat to put equipment that didn’t fit in the storage boxes under the bus. I looked over at Joey and whispered to him to lean in to me. When he did, I gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
Everyone was already getting comfortable as they could to sleep some more. They didn’t even bother to look around the bus. They were tired and wanted to get some shut eye.
Joey did the same thing as I did. He leaned his body down, putting his knees against the seat in front of us. We kissed once more, but this time we held the kiss a little longer then the last time. I grabbed a hold of his hand and closed my eyes. Before I knew it, I was sound asleep. I didn’t wake up again until the next stop.
When I felt the bus slowing down, I woke up. It was still dark outside as we were exiting off the freeway. I looked over at Joey and saw he had moved and had his head on my shoulder. We were no longer holding hands. I caressed his chest to wake him up. He slowly came back to the land of the living.
I looked back out the window to see where we were at. It was Ruidoso, New Mexico. It was a small little town. I was surprised to see they had stop lights as we drove into the Chevron Gas station. As soon as the bus made a complete stop, you saw all these heads pop up all at once. It looked kind of funny when you see all those heads pop up.
We did our business there and were once again on the road. Before I knew it, I was sound asleep once more. I didn’t get much sleep before we headed off, but I wasn’t going to drill or shoot today either.
When I woke up, I looked over and saw Tom sleeping next to me. He is so handsome when he sleeps. He has this weird kind of smile when he is having a good night’s sleep. I knew he was dreaming something good, because he had that smile on his face.
I crawled out of bed and went down to get breakfast going. I knew Jake and Joey were gone already and weren’t going to be back until late tonight.
When I passed Chase’s door I got mad all over again. I asked Chase that we should have friends over since Jake and Joey were going to be out late. He said no and made that clear to me that wasn’t a good idea at all. It was only going to be a few friends, no more than that.
As soon as I was done with breakfast and had it on the table, Chase and Tom were standing in the kitchen.
“What smells so good in here?” Tom asked as he poured out a cup for coffee.
“Just a few things I threw together for breakfast. It is at your own risk!” I replied sarcastically.
We all laughed as we sat down at the table. We talked about having the house all to ourselves, but not what I asked about yesterday. As soon as we finished eating, we cleaned up the kitchen.
Tom had to leave because he had to do something with the football players. I had no problem with that since we are going to spend the night together. We decided that tonight was going to be the night we are going to have sex again.
To say I was excited is an understatement. I missed Tom and I can see it in his eyes, he misses me. I believe he never had sex with the girl that should stay nameless. At least I hope he didn’t have sex with her. ICK ! BAD visual.
When we finally got to Roswell New Mexico, I was ready to get off the bus. We were only on the bus for six hours, but that was more than enough for me.
We drove into a McDonalds to eat breakfast. By the looks on everyone’s faces they were as glad as I was getting off the bus. We took up almost the entire McDonalds. I was surprised to see that. I didn’t know they made McDonalds this small. Even the playground for the kids is pretty small compared to others.
We sat there talking about what to expect when we get to NMMI. Those that have been here in the years past were telling us the stories. We hoped for a win here to start off the year on a positive note.
When we drove into NMMI, it wasn’t what I thought it would be. Not what you see in the movies like “Taps”. It was almost like a regular high school but gated in.
We parked the buses and went to the main building to find out what time the teams were to be drilling and shooting today. The Rifle Team is the first team up. Then it will be the Armed Drill Team, and then the Armed Drill Team. The Armed Drill Team is going to be the last team to drill in competition for the day. But there is also the knock out drill and the individual drills to perform for both armed and Armed Drill Teams.
We headed back to bus so the Rifle Team could get their rifles and head out to the shooting range. As each of them grabbed their rifles from the locked box, I leaned in to talk with Joey before he left; “Gorgeous, good luck today. Blow them away!”
Joey winked at me and shook my hand as he left with the Rifle Team.
As soon as the Rifle Team left, we got on separate buses and changed into uniform. Although I wasn’t drilling with the teams today, it is the rule if any cadet is on the NMMI campus, they must be in uniform at all times.
So I and my cameraman changed into our Class B uniforms. As we were changing the ladies were changing in the bus next to us. Once we were all in uniform we just sat in the parking lot joking around with one another.
As soon as it was time for the Armed Drill Team to head out, Loraine got down to business. She got her team in formation ready to head out. Soon she ordered them into column formation getting ready to march across the street. At the same time the Armed Drill Team formed in column formation as well.
They started marching towards the field. Once we got there, the Armed Drill Team broke off and went and sat in the stands. Loraine brought her team onto the field for the inspection part of the competition.
These next two parts I find boring as hell. The inspection and regulation drill. The part I enjoy watching is the exhibition drills.
The Armed Drill Team went through these two parts pretty quickly. I was happy about that. Then they headed over to the field to do the final drill. There are four judges on the field to watch as the team drill. They look for any mistakes they make through the drill, and that includes the drill team commander.
Once again I was not surprised with the way they drilled. It was awesome, with no mistakes at all. They were loud and upbeat as if they owned the field. The looks on the judge’s faces I couldn’t even explain it but to say they were astonished with the drill.
As soon as the Armed Drill Team reported out, we headed over to where the Armed Drill Team was to perform. This filed is a lot larger then the one the unarmed drill preformed on. Plus there is bleacher’s where a crowd could sit and watch the teams perform.
When we got to the field, there was still a team on the field performing. So we waited for them to finish in order for us to perform. As we waited the Rifle Team finished up met us at the bleachers.
Finally our team was up. Just as the Armed Drill Team they had to go through the three drills. I really didn’t care for the first two, they were boring to watch. But as our Armed Drill Team was going through the inspection and regulation drill the bleachers started to fill up. I started looking around surprised with what I was seeing.
Then it was time, our team marched onto the field and left nothing in the tank. When they were done and were marching off the field, they were getting applauded for their performance.
The cool thing about the Rifle Team competition is you already knew where you stood. When they finished shooting, they had enough points too take first place. For the rest of the teams, it was a wait and see.
We knocked off the individual drills without a problem. Then was the knock out drill. Every school that is competing could choose one Unarmed and Armed Drill Team member to perform in the knock out drill. Major Moore chooses the two drill team commanders.
We sat and watched as an instructor gave out commands to everyone in formation. The goal of this competition is to mix up the drill member to make the wrong move when ordered. They get faster as the formation shrinks.
Our Armed Drill Team Commander was the third to the last out. There was only two left on the field. Fierro and the NMMI member were to face off. It took a while, both were really good. But the member form NMMI did an about face when the command was a left face. He was knocked out and Fierro took first place.
We headed to grab something to eat quickly. All of us were starving by the time the final drill was completed. We ate at Wendy’s for lunch. The Rifle Team felt there was no way the remaining teams left could out shoot their points.
We headed back to NMMI for the award ceremony. We were one of the last schools to get into the hall. We took our seats quickly as possible and waited for it to begin. Several people stood up there on the stage giving their speeches about what they felt all this means. I really didn’t care to hear anything but the placements.
Just like in any meet, you could only place in the top three. They started out with the Rifle Team placements. No surprise to the Rifle Team, the cleaned up the trophies in this area. They took in each shooting position, all three placements.
Then it was the knock out drill. Loraine got third, NMMI got second, and Fierro got first in that event. We took second in the armed individual drill and first in the unarmed individual drill competition.
Finally it was the drill team placements. We took first across the board in both armed and unarmed competition.
Now was the moment of truth. We didn’t put any members in the competition of Honor Guard, Track and Field, and Color Guard. We hoped in those areas the winners were spread around enough that we were able to get enough points in the competitions we did perform in. Points are what matters when it comes down to getting the last trophy. The school with the most points through their placements, will be named this year’s winner of the NMMI Annual Drill and Rifle Meet. The trophy is an impressive six footer.
We sat there as the instructors of the school gave speeches of the schools in the past that have won it the over competition.
“In the last two years, it has been one school that has taken this trophy home. That school is Newman High School. They are here once again, and once again taken the top placements in our drill and Rifle Team competition. Let’s see if there is another school here that can take this trophy away from Newman High School.”
It got really quiet in the room as they looked down at the final points. I always think to myself that people that give out the awards seem to like to take their sweet time before saying who won them just to get the audience into the suspense of the moment.
“It was not even close once again this year. For the third year in the row Newman High School is the winner of the NMMI Annual Drill and Rifle Meet.”
The schools stood up clapping as the members of our teams walked up the front to receive the highest trophy of the meet; the one everyone wants when they enter.
As we shuffled out to the large field, we placed all the trophies we won in front of the team members. We took several pictures of the winning teams standing behind the trophies. The six-footer was standing right in the middle of all the team members.
We ate once again at the McDonalds on the way out of town. We didn’t leave Roswell until after eight. Although I didn’t get that much sleep the night before coming up here, I didn’t sleep at all on the way back.
We sat there talking about the competition and how the others schools came out to watch the Armed Drill Team perform. I myself never saw that before. I was told if we win and to go to state again this year it is even worse there than here. The crowd that comes really wants to see the drills.
As we drove, the chatter got less and less, until everyone was back in their seats either listening to their walkman or just plainly trying to get some shut eye.
Joey and I just sat in our same seat we sat in on the way up. I leaned into him, resting my head on his shoulders. No one was watching us! We sat there in quiet, not saying a word to one another.
Joey put his hands onto my chest messaging up and down my chest and stomach. It felt so good feeling Joey’s hands rubbing against my chest and stomach. I only wish it was flesh on flesh. Then Joey leaned in and kissed me. I love the way he just forgets the outside world when it is just he and I.
We did the same stops on the way back as we did on the way up. Little after two in the morning we drove into the parking lot of Newman High School. When Joey shook me awake I couldn’t believe the time. Everyone said their goodbyes to those they wanted to and either got into their vehicles or their parents were there to pick them up.
Joey and I headed home, happy that we were back in town. It was fun going up to NMMI, but not doing the drive both ways in one day. As soon as we got home, we didn’t even unload the truck. We just went upstairs in the dark house and straight to bed.
We didn’t wake until after one in the afternoon on Sunday. As soon as we woke up, I needed a shower. As I was heading to take a shower Joey joined me. It has become a common routine for us now to take a shower together.
To say we didn’t play while we were in the shower would be misleading; no, correction; a flat out lie. I just can’t get enough of Joey’s body. It is all mine and no one else’s.
Joey and I were eating when the guys walked in. They looked happy for some reason!
“Hey dudes, hey did it go down there?” they both inquired almost in unison.
I looked over to Joey as he was looking at David. What in the world going on with this guy talking all funny and being so happy.
“We did alright this year. Same as the last two years, we took first!” Joey said with a joy in his voice.
“That is awesome! So that means you guys are the unbeatable team then?” David asked.
“No it doesn’t mean that at all. What it means is that all the schools will be gearing up to beat us this year in other competitions. Trust me when I say this, they are looking at video after video of us.”
“Why is that Joey?”
“Simply, they want to find out if there is a way to beat us on the drill field.”
We sat there talking back and forth about the reasoning on the feelings Joey had. I agreed with Joey on that as well. All the other battalions will be looking at us to see what they can do in two weeks to beat us in the Fall Drill Meet.
The rest of Sunday we just lazed around the house. We really didn’t do much of anything. I liked that idea of just sitting in front of the television, cuddled up with Joey. Though the thought of David being in such a good mood kept running through my mind. I was wondering why he was in such good spirits.
I waited for Tom’s call like a little kid on Christmas Eve. I couldn’t stop looking at the clock and then the phone. But the call never came and I was getting very nervous by the time five rolled around.
There was a knock on the front door. I went over to answer the door in kind of a bummer mood. I was stood up once again by Tom. I was angry, but more then angry, I was hurt. I fell for him again. Just for him to hurt me once again.
When I opened the door, Tom standing was there just as handsome as ever. I just melted. A big old smile came across my face when I was looking at him. I just pulled him in and closed the door. Just as the door closed I wrapped my arms around him and started kissing him.
“I am so sorry for being late handsome! I just got tied…..”
I stopped Tom from speaking as I pulled him closer to me. I loved Tom so much. All that mattered to me was that he was here now. I was not stood up as I thought. Tom does really care for as I do care for him. I just could not let him go. I was too afraid to do so because this might be a dream.
“Hey, let’s go out and eat and watch a movie! What do you say about that David?”
“Sounds like a good plan to me! Let me change real quick and we will be ready to go as soon as I am ready!”
“You are already handsome as can be! Just go as you are! You will get all the heads to turn your way, boys and girls!” Tom said back to me.
I laughed as I ran upstairs. Within ten minutes I was back downstairs all ready to go. We headed over to the Golden Coral Buffet. Tom knew I loved to eat there and I have a big appetite.
I enjoyed every moment with Tom while we ate. It was as if we were the only ones there in the restaurant at that moment. Tom treated me like I was a precious stone, and there was no other out there.
When we were watching the movie, I couldn’t keep my hands away from Tom’s. We held hands all through the movie. We didn’t care if anyone saw us holding hands with one another. We just wanted to be together. I really wanted to be touching Tom in other parts of his body, but we respected those around us.
As soon as we got back to Jacob’s house it was a different story. The moment we closed the door we stumbled around getting each other out of our clothes. As we were getting to the top of the stairs, we herd Chase with Linda calling out.
“Who in the world is making so much noise?” Chase asked as he and Linda came walking to the bottom of the staircase.
Chase and Linda’s eyes almost popped out of their heads when they looked up at us then back down the trail of clothes Tom and I left on the stairway. Tom and I are standing at the top of the stairs stark naked.
“I thought you guys were still out for the night, Chase?” I said, still standing there in all my natural glory.
“No, Linda and I decided to come back and relax here at the house. Go ahead and finish what you were doing or heading to do, as the case may be. Sorry for disturbing you guys! Have fun and never mind us!” Chase said pulling Linda away from us. He was laughing all the way back to the television room.
I just looked at Tom and we just continued where we left off. We pulled at each other, fighting for one another. I wanted Tom so bad, and Tom wanted me just as badly. We reached my room kissing each other all over our bodies. We stumbled into the room and then into the bed as soon as we reached it.
Tom started kissing up and down my body, not skipping one spot. Then he engulfed my dick. He took my entire dick in all at once. He started bobbing up and down! I was struggling to hold back from cumming too soon.
“Tom, please slow down! It has been a while since I have had sex! I am about to explode if you don’t slow down!” I said trying to catch my breath.
Tom moved off my cock and back up to my neck. Kissing every inch of it and then leaving me love bites. I love it when Tom leaves me love bites when we have sex.
We began patient, slow, passionate love-making sex for the first time in our relationship. Tom touched every inch of my body. Wanting to know every flaw and good point of my body! I did the same with him at the same time!
I moved my hand as he did down his neck feeling his adams apple and then his chin. I went back up to Tom’s face and felt his beautiful lips. I couldn’t get enough of his lips on mine nor couldn’t I get enough of them in my fingers. I caressed his cheeks then his eyes. I put my hand through his hair as I explored Tom’s body.
As I finished exploring Tom’s face, Tom started to explore my chest and stomach. He just seemed to love my chest because he paid a lot of attention to it. He then moved down and lifted my legs over his shoulders.
Paying a lot of attention to my balls, he was licking them up and down. Then he made his way to my hole. He rimmed my pucker sending waves of pleasure throughout my entire body. He gently pried my hole open wider and tongued me deep, flicking his tongue.
He gently put in his first finger and started to slowly move in and out. He was trying to open me up. When he saw his first finger was sliding back and forth easily, he put in his second finger. He started to move in and out of me slowly first then he picked up speed. It felt as good as he was gently rubbing inside of me.
Tom removed his fingers and then put the head of his dick to my hole. I didn’t even notice when he put on a condom or lubed up. Tom gently pushed through and slowly went into me. Inch by inch he was sliding in. As he was getting further in Tom was moaning louder and louder. His moans probably could be heard downstairs by Chase and Linda. I didn’t even care who heard us, I was with Tom.
Once Tom settled in and I was adjusted to his dick being inside me, Tom started going in and out. At first slowly, then he picked up his speed. Tom just knew how to hit the sweet spot that drove me out of my mind.
“Damn Tom you are just…..Damn Tom it feels so damn good!” I said through clenched teeth as Tom was hitting my spot with each inward thrust.
Tom just put me into another world when he and I had sex. Tom leaned in and kissed me. Tom’s moist lips touched my lips sent shivers down my spine. I just love it when Tom kisses me. Tom kept our lips locked as we were having sex. I didn’t want this to ever end.
Then the feeling came without me touching my dick. I knew I was going to explode and very soon. I broke the kiss and yelled out to Tom.
“I am going to cum Tom! Please Tom, I am going……”
Right as I was exploding Tom slid out of me and quickly removed his condom.
“David you are so damn tight man, I am about…..”
He didn’t even have to do much with his dick. A couple of strokes put him over the edge. Tom was cumming at the same time as I was. Tom shot over my head then onto my face and chest. My shots pretty much did the same thing.
I thought I was never going to stop cumming. Right as the last shot fired, Tom fell on top and me and started kissing me once again. We laid there in my bed kissing for a while. Rolling around with him on top then me and then him!
Finally Tom settled on my side and looked over at me.
“David I promise you this and I will keep my promise this time. I love you too damn much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you!”
“I love you too, Tom and I want the same thing; to spend my life with you.” I said looking at the sweat rolling down Tom’s face.
I snuggled up to Tom thinking to myself about what just happened. I’ve had this feeling before and then Tom broke my heart. He said those words to me and I believed him when he said them. I will take it one day at a time and hope we do spend the rest of our lives together.
Joey and I kissed one last time before leaving for school. In the house we show our affection all the time. The minute we walk out the doors of the house, it is as if we are two different people. We become best friends to the eyes of the world outside.
It isn’t because of Joey at all. Many people already know he is gay. He hasn’t come out and told everyone, but if asked he won’t lie to them. He is comfortable in his skin and doesn’t care if anyone knows that he’s gay.
It is me that still doesn’t want people to know about me. I finally got the nerve to tell my mother and sister that I’m gay. Look how that turned out; not very good. So if people ever wonder why I do not open up to strangers all they have to look is my family. Yes, my sister talks to me at school but since that day at my house, my mother has not even been around. I am giving her time and space.
The day was going pretty good. I got into trouble in track practice today. I told the coach from day one, ROTC is my number one after school program. He knew it and didn’t seem to care until now. We fell to third in the meet on Saturday and that was over all. Several of the events we didn’t even place. We were just lucky the trophies were so spread out between the schools.
It still hasn’t knocked us off our goal to win district. There isn’t any other school even near the wins that we have collected over the season.
By lunch I was so happy to see Joey. Yes we have classes together, but we really can’t talk to one another like when can in private. We started taking some time during lunch everyday to be together all alone.
The afternoon went just as fast as the morning did. In ROTC I was reminded by Major Moore about getting the program started with the sponsors in the other battalions. He told me that Colonel May wants me to get the sponsors lined up for all the battalions. Then later I can train the other schools how to do it.
I really didn’t like the idea of me lining the sponsors for the other battalions. They need to send out their own Battalion Commanders to get the local business to get them to sponsor their school. Plus I am the Battalion Commander to one school not to all schools. So I enlisted the help of the Brigade Commander to go with me this Thursday.
I asked Major Moore if I could take the trophies down to the main office of our sponsor and let him put it out for his customers to see what he is doing to help the community. Major Moore had no problem with that, but only gave a week for Jimmy Dick to hold onto the trophies.
After school I asked Joey and Chase to help me out as we took the trophies over to the Lincoln and Mercury dealership on Montana Street. When I walked in I asked the young lady at the desk to speak with Jimmy Dick. I told her who I was and a little bit about why I was asking to speak with Mr. Dick.
We only waited for about twenty minutes when Jimmy Dick came over to talk with us.
“Jacob it is a pleasant surprise to see you here this afternoon! How are you doing?” Jimmy said as he extended his hand to me.
I introduced the guys with me before I told him the real reason I was there.
“Mr. Dick I came down….”
“Jake I have asked you to call me Jim, please calls me Jim!”
“Sorry about that Jim!” Jimmy Dick was nodding his head but with a smile on his face. “The reason I came by today was to let you know we attended our first meet of the year. We headed down to New Mexico Military Institute in Roswell New Mexico over the weekend.”
“How did you guys do this year Jake?”
“We did pretty well if you ask me. In every event we drilled in or shot in, we took all three top placements sir!”
“That is great Jacob! You guys are doing a good job!”
“I know I could have given you the news over the phone instead of coming down here and disturbing you while you are working. But the reason I came down was to bring you the trophies we won over the weekend. That way you can put them up somewhere your customers can see what you are sponsoring and how we are doing!”
“Seriously Jake you guys will actually let us put up your trophies here at the dealership? For how long Jacob, just a couple of days?”
“Well, Jim, how about we leave them for a week to display them here on your showroom floor or wherever you would like them put on display.”
“Jake a week would be great! Bring in the trophies and we will put them here right here on the front desk. That way the customers can see the trophies when they walk in!”
“Jim, I think you might want to put them somewhere else. There are a lot of them and some of them are actually pretty big. One actually stands six foot tall. You’ll see as we bring them in sir, then you can decide!”
Joey, Chase and I walked back to the truck and started to unload the trophies. As we were walking them in, the salesmen and customers that were there walked over as we started setting them down to see what all the fuss was all about.
It took four trips between Joey, Chase and I and then salesmen pitched in, in order to get the trophies in. I looked over to Jim and he just looked at the trophies and medals. He then looked over to me.
“Wow Jake you were not kidding me at all about the trophies. Please take the medals back to your school. I do not want them to walk away from the showroom. Then let’s go ahead and move the trophies over here. These need to be protected and the only way I know that is going to happen is putting them in front of the manager’s office.”
As soon as we finished setting up the trophies Jim asked if we had any pictures of the members that attended the meet. I actually had them developed yesterday, and had one picture enlarged for Jim. The picture was of all of us outside on the field after we won all the trophies. I had all the team members sign it and give thanks to Jimmy Dick.
“Jim I have one last thing to give you. This is for you from us at Newman High School JROTC.” I pulled out the big picture and handed it to Jimmy Dick.
Jim just looked at it and I could swear the older man had tears in his eyes. He took the picture and posted it right in the middle of the trophies.
“I will always cherish this Jake and thank you very much!” Jim presented his hand and I shook it.
“Jim in every meet we go to, we are there because of your heart and good will. We will never forget it. I will deliver you a picture just like this of every meet we attend no matter where we place or how many trophies we bring home.”
We shook hands once again and Jim just stood their looking at the trophies and picture as we walked out of the showroom. I knew I left Jim feeling good and I was feeling good about how we showed our thanks to him. I know money isn’t everything, but at the same time a thanks goes a long way as well. Jim has more money he knows what to do with. Now he wants the warm embrace of his community before he hands over the business to his son.
As Joey drove home, we sat there in silence. As looked at the guys faces, I knew by just looking at them, the way Jim was feeling rubbed off to all of us as well.
During dinner we sat there talking about what happened over the weekend. I finally found out why David was in such a good mood. Chase was teasing him all through dinner about his dick size. He was laying into David on both the sizes of his and Tom’s dick and he didn’t even know how David could deal with Tom’s dick in side of him.
We were having fun when the phone rang. It was a weird feeling coming over all of us when it rang. I cannot explain it, but the entire house went dead quiet.
I got up and answered the phone on the fourth ring. It is Joey’s mother on the other end. I looked over at Joey and handed him the phone. I went back to the table to give Joey some time alone to talk with his mother.
About fifteen minutes later, Joey walked in and asked me to go with him. I didn’t say a word nor did he. I sensed that there was something serious afoot. We drove down to Mesa Street and then up to Executive Street. There is a Chevron on the corner of the street there.
We pulled up and I saw Joey’s mom and sister standing there with suit cases at their sides. I looked at Joey’s mother and she had a scarf wrapped around her face. I knew right then and there what was going on.
We got out and headed over to the two. As I looked at Fran I saw she had several bruises and cuts up and down her body. Then I looked up to Joey’s mother and for the first time saw her face. It is all black and blue. Her face was all swollen up under the bruises. I could only imagine what her eyes looked like under the glasses she was wearing.
We grabbed the suit cases and put them in the back of the truck. As I was securing them, Joey walked over to his mom and sister. He helped his mother into the truck, as his sister got in on the other side.
Once again on the ride home, the truck was quiet. But this time it was for a different reason altogether. I think I knew what had happened. Joey’s dad is the classic abuser to his kids. Since he didn’t have Joey to kick around anymore he turned to his daughter. I think Joey’s mom finally stood her ground this time. She got the worst of it all.
When we got home, David and Chase were watching TV. Joey took his mother and sister downstairs to the apartment in the basement. I brought in the luggage and followed him. As soon as they were settled, I turned to Joey’s mom and spoke for the first time.
“Mrs. Alvarez please, don’t take this the wrong way but, have you taken pictures of yourself and your daughter?”
She looked over at Fran at first then back at me. “No Jake I haven’t. I should have taken them now that you mention it!”
“Don’t worry ma’am! We have a video camera and regular cameras. Please document all this on both. Turn on the television to the news so, if needed, it will be another way of documenting the date and time you took these pictures. The cameras have the date and time punched in, but it is just a back up ma’am.” I concluded.
“That is a very good idea Jacob, thank you!” Joey’s mom said in sincere gratitude.
“As soon as you are done, Joey and I will document our hands and all so where there can be no question we were the ones that did this to you.” I added.
We walked out and within and hour we had all the video and pictures needed were taken. I put them in the safe in our study for safe keeping. We left Joey’s mother and sister down in the apartment to rest.
I knew when they were ready; they will tell us what is going on. Right as Joey and I were walking up to watch TV, there was another knock on the door. Joey looked nervous as the door bell rand and the knocking was going on.
I walked over to the door and looked out. It was my mom and sister at the door. I looked over to Joey and smiled at him.
“Don’t worry gorgeous! It is only my mother and sister at the door.
Joey came over and hugged me and then kissed me on the lips. I opened the door and invited my mom and sister in. I told my sister to go into the other room and watch television with the guys. That way Joey and I can to talk with mom in the study.
We walked into the study and sat down.
“Mom how are you feeling, you look a little tried today?” I inquired.
“It’s just a busy Monday, as always Jake that’s all! What is so important that your grandfather told me to be here at this time tonight? He is going to call over here and talk to all of us!”
“Yes ma’am he is. We had him working on something for us. He finally got it all done and now we want to present the idea to you. Joey came up with it, so let me let him tell you what it is all about.”
“Well Gloria, you know about me and Jacob now. We split everything down the middle like any couple does. When we bought this house, Jacob put up the money for it. I was going to put my half in when I sold my aunt and uncle’s house. As you know they left me the house and everything in it.
I told Jacob the night when we spoke to you and got it all out in the open, my thoughts about giving you that house, rent free. All you have to do is keep it up and pay the taxes and insurance on it every year, which isn’t much.” Joey said having dropped the “bomb” very smoothly.
My mother just sat there looking at me and Joey, and then the phone rang. I got up and answered the phone. It is my grandfather on the other end. I put him on the speaker and told him how far we were in the talk.
“Well Glorie what do you think about the boys idea?” Grandpa asked his daughter.
“Dad, I didn’t even suspect this at all. It makes me feel very good and warm inside to say the least!” Mom responded.
“I thought you would feel that way. When I got the ball rolling on this for the boys, I wanted to make sure everyone’s interests are covered in this deal.” Grandpa said.
“I am glad the boys went to you on this dad. I am not looking a gift horse in the mouth, but what happens if the boys do not make it? I am then forced to move?”
My mom just throws me under the bus right there. I still have not come out to my grandfather and she just came out for me. I never even thought about me and Joey not making it. That never even entered, let alone crossed, my mind. I know I love Joey with all my heart and he loves me the same way. I really do believe there isn’t a thing in this world that can break Joey and me up. For her to ask that question as her first, made me feel as if she didn’t believe in me and Joey.
“Grandpa I am sorry on not telling you about me……” I started to say.
“Jake, there is no need to explain anything to me. I knew the moment I first met Joey. I do not judge you nor do I judge Joey. You cannot help on who you fall in love with.”
Just hearing the words come out of my grandfather’s mouth took such a huge weight off of my shoulders. I really thought he, of all people, was going to disown me. Instead he accepted me and Joey and most of all, who we are.
“As I was saying, I thought of that Glorie. I put that in the paper work. I love these two have, I really do not see them ever breaking up. But I did protect everyone’s interests involved in this.
Joey, you said this was your half of the house deal with Jacob, is that correct?”
“Yes sir that is exactly correct!” Joey leaned over and spoke into the phone.
“Ok then, the paper work in front of you has a section that turns over Joey’s rights to the house to Jacob. That way Jacob’s mother is never put out on the street if something bad ever happens to your relationship with my grandson. Is that ok with you Joey? Joey I do not won’t you to feel you are being pushed into anything you do not want to do so be absolutely honest!”
“I am fine with that Al. I am not being pushed or pressured into signing my rights away on the house.”
My grandfather was recording the conversation. The attorneys my grandfather hired told him to do so. That way everyone was protected and we all knew we were being recorded.
My grandfather went through the entire deal with us all. He explained to my mother everything we wanted to happen in this deal. Including letting her know that the house is a gift to her and it is her house, but she cannot sell the house without me and Joey signing off on the sale of the home and that it couldn’t become community property should she marry. I think that was the only thing that kind of bothered my mother. She didn’t say anything, but I saw it in her face.
“Is there any questions from any parties?” My grandfather asked as he summed up the deal. We all said no and started signing where we were supposed to sign.
“Well Glorie, you have one great son and son-in-law there. Both Joey and Jake really do care about you and want to make sure you are taken care of!” Grandpa said, stating the obvious.
My mom got up and hugged both me and Joey. Then she did something I didn’t ever think she would do, she kissed both of us the way she used to when I was growing up.
“I know dad, I have a great family here” Mom said, but I was still a bit wary watching her face and body language.
“Well then the business is done here. I love all you guys and I mean ALL you guys. Joey welcome to our family son. You are always welcome at my house anytime you want to come down. Love you all and take care of each other!”
All of us said our good byes to my grandfather and told him we loved him as well. Then the line went dead. At that point I handed my mother the keys to the house and told her whatever she doesn’t want in the house, just let us know. Joey and I will go over and move it out. I also said that when she and my sister are ready to move, call us up. We will move her to the house at no charge.
We said our good byes to my mom and sister and then headed up to our room. We still have to get ready our uniforms for tomorrow. We wore them on Saturday and didn’t have a chance to take them to the cleaners. I just hope they were not too wrinkled or dirty.
As we were getting ready our uniforms Joey turned to me with pleading eyes! I felt so bad for him and what ever was going on with his mother and sister. But at the same time I didn’t want to ask and over step my bounds.
“Jake I know I should have asked you first if I could bring my mother and sister over here to live with us!” Joey said almost with fear in his voice.
“Joey, this house is as much as you’re as it is mine. You do not need to ever get my permission to bring your family to stay!” I said with firmness coupled with love.
“Yeah I knew you would say that babe, but the past! The way my dad treated you and did what he did the last time he was here.” Joey recalled.
“That is in the past and again that was your dad; not your mother and sister. Your mom did everything she could to try to protect you!” I reminded Joey.
We sat there quietly getting our uniforms finished up. I thought back to all what Joey’s mother has done for him. She stood in front of Joey’s dad when he started to beat on Joey. She took the hits instead of her son. That is why many of the beatings that Joey’s dad gave him were whenever his mother wasn’t around.
Then, when it continued when they moved to Arizona, she knew she couldn’t protect Joey all the time. I always thought she knew when Joey was being beaten even though Joey didn’t tell his mother it was going on. She knew when Joey’s dad started beating her son in the hotel, she had to do something.
That is when she decided she had to send Joey away in order to save him. So when Joey went back home after that beating, Joey’s mother didn’t allow him to stay in the house. She had his suitcases packed, an envelope of money, and a bus ticket back here. She already had spoken with her sister about taking Joey in. She wanted to save Joey from his father and the only way she knew how was to get Joey as far away from here as possible. She never wanted to send her son away; it broke her heart to do so.
When her sister had the paper work drawn up for full custody of Joey, it was another big fight. Joey’s mother took a beating that day, but got his father to sign his rights away. I always respected Joey’s mother for doing that for her son.
At the same time I never understood why she ever stuck it out with the marriage. She never left the asshole in a ditch somewhere. No one would blame her if she had done that. All that matters now is that she got away from him now.
“Gorgeous, I am done and ready for bed. I need you in order to fall to sleep!” I told Joey as I was getting ready for bed.
Joey looked up at me with a big old smile. It was true I couldn’t sleep anymore with out being cuddled up next to my Joey. I love him so damn much. He is my life now; everything and everyone else is a distant second, at best. When I see him hurting, I am hurting! Whenever he is in pain, I am in pain. Whenever my Joey is happy, I am happy for him and right along with him.
I was lying in bed when Joey came to the edge of the bed. I was still in my underwear, but Joey wasn’t. He had this cute, somewhat devilish, smirk-ish, ‘I’m up to something naughty’ look on his face. I wasn’t sure what he had on his mind, but I couldn’t imagine that making hot passionate love was what was on his mind. He sat on the edge of the bed, leaned over and kissed me. Then, without a word, he slipped my underwear off, dropped them on the floor and he slid into bed. He turned off the light on the night stand and flipped the covers over both of us. I was still perplexed as to what this all meant. He kissed me again and said, “Jake, I have come to realize that we are a couple and as such, we should be able to enjoy sharing our bed without shielding any part of our bodies from each other.”
Ahhh….so that’s what this is all about, I thought to myself. He’s right. I should have thought of this myself a long time ago. I wrapped my arms around him and drifted off to sleep. All was right with our world. As a team, there was nothing the world could throw at us that we can’t handle.
{What in the world actually happened with Joey’s mother and sister? Joey’s mother and sister show up on their door step all black and blue. There is a very big twist to this part of the story. Jacob is put in charge of getting the sponsors for all the battalions. He feels it isn’t right that the task was laid at his feet, but will do what is asked no matter what. Is Jacob taking too much on himself as far as school, after school events, and his home life? Will the pressure eventually get to him and he looses everything he worked so hard for? Jacob’s mother is given the house, but looks like she didn’t like the idea she doesn’t have the say so when it comes to selling it if she needs to. It is a gift from Joey and Jacob! You do not sell or give away the gifts that are given to you. Looking at David, Tom, Chase and Linda, there is so much going on there as well. So there is a so much to answer in the chapters to come. Stick around and keep reading the future chapters, and enjoy! Please email me and let me know how I am doing at jacobmillertex@aol.com, Thanks!}
Well, it seems as though Jacob and Joey are growing up and maturing into their relationship. Their love is deepening and I sense trust is rebuilding to a good level.
David and Tom, I suspect, still have some pot holes in their path get to hit or dodge. It seems that David is growing his values and is no longer any threat to Jacob and Joey’s relationship. Now, we still have Tom as the wild card. David is remaining aware underneath his love.
There are still lots of twists and turn coming, as it always is with life.
Let our esteemed author and me know your thoughts on the story. We both love hearing from you! Flames will be politely ignored!
‘til next time,
“Daddy” Rick
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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