Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Jacob Finding His Way - 31. Chapter 31
We sat there making sure all of our ducks are in a row for dealing with David. I started thinking to myself that I already have so many balls in the air! How am I going to handle another one? David is a close friend to me so I will find a way to do it.
I was hurt when Beth thought we were going the wrong way with David. I got the feeling that she wanted to give up on him. Then she explained what she meant. She is hurting alongside David. After hearing what David went through, no one could help getting emotional over it. Nobody here has really heard all what he has gone through yet, however.
As I went to wake up David to eat, I checked up on Jeremy. Jeremy is already in his room coloring in his book. He seemed content with what he is doing. I reclosed the door walking towards David’s room.
I knocked and got no answer. I opened the door and didn’t see David in bed. I looked over to the bathroom and saw the light on. I walked over and knocked. Still no answer so I tried to open the door. There was something blocking the door from opening. I started to get worried.
In ran into Chase’s room to enter the bathroom from his door. It was unlocked when I tried it. I opened the door and was shocked with what I saw. David is lying on the floor surrounded by several bottles of pills on the floor.
I kicked the bottles out of my way as I moved to David. I got on my knees holding onto David. He barely opened his eyes when he spoke; “All I want to do is get some sleep please Josh, please let me get some sleep!”
“No David please stay awake for me, STAY AWAKE DAVID!”
I yelled for help and in a flash Beth and the guys showed up. Tom ran into the bathroom pushing everyone out of the way. He held onto David yelling at him asking why he did it, why?
I turned to the guys and started barking out orders. I asked Andy to stay with Jeremy so we don’t have a repeat of last time. I told Chase to call for an ambulance and the rest of us would stay here to keep David awake.
Beth grabbed wash cloths from the cabinet and started getting them wet. She placed them on David’s face. They were very cold with the water coming from the faucet . Tom and I kept talking to David. Both of us slapping him to stay awake.
Tom picked up David and put him over the toilet. He opened David’s mouth and stuck his fingers down David’s throat to make him gag and throw up. After several attempts, David finally threw up. Tom pulled David from the toilet and held him in his lap with his arms wrapped around him the entire time.
“I am so sorry guys. All I want is a night of sleep. Please, just let me sleep!”
“There is no need to be sorry, but we will not let you sleep either. You took too many pills, David. Stay awake for us David, please!” I kneeled over him putting a cold cloth on him.
Chase came running into the bathroom with the paramedics. They pushed us out of the way to look at David. They started taking his vitals and then looked at us.
“What did the kid take? He is overdosing on something!”
“We don’t know what he took. I found him like this. The bottles are all over the floor here, as you can see.”
They looked at the empty pill bottles and then looked up at us again.
“Who is Jacob Hernandez? These pills belong to him!”
“I am sir and I have script to have them!”
“You might have a legal script, but he doesn’t to take them!”
“I didn’t give him the pills to take, you……”
“Stop it now! You are not a cop, you are a paramedic. Do your job and we will explain to the cops what happen if asked!” You could hear the anger in Tom’s voice as he spoke.
The paramedics started working on David. They put him on the stretcher and took him out to the ambulance. Tom, Beth, Chase and I followed them out the door to be stopped by officers. I knew they wanted to know what happened here.
“Tom, you and Beth go ahead and go with David. Chase and I will stay back and speak with the officers here.”
“If you need anything from Beth or me, please send Chase over.”
Tom opened to the passenger door for Beth to get into his car. They followed the ambulance out to the street and down. I walked over to the officers to answer any questions they may have.
“So can you boys tell me what happened here tonight?” One of the officers asked leaning against his cruiser.
“Well officer the short version of it is that one of the guys that lives here got raped. He his going through the aftermath of that rape and he isn’t handling it well. He is in therapy and getting all the needed care. At least we thought so until tonight!
He must have gone into my room and grabbed my pills and downed them all. All he wanted is to sleep. My pills cause drowsiness and he must have read the warning labels about that. He is just going through a rough patch in his life right now” I said giving the officers all the information I thought they needed.
“No matter what, we have to write this up!”
“Sir I am not trying to throw names around or anything but the guy that is being rushed to the hospital right now is the son of the newly seated judge on the State Supreme Court. We really would like it if there isn’t any paperwork involving his son.”
I went to my back pocket and pulled out my wallet. I was given several cards to give out in cases like this. I handed the officers the card and they just looked at it. They walked to their cruiser and radioed something in.
A few minutes later the officers walk back to us.
“Ok guys you can go and please let the judge know this is just a verbal warning. We will not write it up. I will report it as a prank out of respect to the judge.”
With that the officers left. I looked at Chase and couldn’t believe what just happened. It is true that highly placed individuals do get special treatment. I will never use my money like that. No one should get this kind of treatment no matter who they are.
I am driving right behind the ambulance matching their speed. I can’t believe David did what he did. I now know he needs more help than we can give him. We drove into the parking lot of Providence Hospital and parked.
I ran into the Emergency Room catching up with the gurney. They were trying to ask David questions and he wasn’t responding to any of the questions. I tried to call out to David and see if he would reply to my voice. No luck with that either!
Before I knew it, I was pushed out into the waiting room. I sat there waiting for any news about David. I looked around and saw it is a busy night in the Emergency Room. The waiting room is filled with family either waiting for a loved one or waiting to be seen.
I felt patting on my shoulder. I looked up and saw a man in a white coat. I figured it was the doctor. He didn’t look to happy at all.
“Are you with David, I don’t have his last name here. The kid that was brought in with a drug overdose?”
“Yes sir I am with David!”
“Where are his parents, son?”
“They live in Austin, Texas right now. His father was just named to the court. But I am his boyfriend!”
“Well I figure since you are the only one…..”
Just then Jacob and Chase walked into the door. I was relieved to see Jake. He can handle this kind of thing a lot better then I can.
“Doctor please, this is Jacob Hernandez. David’s father left him in charge of his son!”
“As I was saying about David. We pumped his stomach and got the pills out. At least most of them. He will need to stay here overnight then he will be placed on a seventy two hour psych hold. He tried to kill himself. We want to make sure he will not try to do it again.”
“I have no problem with your plan. Do me a favor when he is pulled up in to whatever floor that is going to observe him; make sure you call in his therapist, Dr. Frankston. David has been seeing Dr. Frankston because he was raped a couple weeks ago. That is why he tried to down the pills today. I really don’t think he was trying to kill himself. He just wanted to get some sleep without nightmares” I informed the Doctor.
“I have no problem calling the therapist that has been working with David on this issue. In fact it is best he stays with the same one. Also it is best to let them decide what he tried or didn’t try to do. You guys will not be able to see David for the seventy hour hold. It is best we keep him away from everything that might have caused this.”
I looked at the doctor and then back over to Jake and Chase. I know the doctor is right, so we had better go. I thanked the doctor as I was leaving. Jake just looked at me, but followed with Chase. I knew by the way Jake was looking at me; he didn’t like what I just did.
All the way home I sat behind the wheel angrier then I have been in a very long time. We don’t just give up on one another like Tom just did. Yeah when he is moved up to whatever floor to be observed we cannot see him but while he is in the ER we can. Plus Tom didn’t even ask what we needed to take to David while he stays there.
When we got home, Chase out down and went in first. I followed slamming the front door as I entered. It rattled the pictures on the wall near the door. Tom walked out and just looked at me.
“Tom, you had no right doing what you did! NO DAMN RIGHT!” I said with a very raised voice.
“What do you mean I had no right? David is my boyfriend! So that gives me all the right!” Tom retorted.
“What to give up on David because things got a little harder?”
“Come on Jake; nobody is giving up on David. So don’t go there!” Chase spoke up for the first time on the subject.
“Come on; none of you guys liked the idea of what we talked about earlier. You all just agreed to do it because I asked.”
“Jake you have no right questioning my motives or love for David. You are just his friend.”
“That is right I am just his friend, but I was left in charge of him by his father. That gives me more right than any of you!” I said still with my voice raised.
“Don’t go there Jake! You never wanted that and made that clear to everyone.”
“What the hell are you talking about Tom? I have never once said that before and you all know that!”
Beth walked in trying to quiet us down. We were going back and forth on the same subject of David. Even Beth started to agree with Tom, David and Joey about leaving David in the hospital for a longer period of time than seventy two hours.
When they all jumped on the band wagon, I just lost it. I just tore them all a new one. They know they deserved it.
“I don’t give up on my friends or family. I don’t push them onto others when it gets too hard to handle. That is the time when we have to try even harder to help our friends or family. I don’t ever want to hear anyone around me give up or say bad things about my friends. If you all don’t want to help David, then fuck you all.
I will go it alone! Tom, if you are not going to support David then get the hell out of my house. Don’t come back no matter what. As long as you give up on David you are no longer welcome in my home anymore. You have no say on David’s treatment and I had better not hear about you talking to his doctors about his treatment.
You guys don’t understand that this is not the time to give up on David. I don’t want to hear any of you talking about defeat. We, or at least I, are not defeated dealing with and helping David. In fact this has just renewed my spirit. So, from now on don’t say a thing about David unless it to help or give positive encouragement for him. If you don’t like it, get the hell out with Tom!”
With that I stormed out of the den and up the stairs. I didn’t even want to hear them make excuses about wanting to push all this onto the hospital to take care of now. I know David needs more help than we realized. Still, David needs his friends and loved ones around. This isn’t the time to give up on David. In fact we need to be there even more.
Joey walked in our room about thirty minutes after I stormed out of the den He looked over to me. He looked like he wanted to tell me something.
“Jake you know this is my house as well. I should have some say on who is welcome here and who isn’t!”
“Joey we need to get control of this house. Everyone in this house is running this house. We own the house, not them. They walk around as if they are kings of the castle. I will not put up with that from anyone.
To top it all off I could have been arrested tonight. You don’t understand that. All I was guilty of was keeping my own medicine in my own house.”
“Look Jake you have most of your family living in this house. I haven’t said a word. You allowed Chase to stay here, and again I didn’t argue with you about it. But on this subject you are wrong and need to apologize to everyone for the way you handled yourself!”
“Fuck no! I will not! If they don’t like the way I talked to them, then they could leave as well. Plus, you have no right throwing what you just threw at me. We spoke about every move we made dealing with those that have moved into this house. We have agreed together it was ok. That includes your mom and sister as well. So don’t ever throw this shit at me again.”
“Either Jake you apologize to me for what you just said and every one in the den or I will move out of this house!”
“Don’t threaten me, Joey! Move out if you choose to. Who’s stopping you? I am not standing in your way. It is so weird you are putting up a huge stand when I threw Tom out but you had no problem with Tom and the others basically throwing David to the curb tonight.”
Joey just looked at me. There was disbelief that I called his bluff. He will either swallow his pride or walk out. If he walks out this time, I will not take him back. Joey walked into the closet and grabbed several suitcases. He threw them on the bed as he started packing.
“I will only tell you this once Joey. If you leave this house tonight, it will be for good. I will not take you back again. This will be the third time you have left me. I will not allow a fourth time. So think long and hard about what you are doing. Is this really worth ending our relationship over?”
“Why don’t you trust me and let me into the decision making in this house?”
“Several nights I have woken up in the middle of the night not to find you in bed. I looked over to see if you were in the bathroom, and you were not. One night got worried, so I walked downstairs looking for you one night several weeks ago and saw you and Tom in the den, Do I need to tell you what I saw you two doing?
I am tried of this Joey. You need to make up your mind right here and right now to be faithful to me. I will no longer worry about this issue again. Also if you leave, you will leave only with your clothes and truck.”
Joey just looked at me when I said my peace. He didn’t know I saw him and Tom in the den several weeks ago. I was so angry at that time, I couldn’t think straight. Joey sat down on the bed putting his head into his hands.
“Jake I don’t know what we are doing anymore. I love you and only you. I cannot explain or tell you any in other way then just that. I love you Jake. Yes I was downstairs several nights, but it consoling Tom. He is hurting more deeply than we all are for what happened to David.
We have gotten past all this before and never spoken about it again. I swore to you then, and I swear to you now. I will never cheat on you again. I have kept that promise. I swear I have kept that promise!
That night we were just talking about what had happened to David. Tom was hurting and I tried to console him. Tom started crying, not understanding what he can do to help David. The only thing I knew to do was to just hold him. I held him until he stopped crying. Jake, Tom is hurting really bad just like you if not more so.
Now I see why you were so angry with Tom tonight. I haven’t gotten a good track record with you trusting me when it comes down to Tom and David. If I was in your shoes that night and saw what you saw, I would have probably thought the same thing as you did. We need to give Tom a break and help him along the way as well?”
I walked over to Joey and sat down with him on the bed.
“Look Joey we started dating our freshman year. I know you are my first and I believe I am your first as well. Maybe we went way too fast with this. We went from being boyfriends to living together to owning property together. You never got a chance to see what is really like out there. Maybe what I’ve seen is why I think you are always cheating on me when you aren’t anymore.”
“I love you Jake and nothing will ever change that. Yeah, you are right about us being the firsts for each of us. But doesn’t it say a lot about us with all what we have gone through already in life and we are still together? Another thing neither of us made choices about the circumstances of our lives that brought us to this point. We have played the hands we were both dealt and I think we have done pretty well and we’ve had some luck to help out. I don’t want to ever imagine a day without you Jake.”
“I don’t want to imagine that either. I want you to be happy and if it isn’t with me, then you need to find the one that will make you happy.”
“It is being with you Jake! You are the one and the only. I know it in my heart!”
“One of the things I feel we have done wrong is that we keep pushing things to the back burner. Once an issue is over, we forget about it and don’t talk about it anymore. All these things we keep pushing to the back burner are now boiling over. A simple incident like tonight causes all that stuff on the back burner to boil over. I want to take care of that right here tonight.”
We sat there in our room talking about every single thing we have pushed away. We got closure on every past subject and issue. We had to or our relationship would be doomed. I know Joey loves me as much as I love him. I love him with every ounce in my being. He is the world to me. I know this saying has been used way to many times. I mean it though when I use it. I would die for the love that Joey gives me.
As we talked I realized I am taking on way too much. I needed to take off a lot of the weight that is on my shoulders. I need to be more like a teenager enjoying my high school years and not being a grown up at this young age.
We went to bed with the air cleared for the first time in years. I don’t know what I am going to do about Tom. Joey is right on one thing. Tom will be hanging around the house once David comes home. I will not tell David about what happened here tonight. I will find a way to talk with Tom tomorrow and fix this.
I also need to learn to either ask more questions about whatever happens before I blow my top or stick around or watch the entire scene unfold. If I had done that the night in question, I would have seen Joey consoling Tom not cheating on me. We don’t walk out of a movie in the middle. We will never know the ending of that movie. That goes here as well. I jumped the gun on what I thought was going on between those two.
When I finally got ready for bed. I remembered David used my pills to sleep as he said. I didn’t have any extras in the house. The pain is already there and is only going to get worse. I scrambled around looking for at least one pain pill and had no luck finding one.
By morning I was in so much pain, I could hardly move. The pain is so strong up and down my spine, well everywhere, I am almost in tears. How I got myself out of bed, I don’t know. I tried to relax my body in a hot water, but it didn’t work.
Somehow I got dressed through the pain. The first thing I did was call Dr. Whitmore’s office. I looked over at the clock and realized the time and knew the office was closed. In my wallet I have Dr. Whitmore’s personal numbers. I really felt bad using them.
The phone only rang twice when Dr. Whitmore answered. He was surprised to hear me on the line. At first he thought something is wrong with me. But when I told him the story about David leading into last night. Dr. Whitmore was stunned to hear the news.
He instantly understood why I needed a refill. He agreed to meet me Walgreens to get me my medicine. I asked Andy to drive me to Walgreens because Joey is already at practice and to top it all off it is uniform day for ROTC.
Andy saw I am in so much pain. He kept asking if he could do anything to help me. I thanked him. The only thing that can help me right now is my medicine. When we drove up to Walgreens Dr. Whitmore was already waiting for us.
He got out of his car and headed over to me and Andy. He looked at me shaking his head.
“Jake my boy why didn’t you call me last night. You cannot be without your medications; none of your medications but most importantly, the pain pills. If your pain gets out of control it can actually cause you to have a heart attack.
Don’t get out! I will go in and get your refills. Andy would you please come with me. I already called them in for Jake.”
Andy got out of the car and walked in with Dr. Whitmore. I sat there thinking more about last night. I should never let things get to me so I end up mad like it did last night. Right then and there I decided to follow whatever the doctors recommend for David. I will not fight them to get David home soon if it isn’t good for him. I need to get rid of all the stress in my life. It is totally weird for me to be saying this at such a young age.
Andy and Dr. Whitmore came out with my medications very quickly. Andy gave me an orange juice and Dr. Whitmore gave me the pills I needed to take. He actually took my pulse and blood pressure right there in the parking lot.
The look on his face worried me. Whatever it is isn’t good.
“Jake we need to get your blood pressure down and your heart rate is all over the place. All this is caused by the pain you are in right now. The pills are going to take too long to kick in. I am worried you might go into some kind of seizure or even have a heart attack.”
Dr. Whitmore went to his car and got his bag. When he came back, he actually set in the driver seat of the car. He pulled out a needle and a bottle.
“Look Jake I am going to give you a quarter of what you need for the pain. But it will work immediately. It will hold you over to allow your pills to kick in. Don’t ever do this again Jake. I keep warning you about your health and you keep testing the limits. I know you didn’t call me to lecture you. I love you Jake, like you are my son. Please take care of yourself better than this.”
“I promise I will Dr. Whitmore. I didn’t want to disturb you at home last night. I really felt bad calling you this morning for help. You have done so much for me and here I am asking for some more.”
“Don’t worry Jake! That is what I am here for. You are all patched up and ready to go.”
I said goodbye to Dr. Whitmore and thanked him once again. Andy drove me to school and dropped me off. I barely made it for first period. I ran to my locker and then to class. Joey just sat there looking at me with a look of concern.
I whispered to Joey and told him what happened. He looked at me and conveyed his concern about my health. We didn’t stay too long on the subject because class started and we had to pay attention.
By second period I was walking in a daze. I know my pain medicine kicked in already. I also had the shot still running through my body. Dr. Whitmore told me I might feel this way for an hour or so.
By lunch I was back to normal and I was hungry as well. We grabbed our lunch and sat at the same table as always. We were talking as if nothing happened in the house last night. Chase and Tom were both there.
Tom just kept looking at me all through lunch. Finally when we got up he pulled me to the side to talk. I stopped him before he said a word.
“Tom let’s just leave it in the past my friend. I know you love David and didn’t mean the way it came out last night. We all were tired, worried, stressing, and had no idea what is coming next. We say the wrong things when we feel like that. So let’s just chuck it up to a really bad night.”
Tom agreed with what I said. There is no need to talk about what we said to one another last night. It is over with, let’s move on. Friendships, just like relationships, will be tested. You can tell when you have a true friend when the test come up, and it doesn’t break that bond.
After lunch there was the Battalion Meeting. Major Moore was no longer stressing about the newsletter. It came from the printers this morning. Now all Major Moore needs to stress about is the Mid-Year Drill Meet. I know we are going to win it without a problem. That means we will earn another trip to state over in Dallas.
During our inspection Major Moore got a stricter with the way the cadets are wearing their uniform. Where they are getting gigged are mistakes that should not be happening now. These mistakes are beginning of the year mistakes. We cannot be going down hill before the second DAI inspection.
Major Moore called me and Joey into his office when we walked in from the inspection. He went over the inspection with us. He stressed or let’s say in other words made it clear to both of us these mistakes cannot be happening anymore.
He excused Joey from the office in order to speak with me alone. We went over the promotion board, the funds in the account, and any ideas to correct the small mistakes happening with the cadets. When the bell rang, Major Moore was satisfied with the solutions on the topics we talked about.
“I will miss these talks with you when you graduate. I know I have you for this year and next. Still we all know how fast time goes.”
Major Moore got up and shook my hand before excusing me to leave. I ran to catch up with Joey. All of my limbs are now working once again. I really don’t want to go through what I went through last night again.
The rest of the afternoon classes went by fast. I got called over to the computer lab. At first I didn’t understand why until I walked in. My math teacher was there with a couple of students in front of a couple of computers.
“Jake thanks you for coming on such a short notice! I need your help with an issue here with a program we are trying to do. You are really good in math. I need a new set of eyes on this problem; eyes that are not worn out already from looking at computer screens!”
It seemed everyone started talking at once about what they were trying to do. I picked up computer programming through my math teacher. In order to program you need to be good in math.
I looked at the program a couple of times. With in minutes I saw at least one of the mistakes they made. Some of their go-to lines and sub lines were being directed to the wrong directories. What surprised was when they entered the command run at the c prompt; it didn’t come up with the error. It just didn’t run at all.
I changed the couple those lines, but still it didn’t work. I kept looking in the program. I then looked at the math equation in the program. It didn’t look right for the program they are trying to create. They were making their own Pac-Man game.
It only took me a few minutes to fool with the math in the program to get it right. Once I felt it was right I saved it in a new directory. I was certain it would work and when I typed in the command to run, it did.
The game came onto the screen music and all. It is pretty cool for the technology we have at hand. I came to a conclusion this was a team project. Everyone was jumping up for joy when their program worked.
They thanked me for helping them out. Once I saw I was no longer needed, I left. I needed to get to track practice before the bell. My legs were still wobbly from the pain episode. I figure running will do me some good.
When I got out to the track, I was wrong. I started my warm up run when my legs just gave out from beneath me. Before I knew it, my face was sliding on the concrete. Man did it hurt when I got up. I am embarrassed as the team came running up to me.
I couldn’t get up. My legs just wouldn’t get feeling in them again. The coach and a couple of team members helped me to the bleachers.
“Jake what is going on? Why aren’t you able to move your legs?”
“I don’t know coach! I know I had a bad night, but I just don’t know.”
I sat there until Joey came running up. Several guys went over to get him from football practice for me. Joey is still in his pads as he came running up to me. One thing I know is still working started to stand straight up once I saw Joey.
“Jake what is going on babe?”
“I don’t know Joey! I really don’t why legs just stopped working. I need to talk with Dr. Whitmore to find out.” As Joey was picking me, the nurse came running over.
“What is going on over here?”
“None of us knows what is going on. Jakes legs just quit on him as he was running the track. It is the strangest thing I have ever seen” Coach said looking straight at the nurse as he was pointing at me!
The nurse came over and asked me several questions. I answered then the best I could. She asked to see the medicine I got this morning. Joey went over and pulled them out of the bag.
“Which pill did you take last Jake?”
I pulled the bottle from you that helped with my blood count. The medicine is to help fight off infection that might get into my blood stream. The nurse looked at the bottle then she looked at the pills. She looked up at me with a weird look on her face.
She left heading to the main the coach’s office. A few minutes later she returned with a worried look on her face.
“Ok Jake I just spoke with Dr. Whitmore on the phone. I told him what is going on. I told him what I thought was wrong. The pill you took wasn’t for what you thought. Whoever filled your script actually gave you the wrong pill.
Dr. Whitmore told me as long as you only took one there isn’t really that much to worry about. It is already in your system. He is about to go into surgery so he told me what to do.”
The nurse reached into her bag and pulled out a banana bag. She hooked it up and ran the line into my vein. This is to flush out my system.
While I was sitting there, I told Joey to go back to practice. There was isn’t any need to have both of us on the sideline like this. At first Joey refused then he agreed not really wanting to agree.
About twenty minutes later I started feeling my legs again. At the same time I really needed to use the restroom. Flushing my system really was working in many ways. He nurse came up and took my vitals. She had me move my legs around.
“Ok Jake it looks like we don’t need to use a second bag. The one bag did the trick. Dr. Whitmore’s office called in your medicine again and wants you to pick it up. He wants me to tell you to look at the pills. By now you should know what the pills look like. If they look different in anyway, don’t take them until you talk with him.”
“Yes ma’am I will do that. Are we done here? I really need to use the restroom!”
The nurse laughed and pulled out the IV. The minute she did that, I got up and ran in place. Yeah my legs are back again. I walked to the locker room to take a piss. When I was done, I headed back out to the track. I headed over to the coach to let him know I was ok and ready to practice. The coach actually refused to let me practice for the rest of the afternoon.
The rest of the evening I just sat around the house relaxing allowing all my meds to kick in! Joey hovered around me all evening long. He is mad with himself for not noticing I was in pain all night long. He was not going to make that mistake twice.
By the next morning everything was better. I slept like a baby cuddled up naked around my naked Joey. The day was uneventful to say the least. We tried to see David after school, but were not allowed. When I got home I started to think it was strange that David’s dad hasn’t come down or at least called about what had happened.
After school on Thursday we were allowed to visit with David finally. When I walked into his room, I was surprised on seeing how good David looked.
“Hey man how are you feeling?”
David just looked down to his bed. I walked over to his bed and sat down on it. I leaned in and grabbed his chin to lift his face to look at him.
“You listen to me David and listen well. I don’t want to ever see you like this. You have nothing to be ashamed of with me or anyone. What you went through and still going through is very hard. I can’t blame you for wanting what you wanted that night. We are here for you and will never think differently of you!”
I let go of David’s chin and he leaned into my shoulder. He started to cry and I just held him. I know he felt embarrassed and didn’t want to see us. I wanted to convey to him that there isn’t anything to worry about.
Tom sat down on the bed and held onto David’s hand. We all just started talking about anything except the hospital and that night. While we were talking, Dr. Frankston walked in. He looked around then at David.
“Who here is Jacob Hernandez and Beth Alvarez?”
Both I and Beth stood up and looked at the doctor.
“I have heard a lot about you two. Still it is nice to put a face to the names. Ok, what we are going to do here with David is going to be simple. First we are going to release him today to you two under certain conditions. He will need to see me three times a week in my office. He will need to take the script for depression medication I give him. And finally he needs to return to school and his life as normal.
Can we follow those ground rules?”
I looked over at Beth and we both shook our head in the positive. Dr. Frankfort walked out to prepare the paperwork for David to go home. We all just laughed and teased him. He seemed a lot better today then he has been in the last couple of weeks. I think it has a lot to do with the depression medication he is on.
Just like any hospital, it takes them hours to release the patients. When David got released we went out to eat. Once again we sat there talking about everything under the sun except what happened in the house. David looked good. He also looked well rested.
A little after eight we started our way home! Joey got so involved in what we were talking about he actually skipped our block. It really wasn’t a problem. We just had to go around this one block ion order to get home.
The houses on this block are a lot smaller than the houses on ours. I really didn’t understand why. The houses are only a block down, but it seemed we were driving in a different part of town. I looked over a saw the house directly behind ours.
“Hey Joey stop here and let me out!”
Joey just looked at me like I was crazy. He did stop and I got out of the truck.
“Why are you getting out here Jake? We are almost home!”
“I know I just need to get some fresh air that’s all. I will see you guys at home!”
Joey hesitated at first but drove off. I walked up to the house. You know the house I said is directly behind ours. It is a simple one floor home. The biggest it could be inside is maybe three bedrooms and two baths. What really caught my attention at first is the for sale sign on the lawn.
I looked around the yard making my way to the house. The yard is well kept up. Grass on the yawn, trimmed, with bushes around the side of the house. Two big trees in front that looks like they have been here for years. The entire house was rocked in.
Let me explain about the yards here in El Paso. Most yards have landscaping, because of the hot weather we have. If you have time and patience you would have grass but that is very rare to have. We don’t have fences like most areas in the country with gates, bricks, or even wooden fences. We have what is called adobe walls. The walls that separate the homes here are made out huge rocks cemented together as they are built up to a point.
I saw there were lights on in the house so I took my chances and rang the doorbell. Within seconds an older gentleman, maybe in his seventy’s, opened the door.
“Yes how may I help you young man?”
“Sir I noticed you have a for sale sign up in your yard without a number. Is your home still for sale?”
“Yes it is young man. Please come on in and take a load off!”
I followed the older gentleman in as he shut the door he lead me to the living room. An older woman, around the same age, is sitting watching television. I looked around the part of the house I could see before anyone spoke again.
“Sir I own the house right there behind you. We accidently drove past our block and when we drove by your house and saw the for sale sign on the lawn. I was wondering if you can give me some detail of the home.”
The older guy introduced himself as Mr. Mills. I told him my name as he talked about the house. They are the original owners of the home. When the home was built, none of the bigger houses like I live in were around. I was right it is a three bedroom, two full baths, living room, den, and kitchen.
“The reason we are selling the house is simple. We are getting up there in age. Also we just cannot get around like we used to when we were younger. Never take your age for granted Jake!” Mr. Mills started to hit his knee.
“Oh no I understand where you are coming from. Life is way too short! What is your asking price for the home?”
“The market is good for buyers right now. I am sure you know that Jake. I am pretty sure you got your home at a steal!”
“That is not lie! I did get my home for rock bottom and then some!”
“We own the house outright. You won’t need to bother with banks with us, just you if you do buy the house. I know I will not get the value of the house. I still will like to get close to it. Look you look like an honest kid Jake! I will give you a good price.”
We sat there for another fifteen minutes and discussed the price and the date I can take passion of the house if I did buy it. They would need at least a couple of weeks to move out to the retirement community. They already have a place on hold and were ready to move into it.
So I came in a perfect time for them. I felt good when they told me that they will not leave the money to their kids. They will take cruises and vocations around the world with the money they get for the sale of the home.
No one else has even stopped to see about the home. I am the only one right now interested in the house. As I was leaving, I told Mr. Mills I will get back to them tomorrow. I don’t think he believed me but he was polite about it.
On my walk home I thought what perfect luck this is, finding a house right behind mine and for sale! Let me explain why I am looking at the house. But please don’t breathe a word of it to Joey and his family.
I want to buy the home for Joey’s mother and sister to live in. It really would be an add-on to our house. All we have to do is knock down the back wall that separates the two properties. Anyways as I was saying about me wanting to buy the house!
It isn’t right for Joey’s mother to be living in the basement of our home. Joey and I gave my mom a house and look at the way she is treating us. I am not looking for special treatment or anything like that; just due respect.
Of course the house would be given with strings attached. Let me explain that too. As you know, I have wanted to lessen the work load I have. In return for the home, I would want her to help out more with Jeremy. Jeremy will stay in my house, but she will help with the taking care of him when I need to take a breather or doing school events or simply being a teen. I want to make sure I have someone always there to take care of Jeremy.
She can also continue helping us around the house like she has been doing. In return, I will continue to pay for food and cost of living. What I have in mind is a kind of a live in caretaker. I know Joey gives her money to buy things. I know he will continue doing that.
The moment I walked into the door. I was jumped by millions of questions. I just told everyone I needed to stretch my legs. They started to get worried and didn’t want what happen to me at the beginning of the week to happen again.
Joey and I went to bed kind of early. When I looked at the clock I realized it was only nine thirty. I peeked over Joey’s shoulder and saw he is still awake. We were already naked and cuddled up with each other.
I started to kiss Joey on the back of his neck. I made my way up and down his neck. I pressed my nose into his hair. I just love Joey’s scent. It makes me go wild!
“I see someone is feeling better babe!” Joey chortled.
Joey reached over his side and slid his hands into my groin.
“Oh yeah I was right, you are feeling frisky tonight!”
Joey flipped over and we started kissing. We didn’t let each other go even to take a breath. While we were kissing, Joey entwined our legs together. We started rubbing our groins together. It is dick on dick since we sleep in the nude.
Joey slowly and gently put me on my back. He started making his way down my neck, then chest all the way to my dick. Along the way Joey played with my nipples with his teeth. He made his way to my belly button and started circling around. The minute he stuck his tongue into my belly button, I jumped.
Then without warning he had my entire hard dick down his throat. He was going up and down. Each time he came up, he actually had my dick completely out of his mouth.
“Man, babe you don’t know how much I have wanted this from you!” Joey said in a low, growly voice.
After Joey said that, he went right back down on me. He released my dick and threw my legs into the air. He started to tea bag me at first. Then he worked his way down to my ass and started sticking his tongue in and out of my ass. It is making me go crazy.
I am finally able to pull Joey back to me! We started kissing again, but this time moved Joey to his back. I worked my way down to his nipples then his belly button. I played with each nipple for a while making Joey toss around on the bed.
The minute I put his hard shaft into my mouth, Joey started to moan. When Joey moans it gets me more into the love making. I just love it when Joey moans and tosses around on the bed when I go down on him.
It didn’t take long for Joey to cum. He didn’t even warn me when he was about to. He just shot load after load into my mouth. I just slurped all up. Not allowing a drop to fall from my mouth.
Because Joey didn’t warn my I kept his dick in my mouth longer then I normally did. I know Joey and he is very sensitive after shooting. I often wonder if he could shoot again right after he shoots.
There’s no time like the present to find out. I didn’t let Joey’s dick fall from my mouth. No matter how much or loud Joey started to scream. Joey is trying to wiggle his way from beneath me. I was not going to allow him to escape.
While I was going up and down on Joey, actually was able to get some of his cum on my fingers. I used it as lubricant to penetrate Joey. First I stuck in one finger then two, and finally three with in minutes of each other.
The screaming went back to moaning. I know Joey is really enjoying it. I was finger fucking him and sucking his dick at the same time. I wanted to see if I could get Joey to cum again. Sure enough, in a bit of time he exploded again in my mouth.
Just like the first time. He shot at least six or seven times. I wasn’t going to lose any of his juice. I sucked Joey dry for the second time within fifteen minutes. I looked up at Joey as I released his dick from my mouth and slipped my fingers out of his hot ass. I saw he was completely out of breath.
I crawled up along side of him. As he caught his breath, I started to jerk myself off. I needed to relieve myself and soon. I know it isn’t going to take me long to do so. Joey opened his eyes and saw what I was doing. He slapped my hands away and replaced them with his.
Once again Joey had my dick in his mouth. This time I was moaning in pleasure. I couldn’t believe how good Joey always makes me when we make love.
“I am going to cum Joey; please I am going to cum!”
Joey didn’t even pay attention to my warning. I shot into his mouth over and over again. I know I shot a huge load, I just don’t know how much. Joey did swallow it all just like me.
Joey crawled up next to me wrapping his arms around me. We laid there on top of our sheets holding each other. I never wanted this night or feeling to ever end. Before I knew it, I was out. I didn’t wake up until the alarm did its annoying job.
I jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I wanted to go in with Joey, but he already had left. I showered quickly and went down for breakfast. Beth already had it on the table the minute I got down the stairs. I looked at her as I took a seat.
“Beth, could I talk with you a minute please?”
“Sure honey whatever you want to talk about, lay it on me.”
Beth pulled up a seat at the table holding her coffee mug. I am really starting to care for her more like a mother. Hell, she is way cooler to Joey and me compared to my so-called mother.
“Beth are you happy living down there in the basement?”
“Yes, why do you ask?”
“Well you do plenty around here at the house. We really keep you busy. Now I am wondering if you could help me more with Jeremy. Not like watching him overnight or anything like that. Just if Joey and I want to go out on a date or a school thing pops up. Maybe as simple as spending time with Joey in our room you could help out with Jeremy!”
“By the smile on my son’s face this morning and the noise that was coming in from the vents last night I know you and my son are not having any lost time in the love making department!”
I know my face turned red right then and there. I knew we were loud, but not that loud!
“No need to be embarrassed Jake. I know you and my son do the nasty up there. And of course I will help you more with Jeremy. Just tell me whenever you need the helping hand. I will be here. I have no plans on going anywhere.”
I just looked at Beth. How unbelievable she is compared to my mom. I know if I would ask her for help like this, she would throw the whole thing in my face like my mom warning me about not bringing Jeremy here and how much time it takes to take care of him. But not Beth, she goes with the punches!
“But what does that have to do with me living in the basement Jake?”
“Well I really didn’t want to tell you until I did the deal. But what the heck, no one else is looking into it. Come with me to the back yard!”
Both Beth and I got up and walked over to the back door, and then outside. I escorted her to the back wall that divided my house and the house I am looking to buy.
“You see the house right there Beth?” I pointed to the house over the wall. Beth shook her head in the positive. “The older couple that lives in it is selling it. It is a three bedroom, two full baths, kitchen, living room and dining room.”
“Why are you telling me this Jake?”
“Because Beth I am planning on buying this house for you today! In fact talked to the couple yesterday and got all the detail about it. This will be Joey’s and my gift to you for helping us out in the house. We know you do a whole lot for us.”
“But Jake this house is a block away. How in the world am I to get to you guys if you need me really fast?”
“It is very easy Beth for you to get to us anytime of the day. I plan on making a walk way from this house to that house!” I pointed to my house first then to the Miller’s. “We will need to knock down some of this wall of course. But that wouldn’t matter since we are family!”
Beth just smiled at me when I told her what I had planned to do. Right then Mr. and Mrs. Miller walked out to their back yard.
“Hello there Jake my boy, how are you doing this morning?”
“I am doing great Mr. and Mrs. Miller! I want you to meet my mother Beth!”
Beth shook hands with the Miller’s over the wall. She was still smiling from the news I had just given her.
“Mr. and Mrs. Miller I want to buy your house for sure!”
“Wow that sounds good Jake. All you need to do is get a back to give you the money and it is a done deal.”
“Well Mr. and Mrs. Miller it is already a done deal. I have a little money in the bank. Enough to cover what you are asking! I will go to the bank this morning and pull the money for the deal.”
“Why don’t we all go to the bank and get the entire deal done this morning. What bank do you bank with?”
“Bank of the West is my bank. Where do you do all your banking at?”
“Believe it or not at the same bank you bank at Jake. I know the owner of the bank really well. You know it is a local bank and that is how I know him. We went to school together. He almost married my Mrs. but I got her first.”
“I knew the bank was locally owned. That is why I bank with them. I want my money to stay here where I live. But I didn’t know you knew the owner. That will make it a lot easier to get this done.”
We quickly made plans for how we are going to get this done. I didn’t want to miss the entire day of school but in order to get this kind of thing done it could only happen during school hours.
I asked Beth to come with me. Andy agreed to stay with Jeremy and watch over him until we got back. It wasn’t going to be a lot of work for Andy. Jeremy’s teacher and caretaker that changes out his bag and deals with his shots will be there the entire day.
Beth called into the school for me before we left the house. All Beth could say on the way to the bank is thank you and how much this means to her. I told her the same deal with the house as Joey and I have with my mom.
The house will be under Beth, Joey and my name. In order to sell it she will need to have all of our signatures to do so. Also the rest of the same rules, if you want to call them rules, we have with my mom.
It took us longer to get downtown then normal. A deal like this has to be done at the main office which is downtown. We had to fight the morning traffic. Damn, I forgot all about the morning traffic. At least we will be the first in the bank to get the deal done.
The minute we got home everyone hovered over David. I started thinking it is way too much attention given to him on his first day back. I started thinking maybe David would freak out on us or something.
Even Jeremy got into all the excitement at the house. Jeremy really doesn’t know what is going on. He just sees everyone else talking and hovering around David, so why not him? But with Jeremy I know it is purely honest.
Don’t get me wrong I know the rest of the guys are doing it because they care for David as I do. Just Jeremy is like a child and doesn’t know evil. So he cannot be doing this because of evil intentions.
I sat there watching the guys talking to David as we watched television. Or at least the T.V. was on, but no one is really watching it. I started thinking why did Jacob want to get off a block away from the house.
I know we had a difference of opinion, but we solved it and cleared up a bunch of other nagging issues. So why did Jacob feel the need to get out? He used the excuse of his legs, but that problem was because he was given the wrong medicine. I really hope Jacob and his grandfather take some kind of action against the pharmacy that did that.
The guys and I were still talking when Jacob walked through the door. Boy he took a while to walk just a block. I know the block is pretty big, but it took him awhile. Jacob walked in and joined us. No mention why he did what he did. He just picked up where we were talking.
When I saw Jacob get up and head to the kitchen I followed him. My mind is going crazy with weird theories on why he got out. I know he and Joey fought really ugly that night. But again they talked it out. Those guys have a few fights, no where near some couples I know. And again though these guys talk it out and never split up over stupid things.
“Hey Jacob can I ask you why you honesty got out of the truck a block away? I know as well as you know it wasn’t because of your legs! What’s up man, tell me?”
Jake just turned around and looked at me. I think he was stunned that I actually asked him what the real reason he got out of the truck.
“Tom you are right it wasn’t because of my legs. I needed to take care of something I saw as we drove by one of the houses.”
“I thought you guys didn’t know your neighbors!”
“We really don’t know our neighbors. I think Beth has gotten to know the neighbors more then we have. No I just saw something I needed to look into.”
“May I ask what it was?”
“You may ask, but I might not answer!”
I am surprised with the answer Jake just gave me. He normally never hides or keeps things from us. Now he is starting to not trust me on things. Plus the way he is talking to me. Let me put this way! He never has spoken down to me the way he is doing it to me now.
“Jake I understand we have to build back the trust you think I destroyed between us. But I don’t deserve being talked down to. Fine don’t tell me why you got out of the truck, but please treat me with respect like you always have. Even when I broke up with David, you gave me respect.”
“Sorry Tom if you are getting the feeling I am talking down to you. Don’t mean to send you that message. I want this to be a surprise for Joey and his mother when I do say something about it.”
I just looked at Jake! I know I have a big smile on my, because I love surprises even if the surprise isn’t for me.
“Look Tom I saw the house behind us is for sale. It is a smaller home but it is directly behind us. I want to buy it as a gift for Beth. She and Fran deserve their own house and to not to be living in the basement. That apartment is for guests for a short period of time.”
“That is damn cool of you Jake. You have always had a big heart. You care so much for those around your inner circle. I am glad to be part of that circle! My lips are sealed as of this moment. No one will hear the news from me.”
“Thanks Tom I believe you won’t say a word. And without a doubt you are part of my inner circle as you say. You and I may have had our indifferences, but that doesn’t destroy the friendship between us.”
Jake came up to me to hug me before he rejoined the guys! I really felt then more than ever before I am part of this family.
I noticed when I returned to the guys. David looked really tired. I went over to David to help him out of the seat. We said our goodnights and headed up to the room. I have started calling it mine and David’s room. I have been spending more time here then I have at home. My mother thinks I have moved in with David and the guys due to the time I spend here.
Ever since David got raped, he doesn’t sleep nude anymore. He either sleeps in the clothes he is wearing or actually changes into running pants and t-shirt. So I started to change into a pair of running paints and t-shirt to sleep in.
We crawled into bed after David took his meds. As we crawled in David surprised me. He actually moved into my chest and grabbed my arms. He wrapped my arm around his chest and snuggled into me. That really felt good to me. I think things are going to get better for now on.
The minute David wrapped my arm around his chest he fell to sleep. With the rhythm of his heart it actually put me to sleep. As I drifted to sleep I thought of what is to come for me. I know now I cannot go a day without David. These last four days were the worst days in my life since I lost David the first time.
The sun woke me up coming through the blinds of the window. I knew it was time for me to get up and out to practice. I looked over to Jacob and just sat there looking at him. He really looked like an angel sleeping there.
Jake has this peacefulness about him when he is asleep like nothing is bothering him. He had this smile on his face. Well not really a full blown smile, just half there. His eyes closed but cracked just a little where I could see his eyeballs dancing around in there.
Jake has his arm around me, like he does every morning. He holds onto me for dear life. I feel so at ease when I know he is holding onto me as we sleep. I gently move his arm off of me where I could get going.
I didn’t even have time to eat and talk with my mom on the way out. I am running so late to practice already. I took my plate and headed out the door.
I barely finished my breakfast when I drove into the school parking lot. I got out of the truck and ran to football practice. Just like before, the coach caught me sneaking in. I know whoever created this locker room made it this way. They put the offices of the coach looking straight at the front door. It is to catch anyone sneaking in or out.
I had to run five more stadiums than the other guys for coming in late. It was worth it. I had a night of making love with Jacob. I wouldn’t trade that in for twenty extra stadiums. Maybe twenty one, but not twenty; just kidding, nothing can replace what we did.
From football I headed over to rifle team practice and shot awhile. I really have the shooting down. I would need to be out of practice and not shooting in tournaments for months to take me out of rhythm.
I saved Jake his spot for breakfast as the guys filled the table. More and more we talk I start to notice the time. Jake isn’t here yet and it is getting me worried. The bell rang and still no Jake. With what happened in the last week, I am now really worried.
I hoped when I got to our lockers he would be there. But Jake was no where to be seen. All morning long I worried about Jake. He hasn’t shown up to school. I really don’t know what to think about this. I need to find out where my boyfriend is at.
Once the bell rang I went to the attendance office to borrow the phone. I called to the house and Andy answered the phone. When I heard Andy’s voice over the phone my nerves settles down a little. If Andy is at the house answering the phone that means there isn’t anything big going on with Jake or even Jeremy.
“Andy where is Jake at? He has not shown up for school all morning.”
“Jake went with your mother downtown on business. I believe it was a last minute decision on Jake’s part.”
“Oh but everything is good over there? What I mean Jake is fine and my mom is fine as well?”
“Yeah everything is cool! Nothing to sweat over! I know Jake is looking forward to your game tonight. I will let him know you called Joey!”
“Thanks for everything, Andy!”
As soon as I hung up with Andy I stopped worrying. I now know where Jake is and is doing fine. It was a last minute decision for him and my mother to go downtown. If not I know Jake would have told me. He likes to keep me informed on everything. Sometimes it bothers the crap out me he does that. But I know he does it for my own good.
I couldn’t believe how fast this transaction was with the bank today. It was in and out within an hour and a half. I think it took us more time to get to the bank then it did to take care of the business but now we own the house behind ours.
Beth and I stood by the cars talking with the Mills. We wanted to basically know when they would be out of the house. Of course we didn’t ask them straight out.
“I know Jake you have been staying away from the question. The question of when you and your family will be able to take over the house. To tell you the truth I thought you were nothing but hot air when I spoke with you last night.
What, you are fifteen maybe sixteen years old. Where does a young man like you come into this kind of money? Mrs. Mills over here recognized you this morning in the sun. We watch a lot of news. That is all us old folks do all day with our time. Anyways I now know who you are and how you came up with the money. Sorry about everything you have gone through already in your life.”
“Thank you, Mr. Mills. It has been a learning experience for me. It made me realize at a young age not to take a thing for granted. Not your life, not those around you, and more so the partner you choose to live with for the rest of your life.”
It got very quiet when I finished saying what I said. I looked over to Beth and she has tears in her eyes. I don’t know what the tears are for. She just had tears.
“Jake, we will be out of the house in two weeks. We will try sooner than that. In fact it might be sooner then that. Maybe within a week we will be gone. I already have the house packed. All we have to do is get the movers to come and pick up our stuff and haul it away.”
“There is not big hurry. I just need to kind of know so I could have furniture for the house. That is the only main reason I want to know.”
“No problem about asking. Let me give you keys to the house since the house is yours already. I know you will not come in the middle of the night to kill me or the Mrs.”
Mr. Mills took off his house keys from his ring and started to hand them to me. I tried to push them back. We own the house yeah, but they still live in there. Still Mr. Mills insisted I take the keys and I did.
We had our numbers to the houses on the paperwork that was just signed. Mr. Mills promised to call me with the next couple of days to let me know when the house would be empty and ready for Beth to move in.
On the way home Beth was quiet. I gave her the house keys that Mr. Mills gave me. I started thinking that this is the first real big thing she has ever owned by herself. Beth just looked content sitting there watching the buildings flying by with a smile on her face. The minute the house is empty, the first thing I am going to do is change all the locks in the house. It is not that I don’t trust the Mill’s, but anyone else they might have gotten a copy of the keys.
As we drove up to the house I noticed a figure standing at the front door. I don’t know if he had knocked already, but I don’t recognize who ever this guy is. I got out and yelled to him.
“May I help you sir?”
“You could if you are Mr. Jacob Hernandez!”
I looked at the guy as he walked towards me. He kept looking down at his clip board. He has to know he is talking to the person he is looking for. I think he is looking at a picture of me.
“Yes I am Jacob Hernandez! What do you need sir?”
He walked up to me and handed me a sheet of paper saying only four words and walked away. “You have been served!”
I couldn’t believe this crap. I looked down at the paper that has been handed to me. Opening it up I wasn’t surprised once I saw who was suing me. My mom is at it again and this time she is actually taking me to court.
{There is never a dull moment with Jacob and his friends. It looks like Jake’s mom is back and wants to take him to court. Why in the world does she want to take her own son to court? Why can’t she just leave well enough alone? Jake gave her a house free of charge. The only strings attached to the gift were of a business nature. I really hope Jake and Joey have worked through their problems with each other. I really hate seeing them fight so much. I know they love each other with all their hearts. It hurts seeing them fight like they do. Jeremy seems to be settling in ok, or is he? Andy is just sitting there in the back ground really not doing much. We know he has this girlfriend. What has come about with that? Tom and David are stronger than ever. Is David’s rape going to make them stronger or break them apart once and for all? Chase and his girlfriend; what is going on there? We have not heard much in the last couple chapters about them. Hold onto your hats guys, there is a so much to answer in the chapters to come. Stick around and keep reading the future chapters, and enjoy! Please email me and let me know how I am doing at jacobmillertex@aol.com, Thanks!}
Yes, Jake and Joey have their ups and downs. For all that each has been through with life, their young ages and the responsibilities they have taken on, I think they are doing pretty well. I know adult relationships with no outside responsibilities that don’t do as well.
I was glad to see they put David on anti-depressant medication. Today, that would have happened immediately, but anti-depressants in the time frame of the story were new and not widely prescribed. This could hopefully be the bridge needed to get David back to his normal self.
I was wondering when Jake’s mom was going to stir things up again! I’ll bet that before all is said and done on this issue, her dad is going to take her in hand! I can’t wait until Jake informs his grandfather!
Andy needs to get off his ass and start being productive and contribute to the household. Yes, he’s there to help out with Jeremy, but that’s not nearly enough.
I enjoy the e-mails sent in asking me questions. I respond to each and every one. I really loved the one reader that asked how Jacob ran across me and how I became his Editor! Uncle Roger got his answer! Jacob and I started with a simple e-mail from me as a reader and I candidly told him about his need for an Editor and I offered. He took me up on it and the rest, as they say, is history. Jacob and I have become fast friends and vid-chat often on Skype. We’ve not met in person yet, but I suspect one day we will.
Until next time, be well and be loving to those around your sphere of influence. It pays off with huge returns!
“Daddy” Rick
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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