Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Jacob Finding His Way - 29. Chapter 29
I am sitting in the television room talking with the guys about my brother Jeremy. They want to know how he was and what to look forward to. I am telling them all the stories about my brother that I can remember. There were funny ones and, at times they were harsh reminders that I will have to be looking after my brother all the time. He wasn’t a person you could just bring in and let do what ever he wants.
I need to be sure I can handle this by myself. I know I can’t depend on anyone except myself and that includes Joey. If he couldn’t back me with my mother, he won’t help out with my brother Jeremy. At least I can’t depend on him to do so and I recognize that as a fact.
The door bell rang and spooked everyone in the room. The first thing that came to my mind was my mother returning for another round tonight. My back and leg hurt like all hell still. I got up and went to answer the door.
When I reached the door, I looked out the side windows of the door to see who was there. It surprised me on who was standing on my door step. I right away answered the door and just looked at my bother Andy who is standing there.
He looks tired and hungry, but still it is great to see him. I grabbed him and pulled him into the house. He carried with him several bags of clothes I assume. He laid them down and then hugged me.
“Where in the world have you been Andy?” I asked.
“Bro you don’t want to know. I have been everywhere and anywhere!” Andy replied somewhat cryptically.
“Man you have had all of us worried including grandpa and mom!”
“Grandpa I believe but mom, no way. She kicked me out because, well you know mom!”
“Yeah I know mom. She and I had a “visit” last night!”
“That is what Marie told me. Why did you allow her to come in your house and yell at you the way she did Jake?”
“All in all Andy she is sill our mom and I figure that is why!”
“You shouldn’t let her do that. More so now that you not only live on your own but you gave her a house. What a woman that mom is! I know it wasn’t anything grandpa did when she was growing up. He had to be Grandma Virginia that played mind games with her to make her this way.”
“Well whoever it was, she is our mother now and we have to deal with that. But anyways, why are you here and what is going on Andy?”
Andy told me when he was kicked out the house the last time he lived on the streets just as I did. Then his best friend let him stay at his house until his mother caught him hiding out one day. So Andy was asked to leave and he did. He lived on the streets again for several weeks and then he ran into our sister.
She told him where I lived. She knew that mom wasn’t going to let Andy move back home. So she sent him my way to help him out. I was surprised to say the least that Marie is thinking the way she is already.
The house is already getting full. It is a five bedroom house not including the rooms in the basement where Joey’s mom and sister are staying at. Joey and I are in the master, and then there is Chase and David taking up a room each. One room is for my brother Jeremy and now my brother Andy.
I am starting to wonder if I am taking too much on. Can I do everything that everyone is looking up to me to do and still be a teenager like want to be? Still I cannot turn away my blood, my family, no way.
“Jake I have a big favor to ask you. I wouldn’t ask you if I had some other person to ask. You know mom won’t let me live at her house. Can you please help me and let me stay here?”
“Andy you are my bother, so of course yeah!” I leaned in and hugged my brother to console him. He had tears rolling down his cheek. I know how hard this was for him to ask his younger brother for help.
“Just one thing Andy, and don’t take me wrong I will never tell you how to live. I won’t become mom and be on your back about things. You can go and come as you want. Just no drugs in the house, that is all.”
“I promise you I won’t bring drugs in the house. Thank you Jake for this, thank you!”
We sat there for while talking about the past. He finally told me when I was sick, why he left. He actually didn’t leave the house, mom kicked him out. She put her foot down for him to go to school and stop doing drugs. He also wasn’t allowed to go out at night anymore no matter weekend or not. He admitted he was wrong about several things in mom’s house, but not enough to be thrown to the street.
I agreed with him that mom had a weird way of getting her points across. I did let him know she comes and goes as she wants so be careful. Then the subject had to come to me and Joey. He still doesn’t know that I am gay and Joey is boyfriend.
I remember the remarks he said years ago about Joey that bothered me. But if he is going to live in the house with Joey and me, he needs to know. I sat there looking Andy for a few minutes in quiet. Then finally I just opened up.
“Also Andy I know how you feel about this subject, but I need to tell you anyways. Joey and I or together and have been for several years. I am gay and so is Joey!”
“Bro I have known that for years now. I knew there was something going on between you and Joey almost right when you guys became friends. I am cool about it. I know you or Joey won’t do anything to me or any friends that hang around me.”
With that we got up and went to the room that Andy is going to sleep in. He put his bags in and walked with me so I could show him the rest of the house. Along the way I introduced Andy to the guys that were around.
Once I was done showing Andy around, he went up to his room for the night. Soon after Joey and I followed!
Joey looked like the minute we walked into the room, he wanted to say something. I didn’t want him to talk about what had happened last night. I just want to leave that subject alone. I know now I really cannot depend on him for support.
I think Joey realized that I didn’t want to speak about the subject. So he just let it go for now. But knowing Joey, he will talk about it sometime soon with me.
As I tossed and turned, trying to get to sleep. I kept wondering how my brother had changed his mind about gays. I really don’t believe it was because he did change is mind; it was just circumstances at the moment. He has to live with it, so he will deal with it. Finally I thought myself to sleep.
As soon as Jake’s mom left and all Jake went up to bed I decided to go out to pick up a gift that Tom bought for his mother downtown. Since most of the stores here are owned by people that live across the border they normally stay open late.
This gift I am picking up for Tom could only be found at a certain store downtown. This store sold these weird statues that tell a certain story each. You need to gather the entire set in order to understand the story. Tom’s mom’s birthday is Thursday so I promised to pick up the statues for him.
As I got downtown, I was lost. I really don’t know this area of town and the streets are all one-ways and they keep changing them. I finally found the street the store is located on. I parked the car in the closest parking lot I could find near the store.
I really don’t like this parking lot because it isn’t lit and it is surrounded by vacant businesses, factories and stores. Even when I got out of the car, the street lights were not working. It looks like they were broken.
I hurried to the store to pick up the statues. I really wanted to get out of here as quickly as I could. I got the statues and headed back to the car and loaded them up. As I was closing the trunk, I heard a lot of music coming from one of the factory buildings nearby.
I wanted to see what all the music was about so I followed it. I walked down a couple of blocks and found guys with guys and girls with girls out side this factory that has been turned into a club.
I looked around and found a couple of guys just standing and smoking a cigarette.
“Hey you guy’s, what is this place?”
“Where have you been in the last couple of years?” they asked.
The two guys looked at each other and laughed. Then turned to me and gave me a look like “you are stupid”.
“This is The Old Plantation, a club for gay couples to come.”
What the hell? We have a gay club here? I didn’t even know this club existed. I probably wouldn’t have known it had if I didn’t hear the music and then followed the music. I simply was surprised about the news of having this club.
I walked back to the car happy as can be. I couldn’t wait to tell the guys about this; they will flip out. As I was walking I noticed I was being followed by several guys, who look my age or maybe a year or so younger. I just thought it was just me. As I reached the parking lot and noticed there was no other cars in the area but mine, I started to freak out.
I didn’t notice these guys at the club. I didn’t notice them behind me until several blocks away from the club. They must have come out of an alley near the club. I just wanted to get into my car and get the hell out of here as fast as I could. I got to my car and as I was reaching for my keys from my coat pocket it happened.
“Hey you fucked up faggot! Where in the hell do you think you are going?” a threatening male voice boomed.
I ignored them at first and just tried to get to my car even faster. But I had no luck doing so. Before I knew it, two of the guys that were following jumped in front of me. The next thing I knew they pushed me against my car. Then that is when I noticed the other three guys behind me.
I was freaking out so bad; I didn’t even hear a word they were saying. I know they were saying something to me because I was looking straight at them. Their lips were moving but again I simply didn’t hear the words.
The next thing I knew I was on the ground in the parking lot. They were punching me over and over again. I was crying and begging them to leave me alone. I kept yelling to them I won’t tell anyone about them, but please leave me alone!
But my begging words meant something else to the guys that were attacking me. They pulled me up and started dragging me by my hair through the parking lot. I was crying so hard because of the beating I already gotten and the pain that was coming from them while they were pulling me by my hair.
I felt my body being dragged on top of the curb and then through grass. I was grasping at the grass and dirt, trying to stop them from dragging me, but no success. I heard one of the guys yell that the building was open.
They dragged me into the building. I tried to hold on to the door frame as they were dragging me in. One of the other guys started kicking my hands to let go of the door frame. From the force of their kicks and the pain, I finally lost the grip I had on the door frame and they dragged me into the factory.
Still I was trying to grab a hold of anything I could. At one point through all this, and I don’t know when it did happen, I ripped off several of my finger nails trying to claw at the floor to stop the guys from dragging me into this building.
I knew what was going to happen, I just needed to find a way to fight against it. Then I realized I wouldn’t win fighting them! There were just too many of them to handle. All I could do is let them do what they came to do.
I kept fading in and out through the whole ordeal. When I faded out I just kept thinking of Tom and how much I care for him; how once this is over, all I want to be is in his arms. I know Tom will take care of me.
I thought about how it would have been if I would have moved with my family instead of staying here. I know this wouldn’t be happening, but I still wouldn’t be happy either. I knew it is still a bad idea. I just couldn’t move away from Tom and guys.
All I wanted to do was to be as far away from these guys as possible. I wanted to be in a different world while they were doing this incredibly evil thing to me. I heard it happens, but I never thought it would happen to me.
The last thing I thought about before I finally blacked out completely from the searing pain is my life. If it is to end here, it was short. I do not regret much, but I do wish I have more time on this earth to enjoy life; to enjoy everyone in it that I love and want to be around.
I knew what they were going to do! No matter how hard I fought! They will have their way. I lost track of time, all I knew it went on for what seemed like hours, until I just passed out and had no idea what happen afterwards.
The final thoughts that went through my mind as I was passing out, please just let this be over and let me die. I cannot stand the pain any longer.
When I woke up, I just laid there staring at Jake as he slept. I really felt bad for what his mother had done several nights ago. I actually was able to move Jakes t-shirt up and take a look for the first time at what his mother did.
Man she really cut up his back. It really looks painful to say the least. I ran my fingers down his back and around the cuts. I really don’t know where Jake gets the strength he has. He has strength many of us could only hope for.
I just watched as Jake laid there sleeping. He looked so peaceful as if there was nothing in the world bothering him. But I knew there was a lot going through his mind right now, a whole lot!
All of a sudden Jake just jolted up from the bed. He actually scared the shit out of me. He looked around the room with a scared look on his face. When he turned and looked over at me, he was sweating a lot. He jumped out the bed and grabbed a pair of running pants to put on.
“What is going on Jake? Why are you running around this room like the house is on fire?”
“Have you seen David since we came up here, Joey?”
“No I haven’t, why?”
“I had this terrible, ugly dream about him and it was so bad it woke me up.”
Jake went out the door and I followed him to David’s room. Jake knocked on the door and there was no answer. Jake knocked again on the door, again there was no answer. Man I was now getting worried. Jake opened the door and we saw the lights were off and there was no one in the bed and that the bed hadn’t been slept in.
Jake went running downstairs and searched the entire first floor. There was no one anywhere in the rooms. Jake went to the basement to the game room and once again, no one. Jake came back up stairs and was heading to the phone and right as he got to the phone it started to ring. Jake stopped in his tracks and just looked at the phone. I went and answered it.
“Yes, may I speak with Jacob Hernandez please?”
“Just a moment and let me get him for you.”
I put the phone down and went to Jake. “It is for you and I don’t know who it is!”
Jake got on the phone and at first all I could hear was Jacob saying yes and no. Then the look on Jakes face told me something was wrong. Then the most dreaded word that can be spoken in this house was muttered out: hospital.
Jake hung up the phone and looked at me.
“Go and wake up Chase for me please! David has been rushed to Thomas Hospital.”
I didn’t ask what for or why, I just headed up to wake up Chase. As I was leaving the room, I heard Jake asking to speak with Tom. I got Chase up and I got dressed as quickly as I could. Jake and Chase did the same thing. We were off, on our way to the hospital.
Right away as we got to the hospital Tom met us at the front door. We went in and asked the where the emergency room was located. All of us ran to the emergency room as quickly as we could. Once we arrived there, we were told David is being seen by a doctor to please a take a seat and wait for the exam to be over.
As we took a seat several officers came over to us.
“Are you family to David, you know we don’t have his last name.”
“David Fernandez!” Jake said as he started to stand up.
“Ok David Fernandez, are you guys family?”
“Yes we are; what happened here?”
“Well Mr. Fernandez was in the wrong side of town gentleman. He was found in an abounded warehouse downtown near a gay club. Do any of you know why he would be in that area?”
“Yes, he was picking up a gift I had bought my mom for me!” Tom spoke up with anger in his voice.
“Unless this store is located near the gay club, we are lead to believe he was there asking for trouble.”
“What in the hell do you mean asking for trouble?” I have never seen the anger that Jake had in his eyes at that moment.
“Sir, he was in an area that only people would go if they were looking for trouble.”
“Officer, I don’t know where you are from, but people don’t go out looking for trouble and very specifically, David.” This time Jake was standing foot to foot facing down the officer.
“Sir, please takes a seat or we will have to arrest you.” Jake sat back down, but angry as hell as he did. “Now like I was saying we found him in an abounded warehouse passed out with his pants and underwear pulled down to his ankles.”
“Passed out and his pants and underwear pulled down to his ankles? What you think he went over there to have sex to the point of passing out?” Jake snapped.
“That isn’t what I am saying sir! By the looks of the scene and Mr. Fernandez’s body he was forced in there and then was raped. The doctor is looking at him now, and then we hope to speak with him.”
“No sir you won’t speak with him. Not you two! Send down other officers or detectives to speak with him. But, no sir you guys won’t be allowed to speak with David. Not with the malice and hate you have towards the gay community.”
“Sir we need to get a statement from him before we leave.”
“I will call Mr. Anderson, to have him call your captain to have you removed from this case. I won’t have you anywhere near David or us for that fact.”
“Who are you sir?”
“My name is Jacob Hernandez and please, call it in and sees what response you get.”
The officers left to call in to check on Jacob. “I never wanted to throw around the knowledge that we know the District Attorney. It simply isn’t right, but those two being on this case with their attitudes isn’t right either. I need to have them removed from this case.” Jake mumbled to me.
I know Jake didn’t like throwing out names as if we were special or something. In his eyes we were not. We were normal Joes going along our normal lives. The officers never came back. I saw them drive off.
Soon after I saw the officers drive off, the nurse came over to us.
“Who here is Jacob Hernandez?”
“I am ma’am!” Jake said standing up again.
“David asked to speak with you and only you!”
Jake walked with the nurse through the double doors. I know these guys have a bond that was made when Jake was in the hospital the second time. For that reason I knew why David asked to speak with Jake only.
I walked through the double doors into the bays. I was taken to the bay where David was at. When I walked in I couldn’t believe what I was looking at. I couldn’t even recognize it was David lying in that bed.
His face was all banged up and the little bit I could see, well, it is black and blue. His hands were wrapped up in gauze. I could see he was trying to grasp at his side. There was an IV going in him and without a doubt it had pain medication. David looked around straight into my eyes. He was crying, tears just rolling out of his eyes on a steady peace.
He held out his arms for me to hug him. I leaned into him and just held him tight as I could. David started crying and sobbing really loud. I tried to settle him down, but then I realized I needed to just let him cry this out.
“You don’t worry about a thing David. I am here for you! Anything you need or want. I will do it if it is in my power to do it.”
David just cried and cried. I held onto him as he cried into my chest. I really don’t know when he cried himself to sleep, but he did. I gently laid his head back down onto the pillow to let him sleep.
As soon as I laid him down, the doctor came in.
“Are you here to take David here home?”
“He doesn’t need to stay the night doctor?”
“No sir he does not need to stay the night. What he has are a lot of cuts and bruise. The most damage is in his fingers and anal area. The rest is cosmetic and will heal over time.”
“No broken bones or facial damage?”
“No, again all what you see is just bruises and scrapes. They will turn black and blue as they heal but nothing more than that. I have given David some medicine for the pain and will be sending him home with some pain medication as well.
I took all the pictures and ran the entire rape test we are required to do by law. Whoever raped this young man left enough sperm on and in David’s body, that if caught, they will be convicted. There was skin under the nails and it looks like we actually got several good finger prints that we lifted from the leg where they were squeezing him so tight, it left imprints of their fingers.
So rest assured we have whoever did this dead to rights if they are found. What David needs right now is rest and support from his loved ones. Please don’t force him to talk about it, let him open up. I also recommend that David sees someone about this. He needs to talk it out with a professional. As far as us, we have done what we can do for him. Now it is up to you to help him through this!”
The doctor left to get the prescription for David. I got up and went out to the guys to tell them what was going on. They were surprised as I was they were releasing him, I told them what the doctor had said and not to force David to talk about what had happened. Joey ad Chase went to get the truck and Tom and I went back in to get David.
David was already awake when Tom and I reached his bed. The moment Tom saw David, he ran over to him crying. He held David as both of them cried.
“I promise you David this will never happen to you again. Should have never asked you to go for me! I promise I will always protect you, always David, I swear!” Tom whispered into David’s ear.
The nurse arrived with a wheel chair and we wheeled David out to the truck. Chase and Joey just looked at David but didn’t say a word. Once we put David in the truck, Tom and I went to pick up David’s medicine.
We drove home in silence followed by Tom in his car. Once in the house, David was helped to his room. Shortly after we laid David down, Joey’s mother came into David’s room and started being the mother hen that she is. She pushed all of us out of the room as she settled David in the bed and held him as he sat there crying in her arms.
The next morning we all popped our heads in to see how David was doing. Joey’s mother never left David’s side. He was asleep and Beth promised us that she will take care of him so the rest of us can to get to school.
The next couple of days were going to be hell on wheels. We had the six weeks exams coming up next week and I had to make sure to study for them. I already have straight A’s in all my classes, but if I don’t do well in any of the exams, my grades can drop. Plus now I need to make sure David is safe and he knows he is safe.
So every evening I would get home and study for my classes, and at the same time do what ever it took to take care of David. Between me, Joey’s mom, the guys, and Tom never leaving David’s side, David never went with out the support he needed to get through this.
I knew I was going to pass Trig II without a problem, I just love math. English was one of my major hurdles I need to get through. The hardest class I have is Biology. I didn’t want to leave this class for my senior year, because I just hate any science course. I barely passed Science as it was my freshman year, and now I had to take this class because it is a required course to have.
By the middle of the week, I was more settled from all that had happened to David, to me, and prepping for the exams coming up. We were all bringing home all the class work for David. We wanted to make sure he didn’t fall behind in his classes. By Thursday I already had someone coming down to talk with David. He needed to talk to a professional and not just us.
As I sat there watching television with the guys, I made an important decision right there and then. I was going to fight for David and make sure who ever did this to him was going to be brought to justice. They will pay for what they did the night they raped David.
I sat there laughing at the movie with the guys. Once it was over, Joey and I went to bed. We crawled into bed; I wrapped myself around Joey and held onto him for dear life. I never wanted to let him go. What had happened to David has now made me more than ever want to protect Joey from that kind of life.
The rest of the week went by fast, before we knew it, it was football again. I sat in the stands rooting for Joey as I have done every week since he joined the team. There was one major difference this week. We didn’t hide our feelings for each other.
Simply put, Joey would look up at me when ever he would score a touch down and throw me a kiss. It wasn’t even a question about what he was doing and to whom he was throwing the kiss. I don’t care who sees or knows anymore.
Joey scored three touch downs and ran for two hundred and eighteen yards. I was never happier for Joey then I was for him at that moment. Joey is growing into a very confident man. I know no matter what life throws at Joey from now on, he can handle it. We have the game of football to thank for that.
Right after the game, I went and waited for Joey at the car. Soon after, Joey came running up to the car. When I looked up to him, he was dripping wet. It looked like Joey took a quick shower and threw on his clothes.
I couldn’t hold it in anymore and I started laughing. As I started the car, Joey was looking at me as I laughed at what Joey did.
We decided to go and grab something to eat since I didn’t have a track meet this Saturday. It is our bi week and I was going to take advantage of it. Joey and I decided to eat at Denny’s. We really didn’t want to have fast food, but we wanted to go out to eat.
We sat there talking about anything except what had happened to David. I knew Joey wanted to talk about it, but I didn’t. As soon as we were done eating, we went home. I was so tired because of the kind of week I had so I went straight to bed. The minute my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.
I woke up the next morning with the door slamming against the wall. I looked through blurry eyes on what was going on. As my eyes adjusted to who was standing at the door, the yelling had already begun.
“How in the hell am I the last one to know that my own son was involved with a rape? I had to find out by talking to your grandfather Jake!”
I crawled out of bed and then realized I was naked under the covers. I looked up at my mom and was stunned seeing her at my bedroom door.
“You wonder why I didn’t tell, this is why! Mom get out of my room and I will speak with you downstairs.”
“No Jake you will speak with me now. So get your lazy ass out of that bed now!”
“MOM GET OUT OF MY ROOM NOW!” I yelled at my mother for the first time in my life. But I was just tired of her busting in on me.
My mom walked out slamming the door behind her. I turned to look at Joey, he is awake. I leaned down and kissed him on the lips. I got out of bed, stopped in the bathroom for a fast piss, and threw on my running pants with a t-shirt. I looked one more time at Joey and then went downstairs.
Right when I walked in the living room, my mother just went at. “You sit here in this house and make decisions on who and what to tell people. I bet you that faggot up there knows about all this. But you don’t tell me a word about the kind of danger you are in!”
“First of all you will give respect to Joey. If you feel you are out of the loop right now, wait and see what happens when I kick you out of this house and never talk to you again. See how you feel out of loop then. You already have one son not talking to you, another you rather leave hundreds of miles away, and about to loose your third.”
My mom just stood there quiet as I ever have seen her. I was not going to take it any more from and more so in my house.
“And second, you don’t care about what danger may be in this house because if you did, you wouldn’t have done what you did the other night here at the house! Now you wonder why I didn’t call you and let you know? I just don’t want to argue with you anymore and that is all we do now.
So yeah I didn’t call you and I wasn’t planning to. As of right now you don’t feel like a mom to me. You feel more like a person that just loves to cut down and dismantle everything in your children’s lives that you don’t agree with.
So, leave with this mom: Until you can live with the fact that your son is gay and is in love with a guy, don’t come back. If you cannot show respect to the one I love, don’t come back. If you cannot let your kids live their lives as they want, then don’t come back. That goes for anyone around me including friends and family!”
“You’re going to die alone in this big house with no one at your side. If you cannot realize what all this means, you getting sick, your friends getting raped, and god knows what else, is a way of telling you that you are living the wrong life style. Until you start living right, you will never, ever, be safe again. This is the way God is punishing you for the decisions you are making.”
“You will leave this house this very minute and don’t come back until you have a change of heart. As of now, you are not my mother anymore. A mother would never say or do the hurtful things you are doing and saying to me!”
“Jake you wait a minute now……”
I walked my mother to the door and opened it. “See how you feel when a loved one kicks your ass out like you did to Andy when he needed you the most.”
My mother just looked at me and walked out the door. As she was walking to her car, I followed her out letting her know that I wasn’t going to be like her and kick her out of the home she is living in; it was hers. But, I am going to change the locks on this house where she can’t come in anymore as she pleased.
I walked back to the den and just sat there trembling about what I had just done. I never thought the day would come that I would kick my mom out of my house. But this seems to be so familiar to me, and then I remembered why it was.
When we first moved down here, my mom’s mom actually was living here. She was married to her new husband, living in some really run-down apartments near downtown. We would go and visit her several times a month.
Well this one visit came to mind when I did what I did this morning with my mother. My mom and grandmother got into some kind of fight, what it was about, I don’t know to this day. Anyways it got so bad, my mother was yelling at my grandmother all the way out of the apartment. As soon as all of us got outside, my grandmother went back in and grabbed several Coke bottles. When you buy your Coke in J-Town, you get it in cases of glass bottles, not cans. Anyway, my grandmother came running out of her apartment throwing these bottles at my mother!
It was kind of funny to tell the truth, watching this old woman running after my mother throwing bottles at her! Still I laugh about it now as I think about it. At least I didn’t go running after her with bottles in my hand.
I know my mother loves me and right now all mixed up. I love her so much. She gave me birth and raised me all alone. Someone in her childhood messed her up bad, and now it is coming out. In a couple of days when all this settles, I will call her back up and try to talk with her as if nothing ever happened.
I sat in the den waiting for everyone to wake up for breakfast. The first one up was Joey’s mother who right away started cooking breakfast for us guys! Shortly after, I saw Chase sneaking Linda out of the house through the back door! I don’t know any other way I can tell Chase he doesn’t have to sneak Linda out. Linda and Chase are more than welcome to have their relationship and everything that comes with it. I’m glad they have each other and a good relationship and that Chase is getting laid!
The doorbell rang and at first I thought it might be my mom or Linda. I walked over to the door to see who it was. I didn’t recognize who was at the door. I open it and standing there is a man in his mid-thirties, around five eight, thinning hair line, and a gut.
“Hello good morning, is Jacob Hernandez in?”
“May I ask who is asking for him?”
“Yes my name is Thomas Juarez and I work with a firm that specializes in court case for those who have not been represented correctly!”
“I am Jacob Hernandez and I have no court cases pending right now.”
“No, I know that Mr. Hernandez. This is about another that has been dealt with already!”
“Come on in and let’s go to the study please!”
I walked to the study with this guy right behind me. I was wondering what in the world did he need to talk to me about. There is no recent cases that have been dealt with concerning me. We walked in and he I pointed to the chair for Mr. Juarez to sit. I took the seat behind the desk.
One thing my grandpa always told me was to deal with business in a power position. In the home or office it is normally behind a desk. I want to seem to be in charge, at least in my own home.
“Mr. Juarez, please excuse me for the way I might be asking this, but I have no pending or recent business in the courts of this State or any other State. So why are you here on Saturday morning?”
“Mr. Hernandez I am here on the case concerning Mr. Alejandro Garcia.”
“Ok Mr. Juarez, with all due respect, I have no interest on rehashing that mess.”
“No Mr. Hernandez I can see why you feel that way about this, but please give me a few minutes of your time!”
“You have just that, a few minutes of my morning!”
“Thank you Mr. Hernandez for giving me some of your time. I do know what Mr. Garcia did to you in the last couple of years. I won’t make excuses for that. He was wrong and he needs to pay for what he has done.
What I am here about is that his attorney didn’t try to move this case to juvenile court. When all this started he was about to turn fifteen. When he signed the plea he was about to celebrate his seventeenth birthday! As kids we make mistakes and we should have the chance to learn from those mistakes.”
“Mr. Juarez a mistake is breaking a window with a baseball or staying past your allowed time. A mistake isn’t joining a gang, running that gang, shooting up a high school, and then trying to kill me not once, not twice, but three times. I am sorry but I don’t feel any pity that his attorney didn’t try to move this to juvenile court.
I truly believe he was sentenced under the law correctly and got what he deserved. A jury of his peers felt the same way.”
“There is where you are wrong Mr. Hernandez. He didn’t have a jury of his peers because of his age. I can tell you as sure as I am sitting here, that jury would not have sentenced him the way they did if they knew his age.
I need you to realize he has no malice in his heart for you. I would like to have you on board when I go to court to have his plea bargain thrown out and he is sentenced as a juvenile.”
“Well Mr. Juarez you came knocking at the wrong door, sir. In fact, if I find this moving in any other direction except Mr. Garcia going to prison for twenty five years of his life, I will be in that court, in front of that judge, asking and pleading with that court not to do it. Make the ass serve the entire sentence he agreed to serve because he knows he is guilty and deserves the sentence.”
I looked over to Mr. Juarez and then got up. I went around the desk and shook his hand before I spoke again.
“Mr. Juarez thanks you for coming down and I am sorry for wasting your time. I do hope you fail in this mission and Mr. Garcia stays behind bars where he belongs.”
“Mr. Hernandez, here is my card and please, would you give it some thought before you completely make up your mind?”
I took the card and put it on the desk. I was showing Mr. Juarez out the door; “I have made up my mind and there isn’t anything that will change it. Thank you and you have a nice day Mr. Juarez.”
I shook his hand one last time as I was shutting the door. What nerve this guy has coming into to my home asking me to help set free the man that tried to kill me several times. The first time at the high school he wasn’t aiming for me, but all the rest he was.
I joined the guys for breakfast and then headed up to take a shower. The entire time during breakfast no one said a word. I know they all knew about the visit my mom made at the house earlier that morning. But none of them wanted to say a word about it. I was fine if they didn’t.
As I was getting up from breakfast Andy walked in half asleep rubbing his head. I looked at him and smiled and then walked out. Joey’s mother had a plate for Andy as soon as he got out of bed.
As soon as I took a shower, I sat myself in front of the television. Soon after I sat down David came walking in. He was looking and getting better every day. He even started playing and joking around like he used to.
“Hey Tom just called and wanted to know if you guys were up for a game of baseball down at the park?” David said as he was sitting down at breakfast table.
I looked at David and then Joey walked in with a puppy face. I knew what that face meant and it was please let’s do it. I agreed and went upstairs to put on running pants and a t-shirt. As I ran down the stairs, the guys were waiting on me.
I wasn’t that good at the game of baseball. I rarely play it and Joey knows that. I think the last time I played the game was with Joey when we first met. We arrived at the park and the guys were already there.
When we reached them, they already had the teams picked out. Joey and I were not on the same team. I figure the guys knew I wasn’t that good at the game so they put me on the team that was set up to lose.
David just sat on the bench and watched us play. This was the first time David has been out of the house since the frightful night.
We were in the outfield first, so everyone decided to make me the pitcher. I didn’t complain, at least on the mound I was safer than out on a base or infield. I walked up to the mound and the very first pitch was hit for a home run.
After that, I adjusted and didn’t have any more runs hit on me. It was our turn to bat, but it was three easy outs. The game was going like that until the top of the fifth. I was on the pitcher’s mound, pitched, and I didn’t see the ball coming. Before I knew it, the ball actually hit me directly in my face. To be more precise, it actually got me in my right eye.
I kneeled down on the mound holding my face. I was cursing the entire time while I was kneeling there. To talk about yelling out every bad word known to man, I was saying them on the mound.
Joey came running up along with the other guys. Joey lifted my face to look but it stung as I tried to open my eye. I got off the mound where the guys could finish playing and headed to the bench to sit.
After a few minutes of not fooling with my eye, it hurt less. By the time my team was up to bat again, I was able to open my eye. I headed over to pick up a bat since it was my turn to hit. As before, it was three easy pitches.
By the end the other team won, but not too big. It was only two to zero. They should have kicked us all over the diamond, but didn’t.
We headed to grab something to eat before heading back home. While we ate Joey wanted to see my eye. I knew already it was going to puff up and then turn black and blue. I moved each time Joey tried to look into my eye. It wasn’t what you think, it was simply I didn’t want to be babied.
The rest of the weekend went slower than others. I was right about my eye turning black and blue. By Sunday morning it did just that. When I woke up, I wasn’t surprised. Now you see why I hate playing this game. I am simply not good at it.
This week is going to be easy to a point because it is exam week. The exams are going to be hard, but there isn’t any homework. Aren’t we glad when there isn’t any homework? The classes are going to be two hour classes throughout the week.
The week is flying by faster then any other six week exam week has done in the past for me. We still had our practices before and after school. But other than that, it has been an easy week.
In JROTC class the exam was a breeze. I started to wonder if the Major Moore wasn’t changing up the exams. The exam seemed to be the same as last year. Either I am going crazy or the class is just getting simple.
Joey won his football game that Friday, and I won in the Track meet the following Saturday morning. I used the rest of the weekend to pack for the trip back home. I debated on either taking a plane or driving. I decided to drive because if Jeremy were to flip out in the plane, there isn’t a thing I can do about it.
The car ride is going to be rough as it is. It is almost nine hundred miles from my house to my grandfather’s in Wyoming. On the way up I will drive it in one day, but on the way back I will do it in two days to give Jeremy as many breaks out of the car as possible.
I already got all the stuff I needed to get in order here. When we drive up, I will have everything in place for my brother. This trip isn’t a vacation at all. It is nothing but business. As soon as I get to my grandfather’s house, we are heading to Lander the following day. We will take the trip back to my grandfather’s and stay there that night and leave back home by mid week. I should be back I by Thursday hopefully.
I woke up earlier then usual on Monday morning. I was on the highway by three thirty in the morning. Joey wanted to come, but we both agreed it was best for him to stay and go to school. I was already going to miss almost a week. Andy is taking the trip with me though. I didn’t even bother asking my mom because I knew where she stood.
Andy and I did the straight through drive as planned. We only stopped to fuel and eat. We got through the State of New Mexico fast. The only really boring part so far of the trip was Raton Pass. This is a long stretch of freeway that you couldn’t pick up a radio station and there was just nothing out the window to see. Then as we were crossing the state line the pass turned into climbing the mountain and then going down the mountain. My ears popped so many times. Boy was I glad Andy was with me or I would have fallen asleep.
Colorado was a different story all together. There were more towns between the stretches and at least it was greener. But once we reached Denver, I hated it. The damn freeway was under construction in some parts and in others you had to watch out for the other drivers.
I thought driving in Texas was bad, actually in Denver to me seemed worse. Either you speed race along the highway or you will be pushed off the highway. We hit Denver also at the wrong time, rush hour. It actually took us well over an hour to get through Denver.
The thing I love about Denver though is all their glass buildings. Boy did it make the city really nice. By the time we were reaching the out skirts of Denver we saw these castle-like buildings; pretty bad ass.
Now we are on the home stretch. Only two maybe three hours left to go. I told my brother to keep an eye for the state troopers because I was going to gun it. I put the car in cruise at eighty and just drove down highway twenty five.
It was five thirty when we pulled up to my grandfather’s driveway. The minute we were getting out, my grandfather was out on the porch yelling for us to leave the luggage and come on in.
We got in and we hugged each other. It was great seeing my grandfather once again. I really missed him so much. My grandmother came walking out of the kitchen with a big smile on her face. As I walked up to her, I towered over her. I had to lean down in order to hug her. I can see how happy she is making my grandfather.
“Hey boy’s we knew you were going to get in around this time. We decided to go out to eat. I really want to show you this new buffet we got. So I hope you guys are hungry.”
My grandpa smiled as he was putting on his cowboy hat and grabbing his keys. We walked out to the garage and got into his huge tank of a car. I have noticed something strange lately. As people get older, they seem to buy bigger and bigger cars. You see these huge cars driving down the road and this little old couple barely able to see over the steering wheel. It just cracks me up when I see that.
As we ate we talked about the trip and how different it was driving then being a passenger. Normally when I took this trip my mother would be doing the driving but this time it was me. There is always a first time for everything.
As soon as we were done eating we headed back to my grandpa’s house. My mom use to say if you get all the lights green here in Cheyenne, you can cross the town in five minutes. Cheyenne isn’t quiet that small, but you can get across it easy and fast.
When we got back to the house, my grandpa wanted to talk with me in the kitchen. When I walked in and sat down at the table, my grandpa was preparing coffee. He offered me a cup, but I don’t drink coffee.
“Jake we have to go over a few things before tomorrow. It will only take a few minutes and then you can relax.”
“That is fine, grandpa, that is fine!”
“Ok, as you know your mother authorized this move out of Lander into your custody, but she didn’t give up her rights to Jeremy. It can cause a problem in the future and more so after I talked with her over the phone. She isn’t happy that we are doing this.”
“No need to be telling me this. I am well aware of her not being pleased with our actions in this matter.”
“Well I am still happy and feel a lot better we are doing this. Jeremy needs family more then he needs to be locked up in this special school. Plus the benefits of this school are outweighed by the inadequate care Jeremy is getting.
Now, when you get back home with Jeremy, your mom can and more then likely cause problems for you! She already contacted the State and tried to stop this.”
“Why would she do that and on what basis can she do it?”
“You being sick was her reason behind it. The State though didn’t listen to her complaint after they spoke with Dr. Whitmore. He assured the state that you will be around for many years to come.
Jeremy isn’t going to be easy to take care by a long shot. In fact he will take a lot of your time and patience to do so. I know you have taken every precaution needed to ensure Jeremy is being taken care of. We just need to go over what has been done.”
My grandfather and I sat there in the kitchen going over everything I put into effect for the care for Jeremy. When we were done, my grandpa was pleased with the work I had done. He felt it was more then enough and didn’t need to change a thing.
We headed to the living room to relax before going to bed. While I was talking with my grandfather, Andy brought in the luggage. He was taking a shower already when I sat down in the living room. We all decided to take our showers in the evening because we were going to head out early to Lander.
We woke up the next morning at six and headed out. We grabbed breakfast at the truck stop on the way out of town. It was not a long trip to Lander, and it was even shorter by the way my grandpa drove. It seems as he got older, he seems to have gotten a lead foot.
As we drove into Lander, we headed to the hospital. Jeremy is going to be released to us from the hospital. They had already brought all his things to the hospital the day before. I figured it couldn’t be much, because Jeremy really didn’t understand the value or the meaning of keep sakes.
When we got to Jeremy’s floor, we noticed a whole lot of nurses and others around one of the rooms. As we got closer to the room, I noticed it was Jeremy’s room. I pushed my way through the crowd of look on and saw Jeremy curled in a ball in the corner of the room crying.
I looked to see who was talking to him and saw it is a nurse.
“What is going on here ma’am?”
“Sir you need to step back and let us do our job!”
“Ma’am I am the brother of the guy in the corner in a ball! So I ask you again what is going on here?”
The nurse looked up at me and then walked back against the wall. She needed seem happy to see me at all. I looked at the crowd of people and realized they were not helping matters at all.
“Look this isn’t a show for you all to watch. So if you don’t mind, go about your business and leave this room.”
I started hearing nothing but mumbling coming from the crowd, but no movement.
“Are you all stupid or just cannot hear the words I had just spoken to you? Let me put it in another way, get the hell out of this room!”
I went to the door and grabbed my brother Andy and grandparents into the room and slammed the door shut. I looked back over to the nurse and asked her again.
“What in the world is going on here?”
The nurse looked up at me and then over to Jeremy. “He ripped off his bag and started throwing all the waste around the room. We tried to settle him down, but he just wouldn’t calm down.”
I walked over to the side of the room where Jeremy was. I leaned down and looked at my brother. He was covering his face as if he was protecting himself. I crawled a little closer. Jeremy looked up straight into my eyes.
“Jeremy do you know who I am?” Jeremy just starred at me not moving. “Jeremy I am Jacob, you brother. Over there is your other brother Andy and your grandpa and grandma.” Jeremy looked where I was pointing. I think he recognized our grandparents.
I took a chance and moved in a little closer. Jeremy didn’t do anything as I moved closer to him. I reached him and held out my hand, letting him see them. People like my brother you cannot make any fast moves nor do anything they might perceive as a threat. So I moved and talked Jeremy through everything I was doing.
The strange thing is Jeremy cannot speak or understand what I am saying; at least that is what we were told. He communicates through sign language. I don’t know sign language, but Jeremy understood everything I was asking him to do. I showed him first, and then he did it after I showed him.
I got him off the floor to the bed. I had the nurse come up and look at Jeremy and make sure he didn’t do any damage when he pulled off the bag. He didn’t, so the nurse put on a new one for him. As she was leaving to get the paper work together for him to be released, we helped Jeremy get dressed. He really didn’t need any help, he did it himself.
Everytime we went to help and he didn’t want the help, he would shake his hands and move away. So we just watched as he finished getting ready.
The nurse walked in with the doctor. The doctor looked at us and then spoke for the first time since he entered the room.
“Who here is Jeremy going to stay with?”
“Jeremy will be coming home with me and Andy” I said.
“Ok I need to show you the correct way to deal with the bag. How you guys need to switch it out and clean around it. Plus I need to go over the medicine he is on and when he needs to take it.”
We sat there for over thirty minutes while he explained every thing in detail to all of us. My grandparents even listened to what the doctor was saying. Once the doctor was done he had me sign what the paper work and he was now my responsibility.
We grabbed all of Jeremy’s boxes and loaded them into my grandparent’s car. Then we went back up and got Jeremy. He followed us to the car and got in. He just sat there at the door looking out the window. He was like a new born looking and seeing things for the very first time.
We stopped at the McDonald’s to get something to eat. As always Jeremy wanted nothing but the fries. We were able to get him to eat some of his sandwich. I know the eating situation is going to be different with Jeremy.
On the way back to Cheyenne, Jeremy just looked out the window the whole way. I hoped he will do the same thing for me and Andy tomorrow. I started thinking we might be pushing our luck be getting on the road so soon. Still I need to get back because of everything that is going on back at the house.
We got to my grandparents home in good time. Jeremy got out and examined the area. It seemed as if he remembers being here before. He walked to the back yard and sat down at the picnic table. He does remember when he was here last.
My mom celebrated his and my birthday together. My birthday is in August and my brother’s is in September. That year was the first time we were together off the grounds of Lander and back home at my grandparent’s home. It was three years ago and he remembers where we ate at.
It was already getting cold so I went over to get Jeremy to come in. As soon as we walked in, he sat down in my grandpa’s chair. I thought to myself my grandpa is going to have a heart attack when he sees this. Boy was I wrong, when he walked in; he laughed and sat down in the other recliner.
We just sat there watching television until my grandmother called us over for dinner. We all ate pork chops, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, and for dessert, white cake. Jeremy ate everything on his plate before he asked for seconds. Then to top it all off, he still ate dessert also.
Andy and I gave Jeremy the extra room and we slept in the living room. I told my grandpa that we wanted to get out around six. We were not going to do the whole trip in one day, but I wanted to get half way there.
The next morning we said our goodbyes and it hurt to do so. I didn’t want to say goodbye to my grandparents. I feel so safe and secure when I am with them. It’s as if the whole world and all the problems in it just disappear when I am here! Now I have to go back to reality.
We got on the road a little after six thirty. Jeremy had fallen asleep the minute we got on the freeway. I figured that was best. We didn’t stop until we reached Fort Collins. We filled the car up with gas and ate at Denney’s there.
Soon we were back on the road again. Jeremy now is wide awake and looking out the window. He is making weird noises as we pass certain things or cars pass us. He then just laughs at what ever he is looking at!
We stopped again in Castle Rock to give Jeremy a chance to stretch and we decided to grab something to eat there so Jeremy could take his meds. We got back on the road and didn’t stop again until we reached Pueblo. We decided to stay there because Jeremy was getting a little uneasy already.
We got our room and headed out to eat. Once again Jeremy ate everything and then wanted seconds. I got him a smaller order and he ate it up. I looked at him and wonder where in the world he puts it all. He as skinny as I am, and eats a lot more then I do.
Andy and I slept in the same bed, and Jeremy had his own. He gave him the bed near the bathroom, not nearest the door. When we went to sleep we made sure all the locks were locked and the chain on the door. We also put suitcases in front of the door so if it was open, we would hear it.
It wasn’t because we thought we were going to be robbed, but we didn’t want Jeremy to get up and freak out. The doctor did tell us yesterday that it will take a while for Jeremy to get used to his surroundings. We needed to make sure we did everything we could to see that he is comfortable, but at the same time we needed to put something there to alert us if he tried to leave.
We didn’t get up until six the next morning. Jeremy wasn’t hungry yet, so we just got back on the road. Just like yesterday, Jeremy slept the first couple of hours we were on the road. We stopped as much if not more then yesterday. By the time we reached Las Cruces, Jeremy was getting very edgy and wanting to get out of the car.
Andy even crawled into the back seat to keep Jeremy calm. It worked for awhile but as we reached the out skirts, he was just going crazy. So we pulled over and ate dinner to allow him to stretch and calm down. It took us a while to get Jeremy back in the car, but we did. A short twenty minutes later we were driving up the driveway of the house.
The minute were getting out of the car, the whole lot came out to greet our new member of the family. They were so excited to meet my older brother Jeremy.
Jeremy was a little nervous and had no idea there was going to be a greeting like this. I was getting nervous that Jeremy was going to freak out. Luckily he didn’t, he shook or patted every ones hands. He walked in the house and went straight to the kitchen. I followed him and saw he wanted something to drink but didn’t know where the glasses were at. I showed him where we kept the throw away ones and gave him one.
He walked to the refrigerator and poured himself a cup of milk and then sat down at the table. Joey and his mom came in and sat down with him. They tried to talk to Jeremy, but again they didn’t know sign language. I bought every one a book where they could look through to find the words they needed to convey to Jeremy.
Beth grabbed the book and started going through it looking for the sign she needed to match the word she wanted to say. The books showed how to make the sign and she started to sign to Jeremy. Jeremy right away took to Beth and that was no surprise. She has become the mother hen in the house of guys. She took care of David when he was raped and now she has another she can take care of. I really believe she likes to take care of others. I think she thinks this her main reason being on this earth.
Once Jeremy finished with his glass of milk I took him upstairs to his room. I showed Jeremy his room and the bathroom he shared with the joining room. Andy is the one in the joining room. Jeremy went and got ready for bed.
As Jeremy was finishing dressing after the bath he had, we already unloaded the car and placed all his belongings in his room. Tomorrow I will unpack all of Jeremy’s stuff and put them in the right place. For now we all had a long day and needed our rest.
I shut Jeremy’s door and went across the hall to my bedroom. I was nervous for Jeremy, this being his first night and all in a new place. I showered and lay down, but I couldn’t sleep. I was tossing and turning because I was nervous about Jeremy. I heard a door open so I jumped out of bed and headed to the hallway.
Jeremy was up and walking towards the stairs. I went over to him and walked along side him until he noticed I was there. Then I was able to find out why he was up. He was signing all these signs; I couldn’t understand what he was trying to say. He got more frustrated with me not knowing what he was asking for. I then realized I forgot to give him his final night time medicine.
I took him back to his room and gave him the medicine he needed. I think he was in pain from the surgery and one of the medicines was his pain medicine. Soon after he took his medicine, he was out and sleeping soundly.
I was able to fall asleep finally and there were no more disturbances from Jeremy. Friday the guys went to school but I took Jeremy to my doctor. Dr. Whitmore examined Jeremy and agreed he was on too many meds for his own good. He was going to run more tests and then start to wean him off of the medications he doesn’t need.
As soon as I got home, the home care worker and teacher I hired were there waiting for me and Jeremy. Each of them sat with Jeremy then they sat with me and Beth. Beth is going to be home all day and me because I am the primary caregiver, is the reason they needed to speak with both of us.
They stayed their normal time as if it was regular day, but didn’t push Jeremy. They figured he had a long road trip and he was poked and prodded head to toe this morning by Dr. Whitmore.
As the guys got home, we just chatted about the trip. They thought Jeremy was cool and commented that he looked just like me but the older version of me. I laughed it off, but they were right.
I went and watched Joey play football that night. They won the game hands down and now they are one step closer to the playoffs. The next morning I didn’t let my team down and ran in the track meet. I did pretty well with the races I ran. As we placed and took home first in all races we knew district was ours.
Joey and I went out the Saturday night. We decided to have one night to ourselves twice a month. We would go out and do what ever we wanted. We left the problems of the house at the house and just had fun.
When we started this, I found our relationship got stronger. We already loved each other, but we found out why we loved each other. Everyone throws that word around, love, but many times they really don’t mean it when they say it. Now when Joey and I say it, we really do mean it.
I have opened up a lot more to Joey. I learned I cannot hide the true me from the rest of the world. We are open but we are not flaming. We act and do what guys do, but when we are in the bedroom we make love to each other. We don’t hold hands when we walk down the street, but when we are in a movie, we do.
When Joey and I drove up to the house, there was a lot of yelling coming from the porch. At first I thought Jeremy did something to one of the guys. As I ran to the door, I saw it was David’s dad doing the yelling at David.
I tried to catch on to what was going on. Then I figured it out, the rape. We never called David’s dad. It wasn’t that we didn’t want to, but David didn’t want us to. I tried to calm the situation down by inviting David’s dad in.
Once we walked into the den, the yelling started back up again. I finally just butted in.
“Hey! Either the two of you settle down and talk this out in normal tone of voice, or I will need to ask you to leave sir.” I pointed to David’s dad.
“Ask me to leave? Do you know who in the hell you are talking to?”
“I know you are this judge and friends with the governor! Still it doesn’t give you the right to walk into this house and cause a scene. Now what is the problem here?”
“Why didn’t anyone in this house call me when my son was raped?”
I looked over to David then back to his father. “I think each of us thought the other had called you. Those first couple of days were so busy, none of us knew if we were coming or going. Still that isn’t an excuse that I didn’t follow up on it. You can lay the blame at my feet.”
“That is no answer at all, Jacob! You promised me that you would watch out for my son and ensure he is safe. Under your eyes, my son was raped to within inches of his life. I cannot trust you with my son any more.”
David’s dad turned and looked at him as he was walking towards him. “David you will be coming home with me today, son!”
David dodged his father grip and walked to the other side of the room. “No dad, I am not going anywhere with you. I am staying right here with Jake and the guys.”
“No son you are coming with me, I am still your parent.” Once again David tried to doge his fathers grab, but was unsuccessful this time.
David was being pulled out of the room and into the hall. All of the sudden David just started screaming and yelling, starting to cry out. The look in David’s eyes was of pure fear. I don’t think it was fear of his father, but the memories of that ugly night started coming back.
David’s dad let go on his son. As soon as he did, David curled up in a ball in the corner. Crying and screaming still. All the noise David was making got my brother all wound up and he started running down the stairs.
Jeremy ran out the front door so quickly none of us was able to catch him. I started to run after my brother at the same time barking at orders for Joey to have David’s dad leave the house without David.
I started running right after Jeremy, followed by Chase and Andy. Jeremy was fast as hell, and had a head start. I was yelling out to him, but he was not paying me any attention. He crossed the road without looking for the on coming traffic. I could have sworn Jeremy was almost hit by two cars.
As we were trying to get across the street, I lost visual of where Jeremy was. I just stood there looking around, scared as hell. I didn’t know what to do or think at this point.
{Wow, there is a couple cliff hangers at the end of this chapter. David’s dad showing up and demanding for David to go home with him! I could understand why his dad is feeling the way he was, but pulling at him like he did wasn’t right and more so after what had happened to him. Did David’s dad leave the house as asked my Jake and Joey? Or did he stay and force David to go with him? Through all that was going on in the house, Jake’s brother Jeremy went running out of the house. Jake, Chase and Andy gave chase, but after getting across the main street, the lost sight of Jeremy. Let’s hope Jake, Chase, and Andy find Jeremy and get him home. There is Jake’s mother still lurking around and wanting to throw a wrench into Jake’s life. There is a so much to answer in the chapters to come. Stick around and keep reading the future chapters, and enjoy! Please email me and let me know how I am doing at jacobmillertex@aol.com, Thanks!}
There’s never a dull moment in Jake’s life! I’m glad he finally stood up to his mom and put her in her place. Abuse is abuse, no matter in what form it manifests itself. Gloria is an abuser on several levels.
What happened to David is, sadly, all too familiar a scenario. Law enforcement went strangely quiet on David’s case. I wonder what, if anything, is going on behind the scenes? Will it be one more assault on a gay that gets swept under the bureaucratic and political carpet?
If you haven’t found it yet, be sure and check out our author’s new story, “Shadow of My Father”. It is posted on Nifty in the Gay Male High School section. Like this story, it’s not a story filled with sex scenes but does have the right doses of spice here and there.
If you have enjoyed this story, I am sure you will like the new story equally as well.
Jacob and I love hearing from each and every one of you. Your comments and suggestions are heard and can, in some instances, affect where the story goes. Keep those e-mails coming and, as is customary, flames will be politely ignored.
Until next time, keep love in your heart and be safe and happy.
“Daddy” Rick
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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