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    Rob Colton
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  • 3,480 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Timber Pack Chronicles - 16. Chapter 16

Deputy Carlton Butler watched his son interact with his friend from school, a small human male.

His son was concerned about what might be a rogue wolf shifter in the area. The ‘rabid’ wolf had attacked Colton’s little blond-headed friend in the woods behind his house. Carlton had sent some pack deputies to the scene, but they were unable to identify or track the stray wolf.

If what Colton was saying was true, the news was very disturbing. They couldn’t have rogue wolves going around attacking humans. It would draw unwanted attention.

He had agreed to let the boy come over for their weekly pizza night dinner, but he was told that this Parker kid was a “good friend.” Watching his son play video games with the smaller teen, it was obvious that there was more to it than that. He didn’t need his wolf senses to know what was really going on.

Christ on a cross.

He could smell Colton all over him. Colton was obviously fucking the kid. Not only was the human barely legal, but he couldn’t stop looking back at his son with googly eyes. That was the last thing he needed right now. Getting rid of the lovestruck kid was going to be messy.

He’d hoped his son would grow out of that… behavior. This new generation didn’t seem to care where they stuck their cocks, but that didn’t mean that Carlton wanted to see it. Walking in on Colton fucking their former Alpha’s son up the ass was an experience he’d like to forget.

It wasn’t all Colton’s fault, though. Apparently Colton wasn’t the only one who used him as a bitch. When it got out that the son of the alpha — and the soon-to-be leader of the Santa Fe pack — was taking it up the ass, there was absolute chaos and mutiny in the ranks. The Alpha was challenged to the death by one of his strongest opponents, and he lost. As the pack’s beta, Carlton was forced to step down. He used his connections to get in with the Forest View Pack, and he and Colton ended up making a new home here.

Carlton briefly wondered whatever happened to the kid, but he had more important things to think about.

He’d have to sit down and have a man-to-man talk with Colton about duties and responsibilities. His son already had a well-deserved reputation as someone who didn’t respect authority figures. He couldn’t put it off any further. Colton was a man now, and it was time he started acting like it.

His son was strong and powerful, and in turn he would breed strong and powerful pups. Colton couldn’t do that if he was fucking a… Parker. It was for the good of the pack.

“Colton,” he said after clearing his throat. “I need to go into work for a couple hours. I’ll see you when I get home.”

Colton paused their game and turned around. “Okay, Dad. Be safe.”

Carlton stood, but stopped and turned back to his son. “Colton. You haven’t been going up to the old water tower, have you?”


“We know that kids have been hanging out up there. It’s off limits for a reason. That ravine along the woods on the hill’s back side is dangerous. Can I assume that you’ve done as you were told, and not gone up there?”

Colton ground his teeth but didn’t say anything. He dipped his head once in acknowledgement. He knew Colton didn’t like being called out in front of the other boy, but Carlton was trying to make a point.

Carlton watched his son for a moment longer. “I’ll see you in a little bit.”

“It was nice meeting you, Mr. Butler,” the boy said with a genuine smile. “Thank you for letting me stay for dinner.”

Carlton sighed inwardly. If circumstances were different, he might actually like the boy. He was a good kid, and he’d probably be a good influence on his defiant son.

Carlton put on a smile. “You too, Parker.”


* * * *


As soon as the door to the garage shut, Parker let out a breath and set the game controller down. “That was nerve-wracking.”

“What? Dad liked you. I could tell.”

“Right. I’m sure he could read all over my face that we’d been up there.”

Colton grunted. “If I wanna take you up to the old water tower, I will.”

Parker shifted closer to Colton and snuggled up at his side. He smiled when Colton put an arm around his shoulders. Parker laid his head down on Colton’s shoulder.

“Your dad is scary in that deputy’s uniform. He doesn’t ever seem to smile. And he carries a gun, and is super big and muscular. I felt like I was under arrest the whole time he looked at me.” He lifted his head and looked Colton up and down. “Though, I think you might be bigger than him.”

Colton pushed Parker flat onto the couch. “I am. I’m the biggest and the best,” he boasted.

“Oh, don’t I know it.”

“You better.”

Parker let out a soft sigh and relaxed back into couch, pulling Colton closer.

“I’m sorry I’m so clingy today,” he said after a few silent moments.

“It’s okay. I know you’re freaked out about that animal attacking you. Just promise me you won’t go out into the woods alone, okay?”

“I promise. Do you really think your dad can find him?”

“I’m sure they’ll find him.”

Parker sat up and looked Colton in the eye. “I don’t want them to hurt him. He was probably just scared. They won’t kill him will they? They’re just gonna relocate him, right?”

Colton cupped a hand to Parker’s face, and swiped a thumb under his eyelash, catching the tear that was about to fall. “You’re so innocent, so caring…”

The way Colton looked at him right then made Parker’s heart pound in his chest.

Parker closed his eyes as Colton moved in. He parted his lips for Colton’s tongue, and let Colton lay him flat onto the sofa cushions as they began making out.

Colton pulled up Parker’s shirt and exposed his belly. He bent his head down and nipped at the soft skin around his belly button. Rubbing his whiskered chin across the flat surface, he smiled when he felt Parker quiver below him.

He looked back up at Parker and suddenly grew serious. “I can’t stop thinking about you,” he said quietly. “All day, all night. You got me wrapped around your finger, pup.”

“I know what you mean,” Parker replied back. He ran his hand through Colton’s thick head of hair.

“I had to jerk off last night before I could fall asleep. All I could think about was burying my cock inside your ass and filling you with my come.”

Parker shuddered. “God, Colton.”

“My dad will be gone for a while. Let’s go up to my bedroom….”


* * * *


Colton groaned as he slid home into Parker’s ass. He had never felt anything so hot, so tight, so perfect. This was exactly where his cock was supposed to be: balls deep inside Parker’s ass. This was what it was supposed to be like. All the stories he had heard let him know it was the truth.

Parker Montgomery was his mate.

He lowered himself onto Parker’s body, pinning him to the bed. Parker writhed underneath him as Colton thrust without mercy. Parker moaned and groaned, begging for Colton to give it him “harder, faster.”

That only added fuel to Colton’s fire.

Parker turned his head to the side and thrust his neck forward. “Colton, please.”

Fuck. Did Parker have any idea what he was doing to him when he did that? Colton sucked hard at the bruise there. He bit down gently, groaning as he worked Parker’s neck.

Parker whimpered. His heels dug into Colton’s ass. His hands pulled Colton closer. “Yes, Colt, use your teeth. Bite me.”

Colton growled while he gnawed and sucked on Parker’s neck, his hips never letting up their relentless rhythm.

“Oh god, I’m so close,” Parker moaned. “I love you, Colton. I love you so much.”

Colton lifted onto his arms and looked down at Parker. His pup, his mate, was telling him he loved him. He could see it all in his eyes. Colton’s voice grew hoarse as his throat clogged with emotion. “I love you too, pup.”

Parker’s eyes filled with tears. He squeezed them shut and shuddered beneath him. He turned his head again, baring his neck once more, while letting out a whimper.

His mate’s confession and submission triggered something in Colton. He thrust wildly, and Parker cried out his name in ecstasy.

Colton felt his skin starting to tingle. His eyes widened at the realization, but he couldn’t stop it. Even when going through puberty, he had never lost control, not like this.

Oh fuck, he couldn’t stop it!

His body started to shift. Fur erupted all over his skin as his muscles contracted and then expanded. Ears grew into points and his claws emerged as both sets of canines burst through his upper and lower gums. Eyes shifted and sharpened, then zeroed in on the curve of Parker’s neck. His cock throbbed and thickened even further.

He couldn’t pull back, couldn’t stop fucking. He jackhammered his expanded cock into his mate’s tight ass. Don’t stop. He had to come inside Parker. Nothing else mattered. Except…

He could smell the blood pulsing in the arteries and veins on Parker’s exposed and offered neck. The love bites and teeth impressions were vivid against the creamy skin.

“Colton?” Parker whimpered, panic and fear lacing his voice as he felt the changes in Colton’s body and his widened eyes zeroed in on the drooling fangs. He gasped. “Colton!”

Operating solely on instinct, Colton struck.

He sank his teeth into the soft, fleshy curve of Parker’s neck. His mate cried out and bucked underneath him, his fingernails clawing into the muscles of Colton’s now fur-covered back. When he felt the hot splashes and smelled the bittersweet scent of his mate’s semen between their bodies, he sucked hard on his neck, pulling in that sweet, coppery blood, swallowing it down as it pulsed into his mouth with every beat of his love’s heart. It was the nectar of the gods; nothing had ever tasted so good.

The half-man/half-beast threw his head back. Blood dripped down his fangs and into his furred chin. His howl reverberated against the room’s walls as he filled his mate to overflowing with his release.


* * * *


Colton lifted himself up with a loud, drawn gasp as Parker shuddered underneath him, then went limp and passed out.

What the fuck just happened?

He looked down at his body, which had shifted back to normal. He had started to shift into his wolf form, but it was as if he stopped halfway through the process.

His hands were still clenched in the sheets on either side of Parker’s body. They were tattered and ripped, clawed straight through the top of the mattress.

Colton ran his tongue over his teeth, relieved that they had receded. He tasted blood in his mouth. Parker’s blood.

Even Parker’s blood was sweet. Just thinking about the taste made him shudder. His cock jerked and began to stiffen again.

Oh shit, oh fuck. He bit Parker. He broke the skin with his teeth.

Parker’s eyes rolled back into his head, and his back arched violently as his entire body spasmed uncontrollably. His neck wound looked like raw ground meat and the seizure caused blood to spray from the bite.

Colton’s bite.

“Parker!” Colton shouted, trying to wake him. “Pup! Oh my god.” Tears prickled Colton’s eyes. “I’m sorry, pup. Oh, Jesus. I didn’t mean to…”

He jumped from the bed and scooped Parker up in his arms. Running to his bathroom, he kicked the door open with his foot. As gently as he could, Colton laid Parker’s spasming body down on the floor, then turned on the bathtub faucets.

As he grabbed a handful of towels, he heard a noise downstairs. He sniffed the air when someone entered the house.

Dad!” he screamed as loud as he could.

His father raced up the stairs and burst into the bedroom. Carlton Butler gasped at the sight of Parker’s bloody body seizing on the floor of his son’s bathroom.

“Dad,” Colton cried. “Help me!”

“You bit him?”

“I didn’t mean to. I don’t know what came over me.”

Carlton grabbed his hair in his fists. “Jesus Christ, Colton! Turning a human is a punishable offense. You know this! It’s been drilled into your fucking head every goddamned week from the time you grew baby teeth. What the hell were you thinking?”

Colton didn’t need his father yelling and cussing at him. That would not help Parker. “I didn’t mean to do it. I couldn’t help myself. Now help me, Dad. Help. Me. Now!

Carlton nearly stumbled at the raw power in his son’s voice. He immediately obeyed without question, squatting down and holding Parker’s head, trying to keep it from banging against the floor, while Colton tried to press a towel against his boy’s neck wound.

Parker’s skin was pale and grey. His eyes had rolled back in his head until they were white. The cords in his neck pushed out, causing a spurt of blood to spray out onto the tiled floor. Colton gasped as Parker’s body arched violently as his body slammed against the floor over and over.

The seizures abruptly stopped and Parker slumped to the floor, totally limp and unconscious.

A sob escaped Colton’s mouth. His mate was dying. He had killed his mate. “Parker… Pup…”

His father pressed his fingers to the unwounded side of Parker’s neck. “He’s alive. His pulse is steady.”

Colton let out a relieved sigh. “Thank god.”

He shook his head to clear it, then wiped away the tears with his fist. He wet another towel in the tub, and then used it to wipe the blood from Parker’s neck. The bite mark was no longer bleeding. Teeth marks were clearly visible inside an angry bruise, red in color. But instead of looking fresh and raw, it looked like it was already a day or so old. Colton re-wet the towel and wiped the wound, again and again until the bleeding had completely stopped.

Colton moved to cradle Parker’s head in his lap. “I’m sorry, pup,” he whispered. “I didn’t mean to do this to you. Please forgive me.”

“He’ll be okay,” Carlton said. “For now. He still has to survive the turning at the next full moon.”


* * * *


Carlton pushed to his feet and looked down at the scene, and really took it in for the first time. His eyes noticed the dried blood in the whiskers on his son’s chin. The bite on the boy’s neck was… intimate. This was no attack bite. As the urgency of the situation wore off, he finally realized that both his son and the boy were completely naked.

Please let it not be what it looks like.

He nudged the boy’s legs slightly apart with his foot, and looked between them, underneath his scrotum. The bottom of his stomach fell out when he saw the semen.

Carlton stumbled and leaned against the sink to keep from falling. “What have you done?” he asked his son in horror.

Colton lifted his chin defiantly. “I told you. I didn’t mean to. It was instinct. I’ll take whatever punishment I deserve, but I won’t give him up.”

“Do you even know what you have done?” Carlton’s voice raised and took on a panicked tone. “You not only turned him… You mated him. Didn’t you?”

Colton looked at his dad with a frown. “I did? How?”

“You bit him, exchanged blood and saliva, while you ejaculated inside him.”

“I didn’t know that was how you did it. I knew Parker was my mate,” Colton said quietly. “I’ve known since we moved here, my first day of school last year.” He lovingly stroked the hair from Parker’s forehead. His eyes were drawn to what would be a permanent mating scar on the boy’s neck. “I can feel it, Dad. The mating bond.”

“You shouldn’t have mated him, Colton. Not without the Alpha’s permission. Not only is he a male, he’s a human for god’s sake.”

“I know that,” Colton snapped. “You don’t think I know that? I told you, I couldn’t control my wolf. It was… It was like instinct. I partially shifted while we were making love. Before I bit him. I couldn’t stop it.”

Carlton tried not to gasp in shock. “You what?”

“I shifted, but not all the way.”

“I have to call the Alpha.”

“Do what you have to,” Colton said, never taking his eyes off of the boy. After wiping him down one last time, he cradled Parker in his arms and carefully carried him back to his bed.


* * * *



Parker bolted upright, gasping and screaming.

“I’m right here, pup,” Colton soothed. “It’s okay.”

“What happened?” His hand darted up to his neck. He found the wound there, which felt scarred and tender to the touch. His eyes widened as he looked at Colton in horror. “You… Something happened to you. You changed… while we were… You bit me!”

Parker pushed away from Colton, scrambling back to the corner of the bed. Despite his fear, the look of hurt on the big jock’s face nearly ripped his heart in two.

“Parker, please.”

“What are you?” Parker whispered as he cowered in the corner.

Colton’s eyes filled with tears. He reached out his hand to Parker. “I won’t hurt you, Parker. I promise. You have to believe me. I would never hurt you. I love you. I’m not a monster, pup.”

Parker did believe him. He couldn’t take seeing Colton in pain anymore. It was like he could physically feel the other man’s anguish. If he could stop that, then he would. He moved forward and took Colton’s hand. “I believe you.”

Colton moved to sit cross-legged on the bed. The two settled on the bed facing each other, holding each other’s hands.

“I’m a lycan,” Colton finally said. “A shapeshifter. Specifically, a wolf shifter.”

Parker opened and closed his mouth a few times. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing, but he remembered. He had seen it with his own eyes. Colton was on top of him, inside him, making love to him. His eyes flashed a golden amber, the first sign that something was happening. As he held onto Colton’s back, he could feel the muscles rippling, and then there was so much fur underneath his hands. And those teeth….

Parker shuddered. Oh god.

“You’re telling me that you’re a… a werewolf?”

“No. Not really a werewolf. We only turn into wolves, not like in the movies.”

“But you did. You turned into a, uh, half-man werewolf thing.”

“Yeah, I don’t know how I did that. I know that alphas can do it, but I’ve never even seen ours do it. I’ve never heard of it happening to a beta wolf like me. I have no freaking idea how I did it.”

Parker gasped and his eyes widened in understanding. “It was you. The wolf was you.”

Colton nodded. “I told you. I’ve been watching you, pup. You’re my mate.”

Parker swallowed. “What does that mean?”

“It means you’re mine. You belong to me, pup. You’re it for me, Parker. I will love only you until the day I die. We belong together.”

Parker took a deep breath and let it out slowly. There was one question he needed to know the answer to, but at the same time he didn’t want to know the answer.

“Am I… Did you… turn me into a… one of you?”

Colton looked away and nodded his head.

Parker pulled away as tears overflowed and fell down his cheeks. “I need some time, Colton. I need to think.”

“Pup… Parker. Please.”

Parker had to turn away from Colton. He couldn’t take the suffering in his boyfriend’s voice, that look of sheer pain on his face, and the unshed tears in his eyes.

He quickly dressed. “I’ll call you, okay? Please don’t try to contact me. I need time to think, and I can’t do that if you’re around.”

Shutting the door behind him, Parker leaned back against it and tried to catch his breath.

When he heard the anguished wolf howls coming from Colton’s bedroom, a sob ripped from his throat, and tears poured from his eyes. He covered his ears and ran as fast as he could.

Copyright © 2014 Rob Colton; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

I've been really enjoying this series. I think what is most impressive is that even though it's been written by an adult with smooth writing skills, the attention to how teenagers act (or how we see them act) is what i find most enjoyable reading this series.

This chapter really is great though. The previous chapters were great at holding my attention in helping me get to know the characters and their relationship, I became invested, but this chapter really brought me into the problem(s) to be overcome by the end of this book/series.

I can't wait for more and I'd like to thank Rob Colton for providing me such a great time after so many stressful days.

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I am loving the progressive story development and the most recent plot twist!!Brilliant!!Things are about to get messy. Where you go from here is a mystery I'm gonna love following. Well executed, thanx.

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I love this story! It's getting harder to stop myself from binge reading the rest of it (again) in the original version. And I'm really looking forward to the sequel.

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I've been waiting for something like this to happen. Now the fun begins. How will Parker deal with this. Obviously he'll accept Colton as well as his own new situation. How will he deal with his parents (of course they can't find out); how will the Alpha handle Coloton? New challenges for everybody.

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I read this story on the other site tons of times and yet I'm reading it again. Love this story. I think one of the things I like best is that despite Parker being the non-dominant partner, he is no weakling. He doesn't take garbage from anyone and will defend himself and those he loves.

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Ouch, was so worried that it would come down to this for our characters.  So, a topic for the times, forced rape or situational rape, but as a plot climax.  Yet, that's not what we're here to discuss.  Amazing amount of new information in this chapter very well crafted.  Carlton's point of view was a skilled stroke that didn't feel awkward at all.  Parker has a big heart so, I'm sure forgiveness will come.  However, the consequences are going to make for a bumpy ride.  Colton's immediate remorse and care for Parker give me hope for him as a leader, not perfect, yet invested and responsible.  Your skill has never been in question as this story unfolds.  What might have been a beautifully written romance has become a deeper tale with real tensions, mistakes, and authentic reactions, both from the teens and parent.  ~ Ms. V

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So now we have it confirmed. Colton is an Alpha. As he mated with Parker he instinctively turned into the War Form (half wolf-half human) and gave Parker that 'little' love bite as he ejaculated.

I do wonder if the Pack Alpha will allow a sub-pack?...

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Very intense chapter.  Parker will turn and Colton is an alpha.  Can't wait to find out how this will affect their future.  I do hope that Colton tells Jed and Trey.  He is going to need the support.

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One hell of a chapter. Poor Parker, his pain is real, and so much has happened to him! And another surprise Colton is a Alpha, second question will they kill him for what he did? We shall have to see!

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