Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Button - 16. Sweet Sixteen
Sweet Sixteen
“I really don’t like that girl. I don’t trust her,” Graham said watching Button and his new girlfriend Carmel drive off. “She’s skanky.”
“He’s growing up and she has a certain allure,” Craig said putting his arm around his husband’s waist.
“She has the allure of a cheap hussy,” Graham said with disgust. “She’ll break his little heart in two.”
Craig sighed. He agreed with Graham more than he let on. However, it was Button’s heart to use as he saw fit. They had tried to explain nicely how she wasn’t really the kind of girl he should be dating but that had only made her more interesting to the boy. Sarah had expressed her opinion like she always did, openly. She said the girl was a slut.
Button had looked at her with unconcealed rage.
So, in the end they backed off. You can’t tell a sixteen year old boy who to date. It would have been easier to order Ping the cat to empty the dishwasher. In either case, it would fall on deaf and indifferent ears.
“They’re very excited for Kevin’s sixteenth birthday party,” Craig said hoping to change the subject.
“Mary Dooley is pulling out all the stops. She’s making this a ‘coming out’ party for him. I think it’s kinda weird,” Graham said. “Who else does he need to tell?”
“She’s just being supportive,” Craig said. “Lots of parents aren’t.”
“I think having a cotillion for a gay boy is a bit much,” Graham said.
“Come on, it’s not a debutante ball for heaven’s sake. It’s just a sixteenth birthday party.”
“At a country club?” Graham looked at Craig. They both started laughing. Mary Dooley wasn’t one to curtail her mothering urges when it came to Kevin.
“Let’s just hope nothing goes wrong. It’s been a hard year for the kids.” Graham was thinking how Button and Sarah were both high maintenance hormonal teenagers. Everything was a major drama.
“Yeah,” Craig answered. “Let’s hope not.”
“Stop fidgeting Craig,” Graham said. “It’s gonna be fine.”
Craig, Graham, and Button, were waiting for the Individualized Education Plan meeting at the high school. Mr. Carpenter, his special ed teacher from the middle school, was talking to his high school special ed teacher Mrs. Grant. They would decide what help and support Button would need to start ninth grade. All three were nervous but Button was even more concerned. This would be a tense session.
“They’re ready for you now,” the counselor said through the open door. They got up and went in.
Button’s hands were clenching and unclenching as were Craig’s. Graham sat down rigidly facing the three other people.
“Thanks for coming,” Mrs. Grant said. Button noticed that she was dressed in a nice blue suit with a silky white blouse. She had a gold necklace with a pendant that matched her earrings. The woman looked so formal it was intimidating. She looked at him and smiled.
“How do we start?” Craig said, clearing his throat.
“Just have a seat and we’ll go through the assessment first. That won’t take long,” Mr. Carpenter said also smiling at Button. “He’s doing really well.”
Button breathed. He had been afraid, but his teacher didn’t seem upset or annoyed. That was a good sign.
“Let’s start with academics and work our way to social skills,” Mr. Carpenter said.
The other man, a high school counselor they met with last week, started talking. Button couldn’t remember his name but he had been really friendly.
“Craig has a B average which is very good. His math and science levels are his strong points. He did well in social science and reading, but does have some difficulties with writing composition.”
“What should we do about that?” Graham asked.
“Actually, we’ve been working with Craig on his writing skills and they’re improving already. As I said, his grades are very good, it’s only his writing that needs some work,” Mr. Carpenter said.
“I think what Graham is asking about is what we can do,” Craig said smiling at Button.
“We’ve found journaling can be helpful. We’ll keep monitoring his written assignments,” Mrs. Grant said. “It’s not like he’s doing poorly from what I can see. It’s just that he could get better at writing.”
“Okay. So, we should set aside some time for him to write a journal?” Graham asked, his lips quivering.
“If you’d like. Otherwise, he can keep a notebook with him and occasionally write down his thoughts. It should be private though. It’s just for practice,” Mrs. Grant said. “Mr. Holden, he’s really doing quite well.”
“Okay. I’m trying to help,” Graham said. Craig put a hand on his arm. The smaller man flashed him a jittery smile.
The counselor continued, “Physical development is good. We’re seeing him excel in phys. ed and music. I see he’s switching from clarinet to oboe?”
Button nodded enthusiastically. “I really like the sound of it.”
“Good. Well, as I said this won’t take much longer. Craig has some stress issues so when he’s feeling a little out of control, the special ed classroom will be a sanctuary. We do like students to pick a secondary site as well. Most choose the library or gym or even the nurse’s office. Craig? What room would you like as a place to go if you get upset?” Mrs. Grant asked.
“How about the band room?” Graham asked. “You didn’t mention that but he loves band so much.”
“That is an excellent suggestion,” Mrs. Grant said. “How do you feel about that Craig?”
Button sat up in his chair at that. “I think Pop’s right. I’d feel safe there.”
“Great. We’ll tell Mr. Latimer so he won’t have any surprises. Craig, you’re always welcome in the special ed room but I don’t think you need it as your home room. We’ll just see you when you want some help. Bring your written assignments by and we’ll check them out but that should be all for now.”
Button’s chin dropped.
“That’s it?” Craig said surprised. “We’ve never had such a short meeting before.”
“From what I’ve seen him achieve these past three years, Craig is doing very well. He’s self-motivated, his social skills are good, and his grades are pretty high. Except for needing the occasional safe space because of stress, I see no need for additional support. I’d say Craig is one of our successes,” Mr. Carpenter said.
Craig and Graham shook everybody’s hands and Button even hugged Mr. Carpenter. He had been worried that his little freakouts were going to be a problem but they weren’t. He could go to the band room if it got too bad. Button thought having homeroom with everyone else was pretty cool too.
He’d miss Andy though. There was always that.
“I think this calls for a celebration,” Graham said high-fiving Button.
“I guess so,” Craig agreed. “We should pick up Sarah and go to Cold Stone Creamery.”
“Can it just be us right now,” Button said biting his lip. “I have something to ask you guys.”
Craig and Graham looked at each other and nodded. This was another ‘Button talk.’
Ever since “The Party” incident, Button had made sure he talked with his fathers about things that required a serious decision. He had pulled them aside and asked about how to break up with Gennie. She was nice, he liked her, but just as a friend. Button listened to their advice and took it.
After Petey’s birthday party, he took them into the den and told them he had drank a beer, just one. Button wanted them to know so they wouldn’t worry about him.
Then Button had pulled Graham and Craig aside to talk about pot. A couple of his friends had invited him to smoke a joint. He asked them about it. He wasn’t sure how to handle it. After listening to their comments, he decided it wasn’t for him. Button said getting high wasn’t a good idea for him even if Graham said it wasn’t addictive.
The two men were really proud of him. Button had taken his mission to restore their trust in him to a higher level. Craig told him so repeatedly. Graham hugged him and said he was pleased with his maturity.
As they sat in the store and ate their ice cream, Button’s nervousness was obvious.
“What did you want to talk about?” Craig asked licking his plastic spoon.
“I think I love Carmel and I, well we want to, um, make love,” Button said his voice shaking.
Graham sat back and shook his head.
“Graham, hear him out,” Craig warned.
“You’re very young Craig,” Graham said trying not to shout.
“Lots of people in my class have had, er, made love,” Button said looking at his Pop warily. “How old were you when you first, um, did it?”
Graham squirmed in his seat. “We’re talking about you, not me.”
“That’s a good question Pop. How old were you when you first had sex?” Craig asked trying to hide his grin.
“I was eighteen,” Graham lied. He refused to let Craig bait him.
“I think it was very brave of our son to talk to us about it so be honest,” Craig said eating another spoonful. “I was your age by the way. How old were you Graham?”
“I was fifteen okay. But that’s different,” Graham said turning red. “I shouldn’t have done it. You only think you love Carmel. You should make sure it’s someone really special and not just get it over with.”
“Your Pop’s right about that. You should love a person before you take that step,” Craig said watching his husband’s discomfort ease.
“Did you love my mother when you made me?” Button asked looking down at his ice cream.
Craig looked at Graham and now it was he who was squirming. Graham shrugged.
“Well, no, not really, but it was a mistake,” Craig said quickly.
“I’m a mistake?” Button asked calmly. He had already talked this out with Andy. He knew his fathers couldn’t say no and not look foolish. Andy had been great at thinking up their responses. It was just as he predicted.
“Of course not. What your mother and me did was a mistake and…you’re just playing with us aren’t you?” Craig said looking at the shit eating grin on his son’s face.
“I’m not really playing. I promised you I’d earn your trust and I’m doing it,” Button said. “I don’t want to keep something like this a secret. Carmel’s parents are going out of town this weekend and she wants me to spend the night. I don’t want you to worry about me.”
Craig and Graham looked at each other. They were both really stuck. Button was being very rational about the whole thing.
“You can spend the night with your girlfriend if you want,” Craig said after seeing defeat in Graham’s eyes.
“I still think she’s not the right girl for you,” Graham said. “I’m going on the record with that one.”
“You just believe Sarah. She doesn’t like Carmel ‘cause Josie doesn’t like her,” Button said. “I really like her.”
The look that crossed Button’s face was so tender and open. Graham and Craig just sighed and finished their ice cream.
“Everything looks so nice Mary,” Graham said admiring the decorations. They were purple and gold, Vikings’ football colors, and even the tablecloths and napkins matched. There had to be at least a hundred people at the Minnetonka Country Club. The food had been amazing. He was impressed.
“Anything to mark my sweet Kevin’s next rite of passage,” Mary said. “I forgot; what did you do for Craig’s sixteenth?”
Graham seethed inside. Leave it to Mary Dooley to make this a contest. “We had a pool party for the kids.”
“Yes, it was a pool party wasn’t it. It was hot dogs and hamburgers with waterslides in the background. That was a pleasant afternoon,” Mary said smiling evilly at him.
“It was nothing compared to this shindig,” Craig said catching Graham’s eye. “Of course, the biggest difference is that the kids had fun. This is a snorefest.”
It was true. The kids were all dressed in suits and formal dresses. They were standing around talking quietly. Dinner had been a staid affair with white gloved waiters and five courses that ran on forever.
Graham chuckled at his husband’s remarks. Mary Dooley just looked at them with contempt.
“Not all events have to be laughter and frolicking,” she muttered. “I have other guests to attend to.”
“By all means,” Craig said raising an eyebrow. “We’ve kept you occupied long enough.”
Mary Dooley snorted and walked over to Josie’s moms. They looked over at Craig and Graham and grimaced. Graham gave them a thumb’s up and Craig waved.
As they looked about the room, the only person who seemed to be having a ball was Carmel. She was sitting at a table hanging on Button’s arm and chatting with a group of girls. Carmel looked like she was a queen holding court. Button looked uncomfortable and bored.
“You know she’s using him,” Graham heard behind him. It was Sarah. “She’s just using him to get votes for class president.”
“How is dating Button helping Carmel?” Craig asked in surprise.
“Josie heard her whispering with Shelly Norfolk. Button’s one of the most popular boys in their class. Carmel figured if she can date him until the election that all the band geeks and special ed kids will vote for her. She’s a real bitch,” Sarah scowled.
“You shouldn’t call people that,” Graham said. “Even when it’s true.”
Sarah giggled. Craig pushed his husband’s shoulder. “Don’t start things.”
“Someone should tell him,” Graham said thoughtfully. “Then maybe…”
“I told him. He doesn’t care. She shakes her butt and touches him and he melts,” Sarah said. “He has terrible taste.”
“If only we could get him to see the light,” Graham groused.
“It’s his decision and we agreed,” Craig said. He was making a face as well. The girl was one dye job away from bald.
“It’s hard watching such a train wreck,” Graham sighed.
“I know,” Craig agreed.
Sarah raced off to find her friends.
“Craig? See if Petey has anything to put in my punch. If I’m going to be ready later, I’ll need a little touch of something to relax me,” Carmel said flashing her lashes at him.
Button swallowed and grabbed her cup. He made his way around the crowd of girls toward Petey’s table.
“Hey, buddy. Got any of your magic elixir?” Button whispered to his red haired friend.
“Sure. Is it for your special lady?” Petey chuckled. Josie rolled her eyes at him.
“That girl is a hot mess,” she said to the two boys. “Craig don’t go there tonight. You deserve much better.”
Button smiled at Josie and shook his head. “I really like her and I think it’s time.”
“I wish I was getting some of that,” Petey said elbowing Josie. “Are you ready yet to take the final step?”
Josie blushed. “I don’t think you’re ready yet, firecracker.”
Petey then blushed. “You just make me too excited.”
“Craig doesn’t wanna hear about that,” Josie shushed him.
“Hear about what?” Button asked.
“Nothing. Just tell me you’ll reconsider it. She’s bad news,” Josie said.
“I’m spending the night with her. It’s time.”
“Craig’s getting his game on,” Petey said high-fiving his friend.
Button took the cup from his friend, now with some rum in it, and walked back to Carmel.
As he neared, he drank in how truly beautiful she was. Her hair was a silky golden blonde. Carmel’s skin was a lovely tan color that accented her warm brown eyes. She was wearing a slinky, sexy floral print that showed off her delicious curves. Her breasts were ripe and full, almost spilling out of her neckline. Her smile was so beautiful and pure.
Carmel saw Button gazing at her and she licked her lips seductively. She had his number. It was written all over his face. He was into her. She only needed to get him a little closer and then next month he’d beg all his friends to vote for her. It was so easy getting boys to do what she wanted. All she had to do was give them a little incentive. Well, a lot of incentive.
She blew a kiss at him, her red lips pursed and inviting. Button smiled and blew one right back.
Yep. He was hooked.
Carmel returned to her friends and giggled a little.
Button handed Carmel her drink, but she didn’t even say thanks. He was about to sit when he saw a busser who looked familiar. He stood back up and watched as she cleared the table.
Could it be? Was it really?
Button excused himself and walked quickly toward the far tables. As he neared, he slowed. The young woman looked up like she could feel his eyes on her. She smiled and her eyes grew bigger.
“Mirabelle!” Button shouted and walked up to her. He still wasn’t quite sure but it had to be her.
“Craig!” she said excitedly. “Is that really you?”
“It is. How have you been?” Button asked. “What happened to you? You just disappeared.”
“Oh. My parents lost the store so we moved to California for a while. My dad got a job with an old pal so we moved back a few weeks ago. Sorry I didn’t say goodbye.”
“So you’re back. You’re here now?” Button gushed.
“I’m back,” she laughed.
Mirabelle looked so amazing. Her lush blond hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Her sparkling blue eyes were filled with happiness. Mirabelle’s lovely white skin glowed with the faintest blush as she looked at him. But it was her smile that was so touching. Button loved her smile. It was so serene and genuine. Mirabelle looked at him with such delight.
“You have to tell me all about it,” Button said. “I wanna know everything.”
“Craig. I’m working right now,” she said looking around embarrassed. “Give me your number and I’ll call you.”
“Sure,” Button said and wrote it out on a small square napkin. “You won’t forget?”
“I could never forget you,” she laughed. “I’ve missed our little talks.”
“I’ve missed you too,” Button said and hugged her. “It’s so good to see you.”
“You too,” she laughed. Her smile might be lovely but her laugh reached inside him. Button could feel the music of her laughter hit his gut. It was that powerful.
Button walked away completely dazed. He couldn’t believe it. As he made his way toward Carmel, he saw his fathers talking with Josie’s moms. They were all laughing and having a good time. This was the best party ever.
“Dad, Pop, Mirabelle’s here,” he said interrupting them.
“Mirabelle?” his dad asked. “Who’s that?”
“The girl that disappeared. You know, the one from the store,” Button couldn’t contain his glee.
“Oh, right. Mirabelle,” Graham said rolling his eyes.
“Can I ask her over for dinner?” Button said as the thought popped into his head. “I want you to meet her.”
“Sure. Don’t you think your girlfriend will get jealous?” Graham said. Craig shook his head.
“Mirabelle’s a friend. Carmel won’t mind,” Button said. As soon as he said it, he realized that wasn’t true. What’s more, he suddenly understood he really didn’t care much what Carmel thought regardless. That seemed to change everything.
As Button slowly walked toward the table, he really looked at Carmel. She wasn’t nearly as pretty as he’d thought. In fact, her hair was a strange color of yellow and it was like straw, stiff and prickly. Her skin was the color of pumpkins, not tan, not attractive. That dress she was wearing was too small. It showed all the places where her softness became flab. Carmel looked up at him and smiled but it wasn’t a nice smile.
Carmel’s smile was like that of a cat about to pounce on a toy. Ping had a look like that sometimes and it was nasty how he’d sink his teeth into a catnip filled ball and try to rip at it with his claws. Carmel looked like Ping when he was being brutal.
“Dad, I don’t feel so good,” Button said pulling Craig and Graham away from Nancy and Sally. “I think I should go home.”
“But, what about your plans with Carmel?” Craig asked gently.
“I think he has a fever,” Graham said touching his forehead. “Craig’s right. He’s getting sick.”
Craig looked at Graham bright eyed and then back at his son. “If you’re sure.”
“I’m not up for staying with Carmel tonight,” Button said. “I wanna go home.”
“Pop, you can’t tell any embarrassing stories, okay?” Button stood in the kitchen instructing Graham. “No poopy diaper stories or the time when I cried over the dead bird. She’s my friend and I don’t want you to make her uncomfortable.”
“I promise. No embarrassing stories. Jeez! You’d think we were having the Queen of England over for dinner or something,” Graham chuckled.
“Just be nice to her. This is important,” Button said. “Dad, are you listening?”
“Button, I promise to be on my best behavior,” Craig smiled.
“Don’t call me that name around her. Promise me,” he pleaded.
“Okay. Okay. Craig. Can we talk about ourselves or is that embarrassing too?” Craig said holding up his hands.
“Sarah!” he called out and ran into the other room. Craig and Graham listened to the list of rules he was giving his sister. By the time he finished, both men thought Sarah would need to wear a muzzle to get through this dinner.
“He sure is worked up about this girl,” Craig said.
“At least it cut him loose from that tramp,” Graham said stirring the spaghetti sauce.
“Sarah said Carmel had some choice words for him,” Craig said. “Carmel said she’s never been so humiliated in her life.”
“How could that be? It’s not like everyone knew about their evening plans.”
“Apparently, everyone did. Carmel had been bragging about it for a week. Button, I mean, Craig was her trophy boy and he got away.”
Graham snorted. “I’m just glad he dumped her.”
“Sarah, listen to me. You can’t call me that name or else…” Button begged as they entered the kitchen.
“That was a lovely meal Mr. Holden,” Mirabelle said daintily wiping her lips. “It was delicious.”
“Thank you Mirabelle,” Graham grinned. “It’s Button’s favorite.”
If a pin had dropped at that moment, it would have sounded like a gong. The entire room froze as Button turned to look at his Pop. Daggers flew from his eyes as he glared at Graham with fury.
“You promised.”
“I’m sorry Craig. Please excuse my wording, Mirabelle,” Graham said quickly. “It’s an old nickname we had when Craig was a baby. I slip up and call him that from time to time.”
Craig looked at the young lady to gauge her reaction. She smiled and began asking Button about how band was going. Everyone breathed.
Graham served dessert, a hazelnut torte, and Mirabelle gave him a dazzling smile. “My mom makes a delicious torte like this. It’s my favorite. Thanks.”
“I’m sure it’s not as good as your mother’s but I hope you like it,” Graham said.
“I’m sure it’s fine,” Button said through clenched teeth.
Graham quickly sat down and looked downcast.
“It’s delicious Gray,” Craig said catching his eye. Graham sheepishly grinned back.
Button and Mirabelle were in another world after dinner. They sat in the family room and talked and talked. Graham and Craig cleaned up the kitchen. Sarah hid in her room.
“I really should be going,” Mirabelle finally said. “It’s getting late and I have school in the morning.”
“I’m glad you came over,” Button said. “It’s good to see you.”
“It’s good to see you too. We should do this again,” Mirabelle said. “I’m way out in Minnetonka but that doesn’t mean I can’t come into Minneapolis once in a while.”
Button nodded once. “I missed you.” He said shyly. Mirabelle turned red at that.
“Your dads are really nice,” she said simply. “You’re very lucky.”
“I am,” he said. “Even if they do embarrass me sometimes.”
“Are you talking about the nickname?” Mirabelle said. She leaned closer and said into his ear, “Because it suits you. You are the cutest boy I’ve ever met.”
Button blushed as her breath caressed his ear. “Really?”
“Really. Can I call you Button too? ‘Cause I think you’re that special,” she said looking at him intently.
“I don’t mind if you do it,” Button stammered. “If you want.”
“I do want to, Button. I do like you that much.”
Craig took Mirabelle home and Graham gathered up his courage. He knocked on Button’s door.
“Enter,” he heard.
“Craig? I’m really sorry about that slip up I just-”
“Don’t worry Pop. She likes it. Mirabelle likes my nickname,” Button grinned.
“You like her don’t you?” Graham said relieved. “She’s very pretty.”
“She’s my friend,” Button said, but he couldn’t wipe the smile from his lips. “I’m glad she’s back.”
“It was nice meeting her. Are you going to ask her out?” Graham asked.
Button thought about it and shook his head. “I’m not sure. I like her as a friend.”
“That’s when it’s best son,” Graham said. “Your dad is my best friend.”
“Really?” Button said. “I never would have thought that.”
“Yeah. It’s best when you’re friends,” Graham said and left the puzzled boy.
Button didn’t know what to think of Mirabelle. He liked her a lot but she was so precious that he couldn’t think of her like he did other girls. Button could imagine Carmel lying naked and calling his name. He could see Gennie’s slim, pliant body nude and beckoning him. Could he see Mirabelle like that? Button wasn’t sure he wanted to think of her that way. She was too special.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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