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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Higher Education - 21. Chapter 21

“Yo, Trevor. Wait up.”

The voice and footfalls running across the Harvard quad caused him to stop and turn. “Salvaggi, we haven’t even had our first class yet so you can’t be coming to me for help. What up?”

“Don’t be an ass.”

“I thought you liked ass. How was summer break?” Trevor pulled his friend into a bro-hug.

“It rocked. New York was a blast. The law firm that wants to hire me got me a micro-studio to live in. A bed, chair, hot plate, microwave, and mini-fridge’s all that would fit, and it was fuckin’ awesome. I learned a lot about how they deal with all aspects of the client’s needs. All that bitching I did before about the boring jobs to start with, even those were cool.” Jayson beamed with joy. “I’m looking forward to getting through this year and going back to work for them.”

“Did you get out and explore what the city had to offer?”

“Big time. I tried a few clubs. Oh, there was this gym I found that made me think of you.” Jayson lowered his voice even though no one was nearby. “Especially with the way you growl when I bug you, or that howl you do sometimes when you laugh. It was called WOOF. Eye candy for days.” He licked his lips. “It was fun getting hit on as much as I was. A couple guys tried to do more than flirt in the shower or sauna. It might have been because I was fresh meat, but it was still an ego boost the way they looked.”

“Dude, you’ve a handsome stud. Of course you were gonna catch some attention.” Trevor winked and enjoyed causing his friend to blush.

“Thanks, bro. There was this really built redhead working there as a trainer that gave them a warning about not being so obvious. I talked to him for a little bit, and it turns out he’s a bartender too. He suggested I come to the club during his shift. It was called PRIME, and that doesn’t even start to cover how prime the women and dudes were.

“I’ve never been turned on by redheads, but that muscle stud was beyond hot. The guy could have seriously done porn with his looks and the way he filled out his shorts.” Jayson fanned himself. “Come to think of it, you and your buddies could too. He had almost as much hair on his chest as you. Anyways, totally unavailable, but such a sweet guy. Turned out he has a boyfriend who actually worked at the firm I was interning at, but on the legal side. They helped me meet a couple cool guys, told me which ones to steer clear of, and even introduced me to some of the straight women who frequent the place. I went sightseeing with them to some places tourists don’t usually find.

“And before you ask, yes, I got laid with a few guys and ladies I met.” Jayson blushed again.

“Sounds awesome. So you decided to explore your gay side? I think that’s great.” Trevor rested his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “The more you know about yourself, the more you free yourself to be who you really are.”

“Yeah, it was cool. I’ve worried about what people thought for too long. And about what potential employers might think. If they only like me or hire me for who they think I am and not who I am, what’s the point? I kinda have you to thank for that since when I came out you didn’t care other than wanting to know if I was happy or needed support. So how was your summer?” Jayson’s eyes appeared to focus just below Trevor’s neck. “Cool necklace.”

“Thanks.” Trevor’s hand subconsciously moved to touch the pendent. “I had a great time. The town I was at was like being home in PA. Small, and everyone tries to know your business. I got to know a couple friends a lot better. Made some new ones too.”

“Knowing you, there were several hot ladies wanting you.”

“I kind of dated one, and she took me sightseeing right after I got there. It was fun until she proved to be a major anti-gay bitch and outed her younger brother at the town’s 4th of July fireworks. I spent time with a couple others too.”

“No shit? That sucks. Hey, there’s Shannon.” Jayson waved at the woman.

Trevor’s body tensed at the mention of the name.

“Well hello there, Trevor. Hi, Jayson.” Shannon wrapped herself around Trevor’s arm. “It’s good to see you both. Ready for a fun term?” She kissed her fingers before pressing them to Jayson’s lips.

“A couple months apart and the hottest couple on campus’ back together and still looking incredible.”

Trevor scented the air, detecting a change in her smell. Realization hit as he looked at her for the first time. The way he separated himself from her and stepped back was not subtle. “Shannon.” The ice in his voice earned a quizzical look from Jayson.

“You’ve been bad, Trevor. Not responding to my calls or texts.” She batted her eyelashes seductively.

“I really didn’t think we had anything else to say to each other after San Diego. Besides, one of the reasons for blocking a number’s so you don’t keep getting contacted.”

Jayson watched his friend’s frigid encounter with the woman he had been inseparable from before summer with a shocked expression.

“Oh, that.” She giggled. “It wasn’t that a big deal. Is my favorite stud still upset?” Shannon moved to resume her place at his side.

Trevor took a step back. “Yeah, that! I’m not upset about it anymore, but I am over it, and you for that matter. You’re wrong though.” His frown deepened. “It was a pretty big deal to me at the time. Especially since I thought I was falling for you. If you weren’t the heartless woman you showed yourself to be, you wouldn’t be brushing my feelings off as if they’re nothing.

“Actually, it was liberating to realize I was nothing more than a stud in your stable. At least you make it sound like I was the prize stallion of the herd.” Trevor crossed his arms and glared when she inched closer to him. “I see you’re pregnant. Congrats. Any idea who the father is?”

Surprise flashed on her face. “You of course.” Shannon’s demeanor changed from flirtatious to arctic in less than a second. “Who else would it be?”

“Not likely. I always wore a rubber and know it never broke. Much as you tried to convince me to go in raw, it thankfully never happened. Besides, with the number of guys you let fuck you, it could be anyone: other students, professors, maintenance guys, construction crews, any of the guys on the dig, guys at bars,” he caught Jayson’s eyes go wide, “cops, the fire department, and the list goes on.” Trevor scented the air again and confirmed the change in Shannon was not from him or Jayson. “You should be sufficiently far along that a paternity test will confirm it. I’d suggest Jayson do one too so you don’t try to pin it on him.”

“I like sex just as much as you.” Anger permeated her scent. “I see it’s fine when you sleep around, but you have an issue with a woman who shows the same level of interest in having multiple partners. Typical male response to a woman’s independence.”

“You already know I have no issue with that. I’ve never said I was a saint and agree when my friends call me a man-whore. Hell, I wouldn’t still be best buds with Jay after he nailed you if I did, nor our other mutual friends we’ve each hooked up with. We both spread the joy around equally. You also know me being pissed at you has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with that. You’re the one that asked who else the father could be, and I merely pointed out a small portion of the options.”

“Dude, what happened in San Diego to get you this pissed?” Salvaggi kept glancing between the two. One he had lusted after and had sex with, the other was a close friend. “Sorry, I know I’m being nosey.”

“We’re arguing in front of you so it’s a fair question. I went to a gay bar with a buddy who works as a stripper there. He got me to do a set with him on the GoGo box.” A grin formed on Trevor’s lips before his eyes shifted to her and the scowl returned. “I ran into Shannon after we finished dancing. She got all pissed when I was happy to see her and hugged her.” He hiked his thumb at the source of his annoyance. “She pretended to not even know me. What was it you called me? A brain dead wannabe jock and a sweaty, disgusting fur-ball?”

“Really? You did that to him? Pretended to not even know him?” Jayson’s brow furrowed. “I think he looks hot when sweaty.”

The brunette shrugged as she inspected her fingernail polish.

“Stay focused, Jay.” His friend’s reaction almost made Trevor laugh. “She was with her girlfriend, as in the woman she was dating. I wouldn’t have had any issue with that since we weren’t exclusive, and we had placed whatever our relationship was on hold for the summer. It was no different than every other person she or I went out with. I’ll admit the woman was beautiful, and they actually made a good looking couple.”

“It was my twin sister Sharron you ran into, you dumb jock. It was hilarious to watch the way things unfolded. The look on your face when she scowled at you was priceless. We laughed about that all weekend.”

“Your twin? You never mentioned having one in all the time I’ve known you.”

“Yeah, she’s over there with her girlfriend.” She pointed across the quad. “We’re both doing cross majors between here and MIT. It didn’t seem important enough to bring up before.” Shannon waved at her sister and her girlfriend. “In all fairness, you’ve fucked her before.”

“Excuse me? I fucked her, and it didn’t seem important enough to bring up?” Trevor’s anger kept building. “What the fuck? I never did her!”

“Yeah, you did. We swapped out between rounds that time I got you to wear a blindfold.” Shannon laughed. “You couldn’t even tell the difference. She was in one of her rare moods to ride a dick and curious about what kind of a stud you were after hearing me rave about you. So I offered to share you. She actually rated you a nine out of ten.” Shannon seemed pleased with the rating.

Trevor looked in the direction Shannon pointed and sure enough, a duplicate of the woman he thought he had fallen in love with stood there and waved when she noticed people looking. “Regardless if it was her I talked to, it doesn’t excuse anything. You just said you watched the whole thing.” He fought to keep his voice moderately calm, but even his wolf was pissed. “Not only that, you thought it was funny and used it for your amusement all weekend.” He could no longer contain the growl that at last escaped. “All you or her had to do at the time was let me know it was your sister, explain the twin thing, and I’d have laughed it off too. Hell, you just admitted to getting me to have sex with someone without telling me. So obviously she knew who the fuck I was in San Diego.” His hands became more animated as his frustration built. “And you don’t see any of this as an issue. Now can you understand why I’m mad?”

“You make it sound worse than it was. Technically she doesn’t know you and generally doesn’t like guys touching her. Your only conversation before San Diego consisted of ‘oh yeah, shove it deeper’ and ‘I’m gonna cum’.”

“Not the point. She rode my dick and knew what I looked like. Even that you and I were regular fuck partners. We’re way beyond technicalities here. Playing dumb was almost as fucked up as what you described really happened. And you pimping me out to your sister goes way beyond.” Trevor turned and closed his eyes before they flashed. He took a couple deep breaths to calm himself. “I was always respectful with you.”

“Oh, come on now. It was a harmless joke, both at the club and in my apartment. You were standing in a gay bar with that midget wearing those ridiculous, matching, pink jockstraps. For all we knew you guys were fucking each other. From the way he filled out the pouch, I’d let him screw me.” She licked her lips. “The size difference between the two of you was comical.” Shannon laughed. “Sorry, I was picturing a Great Dane trying to mount a Chihuahua. Or the other way around.” She giggled more. “Come by my apartment tonight and I’ll make it up to you. I’ll ride you the way you love and even let you use the cuffs on me since I was a naughty girl.” She held her wrists together in front of her. “I might be able to convince Sharron to join us to double your pleasure. Show you we didn’t mean any harm.” She batted her eyelashes and briefly grinned at Salvaggi. “Maybe we can have Jayson come over to watch or video it. I’m sure he’d love a chance to see you naked outside the locker room. I’ll even let you both do me at once or we can do him. What do you say?”

“Midget? Pink jockstrap? Gay bar?” Jayson appeared to be salivating.

Trevor rolled his eyes at his friend before redirecting his anger to his former sex partner. “Tell you what, Shannon. How about we don’t.” He crossed his arms over his chest, taking a more forceful stance. “Your logic about it being a bad idea we date exclusively was spot on, and I’m thankful beyond words you suggested it back in May.

“My short friend was right though, thank gods the condoms didn’t break, or I might have been stuck with you in my life.” Another growl made its way from deep in his chest. “You disregard my feelings as inconsequential, demean the size of my California friend with offensive language, and make insulting jokes about Jayson with him standing here, all in an attempt to justify your actions. Not cool!

“After all this bullshit with you and women I sort of dated over the summer turning into an absolute dumpster fire,” Trevor stalked around while growling, “I’m done with chicks for a while. Jayson has a hell of a lot better chance at getting me to go out on a date than you ever will.” He turned to face his friend. “Call me later, Jay. I want to catch up.”

Cupping his hands around his mouth, Trevor looked across the quad towards the sister about forty feet ways. “Sharron.” When the woman turned, he lashed out. “She just let me know it was actually you riding me a couple months ago instead of her. Hope you enjoyed it as much as she said, because it’s never happening again. Oh, and thanks for rating me a nine.” He was not surprised by all the people who turned to look. It was mildly gratifying to see the blonde girlfriend’s hands move to her hips with the accompanying frown before they started arguing and pointing. His glare quickly returned to the twin in front of him. “As for you, the only time I want to hear from you is to let me know when you want to do the paternity test, if you’re going to make accusations I’m the father. Beyond that, stay the fuck away from me.”

Trevor stormed off and found a quiet spot in the shade. He had trouble containing the growls emanating from him and had to close his eyes again to hide the amber flash from anyone who might see it. When he finally opened his eyes, he was surprised to see Jayson standing in front of him. He had not even heard his friend approach.

“Dude. Are you okay?” Concern colored Jayson’s voice

“Just pissed at her again.”

Jayson chuckled, “Yeah. I kinda figured that.”

“Actually, more so than I was in San Diego, and that was pretty bad. Knowing she watched what happened and thought it was funny… Aaahhhhh!”

“I’m sorry you had to go through that.” Jayson lowered his eyes to the ground. “So… Umm… What was that about me having a better chance at going out with you? Was that just because you were pissed and wanted to emphasize she had absolutely zero chance with you again?”

“Dude, you’re my best bud here on campus.” Trevor rested his hand on Jayson’s shoulder. “We’ve been friends since meeting at Penn State our freshman year. We helped each other prepare for and apply to Harvard. I would never hurt you by using you that way.” He made sure their eyes were on each other. “Let’s just say you weren’t the only one to learn and explore things about himself over the summer.” There was a long pause as he gathered his thoughts. “I went through the same revelations you did last term or whenever it was you accepted you liked dudes in addition to the ladies. I met and ended up dating two incredible guys for the last two months. It’s not something I planned or ever imagined happening in my life. It just fell into place, and I loved every minute of it.” The look of total shock on his friend’s face made him chuckle.

“But you’re…” Jayson paused and appeared at a loss for words. “You’re the ultimate pussy hound on campus. Without even trying, nearly every woman you meet’s ready to slide out of her panties as soon as you say hi. You may not brag but your reputation’s legendary.”

“Well, maybe I learned that at some point it has to go beyond sex, no matter how good or easy it is.” Trevor took a seat on a nearby bench. “I love sex with women, but I’ve never managed to build an actual relationship with one, not even Shannon. The companionship of men makes me happy in ways I never realized. I love being around my buddies from back home, just like I do with you.

“I’ve hung out with you in a more fun and relaxed way than with any woman I’ve had sex with. With the two guys, cuddling, holding them, just sitting and talking was blissful. Going hiking or camping, lounging in a hot tub, or having a couple beers was great. Not to say the sex with them wasn’t out of this world.” Trevor winked. “Let’s just say I came to the realization there was more to me than being the straight guy everyone talks about.”

“Is one of them the midget?”

“He’s not a midget, and he’d probably kneecap you for calling him that since it’s offensive.”


“He’s short compared to us, though. Just over five feet tall, but there’s a reason he’s a stripper. The guy’s all muscles and hung.” Trevor’s grin seemed infectious as it spread to Jayson. “And no, we didn’t. He’s happily married to a man, but he’s a good friend.” Trevor pulled out his phone and brought up the picture from Glass Mountain with the three shirtless men. “The brown-haired one’s Randy and the redhead’s Skyler.”

“Damn. They’re both hot. So are you bi now?”

“Why does everyone want to label things? I guess maybe I am and always was, but just didn’t see it. I didn’t change, though I’ve accepted a new reality.” Trevor stood and paced a few steps. “Most guys don’t really do anything for me. Or maybe I didn’t pay them enough attention to know if they do or not.

“Maybe I was trying to live up to the reputation of being the straight pussy hound everyone expected me to be.” Trevor returned to the bench. “I’ve always thought you were good-looking, but didn’t think about you sexually, even when you flirted. Maybe I was overlooking things with how easy I could get the ladies.” He glanced at his watch. “I have an appointment with a professor I need to head to.

“I’m still in the same apartment. Why don’t you come by tonight? We can grab some food, maybe a beer, and finish this conversation. If we’re both up for it, some cuddling between friends while we tell each other about our summer might be nice. As long as you don’t mind the idea of my arms around you in bed.” He flashed a brilliant grin. “I’m not offering sex, though. Not because I’m not interested, but I’m adjusting to being away from the guys I was dating. I also don’t want you to think I’m using you as a way to get off like some guy at a gloryhole. You’re too good a friend for that.”

“Dude, you already know I’ll be there. And I understand.”

“Cool, it’s a date.”

Both men stood and bumped fists before Trevor pulled them into a bro-hug.

“I’ll see you tonight, Trev. And thank you. Ya know, for coming out to me.”


When they walked off in opposite directions, a beautiful blonde caught Trevor’s eye as she headed towards him. She was doing something with a notebook in her hand. As they passed, she ripped a sheet out of it. “I’m Trish. Text me. We’ll hook-up.” The scent of arousal while she passed by was strong. She kept walking but looked back over her shoulder once and batted blue eyes at him.

“Oh, I’ll definitely be texting.” He watched as she disappeared from view.

“So much for being done with women.” His wolf chuffed.

“Don’t start with me. You thought she was just as hot. And a hookup doesn’t count.”

“Yep. Already know she won’t be the one to hold our interest. And there isn’t the challenge of a hunt. But she’ll be fun and is so gonna make us growl.”

“I miss Skyler and Randy, but she’s interested, and a fuck is a fuck.”

“We could still have fun when the eager pup comes over tonight. You know, since you’re enlightened now.”

“No calling Jayson that. He may be a little smaller than us, but he’s all man, and we both enjoy spending time with him.”

“Nice of you to finally notice.” The wolf laughed once again.

“Why didn’t we have this conversation before going to Burney? You act like you were seeing more than I was. I never felt any interest in men from you. Except maybe with Alex.”

“Okay, I’ll be honest, I didn’t give guys any thought beyond comparing them to us. I liked them stroking our ego whenever they offered themselves to us.”

“Yeah, that was always fun. At least you’re not saying you knew something I didn’t. I’d have felt hurt if you’d held something like that back.” Trevor cherished these conversations with his animal side.

“We were happy with a constant supply of female partners. As Jayson mentioned, we say hi, and they drop their panties.” There was almost a purring in Trevor’s mind. “Anyways, we weren’t ready to think about settling down unless we met our mate.” Trevor felt the wolf chuffing again. “Unlike our friends, you still wanted as many options as possible, even if you ruled out half of them for being male. At least you learned your lesson with the pup from the cave. He was fun. Oh, and you are a man-whore.”

“Yeah, but we’re still one, so you can’t hang that solely on me. I felt you wanting to bury our bone in him. Remember, Jayson isn’t Randy, Sky, or the guy from the cavern with the insatiable cave, but he’s still a great friend. Don’t try pushing me to do things that could hurt our friendship with Jay. Or worse, hurt him.”

“Don’t turn yourself off to things that are possible. It might be a fuck, but it could be more. We both know he wants it. That might be pheromone overload too, so you might have a point about restraint with him. Or is that restraints?” The wolf was happily bouncing around in their mind. “I’ll try to tone down our natural irresistibility so we don’t overwhelm him. But he challenges our thinking in ways similar to our two guys. And yeah, I’m not ready to be with anyone else yet either. Maybe we should stop by a glory hole after you finish your errands.” The wolf growled. “I know you wanted to imprint on them, but it’s for the best we didn’t.”

“I know. We don’t need things going too far with someone else and having to go through the wolf discussion all over again.” Trevor’s hand rose to touch the obsidian pendant. “It was all too fast, and we’ve got to be here for the next year. What’s this I wanted? I could feel it from you too. They would make strong mates though.”

“Oh, look over there. Go say hi to them.”

“Way to change the subject. Okay, I’ll say hi. And I’ll keep an open mind about Jayson. Just like I will with Alex when we see him next. But we really do need some time to get over being away from Skyler and Randy.”

“Alex or Deanna could be fun.” The wolf felt excited. “But remember, if we imprint on someone like them, they can’t be turned or any changes they’ve made to be themselves would be undone on the first shift.”

“I’d already thought about that, but thanks for the reminder. I don’t think Alex would object to friends-with-benefits.”

The two guys who had drawn the wolf’s attention, appearing to be second or third year students, walked hand in hand. They stopped under a tree and sat on the grass, not quite cuddling but closer than mere friends. Both were handsome in their own way. One brought back memories of Seth with the twinkish blond looks while the other had dark features with a slight build. Trevor veered off his course towards them. Their hands separated as soon as they noticed him.

Trevor’s size and muscles tended to excite and intimidate some of the smaller guys, and he could pick up the scent of fear from them. “Don’t stop on my account. I’m not here to be a dick.” He knelt so he was eye level with them. “Just wanted to say hi, and that it’s nice seeing a couple good looking guys holding hands on campus. I wish it happened more often.” He flashed them a smile. “I’m Trevor. Since it looks like you two are together, I’m not hitting on you; I’m strictly looking for friends at this point. But if anyone ever gives you a hard time, let me know, and I’ll do what I can to help.” He wrote his number down and handed it to the dark haired one.

“I’m Christian. This is my boyfriend, Taylor. Thanks.” He accepted the note while the blond stared in apparent disbelief. “We’ve seen you around campus the last year, always with women on your arm. Hope I’m not out of line and don’t still end up getting the shit beat out of me, but you’re fuckin’ hot.”

Trevor’s hearty laugh put the two guys at ease. “I appreciate the compliment. You’re both real easy on the eyes too. I do like the ladies. But I’m realizing guys have just as much to offer. Maybe more. Even though a lot of my friends are gay, this is kinda new for me.”

“We have a small group that gets together sometimes for support. We go out for dinner, or to a bar, sometimes just hang around one of our apartments and talk. I mean, if you’d be interested. If you’re trying to figure things out about yourself, it might be good for you. We’ve all gone through it at some point and are good listeners.”

“I’d like that. After your group gets to know me, would I be able to bring a buddy of mine along? I think he’d enjoy it as much as me.”

“Yeah, definitely. Hope you don’t mind some of the guys shamelessly flirting with you.”

“As long as they don’t mind me flirting back.” Trevor laid on his best wolfish grin. “I’ve gotta get going to a meeting with a professor. Saw you two and wanted to stop and say hi. It was cool meeting you both.” He stood and walked off with a wave.

After he got a little ways from them, he looked down at his watch to read the text that came in. It was Christian saying hi and sharing his number. His mind quickly shifted to thoughts of Randy and Skyler as he calculated the number of days before he would see them again. He could not stop the happy growl that let loose. “It’s gonna be a great fuckin’ year.”


The End


Woof and Prime are the intellectual property of Carlos Hazday from his CJ series and are used with his gracious permission. If you haven't read them yet, you really should.

Thank you to @Carlos Hazday and @Backwoods Boy for their help once again. My thanks to the readers for the encouragement. Until the boys return with their next adventure, Hugz and Howls to you all.
Copyright © 2023 WolfM; All Rights Reserved.
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