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    John Henry
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This story is meant for mature audiences.  Reader discretion is advised.

Thicker Than Water - 65. Chapter 65

This story contains conversations regarding child sex abuse and criminal injustice. Reader discretion is advised.

All rise. The Honorable Stephen J. Arthur presiding,” Court Clerk called out. Diego's heart raced as the elderly man took his seat and told everyone to sit down.

Mr. Clarke, where's your client?” Judge Arthur asked, looking at the Petitioner's table.

He's ill, Your Honor,” Mr. Clarke said. “I called the Court this morning about it, but it appears you didn't get the message.”

Is your client at the hospital?”

Yes, Your Honor. His wife says he's at the emergency room getting a COVID-19 test.”

Have you been tested, Mr. Clarke, given your proximity to your client?”

I get tested weekly by my firm and came back negative this morning, and I also have the four boosters. I'm ready to proceed, however, if the Court wishes.”

Mr. Parker, are you ready to proceed?”

Billy stood and said, “I am, Your Honor.”

Very well. Mr. Clarke, please give your closing remarks.”

Thank you, Your Honor,” Mr. Clarke said just before taking a drink of water. “This case, from the very start, has been about family and what constitutes family. There is no doubt that Mr. Padilla and the minors of this case, Bryan and Caleb, have a familial relationship; however, there's more to being family than just a piece of paper and a signature.

My client and the two minors are genetically linked. Without my client, they would not exist; that's just a fact. He and the two boys share a bond that nobody, not even Mr. Padilla and his partner can mimic. There is a clear history of my client raising them early on, and when he moved to Pennsylvania to find a better life, he left a note letting Mr. Padilla know that his intentions were to return for Bryan and Caleb once he was settled.

So, instead of waiting for my client to come for the boys, Mr. Padilla kept my client from speaking with his children, which then spiraled into a huge, legal mess, which got my client's parental rights unjustly taken away. My client trusted his best friend with not only his children, but with the sanctity of the bonds between a father and his sons.

Mr. Padilla then aided my client's own mother in denying my client access to his children. We saw that in her text messages and his own admission on the stand. It doesn't matter what his reasons were. He interfered with my client's rights to have contact and access to his children.

If it wasn't for Mr. Padilla, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Instead, my client and his biological children would be living with their real father and new stepmother, and living a life that Mr. Padilla can only dream of providing.

It's the Court's duty is to respect the bonds of blood. My client, their biological father, wants custody, Your Honor, and has always wanted custody. It's time that he gets it.” With that, Mr. Clarke took his seat.

The entire time Mr. Clarke spoke, Diego studied the judge to see if he could get any kind of impression from the old man but, to his dismay, the old man sat stoically.

Mr. Parker, are you ready?”

Yes, Your Honor.” As Billy stood, a loud beeping went off from his phone.

Mr. Parker,” Judge Arthur said, with an angry tone, “You know very well that cell phones must be silenced when court is in session.”

Billy looked at his phone and said, “Huh,” then silenced it. “I'm sorry, Your Honor. It won't happen again.”

Make sure that it doesn't; now proceed.”

Thank you, Your Honor.” Billy took a settling breath and said, “Mr. Clarke is correct. This case, from the start, has been about family and what constitutes it. Where opposing counsel and I disagree is the definition. The Petitioner wants the Court to believe that family is strictly about genetics, but as someone from a mixed family, I can definitely tell you it is not.

While my birth father was rotting in a prison cell for a crime he didn't commit...and a crime he definitely did commit, I was being raised by my mother and stepfather. I was about 2-years-old when my parents first met, and Rick raised me as his own, even after my half-brother, Charlie, was born.

When I was 12, a series of unfortunate events took place, in which my mother went to prison, leaving my stepfather to raise me and Charlie as a single father. Then, my best friend and Charlie were nearly killed, and as a result, my best friend became my adopted brother. Around this time, my biological father came back into my life.

After my biological father died, my mother was released from prison, took to my brother, Ry, as her own son, even though there was no legal document ordering the arrangement. He calls her Mom, and she refers to him as her son.

Ry and Charlie eventually got married. Charlie had a daughter from a previous relationship, and they used science to have twin boys. Nobody knows who the biological father is, whether it's Ry or Charlie, or one each, so there's a good chance both twins aren't biologically related to one of their dads or their sister, but you could never convince them that they aren't family.

My husband is half-African American and half-LatinX, and he's been a part of our family since just after we started dating, and despite the cultural and skin tone differences, we are all family.

“Biological family isn't always the best course of action, either, as one of the crimes my biological father was imprisoned for was molesting me as a child. Come to find out, it was my mother's father who actually did it and framed my father for the crime. I have no memory of this, since I was very young, but needless to say, I would never let my own child near that monster, regardless of the genetic connection.

As for Mr. Johnson, he has proven time and time again that he only cares for himself. He left his wife, Donna, and the boys multiple times prior to the last incident. We heard testimony from nearly two dozen former partners of his that he either never mentioned Bryan and Caleb or it was very far along in the relationship. But, when he did bother to do so, it was usually a lie to elicit sympathy for monetary gain.

Mr. Johnson's work history is spottier than a clown's hanky, so is his honesty. In this very courtroom, he committed perjury, yet we're supposed to take his word that his intentions are pure? He and his now wife both lied about Bryan to hide their own disgusting behavior towards Caleb, whom they're seeking custody of. And for what? Money.

This has never been about Mr. Johnson wanting to finally reconnect with his children, as Mr. Clarke may falsely claim. This is about money, plain and simple. We even heard from a witness who said that Mr. Johnson was not only planning to leave his current wife but also planned to leave Caleb with her once he got the money! And, we saw the text messages from Mr. Johnson supporting it.

Mr. Johnson has had a decade at this point to have a relationship with my client's children, and apparently, the cost of Mr. Johnson to do so is 8 million dollars and not a penny less.

“While Mr. Clarke droned on and on about genetics, I was reminded of a quote: The blood of the Covenant is thicker than even the water of the womb. When my client accepted the full legal responsibility of two boys he was not genetically related to, he made a Covenant to be their father no matter what happens, and he's spent the last decade proving this time and time again, while Mr. Johnson bounced from bed to bed to bed, living what life he wanted. Mr. Padilla may not be blood related to those boys, but their bond is thicker than water, and thicker than the blood those boys unfortunately share with Mr. Johnson.”

Diego was in tears by the time Billy sat down and he hugged his lawyer.

Judge Arthur took some notes and said, “The Court will be in recess while I deliberate. The Court Clerk will notify counsel when a verdict has been reached.” With that, Judge Arthur banged his gavel and dismissed the courtroom.

Thank you so much, Billy,” Diego said as they walked out into the hall. “That was a beautiful speech.”

Thanks. The judge needed to hear from someone who has been in a similar position as the boys, so I thought I'd give some personal insight.”

How long do you think it'll be till he gives his answer?”

Who knows, to be honest. There's a lot of evidence to go back over. The longer he takes, the worse it can be for us. However, I honestly think it'll be over quicker than even he realizes.”

Why's that?” Diego asked, looking confused.

Billy shrugged and said, “Because, Calvin kidnapped Caleb.”

*     *     *

Caleb sighed as he tried crossing the street to Mrs. Lambert's house. Although it hadn't snowed in weeks, the pavement was still slick with black ice. His dads had gotten him crutches to use, since he wanted to be more independent, but he hadn't counted on slippery surfaces. Caleb did have half a mind to go back to his house and wait. A day in Bryan's room on his PS5 sounded fun, but he didn't want to get in trouble for not going to the old lady's house.

A car playing loud music whizzed past him and splashed him with water.

Hey!” Caleb shouted, almost falling to the ground. “Jerk face!” He called out, wishing he had brought a change of clothes. Now, going back home sounded good. However, his little heart started to pound when the car stopped and started to back up. “I didn't mean it!” Caleb cried out. “I'm sorry!

The car came to a stop next to the boy. The driver's side door opened and Calvin came around the front. “What are you doing out here?”

Going to my babysitter's,” Caleb said, sheepishly.

Aren't you supposed to be at school?”

No. I won't go back till Monday.”

Calvin looked around then asked, “Want a ride?”

No, Caleb thought, but the water Calvin sloshed on him was soaking through his pants and shoes. “I guess.”

Calvin opened the back door and helped Caleb inside. He looked around one more time before getting behind the wheel and driving off.

*     *     *

The fuck!” Diego exclaimed as he looked at the Amber Alert on his phone. “Goddamnit, Billy! Why didn't you say anything?”

It's fine, Diego,” Billy said placidly, as he got on his phone. “Just relax.”

Relax?! My son has been kidnapped, Billy!”

I know that,” Billy said, before turning his attention to the person on the other side of the conversation and walking away.

Diego called Bryan's school, demanding to speak to his eldest child. While waiting, he sent Steve and Luis texts, at least hoping Luis could give him some information. By the time he was finished telling Bryan to stay at the school till a trusted adult got him, Billy came back.

Good news,” Billy said.

They caught Calvin?”

Billy chuckled, “God no.”

This isn't funny, Billy! My son is missing!”

No, he's not.”

What do you mean he's not missing? He's been kidnapped!”

Yes, Caleb has been kidnapped, but he isn't missing. We know exactly where Calvin is. I've had Calvin under electronic surveillance for months. Did you think Bethany and Charlie were involved because they're related to me?”

I don't...what the fuck are you talking about?”

What I'm about to tell you can never get back to Ry, so you need to swear to me that you'll never tell him.”

Fine, I swear I won't tell Ry! Now, tell me where my son is!”

Billy stood next to Diego and grabbed Diego's phone. “Quinton and Bethany developed an app that acts as a parental tracker that can't be blocked or uninstalled by kids, and we had James install it on your phone the first night he slept over. The tracker has been attached to every car Calvin has ever driven, since Caleb doesn't have a cellphone.

When Charlie was a kid, he was kidnapped. He was only found because of my father's contacts in the underworld. From that point on, Charlie has been trying to find ways to protect kids from what happened to him. He started a security firm behind Ry's back, because Ry would lose it if something ever happened to Charlie. Charlie learned all this in the Marines, and has been getting help from Bethany, who will be joining the company after her current enlistment is up.”

Diego opened the app and saw a map of the city and a blip he guessed was Caleb. He zoomed out and saw several others, including himself, Steve and Bryan's school, where three blips existed.

In the event that Calvin switches cars,” Billy said, “I have a former police detective following them. She's an old family friend, as well, so I trust her. In fact, I was just talking to her.”

When is she going to stop Calvin?”

She's not. Her job is to tail them but to let the police apprehend Calvin, so he gets a proper kidnapping charge. It was actually Detective Dunham who called in the Amber Alert.”

That's why you didn't panic before?”

Correct. The second I found out that Calvin wasn't going to be in court, I had the clerk delay telling Judge Arthur and then called Detective Dunham to make sure she was following Calvin. The text I got was from her issuing the Amber Alert.”

Holy shit, Billy,” Diego said, collapsing on a bench. “Why haven't you said anything?”

I couldn't risk Ry finding out for starters. He doesn't handle secrets very well. Then, I wasn't sure how much I could tell you without you blowing my plans. I learned a lot from Will, and one of those lessons was to limit the number of people in your plans as possible. The best kept secret is the one that's never told.

Then, there's the problem that some of what I've done isn't exactly legal. Having Detective Dunham follow Calvin is one thing, but putting a GPS tracker on his cars is another, not to mention bugging the judge's chambers.”

When did that...oh. Oh Billy, why?”

Billy chuckled, “I needed to know the connection between Judge Arthur and Clarke's firm. Ever since you told Ry about a crooked judge keeping kids in the rehab center years ago, I've been trying to figure out who it was. I have to tell you that it has been a huge pain in the ass. I thought it was someone still sitting on the bench, and Judge Arthur was one of the last judges I needed to confirm. Then the will came into play with Ashley's testimony, which confirmed it was her father that was taking bribes from the center to keep kids in there longer. By the way, Judge Arthur wasn't taking bribes from Clarke; he's just a dick.”

"Good to know. Is there any way we can listen in on the verdict?"

Nope. Had the bug removed shortly after I planted it. Bethany wasn't thrilled about having one of her bugs used to record judges, the silly girl.”

Billy's phone rang. “Yeah. He's with me now. Is everything alright? Really? Okay. We'll be there in about ten minutes.”

What's up?” Diego asked, looking concerned.

Calvin's car crashed.”

*     *     *

Caleb sat in the backseat silently panicking. When he mentioned to Calvin that they passed Mrs. Lambert's house, Calvin didn't say anything but kept driving. Things got worse when they pulled onto the highway then the interstate. He had asked where they were going, but Calvin just told him to shut up.

Calvin's music played loudly in the car. It was some rapper who sang about raping and killing women, which only turned his stomach. He kind of liked rap but was quickly changing his mind.

I want to talk to my dad,” Caleb yelled from the back seat.

I am your dad,” Calvin said.

No, you're not!”

Yes, I am, and you're going to start calling me that from now on.”

You can't make me!”

Then I'll have to blister your ass till you do, you little shit, and you're going to get a mouth full of soap for back talking me!”

Caleb wanted to cry but knew it wouldn't do him any good. He looked around the backseat, trying to find something he could use to escape. There was noting, not even an old French fry. He was about to give up when he had a thought.

What the fuck are you doing back there?!” Calvin shouted, as Caleb kept kicking Calvin's seat.

Nothing, Dad,” Caleb said, with as much sarcasm as he could muster.

Don't make me pull this car over!”

You won't pull over in case the cops catch you!” Caleb retorted but stopped kicking the seat all the same.

They drove down the freeway for several more miles. Calvin was growing paranoid with each passing car and on ramp. As always, he had to do everything himself. Of course, he wouldn't have to if Diego wasn't always trying to ruin his life. His mother and Diego might as well have been the same person. They were both control freaks who wanted nothing more than Calvin under their thumbs, telling him how to live his life.

He was a fucking adult and could make his own decisions, and once Ashley saw Caleb, she'd take him back. It wouldn't take long for her to believe that that Bethany bitch faked those messages, and with Caleb in their possession, he'd have access to the money.

The initial sensation was short lived once the full force of Calvin's throat being crushed hit his brain.

Caleb hastily tied a slip knot in his shoelace and pulled as tight as he could with one hand and made sure he was buckled in with the other. The car swerved wildly, as Calvin gripped the thick string slowly choking the life out of him. It wasn't long till the car flipped and slid across the asphalt before slamming into the concrete median.

*     *     *

My name is Diego Padilla, I'm here to see my son, Caleb. He was in a car accident.”

The emergency room receptionist did some typing and said, “Hmm, my system says that his father is already here. Are you his stepfather?”

Billy gently moved Diego aside, since the man looked murderous. “Hello, I'm Will Parker, Caleb's attorney. This is Caleb's adoptive father. Who's the parent you're speaking of?”

The receptionist looked uncertain at Billy's business card then said, “A Steven Jensen.”

Diego immediately calmed down, well, as much as he could given the circumstances. “That's my fiancé,” Diego said. “Which room is Caleb in? I want to see him.”

He's in bed 23. I'll have someone come get you.”

Thank you,” Billy said, leading Diego to a pair of seats near a television playing reruns of Friends.

I want to thank you for everything you've done,” Diego said.

You're very welcome,” Billy replied.

I also want to punch you in the mouth for the bullshit, too.”

I get that a lot,” Billy said, unbothered. “I never understood the appeal of this show. Maybe you need to be a GenX'er or something. It's definitely a product of its time.”

I thought all you white boys liked Friends,” Diego chuckled.

God no! I was more into Smallville. Actually, if you want to lord something over your business partner, you should ask him about the Gilmore Girls.”

Good to know.”

A pair of doors made a racket as they opened, and a nurse came out and said, “Mr. Padilla?”

Diego got up and looked at Billy, who said, “You go. I have some calls to make.”

Thanks,” Diego said, hugging Billy quickly before heading to the back rooms. “Isn't Caleb in a room already?” He asked as they moved through the ER beds.

Um, no. You'll have to ask the doctor, but at least for the moment, your son is here with us,” the nurse said. It wasn't long after that he pulled a curtain back and let Diego into the area.

Bryan crashed into his dad, hugging the man tightly, nearly sending them both to the ground. “I love you, Dad.”

I love you, too, Chico,” Diego said hugging Bryan back, mostly to regain their balance.

Hi, Dad,” Caleb said, smiling from his bed, eating an ice cream cone despite it still being winter.

Hi, Mijo,” Diego replied, letting go of Bryan and moving to his youngest child. “I hear you have quite the day.”

Ugh,” Caleb sighed and rolling his eyes, “you don't know the half of it.” He shook his head sadly before continuing to eat his vanilla cone.

Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

My head kind of hurts, but I'm not nearly as fucked up as Calvin,” Caleb said. Once he realized he swore, he quickly added, “Sorry, Dad.”

Diego chuckled and kissed his son's forehead. “I think I can forgive it this one time.”

Are you Diego Padilla?” A cop said from the split in the curtain.

I am,” Diego said, questioningly.

I'm Officer Smart--

--how ironic--” Bryan muttered to Steve, who elbowed him.

--I have a few questions for Caleb.”

That won't be necessary, officer,” Billy said. You can direct any and all questions to me.

And you are?”

His lawyer, and my client will not be answering any of your questions, at least not at this moment.”

This is regarding his kidnapping, Mr....?”

Parker...Will Parker. God, I've always wanted to say it that way! Anyway, I understand there are circumstances that maybe a little legally sticky for my client, so he'll make an official statement once I've conferred with him. Until then, his father, who is also my client, would like to press charges for Kidnapping II, as Mr. Johnson did not have permission nor the legal right to abscond with Caleb in the first place. I just got off the phone with District Attorney's Office. Mr. Johnson will also have a warrant out for his arrest for perjury, as well, as his wife, Ashley Johnson.” Billy gave the cop a business card and sent him on his way.

Once the cop was out of sight, Diego said, “What 'sticky situation' are you talking about?”

Caleb tried killing Calvin...allegedly.”

I did not,” Caleb said, again rolling his eyes. “It's his fault for struggling so much.”

What did you do?” Diego, Steve and Bryan said at the same time.

Don't answer that,” Billy said. “You could make them all witnesses if the DA wants to try to charge you as an adult.”

He's 11. I thought he couldn't be charged with any crimes.”

He shouldn't be, but that doesn't mean that there might not be an attempt. Allegedly, Caleb made a noose out of his shoelaces and strangled Calvin with them, causing the car to go off the road.”

Allegedly,” Caleb added.

That's what I said,” Billy replied, winking at the boy.

You tried killing Calvin?” Bryan asked, impressed and a little frightened.

Allegedly,” Billy added.

It was either him or me--”

--Allegedly,” everyone said, causing Caleb to chuckle.

Does anyone know what's going on with Calvin, then?” Diego asked.

No,” Steve said. “I tried asking, but they wouldn't say anything because I'm not related.”

He's got a crushed larynx, major concussion and whiplash,” Bryan said. When everyone looked at him questioningly, he added, “Because Dad couldn't ask, doesn't mean I couldn't. I told them I was his son, and they gave me an update. And don't worry, I feel sufficiently dirty for it, and will likely take a shower when we get home.”

*     *     *

Caleb was allowed to go home after a couple of hours. He only suffered a mild concussion having hit his head on the car door as the vehicle slammed into the median. That night, Caleb slept next to Bryan in his room. It hadn't been the plan, but they were watching movies when Caleb fell asleep.

Diego lightly knocked on the door and smiled at his boys. They were always so close and he couldn't have been prouder of them.

Hey, Chico,” Diego whispered.

Hey,” Bryan replied, putting the movie on pause.

Want me to put him in his own bed?”

No,” Bryan said, wrapping his arms around his little brother. “He's fine right where he is.” Who knows if this will be the last time, he thought sadly. “Dad, what if the judge gives Caleb to Calvin and Ashley? Is that still possible?”

I don't know the odds, but there's still the possibility. I think it will be less likely, but you don't know with that judge.”

Do you think it'll happen?”

I can't even bring myself to think about it, Bryan. It's taking everything I've got not to freak out. I love you both so much. I wouldn't trade the last 10 years for anything, and I want all my remaining years with the two of you.”

Three,” Bryan interjected, “We can't leave Steve out.”

Of course not,” Diego said, kissing Caleb then Bryan on the head. “Buenas noches, Chico. Te amo.”

Yo también te amo, papá.”

Who saw that coming? Thank you, again, for reading this story. Please Recommend, Review, React, Comment and Reply. It all helps.
Copyright © 2023 John Henry; All Rights Reserved.
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