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The Order - 12. Chapter 12
Content warning: This story contains adult situations, language, and consensual sex between adult men. If said content is illegal in your state or country, please leave now and do not continue.
With the bullet removed from his spine and Kevin Healed and out of danger the doctor brought him out of the induced coma. He would sleep naturally and wake up when his body was ready. Bryan and Lane healed his body, but Kevin’s Soul was drained from being so close to death, and it would take time to recover. With Ken’s and Bryan’s help, the doctor moved Kevin from the operating table, getting him comfortably situated in a bed.
While Ken and Bryan finished with Kevin, the doctor moved over to Bill’s bedside saying, “Now we must see to William.”
Attached to the doctor’s equipment, Bill’s body initially showed signs of neurological distress. Whatever happened when he touched the skull triggered massive hemorrhaging in the soft tissues of his head, causing extensive bleeding through his eyes, nose, and ears. The blood loss was significant due to the length of time he was unconscious before Ken and Brad found him. Lane and Bryan Healed the physical damage and he appeared to be resting comfortably, but he remained unconscious and the doctor wasn’t sure why.
Whatever happened to his Mind during that time was still a mystery. Bill was shut off, and any attempt to Read his Mind or merge with him was unsuccessful. It was like his Mind was somewhere else.
Except for Brad, who stayed with the doctor at Bill’s bedside, the rest of the guys moved to the kitchen and talked quietly among themselves, anxious to hear some news about Bill. Rick, Loy, and Albrecht were still in the Bahamas and not due back for another few days.
“Yes, sir?”
“Where is the skull you found in William’s hand?”
“It’s still in the car, sir. I didn’t want to bring it in until you were ready, in case there was some danger. I’ll go get it.”
Brad went out to Ken’s Explorer and retrieved the box from the back of the car.
As soon as Brad walked back in the door, Pat glanced over and saw the box. His eyes turned White, his Avatar blazing to life as he staggered back against the kitchen counter.
“Fuck me!”
The connection between the skull and Bill’s body was stronger than anything Pat had seen yet, and the response of his Avatar caught him off guard. His Mind and vision went haywire from the information flooding into him. His whole body tensed and Ken heard the countertop crack where Pat’s hands clenched the edge of the counter.
Ken’s reflexes were lightning fast, and he grabbed Patrick to steady him.
“Whoah Pat, what’s wrong?”
When Pat reacted to the box, Darren dove fully and deeply into his partner and a bright nimbus appeared around the two men as Darren threw a protective Shield over them in case it was another attack from the Enemy. Brad and Lane instinctively followed, throwing their own Shields up to protect themselves and their partners.
Through Pat, Darren knew whatever was in the box was dangerous and it disappeared from Brad’s hands, appearing on a Lab workstation on the far side of the room.
Pat ran to Bill’s room, still absorbing and interpreting the connection between the skull and his buddy. He focused, and as hard as it was, he let the knowledge fill him.
Fuck, this is bad! Dar, back off some. My Avatar should Shield me, but I don’t want you to get caught up in any of this.
Reluctantly Darren pulled back, staying on the surface of Pat’s Mind but deep enough to feel Pat’s reaction at what he took in, while letting Pat feel his presence.
Watching Pat intently, the doctor realized what was happening and waited for his Avatar to finish. He held up a hand when Ken started to ask what was going on. All eyes were on Pat for another minute while he took in everything his Avatar was telling him. His body was tense and his handsome brow furrowed from the intensity of what he was experiencing. Once his Avatar dimmed to a soft pulse he let out a heavy sigh, and his shoulders slumped.
With a pained look on his face he thought: Shit. This isn’t good.
As soon as Pat’s Avatar quieted, Darren was back in his Mind at the speed of thought. He Read what Pat saw and took them both deep for a brief second to rest in one another, giving Pat time to recover. In that split second, they spent minutes resting in one another and holding each other close.
Darren’s hands roamed over Pat’s body, rubbing his chest, shoulders, and arms. He wanted Pat to feel his touch and soothe some of his tension.
Thanks, Dar. Fuck, you’re so good to me.
No more than you deserve, Pat.
After a brief pause, Darren’s dimples showed.
You know I’ll use any excuse to get my hands on you.
Pat laughed and thought: As if you need an excuse. You’ve had carte blanche with me from day one.
Well in that case…
Darren reached inside Pat’s shirt and rubbed his chest. Pat’s body was tight, and the warmth of Darren's hands helped calm him. It took a few minutes, but Pat started to relax. They were both concerned for Bill, and after a few moments Darren thought: We need to get back to it. Feel better?
Yeah, thanks. Love you.
Pat gave Darren a kiss on the cheek and tightened his arms around him one last time.
Darren brought them both back up and sent a thought to the rest of the guys.
Sorry about jumping the gun with the Shield, guys. Let’s get back together so you can see what this is about.
Pat took a deep breath and said, “Alright doc, I understand Bill’s Avatar and how it works. The skull is responsible for what happened to him. His Avatar reacted as soon as he touched it, and he absorbed the lifetime of memories and experiences of whoever it was.
“You know when we Awaken how our Avatars are hypersensitive at first? Well, that skull is from someone who lived a very long and Powerful life, and it overwhelmed Bill’s Mind. His Body has already absorbed the experiences and memories of someone who lived hundreds of years, but he’s fighting it off from entering his Mind. Bill’s there, deep inside himself. He created a trap in his own Mind to protect himself, and he’s stuck there. He’s holding on, but I can tell he won’t last forever.”
The doctor, ever calm, thought: Bradford, would you please reach out to Albrecht? I think his insight will be helpful in solving this mystery.
Brad’s eyes turned White as he cast his thoughts out to contact Albrecht, Rick, and Loy. Once he knew they were safe and not in the middle of something critical, he pulled them into the Link. Creating a Construct of the Lab he brought them in along with everyone else, deliberately going deep for the time differential. Albrecht, Rick, and Loy appeared along with the doctor, Ken, Lane and Bryan, and Pat and Darren; the only two missing were Kevin and Bill. Their absence was painfully apparent by their empty chairs awaiting their return.
Pat’s frustration over not Understanding exactly what happened was apparent. Something was going on his Avatar was not able to show him. Identifying to whom the skull belonged and its significance was information his Avatar wasn’t wired for.
Ken sat beside Pat and put a hand on his big shoulder, saying, “Don’t go there, Pat. We already know more than we did ‘cause of you.”
The doctor continued, “What you have already given us Patrick, will allow us to help William. If we are able to save him, he will have you to thank first and foremost. You have done well.”
Pat felt the support of everyone in the room, and Darren squeezed his hand tighter.
I love you, Pat. You rock.
Pat accepted their support, letting it drive off his negative thoughts. He took a deep breath and said, “Okay guys, first off here’s what I was able to find out about Bill’s Avatar. It’s a bit like mine in that it’s based on knowledge, but it’s as different as Bryan’s and Loy’s; related but different aspects.”
The doctor looked at Brad and asked, “Bradford, would you display William’s Avatar on the main screen? Patrick’s too, please.”
The Ops board came to life with the images of Bill’s and Pat’s Avatars. The symbols were similar but subtly different.
“Albrecht, you have studied the runes more than I. Based on what Patrick has shared can you elaborate?”
“The core meaning of Bill’s Avatar is ‘to know.’ Yours, Pat, is ‘to understand.’ Whereas you understand the connections between things and how they work, Bill will see the knowledge of the objects or people themselves. When he touches a person, he will know them down to their core being; who they are, and everything about them, as if he had merged with them completely with no secrets or deceptions. This is an incredibly powerful ability mainly because it cannot be Shielded against. Bill will know by touching an object what it is, who held it, who made it, or how it was made. Essentially, he will know its history and everything about it. Between his Avatar and yours Pat, there are few secrets in this world that you cannot fathom.”
Brad’s eyes went wide as he made the connection of what happened to Bill, and he exclaimed, “It was a trap! The skull was a trap! Doc, how could the Enemy have known what Bill’s Avatar would be before he Awakened? This was deliberate!”
Everyone’s eyes went wide at Brad’s statement, and a ripple of shock went through the Link. Was the Enemy that powerful?
The doctor watched their reaction and calmly said, “Even if they were able to do so, do not think the information came at little or no cost. Yes, there are beings that can move outside of Time. You have met some. Perhaps with time and practice Bradford, you could do the same by moving through the Veil. But that knowledge is only useful for short periods of time. It is part of the Paradox of Time and Free Will within the Multiverse. The further away you try to look at a particular event or action, the less reliable the information gleaned within that reality is. Only truly powerful beings in the Higher Orders can see all possible futures within a single Reality with any degree of accuracy.
He continued, “I do think you are correct, Bradford, that the skull was a trap set specifically for William. Which means the Enemy does not wish William to discover someone’s or something’s identity. That is an issue we can ponder after we have helped him and he is safely back with us.”
Brad’s voice was subdued as he said, “Guys, Bill did what we trained ourselves to do. Pat said he’s deep within himself in a trap of his own making. We learned to do that as an absolute last resort to protect ourselves and prevent being taken over or controlled if we’re caught off guard or overwhelmed. If Bill is that deep and he’s been there since last night, it’s been years for him with the time differential.”
They all looked at one another in silence as the ramification of Brad’s statement sunk in. The thought of being alone and away from their partners for such a long time was unthinkable. The loneliness Bill must feel, and not knowing if he would be rescued sent a chill through the Link. One of their Brothers, one of their own, was trapped in his own Mind for what he perceived as years in a prison of his own making.
Brad felt like he had let Bill down by not realizing what happened.
Ken made his thought private to Brad: Stop right there, B. There’s no way you could ‘a known Bill would trap himself because he touched somethin’. Maybe if he had a fight with one of those suit wearin’ goons, but not from touchin’ a piece of bone. None of us, includin’ you, knew what his Avatar was so there’s no way any of us could ‘a predicted that. You didn’t let him down. But I guaran-damn-tee you we’re gonna’ fix this and get him back.
Ken asked the obvious, “So how can we help him? Can we figure out a way ‘ta talk with him? We have ‘ta let him know we’re workin’ on gettin’ him out.”
Brad replied, “The only way to talk to him would be to break through the barrier he’s hiding behind, and whatever he’s holding back would be loose. I’m not sure it’s something we could Shield him against… it’s what his Avatar is wired to do. Doc, do you have any ideas?”
“There might be a way for you to reach him Bradford, but it is not without risk. Kenneth might even be able to join you, and while that might give William comfort, it does not solve the issue.”
Bryan surprised everyone when he blurted out, “I think Kevin is the key to saving Bill.”
As soon as Bryan spoke, a gleam of understanding came to the doctor’s eyes.
“Yes, my boy, I believe you are correct. Well done. Since this is your thought, please continue.”
Bryan blushed and lowered his head, not liking the attention and recognition. His rubbed a hand roughly across the back of his neck and took a deep breath. He felt everyone’s encouragement to continue and with a grin, Ken winked at him. Bryan scowled back in mock anger, taking a deep breath before continuing.
“Well, we’ve known from the start we complement one another. As buddies and partners what we feel for one another and how we support each other has gotten us this far. After the last Transformation and with our Avatars waking up, I think it’s even more obvious.
“Something’s playing around with our lives, not just the Enemy but The Order too, or maybe something different, and it pisses me off. What we are and what we’re becoming needs to happen. I’m not saying the deck is stacked in our favor but we need the chance to succeed or fail, and we can’t do that if Bill is gone. I think whoever, or whatever, gave us our Avatars did it knowing that something like this might happen to any of us, and our partners will be our best bet in keeping each other safe so we can survive long enough to meet the challenge, whatever that challenge is.”
The doctor nodded proudly, and Lane reached over giving Bryan’s big shoulder a solid thump of approval. That might have been the most any of them had ever heard Bryan say at one time.
Ken sent a private thought to Bryan.
Good job, Bry. You never cease ‘ta amaze me, bud. There’s always so much more goin’ on in that noodle of yours than you let on. I’m proud of you.
Bryan blushed at Ken’s praise, and he responded with a Mental grunt.
It’s nothing.
The doctor responded, “Well said, my boy, well said. I believe you are correct. There are forces guiding events and I, like you, am not particularly pleased to be a puppet. Albrecht and I have had this thought for some time. In fact, I believe there is a Pattern emerging in your abilities. Once we are all safe and back up to full health it is something we need to address as a Team, but first things first. If Kevin is William’s best chance as Bryan surmised, then we must get him awake and restored as quickly as possible. William has already perceived years of time inside his prison and the longer we take, the more time will pass exponentially for him.”
Ken said, “Doc, what did you mean about Brad and me bein’ able ‘ta get to Bill?”
“Bradford has not yet studied the writings of Brother Jaalam. I have been reading them in the evenings while Albrecht has been with Richard and Loy. Brother Jaalam was able to send his Soul across the Veil, the only other member of The Order before Bradford to have this ability. Fortunately for us, he kept a journal of his experiences.
“I believe, Bradford, if you could locate William from the other side of the Veil you could pass through and appear within his prison without the need to break it. If you and Kenneth remain merged he could accompany you on your journey. With your Souls combined your Avatar should allow Kenneth to go with you. You will also be stronger and safer together. However, it puts Kenneth at risk if anything should happen to you. If for some reason you had to separate, Kenneth would be trapped with no way to get back.”
“Doc, I’ve never tried to Cross intentionally. I’m not even sure how I did it that first time.”
“I can help with that as well. I will share with you what I have read, and it will allow you to Cross, however finding William will be up to you.”
Ken sensed Brad’s apprehension, not about making the attempt but at taking Ken with him.
“I know the risks, B. If you’re goin’, you’re takin’ me with you.”
Ken reached over and grabbed Brad’s hand in his own, squeezing it tightly.
Remember, B, together we’re unstoppable. I trust you. We need ‘ta do this for Bill.
Ken said, “Alright doc, Brad’n I will make it ‘ta Bill. You and the guys get Kevin back up and figure out how ‘ta undo whatever it was that skull did to him. I know everybody’s aware of this, but I’m gonna say it anyway. We have ‘ta move fast for Bill’s sake. As of now, we’re on mission status. Everyone stay sharp. This is one of our own at risk.”
Brad took them all out of his Construct and back to the Lab. Everyone was still Linked and shared a sense of urgency for Bill and what their being in the real world meant for him. Rick, Loy, and Albrecht went back to their bodies in the Bahamas.
Ken and Brad went into one of the exam rooms and pulled two beds together so they could be side by side. The doctor followed and stood by their bedside.
“There is a technique to mask your presence once you Cross. Brother Jaalam did not have the benefit of your Nephilim Heritage and it was far more dangerous for him to travel there, so he discovered ways to hide and stay safe that should serve you well. Remember, there is a drain on your physical bodies here when you are there. You can stay too long. If you find it too difficult or are unable to find William, come back.”
“I understand, doc. We’ll be careful, sir. I promise.”
Brad and Ken took a deep breath and delved into one another, their energy centers Open and bright. Ken squeezed Brad’s hand as their Minds and Hearts wrapped around one another, settling into their deep, intimate connection. Their breath caught and their eyes watered as they rested in one another. The doctor, standing so close, felt the effects of their bond wash over him.
The doctor slid into their shared Mind, imparting the knowledge of Brother Jaalam’s journal to both of them. Through their joining the doctor was acutely aware of their love for him as a father, and for their Brothers, and their urgency and anxiety for Bill. He also saw how powerful they were becoming, but with no hint of ego. In fact, he saw their noble traits; humility, wisdom, faithfulness, and courage, and the doubts and fears that had begun creeping into the back of his Mind quieted.
Emotions he seldom expressed outwardly were apparent to Brad and Ken while Linked with him. He was ashamed to have doubted them, but they lifted him up and let him know there was no need for shame or regret. They understood his concerns and loved him unconditionally as he taught them they should.
Using the knowledge the doctor imparted, Brad lifted their Minds and Souls out of their Bodies. Joined as One, a single ball of Light floated in the air above them. Their handsome faces relaxed, looking peaceful, and their Bodies went slack. The orb hovered for a brief moment and then vanished as Brad slipped them across the Veil.
Aaron knew Brad and Ken gave him a parting gift by merging together before he passed on his knowledge. They wanted him to feel their love for him, for each other, and their Brothers. Brad noticed the looks between the doctor and Albrecht and realized something was going on, and they wanted the doctor to know they trusted him completely. Their action brought a tear to his eye because he realized deep down he started to fear how powerful they were becoming, and that fear could easily become mistrust.
With the pattern he saw emerging as their Avatars Awakened, his massive intellect was connecting dots as to the purpose behind them, and the implications were terrifying if they ever decided to use their abilities selfishly or to evil intent.
Brad and Ken proved his fears groundless. His sons always exceeded his expectations and this time was no different. He chastised himself for his doubts, counting himself blessed to have such amazing young men in his life, and promised himself he would discuss everything with Albrecht and then with all of the men once they were back together. His faith in them was not misplaced, and he must not let their faith in him be misplaced either.
Brad knew immediately when they Crossed, having the same sense of being bodiless from his previous visit. Across the Veil, he and Ken were in a purely Spiritual Realm of existence and standard physics most likely wouldn’t apply.
Ken’s apprehension at not having a physical presence was clear to Brad. As the representation of the Body in their relationship and with his Avatar oriented to physicality, Brad knew he might be disoriented.
Typically, when they merged deep in themselves, their Minds interpreted their thoughts and perceptions into a physical representation of a body and their surroundings, but that did not apply in the Spiritual Realm and it would take some getting used to. Brad held Ken closer trying to give him a little certainty and comfort.
You okay, big guy?
As long as I’m with you, B, I’ll always be alright.
Smooth talker.
Well, I don’t wanna piss you off. If you ditch me here, it’s not like I can call a cab. So, what now, B?
Well first, let me try that cloaking trick. There are beings here that might not be happy to see us. If we stumble on a friend that’s great, but I don’t want any conflicts if we can avoid them.
Brad concentrated on inverting their energy flows as Brother Jaalam described in his writings. It seemed easy enough and only took him a minute to get the hang of it, but with no visual reference it was hard to tell if it was working.
Alright, now to try and find Bill. I have an idea, but who knows if it’ll work.
Brad held the image of Bill’s Avatar in his Mind.
Ken, hold this image in your thoughts and concentrate on it. If we focus on that and want to move towards it, I’m hoping we’ll head towards Bill.
They both experienced a strange sense of vertigo as if they were stationary and everything was moving around them. With no physical reference and being unfamiliar with the laws of the Spiritual Realm, they had no idea how far they would need to travel to find Bill. In the Lab they were mere feet away from Bill’s unconscious body, but there was no telling where his Mind might be across the Veil.
They continued for a short time, not discerning any noticeable difference in their surroundings or picking up the presence of any nearby beings. Brad’s unconscious was working on his behalf, and a thought tickled the back of his Mind. What was happening reminded him of something… yes! When Ken was captured and being tortured Brad had what he thought at the time was a dream. The dark place he found himself in… he had started moving until he saw the image of Ken being tortured on a table under a bright spotlight. Movement in that place wasn’t directional. There was distance, but direction didn’t matter.
B, that sounds a bit fucked up. How can there be distance but no direction?
I’m beginning to figure this place out. I’m going about this all wrong. At the rate we’re going we’ll never find Bill. I know it sounds weird, but we aren’t in a physical Realm and need to stop thinking in terms we’re familiar with. Keep holding the image of Bill’s Avatar in your Mind but stop trying to move.
Brad knew Ken had an excellent visual memory. He used it to good advantage in his workouts to isolate the muscles he wanted to focus on, and the image of Bill’s Avatar was steady and clear in Ken’s Mind.
Unexpectedly, a sense of resolution came from Ken and even though they didn’t have bodies, it was as if Ken’s hands were on Brad’s shoulders in support.
You got this, B.
As the feeling moved through him, Brad sensed Bill’s Avatar. It didn’t take long before they were close, but he also sensed something dark. The image of Bill’s Avatar changed in his Mind, and a smoky black nimbus shadowed the runic symbol.
I’m sensin’ it too B. This doesn’t look good. It feels cold.
As they got closer, they began to hear voices. Brad stopped moving immediately, hoping his cloak was working. He sensed six beings total.
This disturbance needs to be cleansed. It is an affront to this place!
No! You can see it pervades both Realms. If you cleanse it here you will kill our cousin on the other side, and that I will not permit.
You cannot prevent us! We outnumber you, Istariel! You are alone in this!
Brad recognized one of the voices as the Nephilim he met on his first visit across the Veil. Brad felt Ken’s approval even as he formed his thought. Dropping their cloak, Brad raised a defensive Shield around himself and Ken and in that place they shone like a small sun.
He isn’t alone. Now back off! No one is doing anything that will hurt our friend on the other side.
The various Nephilim felt the strength and power coming from Brad and Ken. The five antagonists moved back in surprise as Brad moved beside Istariel.
I commend your timing, Brad Wilson. Greetings once again, my friend, and to you, Ken Habersham.
Hello again, Istariel. At least now I know your name.
You do not belong here! You have no business interfering in our affairs, half-breed! This evil must be removed!
Our friends on the other side are working on rescuing Bill. This disturbance should go away when they figure out how to do that. You have The Enemy to thank for this. They set a trap for him that’s causing the disturbance. If you have a little patience this will be gone soon enough, but if you want to push me you’ll find out what this half-breed is capable of.
Shit, B, this is a real let down. I thought this place was gonna be special. So much for a ‘higher order’ of bein’.
While they were talking, more entities appear around them.
Istariel: It looks as if we are in for a fight after all, Brad Wilson. I hope you are as strong as I believe you are. If you wish to save your friend, do not hold back.
Ken’s thoughts were for Brad alone.
I’m with you, B. Pull whatever you need from me and let’s kick their collective asses.
Ken, you have no idea how much stronger I am when you’re with me like this. I hate to say it, but if it weren’t for the urgency to get to Bill, I think I’d enjoy this. I’ve wanted to cut loose just once and see what I can do.
I know exactly what ‘ya mean. Just let me know what I can do other than float here lookin’ handsome. Damn, I’m gettin' hard just thinkin’ about what you’re about ‘ta do.
Need I remind you that you don’t have a dick right now?
Well, I hope my body’s not sportin’ a woody back in the Lab. I’m sure feelin’ somethin’. Just thinkin’ about you kickin’ ass is gettin’ me worked up. Now let’s get these fuckers out of the way so we can get ‘ta Bill.
Brad knew what Ken was doing and his ploy worked. Brad was confident and focused and had no doubts in his Mind as to what he was about to do.
The leader of the band of Nephilim, whether from ignorance or arrogance, ignored Brad and Istariel. He and his cohorts surrounded the blackness and were getting ready to start whatever it was they were going to do.
Brad pulled their Souls tighter, and he and Ken filled each other up. They were both aware of how good and perfect it felt to the other. They were meant to be together and being together made them powerful, especially in the Spiritual Realm.
Istariel sensed the buildup and perceived the arcs of energy flaring up off Brad and Ken. The love they shared filled them until they were so full they were about to burst.
Hey fuckers, I told you I wasn’t going to let you do anything to hurt my buddy in there. You should have listened.
Brad cut loose with the pent-up Power inside him, and a storm of chain lightning exploded, sending bolts of Spiritual and Mental energy arcing out into the Nephilim. He heard their exclamations of pain and surprise and he continued for a moment, letting them writhe in agony. Even with Istariel telling him not to hold back he didn’t want to kill them, so he stopped his attack. Knowing the key to making his point was the leader he let the others flee while Mentally grabbing the leader and pulling him over.
I didn’t want to do that, but you left me no choice. Next time I won’t be so lenient, and I’ll take the advice of my friend here and not hold back. Now I’m going to let you go so you can float off and do whatever it is you do here when you aren’t being a dick to strangers.
The leader didn’t say anything, and as soon as Brad released him, he fled.
B, if Istariel says ‘Indeed you are powerful…’ I won’t be able ‘ta control myself.
Brad laughed and gave Ken the equivalent of a tight hug.
I told you, man, it’s all you. I’m not even breathing hard, and neither are you. That felt damn good.
Istariel was silent. Brad waited for him to say something and after a moment he asked: Istariel, is something wrong?
I am frightened of you and your Brothers, Brad Wilson. I have followed you from the first time your Minds awoke when Lane Weaver played the Song he Dreamt and began to unlock your Heritage. I have held true and counseled others to trust you and trust in the doctor, who has guided your lives. He is a good man and far greater than you know.
What you just accomplished with so little effort is truly frightening, and there are only two of you here. What all of you could do together is unthinkable. Once you have reached your full potential, there are few beings capable of stopping you if you ever turn from the Light.
Brad and Ken heard his words, and more importantly with Brad’s Avatar of Compassion and Wisdom he understood Istariel’s fears. There was one thing that kept Istariel and the others of that Realm from understanding why their concerns wouldn’t be realized. They didn’t know or understand the love that Brad and Ken shared, not only between the two of them, but with their Brothers and the doctor, and of doing the right thing. The part of them that was Human and mankind’s greatest Gift.
The capacity for humans to love is what sets them apart from beings like the Nephilim. As Original Men, Brad and Ken loved even stronger, and Brad wasn’t sure if Istariel would ever be able to truly conceive what that meant, but felt he needed to make the gesture.
Istariel, I understand your fears. Ken and I both do. I’m not sure what we can do to gain your trust, but if you would like I will Open myself to you and let you look however deeply you want. I’ll be defenseless and at your mercy, so you can kill us both if you wish because if you kill me here, Ken will die with me.
You know the human side of us relies on faith; faith in ourselves, our love for one another, our Brothers, in the doctor and Albrecht, even in The Order. I feel for you because I don’t think you have that option. You can’t choose to believe these things because they are a part of you, so you have no need of faith or love. I wish you could feel for someone what I feel for Ken, but I don’t think you’re wired for it. I’m willing to take that chance if you want to look, and then you can choose for yourself if you think we are worthy of what we’re becoming.
As Brad spoke, three other Nephilim appeared behind Istariel. Brad and Ken were sure they were the other three from the gym the night of their first major Awakening.
Istariel remained still and quiet, and Brad was sure they spoke among themselves. As curious as he was, he did not try to listen.
After a few moments of silence Istariel said: I choose not to look, Brad Wilson. The fact that you have made the offer at the risk of putting your lives at my mercy is enough. We will continue to put our trust in you and your Brothers. I trust you and will keep… Faith… in you all.
Thank you, Istariel. We won’t let you down. We promise. If you or any of your friends here ever have any doubts or questions, come find Ken or me. I swear we will always be truthful with you no matter what.
Now that my cousins are with me, we will protect this place until your friends find a way to cleanse it and save William Brennan.
Thanks again, Istariel.
Keep the Light, my friends.
Brad tightened the Shield around himself and Ken and moved into the midst of the darkness. As soon as they were on top of Bill’s Avatar Brad slipped them across the Veil into the Physical Realm and inside Bill’s Mind.
Bill lay on the floor staring at nothing. He had relived many memories trying to pass the time but soon discovered the deeper he went, the worse it made things. First, it made time pass even more slowly, but it also reminded him more of what he might never have again. Bill was beginning to think it would have been better for him to be human and just go insane. Every time he reached that point Kevin’s presence filled him up and wouldn’t let him go down that path. The half of his Soul that was Kevin’s fought him, not for its own survival but for his.
As time passed, Bill wasn’t aware of the change in his appearance. The physical form he expressed in that place was indicative of his Mental state, and in his loneliness and despair Bill’s body and face aged considerably. His hair was ragged, and a rough, unkempt beard covered his face and neck. His hair, usually a rich, dark brown, was dull and highlighted with hints of gray, and his blue eyes were pale and bloodshot.
At first, he didn’t notice the ball of light that appeared inside the small room he was in. It bobbed for a few seconds and the movement when it split in two caught his attention. He panicked, afraid his defenses slipped and let something through. With the constant pressure against his Shield he was fearful that might eventually happen.
The orbs quickly grew into the outline of two men, and when the Light faded Ken and Brad stood in front of him.
Their smiles faltered at his appearance when they realized the extent of his plight.
Bill stared, not believing it was them. He thought his Mind had finally cracked and he was hallucinating.
Ken said, “Bill? Buddy? It’s us. We’re here.”
As soon as Bill heard Ken’s voice his throat locked up and his breath caught in his chest. His lip quivered and his gray eyes filled with thick hot tears of too many emotions. He got up slowly, hesitantly, afraid if he moved too quickly they would disappear.
Brad said, “Bill, we’re really here. God, man we’re sorry it took so long, but we’re here, and we aren’t leaving you until we get you out of this place.”
The only thing he managed to squeak out was “Fuck, guys…” and he launched himself at both of them, his arms outstretched and catching both of them in a bear hug. He pulled them against him with desperate strength, his body shaking with sobs.
Ken and Brad held him tight in their arms, and even more importantly in their Mind’s, Heart’s, and Soul’s. Their love and support wrapped around him just like their arms, refreshing his Mind and Spirit, and for the first time in what seemed like years, the pressure on his Mind was almost gone.
It took Bill a long time to get himself under control, and when he finally pulled back to look at their faces his eyes were crystal blue, his beard gone, and his hair was back to its rich, dark brown.
The smile on his face belied his words.
“Fuck me fellas, what the hell took you so long? And why isn’t Kevin’s sorry ass with you?”
Their smiles faded slightly at his question, and Ken said, “Don’t worry Bill, but Kev couldn’t come with us. He’s gonna be fine, but he was hurt pretty bad by the guys who set the trap for you. The fellas are gettin’ him back up so he can get you out of this mess. We’re pretty sure he’s the key to gettin’ you outta here safe with your noodles intact.”
Bill’s anxiety spiked at the mention of Kevin being hurt and Brad shared the memories of what happened, ending with Kevin asleep and recovering.
“While we came ‘ta be with you, the guys are gonna get him up and figure out a way to get you outta here. We aren’t goin’ anywhere until that happens Bill, so you’re stuck with us for a while.”
Ken ruffled Bill’s hair affectionately and said, “We’re here ‘ta keep you company whether you like it or not.”
Ken pulled Bill back into another hug, letting his buddy know how much he meant to him.
Aaron stood motionless after Brad and Ken vanished. Even with the seriousness of what was going on with Kevin and Bill, he felt a sense of relief. Bryan was right in his thoughts about their focus and direction, and Aaron was certain they had the means to help Kevin and Bill. Brad would have made things easier with of his clarity and strength, but the doctor was not without his own abilities even though he rarely used them in front of his adoptive sons.
We must work quickly. I have a plan, but first we must gather together. Meet in the conference room, please. Lane, will you keep everyone Linked?
In seconds, Pat, Darren, Lane, and Bryan were gathered in the main conference room. Lane brought their Minds together, and the doctor’s confidence and sense of purpose were clear, making them feel better.
Bradford’s range makes things easier, but since he is not here we will have to manage. Lane, I know you could reach Albrecht through your own means, but you will need all your strength for what I have planned.
The doctor placed his hands on his chest, holding his fingers and thumbs out to form a diamond. A small ball of light came out of his chest. Lane and Bryan had seen Albrecht do that once before. He held out his hand and the orb hovered over his palm, bobbing softly. His brow furrowed slightly and the ball of light shot out blindingly fast through the wall.
Now Darren, I know this will be difficult but I need you to get Albrecht, Loy, and Richard here. I know Richard will be a challenge, but Lane can help you so it will not be nearly as draining. For what I have planned, we need Loy here along with Bryan and Lane. Patrick, I need you to study Kevin’s Avatar and tell me everything you can about how it works.
Lane, you and Bryan will assist me in waking Kevin up. I do not like reviving him prematurely but there is little choice. Doing so will prolong his recovery, but it cannot be helped. His life energy was severely depleted because of his injuries and being so close to death loosens the ties, so we must rebuild those bonds and restore him. He would recover fine on his own in a day or two, but Bill does not have that much time. Lane, this will be hard on you, and I apologize.
No need doc, you know that. Sometimes I wish I could do more than just be a battery for everyone.
You are far more than that, Lane. Each of you has crucial and vital roles in what is happening. You and Bryan please come with me, and after Kevin is awake you can assist Darren. Darren, my message to Albrecht should have arrived by now, and they will be preparing for your arrival. You can set up a video feed from the safe spot we have here in the Lab.
Lane and Bryan followed the doctor into Kevin’s room. The sheet was pulled up to his waist leaving his bare muscled torso exposed. The doctor still had Kevin attached to his equipment, and the wires and cables stood out against his darkly tanned skin and body hair.
The doctor quickly removed the cables and equipment from Kevin, pulled the sheet off, and lowered the angle of the bed until it was flat. Pat stood at the door out of the way looking intently at Kevin’s Avatar.
Doc, whenever you’re ready let me know. Kevin’s Avatar is weird and complicated. It’s almost the exact opposite of Bill’s. I see what you mean about his life energy being drained… that part of him looks faded compared to ours right now. Would you like to take a look through my eyes?
The doctor hadn’t had a chance to see the world through Pat’s Avatar and found it fascinating. His intellect interpreted what he saw nearly as well as Pat’s Avatar and it confirmed what he knew but viewing the intricate nature of the energy levels in that manner was new and quite a revelation.
Thank you, Patrick. That is fascinating and more helpful than you can imagine. Lane, based on what I saw through Patrick’s ability I am going to proceed in a slightly different manner. I cannot channel the energy levels you are accustomed to. To put it bluntly, I would burn out like a light bulb if I tried so you will need to be much slower and gentler in feeding me the Power you generate. We are not Healing Kevin, rather we are replenishing his Soul. This will be far more delicate and surgical than what you have done in the past, so I think it best if I direct the flows this time. You and Bryan can watch and learn from what I do for future reference.
Bryan moved behind Lane and wrapped his arms around Lane’s chest, holding him close. Lane watched intently as the doctor’s energy centers came to life and he wove flows of Spirit in the air over Kevin. The pattern was delicate and intricate, like lace. To Lane it was like reading sheet music to a symphony, intricate but ordered and complex.
It wasn’t long before the doctor began to tire and nodded to Lane to begin. Based on the doctor’s comments Lane didn’t want to overdo it, so he Listened close for something soothing and gentle; wind in the trees and the soft flutter of birds in flight. He transformed the sounds and channeled the Music he crafted into him and Bryan, but instead of a powerful rush it was a delicate flow to match what the doctor was doing. Tiny White arcs sparked off his fingers and seeped into the doctor, replenishing him.
Very good. When the two of you learn to do this, you will be even more formidable. As strong as you are, think of this as a rope made of silken strands. The individual strands can easily be broken but when woven together they become too strong to break, even for you. The control you are showing now tells me you are more than prepared to do this, it is only a matter of experience at this point.
It took nearly half an hour for the doctor to weave the net that stretched over Kevin’s form. Once it was completed, he pushed it down and Kevin’s body absorbed it like a sponge. The only evidence Kevin felt anything was a quickening of his breath as his chest rose and fell a little faster.
About a minute passed before Kevin’s eyes fluttered open. He seemed disoriented for a second and then shot up in a panic. The doctor put a hand on his big shoulder in comfort saying, “You are safe, Kevin! You are with us in the Lab. Be calm.”
The first thing Kevin saw was Bill’s body on the other bed, prone and unmoving. Kevin tried to stand but his legs nearly went out from under him. Bryan quickly grabbed Kevin to steady him and helped him to Bill’s bedside.
“Doc, what’s wrong with him!?”
Lane pulled Kevin into their Link and shared all of the events up to that moment, and Kevin’s handsome face became a mask of concern for his partner. His expression hardened at what he learned and his brow furrowed in anger at The Enemy who was responsible.
“How soon can we start?”
“There are a few things we need to get in order before we can begin. It will not be long, but with time moving so slowly for William, we need to move as fast as we can. Lane and Bryan, I need you to help Darren get Albrecht, Loy, and Richard here.”
Lane and Bryan were tired but not exhausted. Bryan took advantage of his arms around Lane to give him a quick squeeze of affection and pat Lane’s chest before they left to find Darren.
The doctor moved to Kevin and said, “You should rest, Kevin. It will not be long before we are ready. Your role will be crucial in rescuing William, and you will need your strength. I apologize for waking you early, but there was no other choice.”
“You know I’m glad you did, doc. I can’t stand seeing him like this. How will I be able to help him?”
“We will get to that in a few moments. Your newly Awakened Avatar will play a vital part in the process. Patrick can help you with that before we begin.”
Lane and Bryan found Darren in the far back corner of the Lab. The exam room Darren occupied was now reserved as an emergency teleport spot for him. There was a hi-resolution video camera setup tied into the security monitors in their houses, but he had added a live feed showing Albrecht, Loy, and Rick in the Bahamas. They were in a hotel room and had cleared a spot for him to jump to.
Darren looked up when Lane and Bryan came in and said, “Hey guys, you ready? I’m going to get Albrecht and Loy here first and then I’m going to need your help big time. Rick’s fat ass is going to wear me out.”
Lane laughed and said, “You bet, Dar. We’ll just need a few seconds once you’re ready and we’ll juice you up.”
“I’ve been practicing and getting better at this shit. I’ve found it’s easier to send someone or carry them with me rather than pulling them to me. I can do both, but one is easier even though it doesn’t make sense to me. But all in all, everything is getting easier. Alright, here goes nothing.”
Almost before he finished talking, he disappeared from the room and appeared on the video feed in the Bahamas.
Lane whispered to Bryan, “Damn, Bry, I’m so jealous of that.”
Bryan picked up on Lane’s comment earlier about only being a battery for the other guys. He put his arms around Lane from behind and pulled him back against his big frame.
You got nothing to be jealous about, Little Buddy. I love you the way you are. You’re badass and have already saved lives with what you can do. You’re at the center of everything that’s going on here. You’re my center too.
Along with his words, Bryan Opened their energy centers and poured himself into Lane, letting him feel the love and confidence he had for his partner.
I wouldn’t have you any other way, Lane. You’re perfect. And you’re a handsome fucker too.
He leaned around and kissed Lane’s cheek and hugged him tighter.
Lane smiled.
You’re making me horny, you big lug.
Bryan pressed his crotch against Lane’s ass in response so he could feel how hard he was.
Let’s get Kevin up and Bill back here and safe so we can go home.
Albrecht appeared in front of them. As soon as he saw them embraced the way they were he smirked, and quickly moved out of the middle of the room.
Directing his voice to the microphone he said, “I’m clear, Darren.”
A second later, Loy appeared with Darren behind him. Bryan smelled the salt water on Loy as soon as he appeared. In the time Loy spent in the Bahamas he had tanned, and his skin glowed with health. Loy’s brown hair showed highlights from being sun bleached and he looked stunningly handsome.
Darren was breathing heavy and sweating, leaning over with his hands on his knees to catch his breath. Pat put an arm around him, pulling him against his big body, rubbing and kneading his back and shoulders.
Darren took a minute to recover and then nodded to Lane and Bryan.
“Alright guys, juice me up. This will be the first time I’ve tried it with you backing me up, so I’m not sure what to expect. Hopefully, this will be a cinch.”
Lane and Bryan were still deep in one another, and their Minds and Hearts went out together. Lane wanted to put his new knowledge to good use, and this time the Music he wove was both powerful and intricate. Instead of flooding Darren like he usually did with the Team, this time the flows were more controlled and bordered on delicate. He transferred energy into Pat as well so he could help Darren recover once he got back with Rick.
Darren’s eyes turned White, and his dimples appeared as his body started to glow.
With wonder in his voice he murmured, “Oh, fuck yeah…”
Lane continued until Darren strained to hold so much Power inside him. The manner in which Lane wove the energy into Darren also kept it from dissipating as quickly.
When Darren spoke in their Minds his voice echoed with Power.
You two rock!
Darren vanished and once again appeared on the video feed. They heard his voice through the speakers, “Ready, Ricardo? Don’t worry about that stuff, man, I can come back for it later.
“Alright, bud on three. One… two...”
Darren and Rick appeared in the exam room.
Darren had his arms around Rick and the glow was gone. His eyes returned to their normal green, and the smile on his face faded slightly as he started to slump. Pat and Rick both caught him before he fell.
As soon as Pat touched Darren the extra energy he held transferred into Darren. He was sweating heavily and out of breath but said, “I’m good, guys, thanks. Damn that was so much easier than the first time with Kevin. I’ll be back to normal in a minute. For future reference, this is definitely doable. I need to start working on imprinting more safe spots to jump to.”
Lane said, “You two smell like fish and salt water. It makes me want to go diving.”
Rick said, “Yeah, we had just gotten back from a dive when Brad contacted us the first time. So, what’s the word on Kevin and Bill?”
“Kevin’s awake and resting. The doc hasn’t told us what his plan is yet other than you two needed to be here. Brad and Ken haven’t come back yet, so we assume they made it to Bill and are with him and he’ll know we’re working on getting him out.”
“Fuck, I hope so.”
Aaron was deep in thought when Albrecht came up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder in greeting, squeezing him tight as their thoughts merged. Even after a century apart, now that they were together again it was as if no time had passed. The ease and comfort they found in one another when they blended were as fresh as ever.
Aaron’s hand covered Albrecht’s and squeezed back affectionately. His expression didn’t change, but he let out a sigh of relief, happy his Soulmate and lover was again at his side.
I am glad you are here, love. So much is happening… I feel things are slipping out of control.
Don’t be afraid, Aaron. The attacks on Kevin and Bill indicate the Enemy’s desperation. Bill’s Avatar must hold a significant threat to The Master, or he wouldn’t have gone after him as he did. We’ll save Bill, Aaron. You’ve done such an amazing job with these men. I think when they are all together and set their minds to it, there is little they won’t be able to accomplish.
I am so proud of them, Albrecht. I confess I was beginning to fear them, but no longer. Kenneth and Bradford once again proved to me there is no reason to doubt them. I wish I could claim responsibility for what they have become.
All of them are good men, Aaron; great men. You chose wisely when you picked them. Perhaps they chose you? Regardless, you’ve guided them like a father. You are responsible for setting them on the path they’re on and for bringing them so far. The freedom you gave them to grow into themselves and your gentle guidance are the reasons for the success of your mission. If you had controlled them as the Charisa wished, none of this would be happening or possible. Your wisdom and insight in caring for them as you have makes me so proud of you.
The doctor sent his thoughts out to the Team: Lane, please create a Construct of the conference room and pull us all in. Take us deep.
They appeared, sitting in their chairs around the conference room table. The doctor and Albrecht stood at the lectern to the side of the Ops board.
Each man was alert and attentive to the doctor and Albrecht. They were in ‘soldier mode,’ and laser-focused on their tasks.
The first thing each man did, including the doctor and Albrecht, was wrap Kevin up in a net of love and support. They held him tight in their Hearts and Minds and Loy and Rick, who sat closest to him, put their arms around his shoulders so he could feel them physically at the same time.
“Thank you, Lane. I want to begin by explaining what we are up against. Earlier we reviewed the meaning of William’s Avatar. We ascertained the Enemy set a trap for him, somehow knowing ahead of time what his Avatar would be, and used a particular object, in this case the skull, to try and eliminate him. They knew upon his Awakening he would be exceptionally vulnerable to such an object. I fear The Master perceives the same Pattern I do, and for the first time ever realizes the possibility of his downfall.”
Rick asked, “Doc, what’s so special about that skull? Who’s was it?”
“That is the question, my boy, and I have my suspicions. There are not many objects that would affect William in such a manner. I believe it is a relic of the Enemy, the skull of Zherneboh Mstislav. His name in the old tongue means ‘Revenge of the Black God.’ He was a general high in the ranks of the Enemy centuries ago and a man of unspeakable evil. He ruled over much of Europe and is mostly responsible for bringing about the Dark Ages. He performed unbelievable atrocities and his evil knew no limits.
“If it is his skull William touched then his entire lifetime, centuries of evil and hatred, have been absorbed into William’s body. For William, it would be as if he committed these acts himself. I am surprised he was able to protect himself as he did without becoming overwhelmed. It shows the cunning of our Enemy to expose William precisely at the moment of his Awakening to such an object. If he were already Awake and in control of his Avatar, this would not have happened.
“What we must accomplish is to cleanse William of the evil of the skull yet leave his Mind untouched. If it were not for Kevin’s Avatar, it would not be possible. The memories and experiences are now a part of him, and it will be difficult to separate them without erasing parts of William that would leave him permanently changed.”
Kevin listened as the doctor talked about Bill and what the skull had done to him. His heart ached for his partner and what he must be going through. He wanted more than anything to be with Bill, hold him tight, and help him fight this off. His eyes were red and bright, and the more he heard, the darker his expression became. His anger towards The Enemy at what they did to Bill was like a burning fire in his chest. The wetness in his eyes was as much from anger as it was from the pain he felt for Bill.
“Patrick, please explain your Understanding of Kevin’s Avatar.”
The Ops board came to life with an image of Kevin’s tattoo. It was apparent right away that it was more complex than most of the others.
“Kevin’s is the most complex I’ve seen yet, besides Ken’s. There are three major facets to what you can do, Kev. You can basically become a ‘sink’ for Mental abilities. When you do this, you shut down Mental abilities like we have, either in a person or in a small area. You don’t turn off thoughts or emotions, you basically put the barriers back up that we no longer have.
“Next is the most important, at least for Bill. You can, for lack of a better description, cleanse a person, an object, or a small area of spiritual or psychic impressions. You essentially make it new again, so it’s not really cleansing it. It’s more like you are resetting it to its original state of being.
“Last but not least, you can mask yourself or others from Mental detection pretty much making yourself or others invisible from a psychic perspective. Albrecht, do you have anything you want to help clarify?”
“The interaction of the runes that make up your Primary Avatar are fascinating, Kevin. I’m sure we will discover subtleties in the future that we are as yet unaware of. Essentially, the first rune means ‘negate’ or ‘prevent.’ The second rune means ‘renew’ or ‘rebirth.’ This is fascinating to me. Pat said it well when he described it as resetting a person or area to a new state of being. There are paradoxical implications to that ability which I will have to study. The last rune means ‘unseen.’ Again, Pat said it well.”
The doctor continued, “What we must do is have Richard unravel the Evil of the skull residing in William. Then, Kevin will eradicate it once it is no longer a part of William’s body and Soul. Without Kevin’s ability to destroy the Evil inside William it would attempt to return to him, similar to the creature inside Bradford that tried to kill Kenneth all those months ago. Eventually, it would kill him. Your attempt will require an immense amount of Power, so Bryan, Lane, and Loy will supply and hold up everyone through the process.
“Patrick, your Understanding will guide everyone and make sure everything goes according to plan, and you can help with any adjustments that might be needed as things progress. Darren, you will stay in the Link to add your strength and be available to support whoever might need it. I have the utmost confidence in each and every one of you and your ability to do this.
“Now let us gather in the gymnasium. I will bring William in and we can begin immediately.”
Lane took them out of the Construct and everyone moved quickly, ready to start. Adrenaline flowed, and the icy calm that always came before a difficult mission ran through them.
Albrecht pulled Loy aside and spoke with him quietly as they made their way to the gym, while the doctor disconnected Bill from his equipment and rolled his bed into the gym. Rick and Bryan quickly moved the workout equipment to make space for them to work in.
The doctor turned off the lights, except for one overhead that shone down like a spotlight on Bill. Bryan, Lane, and Loy moved to the center of the room about twenty feet from Bill’s bed. Kevin, Pat, and Rick stayed at Bill’s bedside, and Darren stood with the doctor and Albrecht.
Lane brought them together as One. Their eyes watered and their breath caught in their chests from the extreme emotional intimacy as they settled into one another.
Even with the seriousness of the situation, Lane got a mischievous grin on his face.
Are you ladies ready?
Everyone sent their affirmation through the Link and Lane was aware of their confidence. They were soldiers on a mission to rescue one of their own.
I’ll be right back.
Lane’s eyes turned White, and his tattoo glowed brightly as he sent his Mind and Soul beyond Earth. He traveled further out than usual to find what he needed. He Listened to the Music of the Cosmos and filled himself, shaping it and making all new Music inside his Soul. It carried him, and he drank it in until he was about to burst.
His energy centers Opened, shining with the light of a small star. Wind whipped his hair and his handsome face looked serene and confident. The joy of being Linked with Bryan and his Brothers and utilizing his Avatar was fulfilling beyond words. The darkness of the ceiling changed just like the night of their first Awakening, filling with distant stars and the vastness of space. Utilizing his new knowledge Lane wove the energy with precise control and channeled it into Bryan and Loy.
Bryan’s Avatar glowed emerald green, matching the canopy of the Tree of Life. His eyes, sparkling with pride for Lane, turned White, and his handsome, stoic face broke into a smile. Ethereal branches and leaves appeared around him, and in seconds a ghostly image of the Tree filled the gym, its highest limbs among the stars. Bryan’s perceptions branched out, sensing the Life energy of all living organisms, not just on Earth but from all Creation. He tapped into that Power, adding it to what Lane was already generating.
Lane’s voice resonated, echoing with Power through the Link.
Okay, Loy. You’re the new kid on the block, show us what you got, stud.
Loy’s handsome face broke into a smile in response, and his eyes turned White. His tattoo came to life on the ball of his muscled shoulder as he lifted his arms and sent out his thoughts.
Come, my friends. I need your strength. Our Brother needs our help.
Immediately, Animal Spirits appeared in the air around Loy. Whales and dolphins swam through the branches of the Tree; wolves, horses, deer and countless other animals, in the air and on the ground, moved slowly around Loy, lending him a portion of their strength. Loy was careful not to pull too much from any of them. Albrecht had warned him the animal Spirits would sacrifice themselves for him without asking, and he must not let them give too much of themselves. The Power transferring into Loy was wild, raw, and natural.
The energy from the three sources was massive and being the most experienced at channeling so much raw Power, Lane focused what coursed through them into strong but delicate threads of Power and sent them to Pat, Rick, and Kevin.
Within seconds the gym transformed into a Spiritual landscape as they collectively invoked the might of their Nephilim Heritage for the first time, and everyone was in awe at what they witnessed. The magnitude of their actions hit them, filling them with confidence and purpose, expanding their Hearts all the more. Their energy centers were bright, connecting them; they were One, and more than the sum of their individual selves. Their eyes watered at the intimate bonds they shared and at what they were accomplishing for Bill. The only parts missing were Ken, Brad, and Bill.
Looking at Bryan and Loy, Lane smiled.
Guys, you’re unbelievable!
He sent private thoughts of love and admiration to Bryan and reached over, squeezing his shoulder. Bryan covered Lane’s hand with his own, squeezing back, the smile on his face reflected in the gimmer of his eyes and Heart. Bryan breathed deeply and when he exhaled the leaves of the Tree rustled as a gentle breeze of air, new, fresh, and exhilarating blew through the building.
Alright, guys, we’ll keep the Power flowing. It’s your turn now. Let’s kick this General’s ass and get Bill back where he belongs.
Pat, Rick, and Kevin were filled with the energy Lane channeled into them. Their eyes turned White, and their Avatar’s glowed brightly on their shoulders in the darkness of the gym.
Through the Link, Rick looked at Bill with Pat’s Understanding. He saw the Evil residing in Bill, knotted tightly throughout his Body and Soul. Raising his hands Rick held them over Bill, and White Light arced from his fingers. Where it touched the Blackness in Bill, he felt resistance. Rick’s brow furrowed in concentration and with determination, he began the arduous task of unraveling the Evil from his friend.
Get ready, Kevin.
Kevin stood ready, and his anxiety over Bill’s condition disappeared as soon as everything started. Confidence filled him once he was One with his Brothers. The doctor’s plan pushed aside his fears, and he knew one way or another Bill would be alright and back with him soon. Kevin had to be careful to only cleanse what Rick separated, and this was the first time using his Avatar but with Pat’s Understanding he was sure he could do what needed to be done. In that special place in all of them where they were One, his Brothers hands rested on his back and shoulders, supporting him. The warmth of their strong hands on his bare skin was a comfort and strengthened his determination.
All of them started when the Blackness inside Bill exploded into a Cloud of Darkness. Evil Tendrils of Black Smoke lashed out like limbs as if it were aware of what they were doing and trying to stop them.
Darren, quick to react, Shielded Pat, Rick, and Kevin, and grabbed the tendrils with his Mind. Against his Avatar they felt solid and were incredibly strong. He winced from the impact as the blows struck his Shield like fists. Lane immediately included Darren in the Power he channeled, and Darren’s Shield stabilized. The effect of the blows lessened with the extra Power from Lane, and he readily maintained his defense. It took him a few seconds but he soon had a grip on all the tendrils, keeping them immobile.
Rick: Good job, Dar. I didn’t see that coming.
Lane by himself would have been hard-pressed to sustain the energy required to support their efforts and working in unison with Bryan and Loy it was still an effort, but not exhausting.
Rick and Kevin settled into a pattern that slowly and steadily ate away at the Blackness residing in Bill. Their combined Avatars worked perfectly together. None of them individually would have been able to succeed, but together, as a Team, they were more than adequate and with Kevin’s Avatar permanently eradicating the Evil, Bill would be free of its influence forever. Kevin was the key to Bill’s survival, just as Bryan surmised.
Ken, Brad, and Bill sat on the couch together watching a movie. Brad created a Construct of their den so they would have a comfortable place to stay. It had been just over a year since their arrival, and after all the time he had spent alone Bill was grateful for their company.
In the Construct they were naked, and the warmth and comfort of their skin touching was nice. Ken and Brad kept Bill joined with them as One the entire time, to stave off his loneliness and the worst of missing Kevin.
Ken, with his heightened sensitivity was the first to feel the tremors.
“Hey B, stop the movie. Something’s up!”
Brad dropped the Construct, and the three of them appeared back in the small cubic space that made up Bill’s prison. Images of the evil atrocities General Mstislav committed replayed themselves on the walls, relentlessly trying to break through and destroy Bill’s Mind. Bill had watched the images for years and was excruciatingly familiar with them, and quickly noticed blank spots starting to appear.
“Holy shit, guys! The images are disappearing!”
As soon as Bill spoke the room shook again, and that time Brad and Bill felt it too.
Brad exclaimed, “Hot damn, fellas! They’re doing it!”
Bill’s eyes teared up as thoughts and emotions raced through his Mind. After all the time he had been trapped, years to his perceptions even though he knew in reality it had only been a few days, Bill realized he would soon be back with Kevin and his relief was overwhelming. He had every confidence in his Brothers and lover to free him from his prison, but it had been so long… his body trembled with anxiety over what was happening.
Brad and Ken felt him shaking and wrapped their arms around him, holding him tight. Brad, through his Compassion, was very aware of the emotions running through his Brother. With his Avatar they were tangible to him, and he knew part of Bill’s trembling was his body reacting to whatever the guys were doing in the real world.
Trying to lighten the mood, Ken said “It took those fuckers long enough! It won’t be long buddy, and you’ll be back with Kev.”
Ken tightened his arms around Bill and rubbed his back, affirming his support and trying to soothe Bills anxiety.
Ken, get ready just in case. If this place breaks apart, I’m going to need to Shield all three of us for a few seconds. I might need your help.
No problem, B. Pull what you need. I’m ready.
The images were disappearing faster and faster, and the room shook violently enough they knelt on the floor together to keep from being knocked off their feet. Ken and Brad kept Bill between them, covering him and ready to protect him in any way they might have to.
Bill shouted, “Guys, I can feel it! Somehow, they’re pulling the Evil out of my body! Fuck, I don’t know how, but they’re doing it!”
Ken grinned and shouted to be heard, “It’s your badass boyfriend, buddy! Kevin and the rest of the guys are kickin’ ass!”
For hours as they perceived time the noise and turmoil steadily increased. The walls of the room became whiter as the Evil in Bill's body was extracted by Rick and eradicated by Kevin. As each memory and experience vanished, the pressure against Bill’s self-imposed prison lessened.
Suddenly there was silence. The walls of Bill’s prison were now solid white, so bright they almost had to squint.
“The pressure’s gone. Fuck, guys, they did it! I can feel it gone from my body!”
Tears ran down Bill’s face, and he squeezed Ken and Brad as tightly as he could.
“God, guys, it’s been so long…”
Ken ruffled Bill’s hair as Brad said, “It’s time to get out of this place Bill. Can you make it back?”
“Shit, Brad, I don’t know. I was so desperate when I created this place… I’m not sure how deep in myself I really am. I never considered having to get back… I was operating on survival instinct from our training.”
“Then I think our best chance is for Ken to stay here with you. I’ll go out through the Veil, and I can be back in my body in a few seconds. I know I can find Ken no matter where he is, and if you’re with him I can lead you both back out. It shouldn’t take more than a few minutes from your perspective here.”
Are you okay with that, Ken?
You know I trust you, B. You’re my badass boyfriend.
Bill knew what it meant for Ken to stay with him, and his voice sounded apprehensive as he said, “Fuck, Ken, I don’t know man. I don’t want you risking yourself for me even more than you already have.”
“Shut it, punk. We’re Brothers and have been for over twenty years. You’d do the same for me. I know there’s a risk, but you just saw what the guys can do. And with Brad backin’ ’em up if it comes down ‘ta a problem, do you really think they won’t get us outta here? Worst case scenario, you and I are stuck here just a little longer, but that’s not gonna happen. B is gonna be back for both of us in just a few minutes.”
Ken’s Avatar glowed softly and the Conviction of his words registered with both Brad and Bill. Brad was already confident of getting them out but was now even more so, and Bill’s lingering doubts vanished.
“Okay, Brad. Guys, I can’t thank you enough for finding me and staying here with me. I love you guys.”
Ken hugged Bill first and then Brad, kissing Brad’s cheek and whispering into his ear, “Love you, B. Hurry, back. I wanna finish that movie when we get home!”
Brad smiled as he stepped back and closed his eyes. His body transformed into a floating ball of light, and his voice resonated in their Minds.
Bill, grab hold of Ken and drop your Shield. It’s safe now, and it’ll make it easier to find you.
He bobbed gently in front of them for another second and then slipped back across the Veil.
The doctor and Albrecht looked on, astonished at what their young charges were accomplishing. Even after living thousands of years and amidst the adventures of their own lives, they had seldom witnessed anything so wondrous.
Near the end, the men began to show strain. It was a testament to how powerful the Evil of the skull was that it took so much effort to safely remove and eradicate its effects from Bill.
When Bill is back safe, and the men are well rested, we can destroy the skull once and for all. It will strike a significant blow to the Enemy for one of the relics they worship to be removed from this world.
I agree, love. I think it is appropriate you are present. You vanquished him in life, and you can help vanquish the lasting vestiges of his Evil once and for all.
The doctor squeezed Albrecht’s hand tightly at his thoughts and the memories of long ago.
Kevin and Rick were drenched in sweat, and Kevin visibly shook with exhaustion, about to collapse, but he held on with everything he had for Bill’s sake. Darren’s Shield was still in place in case there were any last minute surprises.
Lane, Bryan, and Loy were breathing hard, and Bryan had an arm around each of them holding them up and keeping them steady.
Finally, Pat said, “He’s clear guys! We did it!”
Kevin and Rick both let out a relieved “Fuck me!”, but their faces had huge smiles on them. Kevin fell to his knees, and Rick knelt beside him with an arm around his shoulders in support. Darren dropped his Shield and sighed in relief. Even though Pat was involved and directing much of Kevin and Rick’s efforts, he had the least amount of exertion and was nearly unaffected. He had a big smile on his face as well.
A few of the Animal Spirits came over to Loy before disappearing, and he reached out to touch them. To him, by the light of his Avatar, they were solid. They sensed his heartfelt thanks for their support. A dolphin swam in the air right up to him and rubbed its soft skin against his cheek, emitting quiet clicks and whistles of pleasure. Loy let out a very contented sigh, resting his awareness in the Spirits for a moment before he pulled back into his body and let them go.
Bryan immersed himself in the Life energy of the Tree one last time before he too pulled back. When he did, the Tree slowly faded with a soft sound of rustling leaves.
Lane let the Music fade and the stars overhead twinkled one last time, fading into the darkness of the ceiling as it became natural once again.
As the last of the stars disappeared, Brad burst into the gym and rushed to Bill’s bedside. The energy centers of his Mind and Soul flared brightly, and he twisted the two flows together sending them in Bill. Ken was there, and Brad’s Heart would lead him to the other half of his Soul.
Brad went far down in Bill’s Mind, knowing he had gone deep to save himself. It took some time but Brad was confident, letting his Intuition guide him and allowing Ken’s presence to draw him in. Brad soon felt the spark of Ken’s Soul and homed in on it. He was impressed by how far down Bill managed to immerse himself.
Ken and Bill heard Brad’s voice: Found you!
Brad pulled both men into himself and carried them out together.
With Rick’s help, Kevin stood, watching Bill intently. When Bill’s eyes fluttered open the first thing he saw was Kevin’s handsome face, and relief washed over him as he threw himself into Kevin’s arms. The two men grabbed each other in a tight embrace, holding each other close. Kevin’s hot tears dripped onto Bill’s neck as they held each other.
Bill’s eyes filled with tears too as he said, “Fuck, Kev, I missed you so much! Are you okay? Brad and Ken said you were hurt.”
“I know, Bill. You scared the shit out of us. And yeah, I’m fine. The fellas patched me up without breaking a sweat.”
Kevin trembled with exhaustion and Bill merged them completely together. They shared everything with each other in an instant that took hours in the place where their Souls were One, and when they both came back up Kevin was already stronger from their merging.
While Bill and Kevin talked, everyone moved to Bill’s bedside. Relieved smiles covered their faces, glad to have their Brother back with them where he belonged. Every one of them touched Bill, either a squeeze of his shoulder or a hug or a pat on his leg or chest. His hair was a mess from so many of them ruffling it, showing their affection for him.
Brad pulled them all into a Link to share their emotions and support. They merged first as couples and then together, once again forming a bright White ring. At first, the Light around Kevin and Bill was noticeably dimmer, but after a moment, as the Light from their Brothers filled them they shone just as brightly. With Brad and Ken once again with them, the doctor and Albrecht were aware of the difference. It was difficult to identify, but there was an intangible element when all ten of them were together. Whatever it was, the Enemy feared it, and it proved the doctor was on track with his thinking.
With Kevin and Bill back, healthy and whole, and all of them together something stirred inside Ken… a Response that needed to be heard. His Avatar pulsed unexpectedly, filling him with wrath over what happened to Bill and Kevin. His anger ran through the Link, and everyone wondered what was happening.
Lane, I know you’re tired buddy, but can ‘ya give me a little juice?
You got it.
I wanna send a message, so make it dramatic.
Lane took Bryan’s hand and their eyes turned White as Lane cast their Minds out into the Heavens. Bryan loved deep bass drums and Ken said he wanted something dramatic, so Lane grinned and put something together on the fly he thought would be appropriate.
The Enemy heard the pulse, like a massive bass drum rolling through the sky. A slow, steady, rolling beat that started quiet but quickly built into a sound that shook their Minds. With each beat, Lane and Bryan glowed brighter, and as they fed the energy back to Ken and their Brother’s their already blinding Light in the Spiritual Realm became brighter.
Power filled them, but Ken’s Avatar lit up like a small star on his shoulder and the fury inside him was a dam about to burst. When he opened his mouth to speak his voice was heard across the city, loud and clear in the Minds of the Enemy. They not only heard the words but felt the Conviction of Ken’s Heart, and it pierced their Black Souls.
As soon as Ken stopped talking his tattoo flared brightly once, and a burst of energy came from all of them. A White ribbon, centered on the group, spread over the entire city. Each of them was heartened by Ken’s words and uplifted by the courage and strength emanating from him. Thunder rolled and cracked loudly as lightning spread through the clouds over the city while his words echoed in the Minds and Black Hearts of the Enemy.
A hot wind blew around them, whipping the hair on their handsome faces. Their eyes, White with Power, reflected the lightning filling the skies.
The Master heard Ken’s words but stayed silent. Somehow his plan to destroy Bill and break The Order failed.
Ken looked at Lane with a smile and said, “Nice!”
Lane grinned and said, “You said ‘dramatic.'”
The doctor and Albrecht heard Ken’s words and looked at each other. The doctor’s eyes were wide and he let out a quiet, “Oh my!”
Ten minutes later they were once again seated at the conference table. Ken stood at the lectern with the doctor and Albrecht by his side.
“Okay, first off I want to tell you how awesome you guys are. The way you came together and coordinated your efforts ‘ta get Kevin up and then help Bill was amazin’. I’m proud of all of us. B and I had our own little adventure on our way ‘ta find Bill, and my amazin’ partner kicked some major spiritual ass.”
Ken saw the look of concern on the doctor’s face when he said that.
“It’s all good, doc. We’ll share everything with you. We also helped ‘ta solidify our support with the Nephilim who’ve been helpin’ us.
“After my little statement, I want everyone ‘ta be on high alert for the time bein’. I don’t think this was an end play for the Enemy, but they needed Bill out of the picture to keep us from findin’ somethin’ out. Now they know they failed we need ‘ta be even more careful. We can’t live like hermits, but just be extra alert and cautious when you’re out and we aren’t together.
“I know everyone’s tired so let’s go home and get some rest and take the next couple of days off ‘ta relax. Our trainin’s payin’ off big-time, but we still have a long way ‘ta go. Let’s all meet here Wednesday mornin’ and hit the ground runnin’. Does anybody have anythin’ they want ‘ta say before we split up?”
Albrecht said, “Aaron and I put the skull in our vault for the time being, but we need to destroy it once and for all. If nothing else, it represents a great relic of the Enemy, and its destruction will demoralize them. Aaron and I will work on the best way to accomplish this, and all of you should be involved. It is not simply a matter of crushing it or breaking it apart. The evil inside the skull, as you saw, has a life of its own. Merely destroying the object would leave the Evil free and it would still exist. I think a little follow-up message from Ken would be in order once this is done.”
“Okay ladies, if that’s all then everyone be safe and we’ll see you on Wednesday.”
Brad and Ken hung around a few extra minutes to share what happened across the Veil with the doctor and Albrecht. The doctor was distraught when he realized they had put themselves at the mercy of Istariel. He was visibly shaken when they recounted their story, but it was hard to argue with the results.
On the drive home, Ken held Brad’s hand and played with it as usual. They were both in each other’s Mind, and Brad knew Ken was as hungry as he was.
Let’s get some food, Ken. We’re both hungry. It’s late so let’s just hit Waffle House by the Mall.
Ken grinned: Scattered, smothered, and covered, baby.
I remember what Lane said the day after our last Awakening. One minute he was out somewhere in Creation with some type of supernatural being and then the next we were sitting around our kitchen table eating breakfast. It’s hard to adjust.
I know, B. The scale of things is hard ‘ta take in. But you know what? In the long run, it really doesn’t matter as long as we’re together.
Ken squeezed Brad’s hand tighter, and with a smile on his handsome face Brad thought: Yeah.
Ken’s feeling of contentment as he held Brad’s hand and rested in his Mind touched Brad deeply, and he felt the same way.
So, what was up with that speech? It made me hard as hell for you. I love it when you get that way, but where did that come from?
I’m not exactly sure, B. It kinda came outta nowhere and was a little overwhelmin’. I think I know how Lane feels when he said he’s a conduit for somethin’ outside himself when he Dreams. It was somethin’ that came through my Avatar. I wasn’t forced ‘ta say what I did, but it felt so right I wanted to say it.
You know what else feels right?
What’s that?
Brad placed Ken’s hand on his crotch to feel how hard he was.
Damn, B!
With his little kid grin, Ken rubbed Brad through his jeans.
I told you I was hot for you, man. Fuck, your hand feels good. I think I need to get off before we eat.
Brad pulled into the parking lot at the Waffle House but parked back by the dumpster where it was dark. The restaurant wasn’t busy, and the cook and one of the servers sat out back smoking a cigarette.
Ken felt a small surge from Brad and the cook and the waitress went back inside.
Jedi Mind Trick?
Mmmmm hmmm.
Brad chuckled and thought: They don’t need to be smoking anyway. Don’t worry, no one’s going to pay any attention to us Ken, I just made sure of that. Let’s climb in the back and take care of each other before we go in. My dick isn’t going down until I get off.
Ken was hard as a rock himself after feeling Brad through his jeans, and also thinking back to what Brad did to the Dark Nephilim.
Ken leaned over and put the rear seats down, and he and Brad crawled into the back of the Explorer. They couldn’t stretch out fully but there was plenty of room for them to curl up. He spread out a blanket they kept in the back to make it more comfortable.
They both took off their shirts and started to kiss, wrapping their arms around one another. Immediately the sensation and warmth of their skin touching excited them even more. Ken brought one hand up to cup Brad’s face, running his thumb over the stubble on Brad’s chin and looked into his eyes. The depth of love he saw there melted him.
Brad put one hand behind Ken’s neck, running his fingers through Ken’s short hair, and pressed his head forward as he opened his mouth. What started out as a fast and furious make-out session turned into an intimate bout of lovemaking.
Brad Opened their energy centers and brought them together on all levels. The strength of their feelings for each other washed over them as they became One, and the sense of fulfillment and completion between them was as overpowering as ever.
I love you, B. More than anythin’. Even the hash browns waitin’ inside right now with my name on ‘em.
Brad couldn’t help himself and busted out laughing.
You douche! Damn, I love you, Ken.
Ken still had that little kid grin on his face. He loved making Brad laugh. There wasn’t much that could make his heart race more than seeing Brad’s face light up when he laughed.
Reaching down, they unzipped their pants and slid them down around their ankles. They were both highly flexible for such big men, especially Ken, and they quickly got into position and took each other into their mouths.
Their excitement had them painfully hard. It had been a long time since they had done anything so spontaneous outside the house and the situation added extra fuel to their libidos.
They knew how to pleasure one another and did their best to make it as good for the other as possible. Neither man held back, and when Ken saw the signs in Brad he was almost there he amped up their physical bond, pushing them both over the edge.
Since they were so tightly bound together, the rush and Power from taking each other’s load caused them to glow like a small sun to anyone with Sight. Their bodies tightened and their muscles tensed as their erections contracted and pulsed in pleasure, releasing their seed into each other’s mouths. They were both sweaty from their efforts and excitement, and with the warmth of the car the windows fogged up from the heat and humidity coming off their bodies.
They both thought: Hot damn! at the same time, which caused them to laugh. Ken repositioned himself and pulled Brad tight against him with Brad’s head resting on his shoulder and chest. Brad threw a leg over Ken, wanting to feel their bodies together.
Brad had one arm under Ken’s neck and around his shoulder, running his other hand over Ken’s chest. They both remained still, cooling off and cuddling, not saying anything, content to be naked and wrapped around each another with their Bodies, Minds, and Souls.
Not to be denied, Ken’s stomach let out a colossal grumble, making them both laugh again. Brad leaned up and looked into Ken’s eyes as he brushed the short hair off his forehead. They stared into each other’s eyes for a minute, seeing the depth of emotions for one another and not yet willing to separate. Their eyes were wet and bright in the moonlight shining through the windows.
Okay lover, I could stay here all night, but I need to get some food in you or your stomach is never going to let me hear the end of it.
I think right now I’d rather go hungry, B, and just stay here with you. In you.
Man, you’re saying all the right things to get laid later tonight. Keep it up, I like it when you talk like this.
Wait! Are you seducin’ me again?
Yeah, and you’re falling for it as usual.
Ken got up on one elbow and pulled Brad back into a tight hug, managing to press as much of their bodies together as he could. He loved feeling Brad’s hard, hairy chest against his own. Their tongues gave each other one last parting caress as they pulled apart to get dressed.
They remained deeply merged as they walked inside. Most of the booths were open, so they picked one in the far back corner. Ken kept Brad’s hand in his even when the server came up to put their silverware down and take their drink order.
A few of the patrons stared at them when they walked in. They were two strikingly handsome well-built guys, and because they were Linked so strongly they emanated an emotional warmth and well-being everyone around them could feel. Brad changed their perceptions slightly so no one would notice the soft glow around the two of them. The general mood of everyone in the restaurant lightened considerably when they walked in.
Their waitress was wide-eyed as Ken and Brad both ordered enough food for four men. After their order was placed they talked quietly rather than Mentally to maintain a semblance of normality. A big topic of their discussion related to the ‘Pattern’ the doc mentioned he saw in their Avatars. When they Linked with the doctor before crossing the Veil they noted his fear, but also his love for them. Ken specifically wanted the doctor to feel their love for him, and they saw his fear vanish as they Crossed.
They sat for a while, relaxing, eating apple pie and drinking coffee after their meal. They almost had the place to themselves except for one man sitting at the counter by himself who had finished his food but kept getting refills on his tea. His back was to Ken and Brad, so they didn’t notice his bloodshot eyes, red from unshed tears barely held in check.
Brad got up to use the bathroom and while he sat waiting Ken heard the waitress ask the man if he was okay when she refilled his tea. Ken glanced over and noticed his body language immediately. The man was a taut wire. Since Ken and Brad were still so deeply merged and they had just made out Ken’s Mind was fully Open. He didn’t think it would hurt if he took a glance to see what was going on with the man.
As soon as Ken read Greg’s surface thoughts his gut wrenched. Greg was floundering in a sea of loneliness and despair, holding onto life by a thread. Thoughts of suicide were foremost in his Mind, the only way he could think of to stop the pain. Greg was trapped in the depths of a dark emotional well with no hope of escape. His emotional distress was making him physically sick, and he had an icy cold ball in the pit of his stomach. Anxiety gripped Greg so tight he could barely breathe.
Tears welled in Ken’s eyes at his reaction to the intensity of Greg’s emotions.
Ken!? What’s wrong?
Fuck! B… this guy… the server asked if he was okay, so I took a look ‘ta see if somethin’ was wrong…
Brad was on his way back to their booth and looked at Greg. His face was blank and vacant, staring at nothing, and his eyes were red and bloodshot.
As Brad sat down he Read everything Ken saw in Greg’s Mind and his own eyes became wet.
Oh, fuck.
They both stood up and sat on either side of Greg at the counter. He was so dazed he didn’t even notice them at first. Ken looked at him intently and gently said, “It’s gonna be alright, buddy. You don’t have ‘ta do that.”
Ken put his arm around Greg’s shoulder and gave him a comforting, gentle squeeze. Ken’s gesture broke what little control Greg had left, and he lowered his head, quietly crying.
Brad quietly said, “We’re here, Greg.”
Brad’s voice whispered in Greg’s Mind as well as his ears, emphasizing his presence and proving to Greg he wasn’t alone.
Brad took Ken with him as he delved into Greg’s memories to find out how he had come to such an emotionally distraught place. Right away they both found it odd that Greg exhibited hardly any of the lies or self-centeredness common in most humans. He was at a point where nearly all of that had been stripped away, burned out by his emotional pain, and what was left was Broken but pure. It made their hearts ache for him all the more.
Greg’s life was full of loss. Over the last few years almost all of his close friends had died either from cancer, heart attacks, or car wrecks. He lost his mother a few years ago, his only brother a few months back, and recently his dog Ely. His father was still alive but in poor health. He had been laid off from his job months ago, was about to lose his house, and his wife had left him for another man. They didn’t have any children because Greg never truly connected with her. Deep down, he knew he was gay but couldn’t admit it to himself, and he always knew having children would have been a bad idea. Greg’s life was built on a lie of keeping his secret and putting on a front for of his friends and family… everyone who was now gone, except his father. Living that lie had taken its toll on his happiness, and he could barely admit to himself what he really wanted. All of that, coupled with the losses in his life, overwhelmed him.
Fuck, B. I don’t know what ‘ta say. He made his decisions, and he did what he thought was right, and now his life is just fucked up.
I know, Ken. I’m not sure what to do. This isn’t about The Enemy. This is about a man who’s hurting. We have the power to help him, but I’m not sure how best to do that. There’s nothing we can do about everything he’s already lost, and he’s boxed himself into this corner of hiding who he really is. I have an idea, but we’ll need Rick’s help.
Hey Ricky? You there?
Hey, Brad. What’s up?
Rick, I know you had a long day, but Ken and I could really use your help for a few minutes. Could you and Loy come and meet us? It shouldn’t take long. If it makes it any easier, I’ll spring for food. We’re at the Waffle House on GA 20 across from the Mall.
Hell, I’d come anyway if you need me, Brad, you know that. But yeah, I could do with some food. We can be there in a few minutes.
Thanks, man. We’ll see you shortly.
The waitress was nosey, trying to stay close so she could hear what was going on. Since there was no one else in the restaurant, Ken decided she and the cook needed a break and sent that thought into their Minds so he and Brad could have a little privacy with Greg.
Good thinking Ken. I just talked to Rick, and he and Loy will be here in a few minutes. I think Rick can help Greg the most. If he can open him up, it will make it easier for us to help him move forward.
As they sat, Ken gently kneaded Greg’s shoulder, trying to comfort him. He knew the effect it had on Greg; amazingly comforting on one hand but terrifying him at the same time, and Ken felt him tense up.
“Greg, relax man. We’re friends.”
Greg sniffed and said, “I should go.”
“Greg there’s no way we’re lettin’ you walk out that door. You are not gonna go home and kill yourself. Not gonna happen, bud.”
A panicked look crossed Greg’s face, and he quickly said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. How do you know my name? Who are you and why do you even care?”
Brad said, “I’m sorry, Greg. It’s hard to explain, but you can trust us. In a way we’re family, and family looks out for one another.”
Brad continued, “Here’s the deal, Greg. We know what’s going on with you. We know you’ve lost almost everyone you cared about, including Ely. We know your wife left you, you lost your job, and you’re about to lose your house. We also know you like guys but are afraid to admit it.”
At Brad’s revelations Greg panicked even more and tried to get up and leave, but Ken still had his hand on Greg’s shoulder and didn’t let him budge.
“Relax, Greg. Your secret’s safe with us. You’ve been without love for too long in your life. You closed yourself off, and we understand why. Most of it was unavoidable with so many losses so quickly. Without someone in your life to help hold you up your heart could only take so much. As human’s, we’re meant to be with someone, and there’s no shame or weakness in that. I won’t even call it a mistake because I understand why you kept your preference a secret, but that’s what led you to this point. To quote my amazing partner here from a long time ago, you’ve boxed yourself into a corner and put yourself in a no-win situation. You have to make a decision and live with the consequences. I think you’ll find with the right friends the consequences aren’t nearly as bad as you might think.”
Greg’s Mind reeled at Brad’s words, and he found it difficult to think straight with Ken’s hand on his shoulder. He had shied away from physical contact for so long he wasn’t used to it, and Ken’s warm, strong hand felt wonderful but he was scared of how it made him feel at the same time.
Ken knew the effect his hand had on Greg and purposely didn’t stop.
After listening to Brad and Ken the fog in Greg’s Mind began to lift, and he was regaining some clarity. He was more confused than ever over who they were or how they could possibly know everything they did about him, and he began to panic.
Brad asked, “Greg, would you sit with us? I have a couple of friends coming to join us in a few minutes I want you to meet. I know you don’t have anything to do, so please don’t make an excuse. Plus, my boyfriend here can run really fast so don’t even think about trying to bolt.”
Greg didn’t say anything, but he moved over to the booth with them. Ken sat on the same side as Greg so he could keep his arm over Greg’s shoulder and Brad sat across from them. The waitress returned from her “break,” so Ken flagged her to bring them more coffee and another tea for Greg.
Ken, keep him talking. You’re better at idle conversation than I am. I don’t want him going back inside himself. We need to keep him here until Rick and Loy show up.
You think Rick can help?
I do. You saw how Rick helped Tag. Before we even knew what an Avatar was, Rick touched Tag in a way no one else had before. Now that his Avatar is fully functional, and based on what Albrecht said, I think Rick can open up what Greg has kept locked inside. Rick can do it in a way I can’t.
Ken started asking Greg easy questions to keep him talking. At first, Greg was hesitant and short with his answers, but after a few minutes he began to warm up and relax.
It wasn’t long before Rick and Loy showed up. Loy sat beside Brad and Rick pulled up a chair from the counter and sat at the end of the table. They were all too big to fit into the booth together.
Greg felt better just talking with another person, and he was polite and shook hands with Rick and Loy when they sat down. Brad couldn’t help but notice how Greg looked at Rick and Loy, but Loy especially. It wasn’t part of his plan, but he knew Loy would push all Greg’s buttons.
Thanks for coming, guys. Go ahead and order and eat before we try anything with Greg. I’ll share everything with you that we know so far. The Reader’s Digest version is that he was planning on killing himself tonight. Ken picked up on it, and we’re having an intervention. He’s a stranger and all alone right now.
Loy, like Ken, was a good conversationalist and helped keep the conversation flowing. It wasn’t lost on Greg how handsome the men around him were. Greg typically didn’t go for large muscular men, he was more into the bearish sort, but they were so handsome he couldn’t stop looking. Loy especially caught Greg’s eye being a perfect muscle bear. The open and friendly manner with which they treated him was comforting and surprising. They were gay and knew he was too, and it was no big deal; it was just a fact that didn’t matter.
As soon as Rick walked through the door his Avatar went to work on Greg. Initially, it was unconscious on Rick’s part, and deep down inside all the knots Greg built up inside himself started to loosen. They were tight and took years to build, but they started coming undone ever so slightly.
The cook and the server were also affected in their own way. Rick wasn’t focused on them so the effects were milder, but their lives were still changed positively.
After Rick and Loy finished eating, Rick thought: Okay, guys, here goes nothing. Brad, you and Loy be ready to help him out in case he freaks. I can feel how knotted up he is inside, and just by proximity he’s already been affected. Shit, this is freaky. I can’t turn it off! I’m about to apply some real pressure, and I’m not sure how he’s going to react.
Brad and Loy were prepared and already monitoring Greg. Loy was as surprised as Brad to find that Greg, while obviously an emotional wreck, didn’t exhibit many of the deceitful, self-centered thoughts most people did.
Rick reached across the table and took one of Greg’s hands in his own. Greg instinctively tried to pull back, but Rick held on and smiled disarmingly. Rick’s hand was so warm and comforting. It was the kind of touch he longed for but was terrified of at the same time.
“Don’t pull back, Greg, it’s alright. There’s no need to be afraid.”
Greg closed his eyes and lowered his head as his eyes spilled fresh tears. Ken moved his hand from Greg’s shoulder and started lightly kneading the back of his neck. He felt Greg unconsciously pushing against his hand, wanting the comfort of another man’s touch.
Since his eyes were closed, Greg didn’t see Rick’s Avatar come to life and start glowing, or his eyes turn White. To Rick, Loy, Brad, and Ken, tiny White tendrils of Light came off Rick’s hand, spreading over Greg and working their way inside him. Greg’s breath caught, and his hand clamped down on Rick’s as thick hot tears starting dripping down his cheeks.
Brad, Ken, and Loy could see the turmoil in Greg and watched the emotional knots Rick unraveled. He had spent most of his life building them, and there were many, deeply embedded in his psyche. Ken kept his hand on Greg’s neck, continuing his gentle massage. He wanted Greg to feel the physical contact and know he was with someone who cared. He also wanted Greg to feel the touch of another man in a comforting but non-sexual manner.
Brad went a step further and lightly took them into the surface of Greg’s Mind, enough for Greg to feel their concern and friendship. They saw what Rick was doing and supported Greg through the entire process, walking with him through his pain. They crawled into the dark well with Greg and carried him out. They went so deep in Greg they glowed, and Brad had to divert the server a few times and hide the aura of Rick’s Avatar and his eyes.
It took almost an hour, and Greg’s tears never stopped. He shook with quiet sobs as the walls he spent a lifetime building were gently and completely dismantled. The arms of the four men, his new friends, were around his Heart the entire time even as Rick’s hands held his and Ken’s hand rubbed his neck.
When Rick’s Avatar stopped glowing Greg slumped, physically exhausted from the anxiety and trauma he put himself through. Now that the underlying tension was gone, he felt more relaxed than he had in a long time.
His confusion was apparent. His eyes opened and he asked in a quiet, raspy voice, “What did you do to me?”
Brad leaned forward and put his hand on Greg’s forearm.
“I hope we just threw you a lifeline, Greg. It’s hard to explain, but we’re giving you a fresh start as to who and what you are. You can rethink all the decisions that led you to the point where you were earlier tonight and choose a different path. We can introduce you to people who will accept you for who you are. Don’t get me wrong, there’s just as much drama and shit in the gay world, probably even more, but we can help ease you into that world and I hope you’ll be happier.”
“I… I don’t understand any of this… who you are or how you could do this… or why you would do this for me… but thank you. I feel clearer than I’ve felt in a long time.”
“I know you’re still scared Greg, but don’t let it overwhelm you. You can call us if you need to. We know a few places where the type of guys you are into hang out, and I bet you end up making more new friends than you can shake a stick at. As to who we are… just friends who happen to be in a position to help you out. Friends who were in the right place at the right time.”
Greg’s eyes were red and bloodshot from all the tears, but his eyes looked clear and his face less drawn. Loy excused himself saying he needed to use the men’s room, so Greg got up to let him out, and Rick took Loy’s place in the booth. Rick noticed Loy went out the door instead of to the bathroom.
Hey bud, where are you going?
I have an idea, but I don’t know if it’ll work. It depends on if he’s moved on already or not.
Who are you talking about?
Greg’s dog, Ely. I’m going to try and find his Spirit. If he hasn’t been reborn yet he’ll still be out there. You saw Greg’s memories… he was so depressed when he had to put Ely down and didn’t stay to be with him, and he’s regretted that decision ever since. I think if he can see Ely happy and restored and get to say goodbye, it’ll be one last piece of closure and baggage he can let go of.
How are we going to explain that to him?
Frankly, I don’t care. Greg’s been hurting too long, and if I can help bring him a little more happiness, I want to do that.
You're incredible, Loy. I hope Ely’s still out there.
Loy moved to the back of the parking lot. Looking up into the sky his eyes turned White, and his Avatar glowed in the darkness. He set his Will and called out into the Spiritual Realm.
In only a few seconds, Ely was there.
Out of the darkness the ghostly image of a dog appeared; a big black lab with a wagging tail.
Hey, sport! I have your daddy inside, and I think he wants to see you one more time.
Loy knelt and by the light of his Avatar Ely became corporeal. Ely sat down panting with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. He had that beautiful, goofy look labs have.
Guys, can you bring Greg out here? I’ve got Ely with me.
Ken put his hand on Greg’s forearm as he spoke, “Hey Greg, I know this has all been really strange for ‘ya, and more than a bit overwhelmin’. We’ve got one more thing that is gonna blow your Mind bud, but in a good way. We need ‘ta go outside ‘ta the parkin’ lot. There’s someone out there you need to see.”
Greg’s Mind was spinning and he couldn’t imagine who could possibly be outside, even feeling a twinge of fear that it might be someone he didn’t want to see.
“It’s cool, Greg. Don’t worry. It’s gonna be sad but good.”
Ken kept his hand on Greg’s shoulder in support as they walked to the door.
As soon as Greg stepped outside and reached the bottom of the steps he looked up and froze. Ely stood beside Loy, his tail wagging ninety miles an hour and his butt wiggling in excitement. It wasn’t the old, pain-wracked Ely Greg had put down… it was Ely in his prime, young and happy and full of energy and love for him.
Greg’s voice was barely a whisper as he said, “How!? Oh my God, Ely…”
Ken put a little pressure on Greg’s back to move him forward. The tears started flowing again as soon as he saw Ely. Greg ran over and dropped to his knees, wrapping his arms around his dog, holding him tight and pushing his face into Ely’s fur. His body wracked with sobs, and he could barely talk.
“I’m so sorry, boy. I should have stayed with you…”
All of their eyes were bright at seeing the reunion between Greg and Ely. Loy more than anyone knew what the unconditional love of animals felt like and with Greg on the surface of their Link, his emotions at seeing his best friend became a part of them. Greg’s love for Ely and his regret and guilt for not being strong enough to stay with him when his time came to leave the world was clear to them.
Their server was getting panicked that they were going to try and leave without paying, so Brad went back inside to settle the bills.
By the time Brad came back out Greg was more in control of himself.
“I don’t know how any of this is possible. You guys can’t be real… Ely isn’t here… he can’t be. I don’t understand… this has to be a dream.”
His hands never left Ely, rubbing him and loving him. Ely was ecstatic and kept nosing Greg’s hand when he slowed down or stopped. He had that big goofy lab face with his tongue hanging out, and he pressed his body against Greg.
Loy said, “You aren’t dreaming, Greg. We’re here, and we’re real. Ely is here, but he can’t stay.”
“If you’re real, then who and what are you? What you did to me shouldn’t be possible. Ely being here isn’t possible.”
Greg wasn’t scared. In fact, he felt at peace for the first time in ages. His emotional turmoil was gone, at least for the moment, but he was bewildered with everything happening to him.
Ken said, “That’s a tough one, Greg. We really can’t tell ‘ya who we are other than we’re friends who care about ‘ya. I’m gonna ask ‘ya not ‘ta say anythin’ about this ‘ta anyone. We’ll give you a number ‘ta reach us if ‘ya need to, but our help needs ‘ta stay anonymous for now, and I hope ‘ya can respect that.”
“Guys, I’ve been in a fog so long I can’t remember the last time I was even able to think clearly. Whatever you did… I don’t even know how to describe it, but I feel open inside and free for the first time ever. I’m still sad, but I can deal with it now. I can’t thank you enough. Of course, I’ll keep this a secret. I have a lot of questions I don’t think you can or will answer, but I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. If the best way I can honor what you’ve done for me is to keep it to myself, then that’s what I’ll do, and gratefully too. I still don’t understand how Ely can be here but thank you for that too. He was my best friend for so many years. At least I got to tell him how sorry I am for not staying with him. Do you think he understands?”
Loy said, “See for yourself.”
Loy brought Greg and Ely together, connecting them Soul to Spirit. Ely’s unconditional love washed over Greg, and all the unbound happiness Ely ever felt while playing with him, being touched by him or sleeping beside him on the bed, even the fierce protectiveness Ely had towards him became clear to Greg. Greg started sobbing again but this time his face had a huge smile on it, and he grabbed hold of Ely, pushing his face into Ely’s fur and holding him tight.
It’s amazing isn’t it, Greg? The love our animals have for us? You were a great dad to Ely and took wonderful care of him. You did the best you could, and you can see there’s nothing to forgive. He loves you no matter what.
Greg had never felt anything so pure in his life, and it touched his heart in a way he had never known before.
Why can’t we love this way?
We can, Greg, but it’s hard and not many people get to the point where they can. You have to love yourself first before you can really love someone else. You have a fresh start now. Don’t go back to the way you were. It won’t be easy, but I can see you’re a good man. You have a decent chance to be truly happy now.
Greg wiped his eyes. He realized he and Loy were talking in their heads, but he stopped wondering what else was possible with these strange men. Being Linked with them, he felt the bonds between them. It was the same as Ely felt for him; incredibly powerful and peaceful. It emanated from them, and Greg wanted to feel the same thing himself with another man.
Just go slow, Greg. There’s no rush. Do everything on your own terms, and don’t let anyone force you to be someone you aren’t or do anything you don’t want to do or aren’t ready to do. You can call any of us anytime if you need support. Rick and I and a few of the guys will take you out and introduce you to some new friends. I know you like Bears, and there’s a great Bear community in Atlanta.
Brad and Ken stood a few feet away while Loy and Greg talked. They heard the Mental conversation and felt Greg’s emotions. It felt good to help him and see how he opened up, especially from the dark place he had been in.
I’m glad you noticed Greg, Ken. I know he’s only one man, but I feel like even helping one person makes a difference in what we’re trying to accomplish. I know this might sound cheesy, but small acts of kindness help keep the Darkness at bay and make the world a better place.
Yeah, B, me too. We’re gettin’ pretty badass. What Rick and Loy did with Greg tonight is fuckin’ amazin’. I have a good feelin’ about Greg, and I think we did the right thing.
I know we did, Ken.
Brad moved behind Ken and put his arms around him, pulling him close and squeezing tight. Ken closed his eyes and leaned his head back, resting it on Brad’s shoulder. They were still deeply Linked and slid even deeper into one another. Everyone in the Link noticed it, especially Greg.
Ken and Rick heard a noise at the same time and were instantly alert. A small hissing sound came from behind the building, and all of them perceived a coldness at the edge of their awareness. Ely turned, facing that direction, and a low guttural growl came from deep in his chest.
Ken tensed and took Brad’s hand in his own. He looked back at Rick and Loy and said, “You guys stay with Greg.”
Ken and Brad moved closer to the back of the building, but the sound had stopped. Ken noticed what looked like burn marks in a small area on the brick of the building, and there was a hint of smoke still coming off the mark.
Brad pulled Ken tighter, bringing them fully together and Opening their energy centers. As soon as they started to glow, the mark began hissing and smoking again. It was some kind of symbol that at first seemed invisible, but as it began to burn up its shape became clear. It tried to resist their Light, but it wasn’t very strong and quickly burned up, leaving a charred impression on the brick.
Doc? Albrecht?
Yes, Bradford, what is it?
Do you know what this is?
Brad reached out and pulled the doctor and Albrecht into a private Link with just he and Ken. He didn’t want Greg exposed to what they were doing in case there was any unknown danger to him.
Aaron: It is a Rune. That particular symbol is a Rune of Depression. It would affect anyone in the vicinity who is either weak-willed or emotionally upset and magnify dark and destructive thoughts. The Enemy must have placed it there for some reason.
When Ken and I merged a minute ago, it started to burn up.
Yes, it would. That is a Dark Rune, and the aura you emit when you are deeply merged would easily overpower it. That type of Rune would have no effect on you two, but normal humans would have no defense against it.
Brad shared everything that happened since they met Greg with the doctor and Albrecht.
Yes, I can see if your friend was upset such a Rune might push him over the edge into a suicidal state, especially if he was already so inclined. I am glad you were able to help him. I will trust your judgment on how to proceed with him and let me know if I can be of any assistance in helping him.
Thanks, doc. I wonder how many of these Runes might be all over the city. Is there a way to detect them? Until this one started to burn up, we didn’t even know it was here.
If you are close there are techniques to detect them, but it would be nearly impossible from any distance. Once a rune is created, it is invisible to the naked eye. Their effect is passive so even with your Mind’s Eye there is nothing to see unless whoever created it is nearby and making it more active.
Okay, doc. Thanks for the info.
Brad and Ken both sent the equivalent of a mental hug to the doctor and Albrecht as they dropped out of the Link.
Ken, I want to try something.
Uh oh. Should I be worried?
Brad grinned.
Brad gently removed Greg from the Link with Rick and Loy.
Guys, I want to try something. If this works I think it will piss off the Enemy. We need to get Greg out of here before we do this in case there’s any fallout.
Greg still knelt with Ely running his hands through Ely’s thick, soft coat.
Loy said, “Greg…”
Greg looked up with a sigh and asked, “He has to go now, doesn’t he? You too.”
“Yeah, he does. We have something else to do here, and it might be dangerous for you. I want to make sure you’re good to be alone tonight. If you aren’t, I can call some friends who you can stay with.”
“I can’t thank you guys enough. This has been like a dream, but I know it’s not. I’m more awake now than I ever thought I could be again. Who knows what I’ll feel in the morning, but for tonight I’m good thanks to all of you.”
He knelt down and his eyes teared up again.
“Goodbye, Ely. I love you, buddy. Be a good boy.”
He gave Ely one last hug and stood up. Ely got up and wagged his tail, looking at Greg.
Loy told Ely: You did great, boy. You can go now.
“Greg, throw this for him.”
Loy put the illusion of Ely’s favorite ball in Greg’s Mind. He held it out for Greg to take.
“I won’t ever see him again, will I?”
“I’ve learned to never say never. I don’t know, Greg.”
Greg’s throat started to close up, but he managed to say, “Okay boy, go get it!”
Greg threw the ball into the tall grass at the back of the parking lot.
As soon as Ely saw his ball, he became excited and kept jumping up to try and get it out of Greg’s hand. His eyes never left the ball, and he took off like a bullet when Greg threw it. Before he was halfway there he started to fade and by the time he reached the grass he was gone.
Greg said one last time, “Goodbye Ely. You were the best dog ever. Be good and be happy.”
Loy and Rick both put a hand on Greg’s shoulders.
Loy said, “Greg, if you start to feel like you’re slipping when you get home call one of us immediately, alright? It’s not an imposition. If we find that you didn’t call us and had a hard time we’ll have to find you and kick your ass. All you have to do is think about tonight and you’ll know how to reach one of us. Keep next weekend open and we’ll take you out to meet some new friends.”
Greg turned to Loy, his face still wet with tears and his eyes bloodshot from all the crying. He put his arms around Loy and hugged him tight saying, “Thanks, Loy.”
Greg’s voice nearly cracked as he did the same with Rick, Ken, and Brad, as each of them hugged him back. It was the first time Greg embraced another man as an openly gay man, and it felt amazing. Their bodies were warm and firm against his, and he liked it, especially Loy.
“I still don’t know who you guys are or how you can do the things you do. There’s another world out there I didn’t know anything about, and I’m going to have to rethink some things. I’ll keep your secret, guys. If there’s ever anything, I can do to repay the favor just say the word.”
Greg’s sincerity was apparent to all of them. His emotions were still raw and pure after everything he had been through, and he wasn’t operating in the place most people do with lies and deceptions and self-protection mechanisms.
Greg got in his car and left for home.
Loy: Damn, that felt good. Greg’s a good man. I hate that the world can push people to the place he was in. It’ll be fun to watch him grow into the person we saw deep down.
Brad: Yeah, I wish there were more guys like Greg out there. Maybe there are, and we just haven’t come across them yet. Ricky, after what you did with him, I’d love to go to the Mall with you and let you amp up your Avatar for a while and just see what happens.
Alright, B, what’s this you wanna’ try?
Well, when you and I were together, the aura we put out burned up that Rune from across the parking lot. I want the four of us to go deep and strong and broadcast on purpose and see what happens. I bet any Runes within a mile or more will burn up. If the Enemy has those things all over the place no wonder people are turning into the basket cases we see. Maybe human nature isn’t as bad as we’ve been thinking. It makes sense that The Enemy would push people in that direction.
Alright. It would probably be better if all of us were together in case anyone shows up, but I’m sure this will come as a surprise and they won’t be able to react with any significant force.
Okay, Ricky and Loy, you merge first and then we’ll join with you.
Collectively their eyes turned White. To Brad and Ken, Rick and Loy’s energy centers Opened and shone brightly. Ribbons of blue, yellow, and red energy crackled and blended together, and they became a small White star shining in the parking lot. The warmth and love they exuded by being completed in one another was strong, and Brad and Ken smiled as it washed over them. Brad Opened their energy centers and brought Ken and himself together in the same way.
Fuck, I love you, B. Every time we do this, it makes me love you that much more.
Ken wrapped his arms around Brad and pulled their bodies tightly together along with his thoughts.
Brad smirked.
More than hash browns?
Ken laughed.
Just a little.
Brad stared into Ken’s green eyes and smiled.
I love you too, Ken.
With his thought, Brad leaned forward and gave Ken a quick kiss.
Brad brought Rick and Loy in with them, and the four men settled in one another, relishing the profound intimacy. They spent a few moments resting in one another’s presence, and as always their eyes were wet from the strength of the emotions stirring within them.
Okay, guys, let’s push things up a few notches. Let’s go deeper and fill one another up until we’re about to burst.
They went deeper in one another, doing exactly what Brad said, filling each other up. Their capacity for love was greatly expanded and seemed to increase every time they merged like they were.
Rick and Loy moved closer, and the four of them put their arms around each other’s shoulders, forming a small ring. They held each other tightly as their Hearts filled. The energy they emitted caused a hot wind to blow their hair and their handsome faces were serene and still. Their hands affectionately gripped each other in comfort and support, and their heads leaned forward to touch.
Their Auras brightened to the point where they could hardly see one another. In addition to the Light of their energy centers their Avatars ignited, adding bright colors to the mix. Something else was happening that Brad didn’t expect and their Avatars were adding to what they were doing.
A bright ring of energy emanated from them; however, it wasn’t an uncontrolled burst as in the first instance. This time it was intentional and directed.
With Ken’s and Rick’s exceptional hearing they detected the nearby hiss of Runes burning up. They continued their efforts for a few minutes and then pulled back, eventually separating back into two couples and then into their own bodies, but Brad still kept them Linked.
Ken: Holy shit, guys that was amazin’!
Rick: Yeah, guys, that felt great! I even felt some of the nearby Runes burning up.
Loy: The energy we put out from being merged would have done it, but when our Avatars kicked in… just damn.
Brad: That went better than I expected, and that kind of activity doesn’t wear us out. I actually feel better. There’s nothing like being together with Ken and you yahoo’s.
Ken: B, maybe you should fill in the rest of the guys and the doc and Albrecht. If there are any repercussions, I don’t want ‘em caught off guard.
Yeah, good idea. I’ll give that to you.
Ken caught Brad’s knowing smile at his comment and grinned back.
Alright, let’s sit tight for a bit and wait to see if anyone shows up.
Brad contacted the doctor, Albrecht, and the rest of the guy’s and put them on alert as to what they had just done. Lane and Bryan, Bill and Kevin, and Pat and Darren stayed Linked through Brad and could support them remotely if anything happened.
About fifteen minutes later the four of them sensed danger just before three black Escalades pulled into the parking lot.
Ken: Guys, after the challenge we threw their way, I’m thinkin’ they’re gonna start usin’ lethal force. If they do, then we do what’s necessary ‘ta protect ourselves. If some of them lose their lives, it was their choice. If we can identify which ones’ve been forced into servitude let’s do our best not ‘ta kill them.
None of them wished to take an innocent life, but they understood and supported Ken’s decision. They were in a war and would do what was needed and deal with the consequences, whatever those happened to be.
Lane and Bryan used the time to build a net of energy and pushed it out into all of them. As Power filled them their eyes turned White, and their Aura’s started to glow again.
Brad slipped the Minds of the cook and server inside the restaurant into neutral so they wouldn’t see or hear anything and Shielded them as a precaution.
Ken: B, bring us together tight. I want them ‘ta feel what we feel for one another, and if it burns ‘em, then all the better. It’ll put them on the defensive right off the bat.
Darren: If they have guns let me take care of it. Brad, let me know which ones not to hit.
You got it, Dar.
The doors opened, and four large muscular men wearing dark glasses and trench coats exited each car wielding semi-automatic weapons. Six well-dressed men followed, five of them in tailored gray suits, and one in a black suit. The one in black held a silver capped walking cane covered with carved runic symbols.
The men in trench coats moved forward and stood in front of the ‘suits.'
The man in black said, “You are foolish to face us with only four of you. Your challenge will end here tonight, and The Order will be broken once and for all. With you four gone, the others will fall that much faster.”
Ken retorted, “We aren’t alone, asshole. We’re never alone. You obviously weren’t payin’ attention durin’ my little speech. You may only see four of us but we’re all here, and if you think the likes of you are gonna take us out, you’re sadly mistaken.”
Ken: Dar, don’t kill him if they start firin’.
Brad: Dar, two of the muscle goons are coerced. The other ten are willing.
The man in black stepped back towards the car and said, “Kill them,” as he bent down to get back inside.
With the first muzzle flash, Brad slowed their perception of Time. The muzzle flashes appeared in slow motion followed by bullets moving towards Ken and the others at a barely perceptible rate.
Shit, this is gonna take a while. B, can you fast forward just a little?
Brad laughed and thought: Do I look like a remote control to you? Besides, do you have somewhere else to be?
Yeah, at home with you. This fight’s already gettin’ me worked up.
Damn, why didn’t you say so?
Muzzle flashes started going off and the air filled with bullets moving forward at a more discernible pace. When they were about five feet from Ken, they stopped again.
Rick chimed in: I can’t believe you two. Do you need to get a room?
Ricky, you know a good fight gets you turned on too! I can see you eye’n Loy’s hot ass right now.
Loy: You think my ass is hot, Ken?
Bryan’s deep, gravelly voice interjected: You fuckers quit fucking around! Fuck! I don’t want Lane and me to have to Heal any of you fuckers. Hurry up and kick their asses so we can get back to business.
Bill: Hey, I have an idea. Why don’t you ask them to hold on a second while you all make out? I know all you hair triggered fuckers won’t last that long anyway. Then you can focus on the zillion bullets in the air coming your way.
Ken: Okay, ladies. Let’s focus, then we can make out. Dar, anytime now.
Darren piggybacked off Brad and Loy as if he were present. A surge of Power came through the Link and the bullets vanished for a millisecond, reappearing at the same velocity but with a new trajectory. They were now aimed at the ten muscled protectors and the gray ‘suits.’ The two Protectors Brad pointed out and the man in the black suit were not touched.
Brad brought them all back up and their perception of time returned to normal. Blood splattered everywhere as gray suits and black trench coats were riddled with bullets. In the space of a few seconds, fifteen corpses lay about the parking lot.
The man in the black suit stopped and glanced back, his face a mask of surprised fury.
Brad grabbed the Minds of the two Protectors left standing. He was so much stronger after his last Awakening he easily broke through the Shields protecting their Minds and held them immobile.
The man in the black suit looked at them, and instead of turning white his eyes turned black as midnight. Moving over, he looked down at the bodies of the grey-suited men. Holding his walking stick out, the runic symbols began to glow with a black, smoky nimbus, while tendrils of dark energy spread out and over the bodies. Immediately the strength of his Aura became noticeably stronger and was increasing rapidly.
Alright, this doesn’t look good. Get ready.
Bryan’s deep voice came through the Link: Punch a hole in his Shield. Don’t go for his Mind, I just want to get behind that Shield for a second.
Ken: Alright, guys, he’s Powerin’ up. Let’s get Bry in before he gets any stronger.
Lane kept the Power flowing in all of them. Brad drew from everyone in the Link and threw a Mental spear against the man’s Shield. The man was strong, but they were One, and a small crack appeared from the force of Brad’s attack.
Another surge came through the Link, from Bryan that time, followed by the sound of splintering wood. The cane in the man’s hand sprouted limbs, twisting as if it was alive. A green aura appeared around the rod smothering the Black nimbus, and the carved runes filled in with new growth destroying them. The Black tendrils vanished and his strength diminished. Whatever Power he drew from the dead bodies stopped.
He looked at his cane in disbelief and whispered, “How?”
Ken said, “I wouldn’t be worried about your stick, I’d be worried about your Soul.”
Light him up, guys. Let’s show this guy what he’s been missin’.
They were already One but let their love for one another fill them just as Brad, Ken, Loy, and Rick did earlier. They were ten men, five couples, One being, and their Light broke his Shield, burning the Black Soul of the man before them. He fell to the ground screaming in agony.
Through Pat’s Understanding, they were aware of the pain in his Mind and Heart as he screamed. He emptied his Soul years ago in exchange for the Darkness that now resided within him. He purged any memories of ever being happy as a small boy and loving his parents, and his Soul had been a dry desert of existence filled with malice and hate ever since.
The tragedy of his life was bare to them. At first they felt a mix of anger and horror, but as more of his existence was revealed their anger turned to pity. Amidst his screams, sorrow they didn’t expect crept into their Hearts. Kevin felt it far worse than any of them, and his Avatar shone brighter on the ball of his muscled shoulder.
Kevin’s Avatar tugged at his Mind, wanting to make the man new again and erase his past as if he had never done any of the horrible things they saw in his life. The conflict in Kevin was immense… the man deserved to die because of the evil he had done over his lifetime. He had done so many horrible things to get where he was and to wield the Black Power he did. Resetting him would not undo the evil acts of his life or bring back the people he killed or restore lives he ruined.
Ken’s voice broke through the screams.
Do it, Kev. Make him new again. The doc said we’re supposed ‘ta love them. Let’s start here, with him. We’re with you. You were made for this… we’re made for this. Do what your Heart is tellin’ ‘ya and let us help you fix him.
The Conviction of Ken’s words spoke to Kevin’s Heart. His Avatar wasn’t the only one at work, and the sense of affirmation Ken exuded overcame any reluctance or doubt in Kevin. Once Kevin stopped resisting his Avatar his contentment was overwhelming, and a sense of rightness spread through all of them as they fulfilled a Purpose of their existence.
Their Light shining down on the black suited man took on a liquid aspect, running into every crack and crevice of his Mind and Black Heart, driving out the shadows of his former life and replacing it with something new. It was excruciatingly painful, and he squirmed uncontrollably while tears streamed down his face, writhing in physical and spiritual torment as the Blackness was burned out of him, eradicated forever and replaced by Light.
They knew when the last of the Darkness in him was gone. He lay on the ground, eyes wide open, his face wet with tears. He breathed heavily and looked around with a bewildered expression. His eyes now exuded the innocence of a newborn child.
While everyone was still together and powered up, Ken thought: Rick, why don’t you see if you can undo what’s been done to these two Protectors.
Rick touched both of the big men, putting a hand on each of their massive shoulders. His Avatar glowed and just as he had done with Greg earlier, he unraveled the control and conditioning inflicted and forced on the men by the Enemy. In less than a minute they fell on their knees and passed out, free from any control by The Enemy. Sadly, their memories and experiences would remain with them.
Yes, Bradford? Is everyone alright?
Yes, sir.
Brad shared his memories with the doctor of what transpired.
Can you contact whoever it was that came to get Henry and tell them we have three more?
I certainly will. I will contact you momentarily and let you know how soon they will arrive.
Thank you, sir.
Ken: Okay, guys, it looks like the funs over for tonight. You all rocked. We’re workin’ our way up the food chain with The Enemy. They won’t know what happened tonight other than eighteen of their people are either dead or gone. Y’all stay on standby for another hour or so in case anyone else shows up.
Lane and Bryan, Bill and Kevin, and Pat and Darren dropped out of the Link. Rick and Loy stayed with Ken and Brad a few more minutes.
Ricky, you and Loy can take off. Thanks again for your help with Greg.
Loy: No problem, Ken. We’ll follow up with Greg in the morning and make sure he’s alright. This weekend we’ll get Pat and Dar to go with us and take him downtown to a few of the gay bars and introduce him to some guys that can help him out.
The four men hugged each other as they said goodnight.
It wasn’t long before an unmarked van pulled up and some men none of them had ever seen before got out and loaded the two unconscious Protectors and the black suited man. They had minimal interaction with Ken and Brad and quickly took off.
Ken: Okay, B, make sure the cook and the server don’t remember anythin’ about tonight. The cops should be here any minute, and we can leave the bodies a mystery. They’ll probably chalk it up ‘ta gang violence if it even makes the news… but I have a feelin’ The Enemy’ll keep this quiet.
I bet you’re right.
Let’s head home. I wanna get you in bed.
Foreplay again? You’re learning! I see my seduction skills are paying off.
Hey! Did you just say I’m right?
Brad grinned, shaking his head.
Yeah, I’ll give you another one.
Ken got that little kid grin on his face as they pulled out of the parking lot. He reached over and took Brad’s hand and held it in his own, rubbing his thumb across the back of it as they drove home.
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