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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Denied - 77. Chapter 77

“We will discuss that more later.” Rilecca’s father sat in a chair pulled up at the center of the long table. It was actually set up higher than the other chairs so he could look down on everyone. He shifted his gaze to Anyas who stood to one side of the group, a weapon in his hand. “Lord Anyas, we worried for a time that you were harmed by these beings.” He raised one brow and pursed narrow, dry lips. “Or, perhaps, working with them.”

“I would not be so careless as to align myself with beings who couldn’t help me achieve my aims.”

“Be that as it may, you are in chambers with the council and none may be armed here but our guard. I’m curious how you came by a weapon that bypassed the security sweeps.” He gestured to one of the two guards waiting to guard the chamber from outside the doors once they were dismissed.

“A simple precaution based on what I knew of these barbarians, your eminence.” Anyas bowed and released the weapon he held to the guard who came to take it from him. “Nothing that could harm an Elite with our superior system.”

“We are not inferior,” Captain seethed.

“Such a statement is so patently false that I cannot be bothered to argue the point.” The old Elite waved a hand, and in that motion, I saw the similarity between the father and daughter. Their coloring was nothing alike, their features weren’t shared. But their mannerisms… the coldness, the arrogance. Locked in my brain, I could only observe and hate.

Plot my revenge.

If I did anything else, I’d start screaming in fear and not stop.

“I do not know why you are without your guards, Rilecca, but we can address that later. I see you have my assets subdued. Odd how that seems to have happened, since you were not allowed to assist in that project.”

“Subdued?” Her eyes went wide. “Whatever do you mean?”

“Do you think that Captain Querry would let his lover stand so far from him? That his security chief wouldn’t take up a guard position? That the AI wouldn’t be drawn like metal to a magnet to the hybrid?” He joined his fingers together, tapping the forefingers slowly. “And those blank stares are not human expressions, and I have scientists who did a very good job to make them human.”

“Really? From the records I read, the scientists did a lot of work to dehumanize him. Then you threw him into a cell. I had Anyas to protect me. The guards who broke in cowed them. They cannot fight back without losing. This is what defeat looks like, Father.” Her tinkling laugh fell flatly in the room.

Murmurs from the others and frowns were directed at Rilecca. Her father shook his head. “You admit to reading records? Then expect me to believe you are ignorant? You have no head for intrigue and deception.”

Rilecca tilted her head. “Oh, I don’t know about that, Father,” she said airily. “See, you might enjoy these little verbal jousts and games, but I am not afraid of your threats anymore. And I have deceived you far more than you know.” Her smile turned wicked, her wide eyes narrowed in the hate and spite that dripped off her tongue. “And death shall be the reward for your ignorance.”

A spate of that language flew from her, words I once again didn’t understand but didn’t need to for my body to act. Every motion was so swift the room passed by in a blur. I yanked the heavy metal table from its legs and used the slab to crush the council members to the right against their chairs. They flew into the wall behind them, all three bisected nearly in half as the metal hit and wedged through them and into the cream stone that crushed beneath its weight.

Danie moved like an automaton, stiff and unyielding. He grabbed the two members on the left, one in each hand, and lifted them from their chairs. They clawed at his hands, their nails gouging his skin, but beneath the flesh was metal and wires, not nerves, and he betrayed no pain as he crushed their lean throats. He dropped them, leaving them to gurgle and spit frothy blood as they died breathlessly on the edge of the dais.

Without the table in the way, I was able to jump from my place and loom over the Elite who had ordered my torture and pain. In a way, I relished the thought of his death. He deserved it. I reached for him as the screams finally began behind us, time catching up to our speed.

I yanked the Elite from his chair, smacking him to his knees so hard I could hear the bone of one ancient knee shatter. He wailed, writhing in my grip.

“No, no, stop. Please don’t kill my father,” Rilecca screamed.

What? That was… she brought us here to kill him! She’d given me the order! Danie stood beside me, his chest barely moving as he blinked slowly. Somehow, in the seconds we’d rampaged, Freska had moved from her place. She stood behind Danie, one hand on his neck, the wires buried in his ports. Like snakes, her wires slithered to me and slid home.

I arched, screaming in pain, my vocal cords my own once again instead of locked away from me by the command of another. She glared at Rilecca. “I won’t let you use them. Not anymore, not ever again.” Then the whispers began, deep inside my mind.

They wiped away the words, untwisting the jumble, breaking the controls. I gasped and let go of Rilecca’s father as Freska released me. I stumbled back, turning, unable to stop seeing the people I’d killed once again.

“No!” Rilecca screamed. “You’re ruining everything!” She stomped her foot. “Guards. Guards!”

Copyright © 2017 Cia; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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I knew Rilecca couldn't be trusted.  She probably has a few more twists in her schemes we have yet to learn.  

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Excellent chapter. I’m glad that Kohen & Danie were able to eliminate the Elite Council then with Fresca’s help they eliminated the leader of the Elite, Rilecca was the one that came up with the plan and then once Kohen and Danie got to her father she started screaming for the guards. I agree with drpaladin that she seems to be working a double game. I also hope that the last of the controls that were put in place by the Elites, they shouldn’t be held hostage just because these people decided that they were above everyone else in the galaxy. 

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Rilecca is a spoiled, manipulative brat!  She was planning to have Kohen and Dani kill everyone and beg for her father to be spared, even as she knew their programming would make them ignore her. Thankfully Fresca got there when she did, I just wish they had not been made to kill at all. 

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Yes, Rilecca, all superior beings stamp their foot when their evil plans fall through! 😂

Another indication that the Elite council has no idea about the trigger words is that the members actually see Dani and Kohen's blank faces but still are fooled. (They may have been suspicious but did not act, and they certainly had time to do so.)

A corollary to Rilecca's evil plan, but not actually voiced, is that she would have had to kill the crew to get rid of witnesses after the council was killed. (I wonder if she is also armed with a scanner-proof weapon that she intended to use for "self defense." The crew may want to frisk her now that Rilecca is, at least, temporarily thwarted.) Kudos to Freska, as she may have saved the crew by saving Dani and Kohen!

Now, the crew has two important hostages--the head minister and daughter--as well as a potential AI army at their beck and call; and the Elite governing body has just been slaughtered, potentially leaving the Elite in disarray. It's time for our heroes to make their move!


Edited by travlbug
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Thank you for reading, everyone! I know there is a lot of action finally happening, though I can only share so much each week (bummer for all of us). I actually wrote another few hundred words more to this scene then had to cut them out to find a good ending spot, then had to add some more to make this fit the length. So hard each week! But that means I have a head start for next week. So many times I'm able to use your thoughts and comments to help shape the story, so keep them coming. You are all awesome! 

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Hmm... Deceit upon deceit. But hopefully Kohen is free now and can control his own body. Now how to get out of there...? 

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