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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Dissonance - 10. Hands of Shame

They headed north from the ranch, veering off the main county road about half a mile on to follow a trail that wove up through a grove of leafless quaking aspen and Douglas-fir. The trail barely resembled a driving path at all, but Travis brought the Dodge Ram through the snow-packed terrain like a pro, keeping them upright and moving forward despite the steep incline and unevenness of the rise. Ascending higher, the snow on the trail thickened, and Travis kicked it into four-wheel drive. At one point, the tires spun out in a soft spot. The ground was angry and determined to stop them in their tracks, but Travis managed to maneuver free.

The chassis bucked to and fro beneath them as they climbed, and Ben tightened his hand around the door grip to keep his head from smacking against the side window. “I take it you come up here a lot?” he asked while his teeth involuntarily ground together.

“Not so much anymore,” Travis replied. He was dressed in yellow nylon twill snowboarding pants and a gray jacket, a black and yellow beanie hugging his head, a pair of Oakley goggles set around his neck. As much as Ben tried, he just couldn’t picture the man backcountry snowboarding. It went against his bucolic disposition and against Ben’s assumption of who he thought Travis was. Ben wondered how he even found opportunities to snowboard when the ranch clearly demanded all of his time.

Travis glanced over, caught Ben watching him, grinned. “How about you? Snowboard a lot?”

Shaking his head, Ben replied, “Not nearly enough.” Unfortunately, this rang true of countless other activities he tried to squeeze into his hectic schedule: cycling, surfing, basketball. He loved sports, craved the endorphin rush of exercise, but with his perpetually busy calendar, it seemed impossible to excel in any one area. His physical activities had been reduced to solitary morning jogs, work-outs with his personal trainer, and a few laps across the length of his pool when he felt inclined to dip in.

They reached their final destination, an off-piste section of ridge that overlooked the western edge of the Arkansas River valley. Travis tucked the Dodge near a cluster of blue spruce trees, as though attempting to camouflage the vehicle among the pines. As Ben hopped out, he noticed that all along the ridge the ground was powdery and fresh. Completely virgin. The sun had not yet begun to melt this newest layer of snow, which made it prime condition for the board. “How do you find these places?” he inquired, running a stick of sunscreen down the bridge of his nose.

Travis had pulled a snack cooler from the bed of the truck and proceeded to tuck it into the snow. “I do a lot of exploring,” he responded vaguely.

“Is this all a part of the ranch?”

“Nope.” He opened the tailgate and took a seat on it to change into his snowboard boots. “Neighbor’s land.”

Ben joined him, pulling his own snowboard boots on. “In other words,” Ben said, “we shouldn’t be here.”

“According to my neighbor, no.” His remark was flippant.

“You’ve never been caught?” Ben asked. Wasn’t sure why he was pressing the issue or why he even cared. Curiosity tended to get the better of him; he wasn’t always the most tactful or patient participant in a conversation.

Travis squinted at him. The light spray of freckles that crisscrossed his nose crinkled. “This neighbor and I… Let’s just say we’ve never exactly gotten along.” He pulled his helmet on, positioned his goggles on his face, and clipped his boots into his board before scuffling over to the nearby cornice edge. There he pushed off, and without a flinch, bounced the uneven side of the natural chute with a half-cab spin before continuing down the slope. Ben’s mouth fell open the moment he witnessed the guy perform a frontside rail slide down the length of a fallen lodgepole pine devoid of branches. It was as though the prop had been purposely positioned there solely for Travis’ benefit. With a sharp turn, he came to a halt a few yards below it. Powdery snow plumed up behind him.

“Holy shit,” Ben mumbled in disbelief.

“Yeah,” Katy said. “He’s good.”

Ben turned to her with wide eyes. “Good? He should be in the goddamn Olympics!”

She giggled and bumped her hip into his, remaining dangerously close. The vanilla-scented perfume she doused herself in hit his nostrils. He considered telling her to cease the flirtatious crap before it got started, but Travis was waving to them from below, beckoning for someone to come down. “You go,” Ben suggested, nudging her forward.

Katy pulled her goggles down over her helmet and pushed off, her momentum gathering strength the further she descended. Her technique was definitely amateur, but she succeeded in getting most of the way down before losing her balance and falling. The snowboard flipped up into the air, propelling her forward in an awkward somersault that she recovered quickly from before sliding the rest of the way down on her backside. At the bottom, Travis lent her a hand, hoisting her up by an elbow, helping to free her boots from the clips.

And then it was Ben’s turn. Travis and Katy waved, signaling for him to come down. He stood still for a moment, contemplating the run, deciding which side to take. Don’t fucking kill yourself, Mansfield, he warned himself. Pulling in a deep breath, he exchanged his sunglasses for goggles, clipped his boots into the board, and pushed himself off of the edge. Although he loved snowboarding, the truth was he had only done it half a dozen times in his life thus far, and that fact was painfully obvious as he almost immediately wiped-out, his body betraying gravity while he briefly yet dramatically plummeted down the ridge. He skidded and rolled several yards but somehow managed to stop himself midway. When he got back up, he steadied himself and pushed off again, this time successfully making it to the bottom of the slope without a face plant. There was no way in hell he was going to attempt to shred the fallen tree.

Travis hopped over, threw an arm around his shoulders, and pulled him close, causing their helmets to thump together. “That was awesome!” he exclaimed.

“Awesome…?” Ben echoed. “I fucking wiped out!”

“Yeah, but you cowboyed-up!”

Ben laughed at his choice of words and repeated, “Cowboyed-up?”

Katy leaned in close to brush a pink fingernail beneath his chin. “Yes, ‘cowboy up’. Means grit your teeth, get back on, keep going, no matter what.” Her eyes expressed everything she was feeling, everything her pretty little body was insinuating, like the opened pages of an erotic novella that no one had asked to read.

Ben brushed her hand away. “I know what ‘cowboy up’ means,” he stated. “I just thought it was a phrase reserved for rodeos and cattle drives and shit like that.”

Travis pulled him closer and swept a hand across the horizon in mock grandeur. “Friend!” he exclaimed. “Today, you are a cowboy of the hills, and that snowboard is your steed!”

Ben choked back laughter and pushed him away. “You’re crazy, man, you know that?”

Travis gave no retort, simply smiled. Katy began to trek back up to the top of the ridge, her snowboard propped against her shoulders, her boots disappearing in the snow with each step. Travis took advantage of the moment and kissed Ben quickly on the mouth. Their frozen lips were rough and hard together. Ben hoisted his board up to his shoulder and pushed Travis ahead of him. “Come on, Cooper,” he said. “Let me give you some snowboarding lessons. I think you could use a few pointers.”

With a chuckle, Travis responded, “Teach me anything you want, Mansfield. Eyes and ears are on you.”


*   *   *   *


Although Ben’s snowboarding skills gradually improved throughout the morning, his frustrations continued, especially in contrast to Travis’ perplexing expertise. At several points, Ben stood in awe, witnessing Travis glide down that off-piste terrain as if he was slicing a wave on a surfboard – as if it were as fluid and natural to him as breathing. Again, Ben wondered how in the hell the guy found time for recreation.

Out of pure adrenaline and pride, Ben forced himself to disregard the burning in his calves and lower back in order to further stretch his limits. He needed to prove something to Travis even though he knew damn well that they weren’t in competition with one another. Travis kindly offered tips to Katy as well, and together she and Ben shared the role of snowboard pupil under his tutelage. Several times throughout the morning, she and Ben held decent conversations, free of innuendos. Her propensity to flirt with him, however subtle, was still evident, but the intensity had waned, and Ben actually found her somewhat bearable to be around.

By early afternoon, hunger became the focus. Sandwiches, apples and bottled waters were handed out from the cooler in the snow. By then, Ben was more than relieved for the reprieve and slumped down onto the open tailgate of the truck, grimacing slightly at the muscle burn throughout his torso. His turkey and avocado sandwich was devoured within a few bites while he gazed off at the giant Fourteener mountains in the distance, admiring their grandeur and high peaks swathed in rings of heavy clouds. Snow was forming, destined to descend into the valley at some point that day. Absently, Ben wondered what the real estate market in Chaffee County was like. A winter home wasn’t out of the question; he’d been considering investing in additional property anyway, and the more of Colorado he saw, the more that part of the world appealed to him.

Katy dropped her half-eaten sandwich into the open cooler and jumped down from the back of the truck where she’d perched herself on the wheel mound. “Gotta pee,” she announced. Straightened out her purple ski jacket and trudged off to climb a slight incline where the aspen and evergreen trees grew denser and the shadows heavier. Before disappearing altogether, she playfully called over her shoulder, “Try not to miss me too much, boys…”

“We’ll certainly do our best,” Travis replied unconvincingly. When she was gone from view, he looked at Ben and said, “She seems to be behaving herself today.”

Ben nodded. Took a swig from his water bottle. “She’s been pretty good,” he concurred.

After taking a bite of apple, Travis nudged Ben’s arm and pointed a finger to the sky. Ben lifted his gaze to catch sight of two large red-tailed hawks floating in circles about 50 feet above them. Their massive speckled wings glided effortlessly on the afternoon breeze. Ben laid back on the rippled bed, draped an arm across his eyes to shield them from direct sunlight, watched the majestic birds of prey continue to dip and rise in perfect formation through the sky until his reverie was disrupted by a hand on his thigh. He shifted his gaze back to Travis.

“I have a surprise for you after this,” Travis announced, running his palm across the nylon fabric.


“Yeah. A little something to take the edge of the day off.”

Ben envisioned beer, weed, close physical contact. “I look forward to it,” he whispered. Covered Travis’ hand with his own, gave it a tight squeeze.

Katy descended from the line of trees, and Travis slid his hand away. A trace of anger clouded her face as she approached the truck, but she kept quiet, grabbing up her snowboard and marching away, her boots crunching in the snow. Her ability to control her emotions and keep her mouth shut impressed Ben; perhaps she’d managed to mature a small fraction since last night. No one, especially Ben, desired a repeat session of her sophomoric behavior. Although curiosity pricked at him because he wanted to understand their sibling rift – what had caused it, what continued to fuel it – until Travis chose to divulge the story to him, it would remain a mystery.

After clearing up the remnants of lunch and putting the cooler away, Travis and Ben joined Katy on the ridge. Their snowboarding continued, but they no longer bothered themselves with proper techniques, just had a good time with it. Although Ben stumbled and plummeted several more times, it didn’t disappoint him nearly as much as it had earlier in the day. Perhaps he, too, had matured a fraction. Eventually, he excused himself to wander off into the forest in search of his own tree. Snow from the higher elevation finally descended, and large, fluffy flakes swirled silently through the air, playfully surrounding him as he climbed up through a large grove of Englemann spruce.

From within his pant pocket, his mobile phone buzzed. Fishing it out, he saw that it was Audra. “Hey there,” she said when he answered. Her voice was far more chipper than it had been in the morning. “We’re taking a tour around Salida with Travis’ mom. Cute town. She’s showing us the gallery where she sells her pottery. I’m thinking of getting something for Mom and Dad. Souvenir-type thing.”

“I take it you’re feeling better?” Ben asked, stepping over fallen branches and tree stumps in his path. The pungent aroma of pine resin ignited his senses.

“Much better,” she replied. “How’s snowboarding?”

“I suck at it.”

She chuckled, cupped her hand over the receiver to say something to Bryan, then returned with, “Bryan wants to know if you’ve broken any bones.”

Ben groaned. “No. Tell him he’s the only gimp in the family.”

He could hear Bryan mumbling something to her, shuffling to take the phone away from her hand. “I’ll see you later,” she crooned before disconnecting. “Don’t break a leg.”

Ben tucked the phone into his pocket and opened his fly. While humming the tune of a nondescript song, he happily sprayed yellow patterns of urine into the untouched snow until the loud crack of a tree branch disrupted him. Turning his head, he feared he’d come face-to-face with a mountain lion or a bear scrounging for its afternoon snack, but what he discovered was Katy, now almost directly behind him. Her purple ski jacket was unzipped to reveal that she was wearing only a black satin push-up bra underneath.

Before Ben had a chance to react to her presence, she slid her arms around his waist and wrapped the palm of her right hand around his cock. “Let me get you off…” she whispered, already stroking him into partial hardness. Quickly, he came to his senses and disentangled from her. Stuffed himself back into his pants and turned to face her in a defensive stance.

“Ben,” she breathed, coming at him again. “I’ll do anything you want.”

He slapped her hands away. “Stop it.”

“Oh, come on!” she pleaded. “Travis doesn’t have to know! I can be quick.” She dropped to her knees in the snow, pawing at the front of his pants, trying to undo the Velcro strap of his fly. He grabbed her wrists, much tighter than he’d intended to, and she let out a yelp. Hoisting her back up to her feet, he said, “Quit it, before he comes up here.”

“He won’t,” she insisted. Attempted to pull free from his grip. “Just give me a couple of minutes! I’ll give you the best blow you’ve ever had!”

Ben stared hard at her, his jaw clenched, the struggle to remain civil with her vanished. Why is this girl so goddamned determined?!

“You know you’re just another one of his conquests anyway,” she jeered. Her emerald eyes were wide, pupils enlarged with excitement and fear and the titillation of being handled roughly by him.

He dug his fingertips into the supple flesh of her slender wrists. “Why can’t you get it through your head that I don’t fucking want this?” he insisted.

The look on her face expressed pure insolence. Her eyes were defiant, her pink, glossy lips a thin line. “He’ll turn you, Ben,” she said through strained voice. “Just like he’s turned others. He’ll turn you and dump you. He doesn’t care about anybody but himself. Don't be fooled. You're just a prize.”

Realizing that he still held her wrists in a vise-hold, Ben released her. She lost balance for a fraction of a second but soon found her feet and stood up straight, her chin raised as she stared at him. Ben hooked his hands on his hips and stared back her, inhaling and exhaling, his breath coming out in clouds. “Please stop all of this shit, already,” he commanded. “None of it matters. I’m leaving tomorrow.”

“It’ll matter when I can’t keep a secret,” she retorted. “It’ll matter when the whole world finds out you’ve been fucking my brother.”

A spasm, an instantaneous moment of fury, and Ben had her neck in his hands. His fingers squeezed against her windpipe, wanting to crack it, wanting to fracture it. But just as quickly as it had surfaced, the desperate, red-hot moment ceased, and Ben dropped her into the snow. His heart was pounding straight out of his head, his ribcage ready to explode, his muscles twitching anxiously. He peered down at her retching, sobbing body and thought, You deserved it, bitch.

Slowly, she rose to her feet and backed away from him, zipping up her jacket with trembling fingers. Fear surrounded her. “Your secret will come out,” she whispered through tears, turning and stumbling away, struggling to navigate over jagged tree stumps and fallen branches along the way. Ben watched her disappear but remained planted where he stood, trying to regain his senses. He hadn’t meant to hurt her – not entirely. But her words lingered in the air around him, taunting his resolve: “He’ll turn you, just like he’s turned others…”

What the hell was her point? To convince him that Travis enjoyed the challenge of seducing guys? That he’d fucked plenty of others before him? If she thought he hadn't guessed that already, she was stupid. Travis’ past sexual encounters didn’t have a negative impact on Ben. If anything, they fueled his desire for the the guy even more.

Truth was, Ben wanted to be used. Needed to be handled and humiliated and tossed aside like the rotten, despicable person that he thought he was. It had to happen that way, or it would never be over.

And tomorrow, it would be over. He’d return to Aspen without a single glance behind – no repetition of the offense, no second-guessing himself in the future. Cooper Ranch, Travis, and all of these tangled events would become fragments of a forgotten dream, a fictional tale buried deep in the ground, never to be exhumed.

His own hands of shame would dig the soil to cover it.

Thank you all for reading. Your comments and emails are appreciated, and you writers here are really inspiring me. It's a good community. Thanks for that.
Copyright © 2017 MacGreg; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Another layer peeled away and only more questions. Travis has impressive snowboarding skills, and according to Katy a need to seduce and dump guys. And Ben secretly thinks he's worthless and needs to be used and abused. Hmmm. Where will this reveal take them next. I also can't imagine Ben just walking away as he described at the end. Your story just keeps getting more interesting. Thanks. Jeff

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Rather than focus on Katy (who's clearly a disaster) I'd like to focus on Ben in this one. It saddens me that he has such self loathing. You make a good point showing us that nobody's stardom or wealth can keep them from feeling insecure or unhappy. I agree with Jeff, though, that I don't think he'll be able to walk away so easily.


Again, great writing Mac. Made me want to be in mountains somewhere. Also, I can't wait to find out what surprise Travis has planned.

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So Ben hates himself, thinks all will be buried. He's forgetting Katy has a big shovel, and maybe jealous sisters words have little credence. Travis may have something to say about all this. Nice!

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Since Travis lives in Colorado, it's not too surprising he's so good at snowboarding. Isn't it a requirement to know how to snowboard or ski to live there? :gikkle: I like Travis more and more with every tidbit you reveal about him. Ben is going to break his heart, although I suspect he's not going to put up with any bullshit and won't hesitate to call Ben out on his cowardice. The ending of the chapter foreshadowed what we all figured was inevitable. I'm mentally preparing myself for the 'conflict' part of the story. I'm going to trust you to make it right by the end of the story, though. ;) As for Katy... well, we also know that she has issues and it was just a matter of time before she went back into crazy mode. What disturbs me more than her behavior was Ben's reaction. Another great chapter. :)

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On 12/16/2016 05:46 PM, droughtquake said:

Katy is evil. "…like the opened pages of an erotic novella that no one had asked to read." was a great line!


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On 12/17/2016 03:09 AM, JeffreyL said:

Another layer peeled away and only more questions. Travis has impressive snowboarding skills, and according to Katy a need to seduce and dump guys. And Ben secretly thinks he's worthless and needs to be used and abused. Hmmm. Where will this reveal take them next. I also can't imagine Ben just walking away as he described at the end. Your story just keeps getting more interesting. Thanks. Jeff

Thanks, Jeff, I'm glad to keep your interest going. As you've probably noticed, I don't like to spell things out. Things unfold one event, one layer, one moment at a time. Ben's feeling this sense of self-hatred because he can't justify his attraction to Travis with any sort of logic. And with Katy now threatening him, he feels even more determined to disavow the experience once it's over. But will it really be "over" for him...?

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On 12/17/2016 11:05 AM, LarryT said:

Rather than focus on Katy (who's clearly a disaster) I'd like to focus on Ben in this one. It saddens me that he has such self loathing. You make a good point showing us that nobody's stardom or wealth can keep them from feeling insecure or unhappy. I agree with Jeff, though, that I don't think he'll be able to walk away so easily.


Again, great writing Mac. Made me want to be in mountains somewhere. Also, I can't wait to find out what surprise Travis has planned.

Thanks, Larry. Yeah, Ben's head is buzzing with uncertainty. Katy only makes it worse. Just when he thinks he can relax and enjoy the experience, something (or someone) slaps him back to reality.

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On 12/18/2016 02:49 AM, Valkyrie said:

Since Travis lives in Colorado, it's not too surprising he's so good at snowboarding. Isn't it a requirement to know how to snowboard or ski to live there? :gikkle: I like Travis more and more with every tidbit you reveal about him. Ben is going to break his heart, although I suspect he's not going to put up with any bullshit and won't hesitate to call Ben out on his cowardice. The ending of the chapter foreshadowed what we all figured was inevitable. I'm mentally preparing myself for the 'conflict' part of the story. I'm going to trust you to make it right by the end of the story, though. ;) As for Katy... well, we also know that she has issues and it was just a matter of time before she went back into crazy mode. What disturbs me more than her behavior was Ben's reaction. Another great chapter. :)

Ha, you're spot on with that, Valkyrie. Although it wasn't specifically said, the hint was that Travis used to snowboard a lot, when he had more time, when his dad was alive, etc. As for Ben's altercation with Katy in the woods, fear and repression can make people do crazy things, and his behavior was a split-second reaction to an inner conflict he's been repressing for a long time. You may be surprised with a few things still...

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On 12/18/2016 12:53 AM, Mikiesboy said:

So Ben hates himself, thinks all will be buried. He's forgetting Katy has a big shovel, and maybe jealous sisters words have little credence. Travis may have something to say about all this. Nice!

"Katy has a big shovel"... YES. SHE. DOES. Thanks for pointing that out, tim. Cheers

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I promised and here I am...
'fragments of a forgotten dream.' Or so he wishes. I don't think it will be that easy.
I knew Katy's good behavior was too good to be true. Although I think her threat to out Ben gained traction from his rejection. I feel for Ben, seeing how he feels this badly about himself. No doubt he will let Katy's words about Travis reinforce those feelings no matter what little truth lives in them.
Im looking forward to what's coming..
Great chapter Mac..

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What on earth is a fifteen-year-old girl doing trying seduce Ben? I mean, really. She sounded so desperate. And of course now she's going to blackmail him by threatening to out him to the world. I know he regrets his reaction to that, but wow, he almost choked her!


Why is his image of himself so sad and depressing? Why is he being so hard on himself? He's not giving himself enough credit. Is it because all of these repressed feelings are finally coming up to the surface after meeting Travis?


What's Katy going to do in the immediate future? Will she tell her mom? Will she spin it like Ben was the one who tried to seduce/attack her? She's definitely the loose cannon here.


I hope Travis will still give Ben his 'surprise'! :P


I'm ooking forward to the next chapter, Mac! :)

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On 12/18/2016 04:48 AM, Defiance19 said:

I promised and here I am...

'fragments of a forgotten dream.' Or so he wishes. I don't think it will be that easy.

I knew Katy's good behavior was too good to be true. Although I think her threat to out Ben gained traction from his rejection. I feel for Ben, seeing how he feels this badly about himself. No doubt he will let Katy's words about Travis reinforce those feelings no matter what little truth lives in them.

Im looking forward to what's coming..

Great chapter Mac..

Hey Defiance, thanks for your kind words. I think most people assumed that Katy's good behavior was too good to be true. Pretty obvious, eh? But surprises happen in this story, still to be revealed. Hope you'll stay tuned. Cheers - Mac

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On 12/18/2016 05:20 AM, Lisa said:

What on earth is a fifteen-year-old girl doing trying seduce Ben? I mean, really. She sounded so desperate. And of course now she's going to blackmail him by threatening to out him to the world. I know he regrets his reaction to that, but wow, he almost choked her!


Why is his image of himself so sad and depressing? Why is he being so hard on himself? He's not giving himself enough credit. Is it because all of these repressed feelings are finally coming up to the surface after meeting Travis?


What's Katy going to do in the immediate future? Will she tell her mom? Will she spin it like Ben was the one who tried to seduce/attack her? She's definitely the loose cannon here.


I hope Travis will still give Ben his 'surprise'! :P


I'm ooking forward to the next chapter, Mac! :)

Ben's wondering many of the same things, Lisa. Many questions, many uncertainties. One might say that he needs to snap out of his head and deal with it - but that's easier said than done when you're in the thick of it. Thanks for your enthusiasm on all of this. I'm glad to have you along.

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Who is Ben kidding. Boom... this will be over,and he'll be discarded? That's what he wants so he can rid himself of this 'diversion?' I'm sure there's lots of bullshit out on that land, but that is the biggest pile there is. And why didn't Travis have eyes on Katy? Is he dense, or is this some kind of game they play. I get the feeling Travis took someone her delusional brain thought was hers... in the past. Still getting echoes of Tennessee Williams here... convoluted family messes are the undercurrent to add to Ben's own delusion. The scene in the woods was disturbing... creepy even, and Ben just got deeper in... the hell hath no fury thing is alive and fueled for a big explosion... well done, Mac. Where will the real tragedy lie? Cheers... Gary....

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I felt a lot of foreboding at the ending. What happened to make Ben think of himself that way? Is it something to do with his career, or is it more personal? Who got hurt (killed?) to make Ben hate himself that much?

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On 01/17/2017 03:59 PM, Graeme said:

I felt a lot of foreboding at the ending. What happened to make Ben think of himself that way? Is it something to do with his career, or is it more personal? Who got hurt (killed?) to make Ben hate himself that much?

Ben's been floundering for a long time, as you can probably guess. On the outside, he's one person. On the inside, he's another. The dissonance of it is making him a little crazy. Thanks for continuing to read and comment, Graeme, I really appreciate it. - Mac

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I agree with droughtquake: Katy = Fifty Shades of Black. And is Ben going to do the sensible thing and tell Travis and Mrs. Cooper about her behavior and threat? Of course he isn't, the silly fool. :rolleyes: Doesn't he know the only way to deal with a she-devil like Katy is to tell her no one will believe the word of a slutty teenager who flung herself at him in front of witnesses, and in any case he doesn't give a shit about the world knowing he fucked her brother who is actually a good guy.

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On 01/30/2017 12:44 AM, Timothy M. said:

I agree with droughtquake: Katy = Fifty Shades of Black. And is Ben going to do the sensible thing and tell Travis and Mrs. Cooper about her behavior and threat? Of course he isn't, the silly fool. :rolleyes: Doesn't he know the only way to deal with a she-devil like Katy is to tell her no one will believe the word of a slutty teenager who flung herself at him in front of witnesses, and in any case he doesn't give a shit about the world knowing he fucked her brother who is actually a good guy.

"No one will believe the word of a slutty teenager" - ha! Good rebuttal. At some point, Ben might stop feeling so threatened at the thought of going "public" - but for now, he remains angry and fearful at the prospect. Much more will be revealed and unraveled. Thanks for your great comments, Timothy.

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I could feel the wind up, the pitch, and the crack of the bat all in one moment in that chapter. I have to admit to wondering what the heck Ben is doing to himself by persisting in this volatile situation. Katy has the potential to be a life-destroyer, no question, but she is actually likely to prove to be inconsequential to the life of someone like Ben. Public figures have stories told about them all over the place, all the time, and a lot of them actually titillate their audience - make them even more interested. Many public figures - especially entertainers - thrive at the center of controversies of all sorts. I would think that Ben would know that and not take Katy's juvenile threats to heart.


Travis, on the other hand, is playing a more serious game - if it is a game. That's the cool part of this story thus far, and the one that keeps me guessing. You telegraph very little of your intent, which has made this story unusually interesting thus far. I realize I am behind everyone else in chapter count, but also that that means nothing to my enjoyment of the events unfolding. I'm used to being behind! :)


Be back, as soon as time permits. Have to really. You've snared me in the net, and now I have to jump about and see if I can get myself free. That usually only happens by reading to the end. :)


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Katy's a bitch, but... She's fifteen. She's a fifteen-year-old girl who lives on a ranch in the middle of nowhere. What she said and tried to do was hugely fucked up, but Ben is supposed to be a grown man in his twenties. What he did, hurting her, even if it was only for a moment, was equally not okay. That's my opinion, anyway. Katy needs help. She clearly has a lot of issues, with her brother and otherwise, that need to be worked out. She's just a kid. That doesn't make it okay, mind you, but all the same. 

Edited by Thorn Wilde
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On 6/4/2017 at 11:56 AM, Geron Kees said:

I'm used to being behind! :)

Variety can make things much more interesting!  ;–)

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On 3/15/2019 at 6:29 PM, Thorn Wilde said:

Katy's a bitch, but... She's fifteen. She's a fifteen-year-old girl who lives on a ranch in the middle of nowhere. What she said and tried to do was hugely fucked up, but Ben is supposed to be a grown man in his twenties. What he did, hurting her, even if it was only for a moment, was equally not okay. That's my opinion, anyway. Katy needs help. She clearly has a lot of issues, with her brother and otherwise, that need to be worked out. She's just a kid. That doesn't make it okay, mind you, but all the same. 

Sadly, a "grown man" in his 20s doesn't always equate to maturity or rational thought. Ben's temper and physical reaction to Katy was absolutely out of line. He felt cornered and took out his fear on a teenage girl. Not cool. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts about it.

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Goddamn! Katy is a bitch, she might be 15, but wow. WOW. Wondering what she meant, about turning him, but I don't think that's an issue.

Ben hating himself, had some signs in the first few chapters, and even before he shaved, and what was said here at the end. It's like this whole group is bundle of sticks soaked in kerosene and Katy/Travis rivalry is a match.

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