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  1. carringtonrj


    You really work with the words there. very impressive.
  2. Thanks for the questions. You've been a lovely reader to write for. I think the characters are always central to my stories. They drive it. Sometimes I do make notes. Usually I have an outline of the overall plot. But sometimes I let it develop more organically, just for fun. With London and Love I knew where it would head, just about, but I wasn't totally sure either. It was an in between story, in lots of ways, and fun to feel it develop.
  3. if i were to get publicly lauded or the other, I would choose to to do it with Percy for sure. The best of friends.
  4. Thank you so much for the lovely review and comments. It's so nice to get some positive feedback. T. you have been a beautiful perfect reader to lots of people here I know (as well as being a great favourite writer too), and I count myself very lucky that you've read some of my work. Thank you so much for this review. x
  5. I can see why your story is so popular. Well done for getting such a fantasitc following. You obviously know how to construct a totally engaging story. Congratulations.
  6. heading towards being the next montaigne? you always have interesting things to say.
  7. Glad to see you enjoying your characters so much.
  8. Percy is the most intelligent, sensitive, thoughtful of writers. Like Tim, my only complaint about Percy is that I always want more.
  9. carringtonrj

    I Never Learn

    good work. strong, direct. passionate.
  10. carringtonrj

    Chapter 1

    Yes, great to see your writing here again. And you did a really polished and professional job with this one. You tell your story convincingly, clearly and with subtle details. Thanks for sharing.
  11. carringtonrj

    Chapter 1

    you should write more poems. you have something to say and some interesting touches with your words and your part rhymes, perfect for suggesting an incompleteness that fits your subject.
  12. carringtonrj

    Chapter 12

    I like these little pieces. Neat slices of images and ideas. You have a good way with words. Thanks for sharing.
  13. These pieces show the best of your talent I think. You have a way with words and these pieces bring it out of you especially well.
  14. carringtonrj

    The Window

    you write this brilliantly, building up so tensely, so thrillingly. it's disturbing, a little, but also enticing. you get the balance just right. you take the reader on a real journey. anyone reading it would be drawn in, would want what the people in the story want. it's quite a skill you have.
  15. carringtonrj


    I like this story. It's sweet. And you write with real verve and energy. I look forward to more from you. I wish I met people like this!
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