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Writing Prompts #252 & #253



Ah, another week nearly complete. That means it is Friday, Ladies and Gentlemen. Of course that means I have something new to try and tempt you with.


Prompt 252 – Creative
Tag – List of Words
Use the following words in a story: graveyard, swing, tuba, blue shoes, and a lunch box.


Prompt 253 – Creative
Tag – The Secret
As you sit down to finish getting ready on the day of your wedding your parents come in. Your father looks nervous and your mother is just totally distraught, but they tell you they really need to tell you something before you are married. Figuring they are just worried about your wedding, you’re shocked when they sit and begin to tell you something they have kept secret from you your whole life. First they admit they aren’t your parents but the bigger secret is …. What?


Every week I attempt to come up with something new. Sometimes the ideas are inspired by things in my life and sometimes by something I see. Last week was a prompt that sort of combined a vampire book I was reading and show on tv where the woman was complaining about her date being sick during the middle of dinner. I combined the two and hoped someone would be willing to take on the challenge. With the authors on this site, there is always someone up to taking on a challenge. Last week the prompt originally read -
The night had been a total disaster. The blind date you had been set up on, threw up half way through the meal all over you. Now as you walk home there is a massive amount of noise coming from the street you need to take to get home. As you turn the corner you see something you never thought you would. Before you are two vampires, fangs and claws flashing as they fight each other, whose mere existence was something you never expected. As the claws slash and the blood flies, you realize they are real and they are moving ever closer to your location. What are you going to do?


Now Mann took up the challenge and decided not only to write it but camp it up too. Read on gentle reader, and hold onto your funny bone while you do.

I don't care how long it's been since I've gotten laid. There will be no more blind dates in my future. And I sure as hell will never let her plan one for me ever again.
A secluded, candlelit romantic Italian dinner complete with violin playing waiter should have been a perfect setting. Well maybe for a second or third date, maybe. Or even an anniversary date. But for a first meeting, getting to know you kind of date? Not so much.
Where did my mother find that idiot?
I'm pretty sure he showed up stoned. Making small talk with a man desperately scarfing down dinner bread before our meals were served might have been the first sign. His erratic inability to speak in linear sentences might have been the next. Or the projectile vomiting. I'm not sure right now.
I can't believe I had to pay the check, but what else do you do when the paramedics airlift your date away?
At least in the dark no one could see me. Mostly. I felt like a fool walking down the street with my arms out in front of me so I didn't accidentally touch the regurgitated veal parmigiana splashed across my torso. At this point, I just wanted to go home and bathe in rubbing alcohol. The parking structure seemed so far away right now. I knew I should have sprung for valet.
The street was pretty quiet and I hadn't run into any other pedestrians since I escaped the restaurant. I suppose I could thank someone for small favors, but somewhere in the distance I could hear what sounded like an argument. Given how great my night had gone so far, I decided to follow the angry voices in the adjacent alley. What could possibly go wrong?
I can't say I was expecting the two flamboyant twinks bitching at each other over an unconscious guy on the ground. They both had dark hair, were far too pretty and wore tight fitting, expensive clothing. I swear to god, one of them was covered in glitter. No fake.
“Bitch, that one was supposed to be mine! I'm hungry!” one whined. It was annoying how affected his voice was.
“Oh, please. Blonds are so not your type,” the other snarled. I actually caught a glimpse of fangs between his overly red lips. What the hell was up with that?
The first gave a push to the other with one hand on his hip. “What the hell, Ramie? I didn't decide to hunt with you because I wanted you to steal them all like the gutter trash you are.”
“Get over yourself, Topher. If you knew what to do with a man like this I wouldn't have to share.”
Topher crossed his arms over his chest and looked ready to throw a hissy fit. “I am so not taking your sloppy seconds. Lord knows what you've let behind.”
“Fine. Let him bleed out and starve, you picky skank.” Ramie put a hand up between the pair as he began to kneel down before the man on the ground. Topher stamped his foot on the ground in total petulance. Twitching like a meth-head, he finally relented and began to kneel, his mouth opening wide to reveal a set of fangs likes Ramie's and bent his head down to the prone fool below.
I gasped as I realized what was happening before me. Then they both turned their ruby red eyes in my direction.
“Oh, bitch! This one's mine!” Topher cried out. The lisping twink leapt forward only to be snatched backwards, Ramie's fist deep in his hair. The shriek he let out would have made me laugh if this wasn't so fucked up.
“Dibs, glitter whore,” Ramie said as he pushed ahead of his partner. He hadn't made one step before Topher pounced on his back and bit his ear. The girliest slap I'd ever seen was used to jolt Topher away. He recovered immediately and shoved Ramie into the brick wall only to have him rebound and tackle Topher at the ankles.


The rest of Mann's story can be found here - http://www.gayauthors.org/forums/topic/37406-prompt-251-creative/


The other prompt from last week also had a few takers and can be found here - http://www.gayauthors.org/forums/topic/37405-prompt-250-creative/


As well as another author adding to the prompt on 246 which can be found here - http://www.gayauthors.org/forums/topic/37326-prompt-246-creative/


So what about you? Did you see a prompt that made you want to write. Well, if so what are you waiting for? We would all love to read it.


Till next week everyone, remember to read, review, and enjoy. :)


Recommended Comments

LOL a good portion of the story is actually true - my brother had a similar deal to live on a graveyard property and take care of the place and it was pretty overgrown when he moved in.  The tree and shoe headstones were real, although they were ballerina slippers not blue suede shoes!

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That actually sounds neat I like wandering in old cemeteries reading the names and dates.

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I loved it.  When I think of this prompt, I keep seeing KC sitting in a swing in the graveyard playing the tuba, wearing blue stillettos, with a  pink sparkly lunchbox sitting on the ground beside him.:P

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Ok - so how come none of you writing types, and an editor to boot, told me I managed to change Bobby's name to Billy at the end?

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