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Writing Prompts #304 & #305

Renee Stevens


Hope everyone has had a wonderful week so far! Did you get your votes in for the 2013 Readers Choice Awards? If not, you are almost out of time, so get your votes in before time runs out!!! What better way to end the week than with two new prompts from our prompt guru, Comicfan. Don't forget to share your responses in the prompt forum! Enjoy!


Prompt 304 – Creative
Tag – The Dinner Party
Your loving partner called five minutes ago to announce that your quite evening together has suddenly become a dinner party of six. The simple salad and two chicken cutlets you had been planning to make won’t be enough for six guests that will be there in less than hour. Checking the freezer you find some shrimp, a piece of frozen cod, and three small cuts of steak. What do you do to create the perfect dinner party that your partner has told his guests you do all the time?


Prompt 305 – List of Words
Use the following words in a story – a gold crown, a broken cane, a sexy calendar, a new book, and a falcon.


It was tough to decide which prompt response to feature from last week, there were so many good ones. In the end, I decided on a response to Prompt #303, from Fleeting Rainbows, enjoy:




All That Matters

“How did you get into my room?” I asked staring at the man who dared to invade my private sanctuary. Though there was a part of me who was glad he was there, I wouldn’t let him know that.


I couldn’t.

“I needed to talk to you.” He was looking me straight in the eye as he spoke. His gaze was intense, and I almost forgot that he hadn’t answered my question.


“There are these contraptions,” I said crossing my arms in front of me, “I believe they are called phones. You should learn how to use one.”

“Don’t be like that, DJ.”

“No.” I said shaking my head as I came further into the room. I forced myself to stop by the dresser, leaving a considerable amount of distance between us. “See, you don’t get to do that. You don’t get to come in here, and use that nickname and think I’m just going to fall at your feet. It doesn’t work that way, Jeremy.”

“You never called either.”

I opened my mouth to counter, but what could I say? He was right. I was just as much to blame for the rift as he was. I certainly hadn’t done anything to repair it.

Not that I didn’t want to.

I just didn’t know how.

“What are you doing here, Jeremy?” I asked, hoping my voice sounded as firm as I wanted it to.

“I told you. I wanted to talk to you. I needed to see you, DJ.”

“It’s been six months. Why now?”

Jeremy was sitting on my bed, holding a book on his lap. It was only after he set it down that I realized it wasn’t just any book. It was a photo album.

Our photo album.


To read the rest of this response, click here. To read the rest of the responses to this prompt, visit the thread!


Don't forget, Read, Write, and REVIEW!!!

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Fleeting Rainbows and Valkyrie both had bittersweet takes on 303. Very nicely done. Now I need to find the time to read through the other prompt.


Go go gadget time-machine!!!

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Well done to everyone who prompted.  I need more time to write prompts.


Go go gadget cloning device.




:o  Ooops got carried away

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if you gave a thousand sheep a thousand typewriters how long would it take them to reproduce the Complete Works of Shakespeare?

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A family reunion picture - how nice :lol: Where are you ????? :gikkle:

RFLMAO.  Andy is the one with the blue ribbon on his privates.  He got drunk and won first place last night.  Was clueless until this morning  :P

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RFLMAO.  Andy is the one with the blue ribbon on his privates.  He got drunk and won first place last night.  Was clueless until this morning  :P


Did Joann write another prompt? :huh:


It sounds like something in one of Joann's prompts...

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RFLMAO.  Andy is the one with the blue ribbon on his privates.  He got drunk and won first place last night.  Was clueless until this morning  :P

LOL :lol: 

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