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Writing Prompts #336 & #337

Renee Stevens


For those in the US who are celebrating the holiday, I hope you all have a very safe and happy 4th of July! Being as it's Friday again, it's time for two new prompts from the Prompt Guru. Hopefully one of these two prompts will spark and idea. Remember, if you decide to post your prompt in GA Stories, stories that are under 1,000 words need to be placed in collections. Enjoy this week's prompt offerings!


Prompt 336 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“Oh God. This isn’t what it looks like!”


Prompt 337 – Creative
Tag – The Fair
Every year you see on television the announcement of the local fair. You say you are going to go every year, but something always comes up. This year you manage to make it and find out just what makes this fair so memorable. Tell us about it.


This week I chose to feature Valkyrie71's response to Prompt #334. It's a bit of a sad one, but very well written.

“Son of a bitch!” I cursed as I tried to get my key into the lock of my front door. It wouldn’t budge. Lightning flashed and thunder pealed far too close for my comfort. I was soaking wet from the rain, which didn’t improve my mood. I was glad I left my luggage in the car. This was a hell of a way to come home after a week-long business trip.


I had a sinking feeling about the reason my key wouldn’t work. Mark had found out about Chris. I shook my head as I ran around the side of the house to the back door. The broken screen door slammed into the house as I entered the mudroom off the kitchen. I stood; dripping and shivering. I grabbed a towel from the laundry and dried off as best I could before venturing into the house. I covered my nose as a horrible smell permeated the air. The source was easy to find. A bowl of Mark’s favorite cereal – Honeycomb – was sitting in the sink in curdled milk. Mark must have left soon after I did for it to stink that badly.


An envelope was set on the counter with my name on it. My hands shook as I opened it.


To read the rest of Valkyrie's prompt, click here.


Don't forget.... Read, Write, and REVIEW.

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It's Friday? It doesn't feel like Friday to me! :o


Great lead in on Valkryie's response. How can you pass that up now?

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  • Site Administrator

Thanks for the feature :)  What a nice way to start the three-day weekend. :) 

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Congrats, Valkyrie :) I like your stories and prompts.This one was a bit sad but I liked it :)  Gonna start read your new story soon running-around-smiley-emoticon.gif

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Val, love your response to that prompt. Now, I'm off to imagine what it "isn't what it looks like." No Benny and Clive! ;) Tehe! 

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  • Site Administrator

Thanks :)  I'm mulling over "it isn't what it looks like", too.  I'm guessing with Benny and Clive it would be exactly what it looks like!  LOL 

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