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Writing Prompts #430 & #431

Renee Stevens


Hope everyone is having a great week so far. We have brand new prompts for you, but first a reminder. I'm currently taking suggestions for the 2016 Quarterly Anthologies. If you have a suggestion for an anthology theme, visit the thread. Please remember that themes should be between 1 and 3 words for banner purposes. All the guidelines can be found in the opening post. Now, let's take a look at this week's prompts!


Prompt 430 – Creative
Tag – Something Special
You hate blind dates and avoid them like the plague. Unfortunately, you didn’t find yourself a date for one of the most important events you company is holding. When you boss finds out, she says she has the perfect date for you. When you ask she simply says your date is “something special.” What is your blind date like?


Prompt 431 – Creative
Tag – List of Words
Use the following in a story – a penguin, a bowl of soup, a lawn mower, a bicycle, and a bouquet of flowers.


This week, we also have a new poetry prompt for you!


Poetry Prompt #11
Write one or more Haiku based on an animal observation. This can be an inspirational moment, like a snail climbing a mountain, or a peaceful moment, like a dog napping on the grass. Just anything you see from the animal kingdom that makes you pause and reflect. Keep a seasonal word, and maintain three lines of 5-7-5 syllables. For more information, go here.


So, let's see... What should I feature this week. Maybe someone newer, both to the site and to prompts. Here's RomanRomaan's response to Prompt #428.


I stared around the room, blankly. I had no sense of reality. This was like a dream. My eyes took a while to adjust to the light and the aesthetic whiteness of the room. The sudden barrage of doctors who flurried into the room made me wish for that peaceful nothingness than I had previously known.


There was a throbbing pain in my ear and with that, the occasional bleeping of the machines and the coils of rubbery tubes that surrounded me were raising hell with my anxiety. I wanted to be nowhere near that god-forbidden room at that point in time.


Where was I? Why was I here? What was the cause of this?


Why was I alone?


To read the rest, click here.


Now, how about a response from Poetry Prompt #10. I think this time we'll go with craftingmom's poem. Enjoy.


He flew through the still air like an angel
muscles bulged, face hard in concentration,
slowly levering through a rotation.
I never knew he could be so graceful.


Read the rest and review, here.

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  • Site Administrator

A penguin!  I have to tackle Prompt 431! LOL  There are already a ton of fantastic responses to Poetry Prompt 11.  Haiku and animals seem to be very popular.  :)

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Thanks Renee for featuring the poetry prompts and craftingmom's poem! 


I hope everyone can check out Gary's amazing haiku collection building on Poetry Prompt No. 11.

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