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Writing Prompts #458 & #459

Renee Stevens


Happy Prompt Day!!! Otherwise known as Friday. I hope everyone has had a great week and are getting geared up for the weekend. Have you ever tackled one of the prompts provided by Comicfan? If not, what better time is there than now? Each week, Comicfan provides two brand new prompts to help get the ideas flowing. Don't forget to share your prompt responses in the forum and if you're posting in GA Stories, remember that all stories under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Now, let's see what Comicfan has for us this week.


Prompt 458 – Creative
Tag – List of Words
Use the following in a story – a yellow rose, a goodbye note, a stuffed rabbit, balloons, and a fork.


Prompt 459 – Creative
Tag – The Clown
You were invited to your boss’s party for his daughter. Although you weren’t really interested, you figured it was a good way to help you get on his good side. Once you arrive you find yourself relaxing and talking to the other adults. Everything is fine until you see the clown who was hired for the party. What about the clown draws your attention?


Last week, wildone supplied a couple of past prompts. Jamessavik responded:


Cadet Cruise


"Because, I'm leaving you", Jorgensen choked out.


"But why? Did we do something wrong?", Gary asked with silent tears running down his face.


"No boys, it's orders. We're supposed to turn you guys over to civilian specialists to make sure you are all OK. Then we have to go through the formal adoption process. It might take a while but I'm going to do all that I can to give you a real home."


Jerry asked, "Is there anything we can do to speed things up?"


Jorgensen said, "You are two great kids. Just be yourself, they'll love you."


Gary sniffed and wiped his nose. "We understand orders. You don't have to like them, you just have to obey. Just... stay with us?"


Read the rest, here.

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  • Site Administrator

oooo a clown.  I may have to do something with that one... mwahahahahahaha

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oooo a clown.  I may have to do something with that one... mwahahahahahaha

I don't like clowns *hides under bed* 

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Haven't we had a scary clown prompt some time ago? Something about fainting ? :unsure:

Anyway, I'm almost relieved there was no First Line prompt to distract me from the CC twins. And I'm sure my Hungry Birds are too. :lol:

PS don't forget to make topics in the prompt forum.

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