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Gay Authors News blog focuses on items of interest for our entire site with an emphasis on stories.

Entries in this blog

Weekly Wrap Up!

First, congratulations to Renee who is relaxing on a family trip. This gives me the chance to <bwah ah ha> TAKE OVER! And it is a great week that I get to look back on, starting with our look at July's CSR Book Club selection of Advent by Promising Author Cole Matthews. Be sure to stop back on Monday, July 28th when we'll discuss this great story.   Our Premium Tuesday blog entry for this week was Waiting for the Sign by dkstories, continuing our look at the great stories available as t


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug. 2 - Aug.8)

Oops  I actually forgot that I'm back from holidays, well camping, and I told the gracious Renee I would do the wrap up. Well last night, a barley pop or two, I was watching TV and then crawled into bed. I totally forgot that last night was Saturday night   I referred to Renee as gracious, as she was kind enough to do the wrap up for me the past couple of weeks. So let's all give a shout out to her for stepping in!! As mentioned, I was camping the past week and a bit. Had a great


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 1 - Oct. 7)

Happy real Thanksgiving  At least to my Canadian friends.  You know what that means here, another day off for a long weekend or if you work on Monday, probably will be time and a half  Makes me thankful I live in Canada   This long weekend I find myself dog sitting at the dog's house. Not as in the dog house  but at the house the dog's live with their human friends. They wanted to put them in a kennel as they headed out of town for a celebration of life, but shall we say the doggies ar


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up!

Didya miss me? Well - I missed all of you, so I begged Renee to let me do the Wrap Up for this week and she said yes And it was a great week here at the GA News Blog. For Wacky Wednesday, we had an Interview with Stellar, done by Myiege. This is especially timely as Stellar was recently promoted to Promising Author here at GA. As a bonus, Stellar did an author chat this week that was announced in this interview article. If you missed the chat, you can see a lot of questions and answers from Ste


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul 30 - Aug 5)

Hope everyone has had a good week. Before we get started with the wrap up, instead of sharing Myr's site survey (since it's closed) I want to share a different message from Myr. It's currently posted as an announcement, but in case the announcement is taken down, I'm not going to just link to it. Instead I'll post it here for you to see.     If you need help, Myr also posted a youtube video!     Now, for the rest of the wrap up!     Conte

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up

REMINDER - The Polls for the 2014 Anthology Themes are now open, so don't forget to get your votes in before they close on Wednesday, October 9th!!!   REMINDER - Don't forget to come back this Monday, October 7th, to find out what the October CSR Book Club pick will be!   On Monday, as part of the CSR Book Club Discussion we featured a wonderful interview with Comicfan, the author of the very popular story and September CSR Book Club Pick: Accidents Happen! If you haven't already joined in o

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 21 - Apr. 27)

Tiptoe through the window By the window, that is where I'll be Come tiptoe through the tulips with me ©Warner Chapell Music Inc Well wouldn't that be nice  So far tonight in a couple of hours, we have had 8"/20cm of heavy wet snow and winds up to 55mph/90km/h and will be going on through the night. Killed any tulips or the possibility to do any tiptoeing for me  Also, now my lights are a flickering so I'm going to post this early before I have no power. So how was your week? We h


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (May 22 - May 28)

Wow, Renee takes the weekend off to be a mountain lady and she leaves me in charge of the Weekly Wrap Up. To top it off she changed the format on it too!!!   Well since Valkyrie was the only one to weigh in last week and said she had no preference of which format, I will use the old one   On Monday we had a Featured Story of Song and Dance by Headstall. LitLover did a very good review which sets up the story and will pique your interest to check it out.   Tuesday Renee did a Premium Promo


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 5 - Feb. 11)

I didn't know if I should bring this up or not, some people have very, very strong feelings about it The upcoming Tuesday is Valentines Day 💘Now if you are newly in love, you probably enjoy this day. If you are married and you and your husband, or wife, have been happily married for a while, do you feel an obligation to go out and buy them something, anything for the day? What if you are single like me. Does it get you a bit down as a reminder that you are single . Do you want to find a cr


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Dec. 20 - Dec. 26)

Have you digested your Christmas Feast yet? Did anyone actually have some figgy pudding? Have you made tallies to see if the holidays was in the profit column or the loss one? Have you had enough of this year's Christmas holidays? Did you even celebrate the holidays?  Well, Santa seemed to skip over my house once again this year  I know I was really really really good this past year (not like I got out to anywhere ). I know he skipped my house because I didn't get my usual lump of coal  . I


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone has had a great weekend and is refreshed and ready for the start of a new week. Don't forget the deadline for the 2014 Winter Anthology is coming up fast, I look forward to seeing what everyone is working on! Now, let's see what happened this week in the GA News Blog.   This week was Signature Week here at the blog and we took a closer look at "Save or Sacrifice" by Comicality. Not only did we give a couple more chances to download the Signature Background for the month but on

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 5 - Apr. 11)

Has the past month flown by for you too?  It seems like only a little while ago that we were being told to baton down the hatches and start practicing physical distancing. Work days blend into supposedly days off and daily chores and tasks are being done more. As even one member commented, her Dad was washing walls, walls!!!! I see the blogs are starting to really take off. Interesting reading how so many people are dealing with the times as well as their thoughts on it too. Some of your status


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug. 23 - Aug. 29)

Hiya   What am I so happy about? I'm not really sure . Could it be because Sunday is/was international Bacon Day? I think that might be it  Sadly by they time most of you read this the day will be past, but as I like to say, never to late to catch up   I apologize to all the people who don't eat bacon  I will just enjoy your share for you!   Now that most of you are smelling, tasting, craving bacon, I shall leave this behind and move onto the Weekly Wrap Up! On Monday,


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up!

This week both said good-bye to 2013 and welcomed in 2014. I hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year. Now let's take a look at what happened this week in the Gay Authors News Blog!   As the last post of 2013 we had the CSR Discussion for Cia's story Bonds Unbroken. I sent Cia a list of interview questions which she answered in depth and posted for the discussion day, but after that, it was up to the readers to share their thoughts on the first story in the Carthera Takeover series. If you

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 11 - Sept. 17)

I would be remiss if I didn't mention at the start of the Wrap Up about the 2nd round of the GA Anniversary Anthology 😮 It is more a fear of @Valkyrie. Even without her threats and promises of a world of hurt, I would have done it anyways   So about those stories, why not give us an update on how you are doing? Did you get through all of Round 1. Have you got through Round 2 already ? Have you liked and left a chapter comment or story comment? I know our authors really appreciate everyone's


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (June 10 - June -16

One down, 20, 30, 40 maybe 50 more to go  Well let's hope not  . Let's look at the week we have just finished up here at GA.   Monday, Cia shared a story review from Timothy M.      Tuesday Myr got us up to date with the somewhat new look of the Clubs. Why don't you join, the more the merrier!   Wednesday was a repeat, but well worth it. Wednesday was a repeat, but well worth it.     Thursday, Myr took us on an Anthology Flashback.


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (May 19 - May 25)

Well I'm back A big thank you to Renee for stepping in last week whilst I was enjoying the Victoria Day Long Weekend. I know our American cousins are enjoying their Memorial Day Long Weekend this weekend. And correct me if I'm wrong, it is U.K. Spring Bank Holiday. So a lot of people enjoying either a short week last week or this week Before I forget, our list of Reader Recommended stories are nearly done. If you have read a story recently, in the past, or in the midst and it is finished,


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone had a great week! For those that celebrated on Thursday, I hope you had a very Happy Thanksgiving! If you went shopping on Friday, I hope you made it out of the stores safely! It was a very busy week in the GA News Blog, but before we get to that, I have a brief reminder, though you'll get a second one later in the wrap up. The deadline for the 2014 Winter Anthology: Chain Reaction is quickly approaching. Stories must be received by the Anthology Proof Team by the end of the day

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr 9 - Apr 15)

I'm not going to do a huge intro today, instead, let's just take a look at what happened in the various GA News blogs today! Oh.... and.....       And for those interested, Cia has started a Treasure Hunt in the Games and Humor forum! Myr has also updated his Bug blog entry!   Anthology Announcements:   ***NOTE: All Deadlines are for submission to the Anthology Proof Team 2017 Spring Anthology: Jagged Edges / Unintended Consequences -

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (June 17 - June 23)

First off, let's do a plug here at the beginning of the wrap up to recognize GA's original Hosted Author, on his 20 years of posting on the interwebs, Comicality. He is definitely one of our largest drawing authors to this day. So putting Tuesday in front of Monday, lets see what Myr and others had to say:   So back to Monday , Cia introduced us to a new Classic Author for June.   Actually this worked out good going from Monday to Wednesday, Cia followed up more with our Cl


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 2 - Jun. 8)

We are now a week into the month of June, and a lot of places around the world celebrate Pride in June. How about your neck of the woods? My city actually does Pride the first weekend of September, but I don't know why . I've heard some chatter around the site about good, and unfortunately some bad, already happening. Tell us all about the good! Did it seem like a short week in the blogs? That's because there were no anthologies posted this week due to Renee ending up hospitalized Thursday


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 17 - Apr. 23)

I've been sitting here at the computer staring at it for about 10 minutes  Is this what writers block is to all you authors out there? Not like I'm creating anything that will be talked about, reviewed, commented on or anything like what you all put out there day after day. I'm sure the Writers Circle has a ton of topics on how to get over writers block and then I think of all the interviews Cia has done where she asks Authors what they do to tackle this hurdle or get in the mood . Just is


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up!

Sorry for the late post again this week; I had family visiting I haven't seen in a few months. As for GA ... lots of drama here this week! Let's take a look back, shall we?   Monday was relatively quiet ... I announced our short story line up for the Can't Stop Reading Blog Book Club. We will be reading the last 3 year's Reader's Choice Award Winners. Take a look at the stories, and join us for the Discussion Day on 5/27. You can ask the authors questions (or send them in ahead of time via a


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up 2/27-3/3

A look back at this week on GA!   This week started off with a review of Tiff's No Fairy Tale World by yours truly! A great story, follow the link if you'd like to see the review if you missed it the first time around. You'll also find a link to the story.   We had member reviews of two stories by site authors, Cassie Q and In the mind of Sunshine. Another feature this week was a prompt 114 response story by Andy021278. This weeks prompts, 116 and 117 were both creative cues. One gives you t


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up

Surprise! It's me again. Renee took over my Signature Background this month, so I'm giving her a bit of a weekend break. This has been a busy week!!   Monday was the announcement of the CSR featured story, Roommates by Krista. Don't miss out on the discussion day on Monday, March 30th.   On Wednesday, Dark graced us with another of his Ask an Author... #25!! He shared questions answered by Nephylim, Stephanie L. Danielson, and Aditus. Want to know what they were? Check it out!   I brought


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

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