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Gay Authors News

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Gay Authors News blog focuses on items of interest for our entire site with an emphasis on stories.

Entries in this blog

Author Guess Who #22 - Reveal!

Time's up! Two weeks have come and gone. Now let's see who put their best guessing hats on. If you just so happened to miss the Author Guess Who interview for this month, make sure you click...   > > > HERE < < < ... to see what this month's mystery author had to say! Without further ado, time for the big reveal!   This author... has posted over three million words! This author... has over seventy stories for you to read! This author... is... 

Author Guess Who #22

Second Thursday of the month is here! Second Thursday of the month is here! Why am I repeating myself like this? Because I got ice cream from the ice cream truck while at work today! I heard it coming and rushed out the store yelling and waving with my energy and hopes at an all-time high. Best day I've had in a long, long time considering it was the second time in my life getting to purchase from an ice cream truck. I'll forever be a child, and I'm standing by that statement.  Howeve

Author Guess Who #21 - Reveal!

Ah, the fourth Thursday of the month. We all know what that means, right? It's time for the Author Guess Who reveal! Did y'all have any guesses as to who the mystery author could be? If not, time to take another look at the interview...   > > > HERE < < < So, we have someone who is a fan of both Alan Alda and Jerry Seinfeld, has two Bachelor degrees, and is allergic to dogs. Well, that last part is pretty tragic. How awful! Unable to pet floofy doggos... Those poor, h


astone2292 in Author Guess Who

Author Guess Who #21

A thousand apologies for being a little late for this month's Author Guess Who! But don't worry, it's here.  Y'all know the drill, and if you're new, the game is simple. Read and analyze the following interview with the mystery author, then sound off in the comment section below and guess the author! In two weeks, our author will be revealed for all to point fingers at and, in a Family Fued-like sigh, say "Ohhh... that one!" • • • • •   What is one thing that most GA m


astone2292 in Author Guess Who

Author Guess Who #20 - Reveal!

Holy smokes! I mean literally. Okay, not really, but use your imaginations for a moment. A dark theater stage. The crimson curtains slowly open to fog creeping out into the audience. A lone spotlight shines upon a mysterious silhouette. Who could it be? What is their purpose? Will they entertain or shock us?  For those who fell asleep, it's the fourth Thursday of the month, which means it's time for the Author Guess Who reveal! If you missed out on the interview, you can read it right... 


astone2292 in Author Guess Who

Author Guess Who #20

It is time! No, not the Super Bowl. Not the yearly anthology either. Put your guessing hats on, y'all! Don't worry, I'll give you a few seconds...  Darn, it's in the title. Jeezums, what am I supposed to do with all of this confetti? Maybe I'll hand it to a kid waiting at the bus stop and tell 'em to wreak havoc in class. Evil plots aside, it's time for Author Guess Who! For those who do not know or are new, this is a monthly blog game with a mystery interviewee. The only clues you get are


astone2292 in Author Guess Who

Author Guess Who #19 - Reveal!

The alarms are going off! Two week have come and gone, so now is the time to see if you guessed our mystery author. If you missed the questions or forgot what the responses were, you can click HERE to read 'em. Let's check the reveal! It is... a Promising Author! This author... has written over 1,124,061 words! This author... is...  kbois   Check out these stories they've written!  


astone2292 in Author Guess Who

Author Guess Who #19

Y'all would be so proud of me. I set an alarm to get this month's edition of Author Guess Who all typed up! If you don't know the drill, Author Guess Who is a blog game where our community is given some answered questions and is tasked with guessing which of our wonderful authors participated. Don't be afraid to be analytical about the responses. There might be a hidden clue buried within.  Here we go! • • • • •   What is one thing the GA community might not know about


astone2292 in Author Guess Who

Author Guess Who #18 - Reveal!

Hope everyone had some happy holidays! Yours truly did. Seeing Momma Stone's eyes light up when she opened her new iPad was a great moment. The bro-in-law got me an indoor counter-top grill, so I'll be using that every day for the next week until I accidentally leave it in the farthest corner of the cabinet. Speaking of weeks, your two weeks are up. Time to see if y'all guessed the author. If you missed the questions or forgot what the responses were, you can click HERE to read 'em. Let's c


astone2292 in Author Guess Who

Author Guess Who #18

You know what I like about the holidays? There's the food, the gatherings, the booze. But there's also games, and it's time to play! Right here, right now. Get your guessing hats on because it's Author Guess Who! For those who aren't familiar, we have a lovely interview with a mystery author. It will be your job to deduce who it could possibly be, which may or may not be easy. After you've taken some time to think about who it might be, make your guess in the comment section!  Let's get int


astone2292 in Author Guess Who

Author Guess Who #17 - Reveal!

Ooooooh! Did I give y'all enough time to put your guesses in? I know @Valkyrie has been a wee bit antsy to find out who this month's AGW participant was. Let's see if anyone got it right... This author... has 13 stories logged! This author... has written over 139,000 words! This author... is...  Mancunian   Check out these stories they've written!   Thanks for participating, @Mancunian!  Keep your peepers open. December's edition is right around the cor


astone2292 in Author Guess Who

Author Guess Who #17

Taking a quick poll here. Who here almost forgot Author Guess Who existed? I didn't, and I've been busy collecting interviews over the past few weeks. For those that forgot what this is or are new to the GA community, this is a little interview game. I have a little list of questions for a mystery author/community member, and using their responses, your job is to figure out who it is! You're given two weeks to put your guesses in before the reveal is posted. Don't be afraid to point fingers or d


astone2292 in Author Guess Who

Author Guess Who #16 Reveal!

Alrighty, I gave y'all two weeks to put your guesses in. Did you leave a guess in the interview's comment section? Were you right? Let's find out!  This author... has 59 stories logged. This author... is a Gay Authors admin. This author... is...  Graeme 59 Stories / 1,902,957 Words  Check out these awesome stories they wrote! • • • • • Who got it right? Leave your celebratory comments down below! If you enjoyed this blog game and want to join in on the fun,


astone2292 in Author Guess Who

Author Guess Who #16

Before you shake a finger at me, we're changing the Author Guess Who schedule for a good reason! All next month, the GA Blog Squad will promote the upcoming Anthology. Knowing this, we're giving y'all a warm-up round. Let's see if we can get some guesses, and don't forget to pay close attention to the interview...   What is one thing that most GA members might not know about you? I started college at the age of 16. I wasn't the youngest, though, as one of the friends I made at col


astone2292 in Author Guess Who

Author Guess Who? Incoming!

What? Where? When? Why? Who? By the power vested in my fingietips and the GA blog squad, it is my great pleasure to announce the revival for a site-favorite blog game... Author Guess Who? First things first! A monumental thank you goes to @Renee Stevens for starting this whole thing back in 2019. For several of our online community, we loved getting to know our fellow writers in a fun and quirky way. With that said, we're keeping this proverbial gravy train going, even for the wei


astone2292 in Author Guess Who

Author Guess Who #15

No, this feature did not die, though I'm sure it seems like it!  Life kind of got in the way, but here's the next site author for you to guess!!!  You'll have approximately two weeks to guess the author and then we'll reveal who it was! Happy Guessing! What is one thing that most GA members might not know about you? When I was in 6th grade, I won a regional youth poetry contest. What prompted you to write your first story? I was 11 when I wrote my first long story. The p

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Author Guess Who

Author Guess Who #14

Well well well, it's that time again. I hope you all have your thinking caps on, cause I'm ready to see if anyone can guess the author this month!  I keep hoping that eventually one of these will stump members, but it never happens. *sigh* Oh well, we'll keep trying! What is one thing that most GA members might not know about you? Although I sold off most of the collection a few years ago, I once had over 3,000 Hard Rock lapel pins. There are 300 odd ones left on display at my place.

Author Guess Who #13

Woohoo!!!! Two months in a row that I've actually managed to do the Author Guess Who blog!  Who's ready for another round of guessing. I am super curious as to whether or now y'all will guess this one!!!  So, let's get right to it!   What is one thing that most GA members might not know about you? I'm German What prompted you to write your first story? A lot of Hosted (yes, I'm dating myself) encouraged me to give it a try. What genre of books do you enjoy reading a

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Author Guess Who

Author Guess Who #12

Okay all!!!!  I know I haven't been very active on the site for a while, and I appreciate the rest of the team, especially @wildone for helping get things done. I'm really hoping to be able to be more active on the site, but with a toddler and school, I still might not be able to be as active as I used to be. With that being said, who is ready for another installment of Author Guess Who? You will have until the 27th to get your guesses in. So check these answers out, and see if you think you kno

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Author Guess Who

Author Guess Who #11 - The Reveal

Well, well, well. Have your new toys still capturing you full attention? If not, well maybe this will interest you! It is time for the Author Guess Who #11 The Reveal. Since tens of people participated (some in silence ) I don't want to keep any of you in suspense anymore! This month's mystery author was...   comicfan (aka Wayne) Was that who you were thinking it was? Now you can check out some stories from @comicfan          


wildone in Author Guess Who

Author Guess Who #11

Who are you? Who, who, who, who? Who are you? Who, who, who, who? Who are you? Who, who, who, who? Who are you? Who, who, who, who? Well did I get you in the mood?  It has been a while since we had one of these so I was saying to my self, "Self, ask Renee if she has one loaded up and ready to go!" Well lucky you, she did! Now I challenge you all, I dare you, no, I double dog dare you to hazard a guess on who our mystery Author is.   What is one thing that most GA members mig


wildone in Author Guess Who

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