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Gay Authors News blog focuses on items of interest for our entire site with an emphasis on stories.

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Weekly Wrap Up (Jul 2 - Jul 8)

It's that time of the week again! In case you missed any of what's been going on this week, never fear, because we'll take a quick peek at everything that we looked at from Monday on. Are you worried you might have missed a story update from one of your favorite authors? We'll help you out there too with the story updates from all of GA's promoted authors.     Contests Halloween Short Story Contest - Due September 15th, 2017   Anthology Announcements: ***NO

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul 19 - Jul 25)

Well, it's been a while since I've done one of these, but @wildone is taking a much deserved vacation, so guess that means you're stuck with me for the time being. I don't really have anything fun and exciting to report, except to say that I'm already over this heat! Let's see what we had going on this week! Monday & Wednesday, Cia joined us in the blog for the monthly editions of the Classic Author Feature: Thursday, we had a refeature of last week's anthology theme selection pos

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul 16 - Jul 22)

Hey all, I hope you have all had a great week and weekend so far. A huge thank you to Cia for taking care of the various blogs as I've dealt with some personal issues. For the most part, I'm back and should be back to doing the majority of the blogs. Now, lets see what happened while I was gone!   Contests Halloween Short Story Contest - Due September 15th, 2017   Anthology Announcements: ***NOTE: All Deadlines are for submission to the Anthology Proof Team***

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan.27 - Feb. 1)

Well happy February all! I'm in another great mood tonight  So please just humour me for a bit. See, my hockey team got their butts handed to them on the scoreboard tonight  As most of you know, I live in Calgary and our arch rivals are in the other major city in Alberta, Edmonton. So back in the 80's and 90's, the two teams had games that were legendary for everything good, and some bad, in hockey. After 20 years, both teams are both relevant again to each others and the game tonight was a


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 9 - Jan. 15)

Can you believe we are half the way through January  From my eyes and ears on the ground, I hear that some of the cold from Siberia to Canada has now hit down towards the south of the USA and Europe and beyond. So how is it in your neck of the woods? Any snow ball fights? Making snow angels? Is your dog refusing to go outside to do their business?  Well I promise we won't send the cold freezing weather to our friends in Australia and New Zealand  Well we had a slow week to start the GA Blog


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 8 - Jan 14)

Wow, did that werk ever go fast   Just a few personal notes to check in with this week.   I continue to be nice to Val, but my devil on the right shoulder keeps pestering me to throw that out the window.  Second thing, I’ll probably be taking off the next two wrap ups as I do believe I’ll be on a South Pacific Island. It has been actually 14 years since I took a vacation outside of a 3 hour drive from home. Just need to ensure I have reef friendly sun screen 😉 As usual, en


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 6 - Jan. 12)

Oops, sorry for the lateness, I totally forgot what day it was yesterday I think it is time to take me out to the back 40   Monday, Cia brought us the January CSR feature. Did you go  when you read the title too?   Wednesday, Renee shared the third installment of the new blog feature, Q&A Session. 10 different contributors!!   Thursday, Renee brought us some timely information on the Spring Anthology,   Friday was back to our normal broadcasting


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 31 - Feb. 7)

Well...  What a day today has been. I couldn't avoid a lot of stuff anymore so I had to go out in the freezing weather and get a bunch of stuffs done. Left the house at 8:00 and didn't get home to 3:30 😮 This is the weekend, aren't we supposed to relax and sleep in and take it easy?  So I'm curious, as after working 26 years in stores in retail, I know I didn't like when I heard people who talked about their Monday to Friday jobs. Where some of us in retail worked any day of the week.


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 30 - Feb. 05)

Wow, what a week it has been for me   First I was back to work. I did not take up the offers of my peers to get a shotgun in my face or get pushed over Niagara Falls  Actually I had a pretty good week doing nothing  I'm all for that  So this week I did all the things that I put off all week last week: laundry, bills, cleaning, trying to pick out new flooring. Whew, you're lucky I'm not in bed catching up on my sleep since I'm so tired  Or maybe you wish I was in bed   First week of the


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 29 - Feb. 3)

1 done and only 11 to go! Maybe it was the time off, but did anyone else feel that January flew by? I know we say this more and more as we age  but for some reason I thought this one went really quickly. Now that we are in February and I KNOW a lot of you don't do resolutions but also some do. If you did, are they still being followed? Today I had breakfast with two friends that live together. One, who has been through multiple brain surgeries and major life events setting him back, fo


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 27 - Feb.2)

Well one down, 11 to go  So the topic around North America this week has been the weather. I won't go into temps as there is both Celsius and Fahrenheit used here. The interesting thing is that as both approach -40, they meet. So pretty everywhere in North America above Mexico, it was darn cold. But I don't want to just talk about North America, so what about your neck of the woods. I imagine Australia is basking in their summer. Is Europe freezing cold too, or just a normal winter?   


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 24 - Jan. 30)

So put up your hand if you have had a cold this year   To tell the truth, I don't get them that often, but this year wearing a mask and avoiding other people as much as I have, I never thought anything unusual about it. Then Thursday came . I woke up on Thursday AM and had a headache and stuffy nose. The headache seemed to be right in my sinuses. Not having any other symptoms other than the occasional cough, I didn't feel I was on the road to COVID. Thank god!! Well two days later, after lo


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 23 - Jan. 29)

Now just in case you started this and maybe forgot , tomorrow is the last day to get your entry in for the Newsletter Genre Challenge. If you did and just need to put your finishing touches on it, make sure to get it done today! Nothing coming to mind tonight for a preamble, so rather than bore you again this week  why don't we just jump into the past week in review? Monday our Review Team did a nice recap of the previous year: Thursday was another day for this new feature of the


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 21 - Jan. 27)

Well just don't get close. Got home early Tuesday morning and felt a really bad cold come on about 4 hours later. Then proceeded to sleep about 20 to 22 hours per day up until yesterday. Went through all the stages of a really bad cold. Yesterday decided to do a Covid test and either someone on the plane or in Hawaii was kind enough to share . Feeling pretty good though, now. Many thanks and appreciations go out to Cia for covering me for the last 2 weeks  It is nice to have her to take ove


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 2 - Jan. 8)

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good night if you are heading to bed 🛌 I wonder how many of you did the age old tradition of making New Year's resolutions. We are 9 days into the New Year and I'm also curious if you are still maintaining your resolution, or has it fell by the wayside already 😮 I know of one person who is trying really, really hard to keep up their resolution, but wonder if is good for their mental health. I mean, they have been on the earth for nearly 4 decad


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 19 - Jan. 26)

Huh! I was snuggled into bed with the music of Rent going on in my head (guess what I partially watched tonight ) when I said to myself, 'Self, did you do the weekly update tonight?' Needless to say I had not. So here I am well past my bedtime and thinking if there is anything for a preamble. Since I'm in shut down mode already, I guess not. I don't even have a knock knock joke for you all  So why don't we jump into the wrap up right away! Monday, Cia was out with a new Classic Author


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 17 - Jan. 23)

First and foremost, let me apologize ahead of time. This blog has been completely done on my iPhone 😁. It appears my computer won’t start anymore 😢. But shall we see how this goes? If any staff see any blaring errors, feel free to jump in and edit 😏. Or everyone can point them out and laugh at me   On Monday Cia was here to bring us the January Classic Author: If that wasn’t enough to entice you, how about checking out the January Classic Author Excerpt: Then on Thursday, Renee


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 16 - Jan. 22)

What to do, what to do, what to do? The company that I work for has a fiscal year of May to April. So our holiday calendar year is also May to April. Turns out that I actually have 4 weeks to use up, due to carryovers. I'm thinking I'm going to carry over 2 again and try to use them in the summer. But now that I'm off this upcoming week, I have nothing really to do . I thought of visiting @Krista in Kentucky, but it is warmer up here right now . That and the promise, "If you show your face


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 15 - Jan. 21)

Hi all! I should be on a plane on my way to Hawaii, but delays  I know my coverage to do the wrap up was really busy this past week so I'm here to wrap it up nice and tight with a bow on it   Monday Cia started off our week with a brand new Signature Author Feature. Hoping it doesn't keep you up all night   We jump to Wednesday when we have a excerpt from the Signature Author Feature: On Thursday, Valkyrie got down to the brass tacks and gave us the info for the 2023 Poetr


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 12 - Jan. 18)

Well the Great White North is living up to it's name this week. Snow hurricanes in St John's, and in Atlantic Canada. Huge amounts of snow have fallen in central parts and the the Prairies have been gripped all week in -40 weather. Even the nice green lower mainland of BC is covered in snow and the travel is not recommended. Still, Australia is burning in some areas and other areas next door are flooding.  Okay, the localized weather forecast is completed and I really should get to wrapping


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 10 - Jan. 16)

What does everything think of the new upgrade to GA? Myr and I were joking that the new font size was easier for us as we grow older Pretty soon, you might see this font which will be beneficial for both of us   Good Day Everyone! Now don't worry, I'm sure we will have virtual screens by the day that we need this, no monitors or physical screens any more. Hey, that might be a story idea  thinking how technology could improve older peoples lives. Now that I think of my dad trying to us


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 1 - Jan. 7)

I"m curious, how you are doing on your New Years resolutions? I promised to not be mean to Val this year, and I haven't  No matter what she says!  If you want, share if you made any resolutions. The past two years I resolved to be more of a drama queen and failed miserably both years 😢 Hey, maybe you have a resolution for me   Can you believe we are in 2023 already? I'm pretty sure it won't be long before we talk about it nearly being 2024! Not sure if time flies faster the younger, or the


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 05 - Jan. 11)

Well I'm in a good mood I just finished watching a hockey game that came out the right way   I don't know about you, but do you come to GA for a mood change? What am I talking about? Well this week has had me thinking about a lot of things, Australia burning, Eastern North America in tornadoes, rain and freezing rain. The Royal family in turmoil (okay, so I like the Royal Family, shoot me ). A passenger plane accidentally being shot down in Iran and 100's of lives lost. With that all going on,


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 03 - Jan. 09)

Please be forewarned!!! I'm on a staycation and I already did a deep clean on my condo today. So now I'm bored and have nothing to do as there is no traveling and such in my area of the world. So expect to see me creating havoc all over GA  I may be lurking around every corner, ready to pounce on the unsuspected people of GA. I will leave my calling card wherever I have been  . Be scared, be very scared   Now if you believe me,  I also have ocean front property in Arizona. Bought it unseen


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan 8 - Jan 14)

Oh, the way my brain DOESN'T work. I just had it in my noggin the Weekly Wrap Up is on Sunday, and I set up reminders on my phone... for this and next Sunday evening. Not helpful since it should have been Saturday. Whoops! Good thing Myr reminded me. So let's get going, shall we? Monday was a look back of the Review Team's 2023 reviews. If you missed some, check them out now.  Want a laugh? Tuesday was a Comedy Genre Deep Dive by Myr.  Join in for Wednesday's Author Guess Who ga


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

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