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Gay Authors News

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Gay Authors News blog focuses on items of interest for our entire site with an emphasis on stories.

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Ask An Author 3.0 #6

Is it Wednesday? I think it is! Which means it's time for...  🎶 Aaaaaaaask An Author!  🎶 Oh, boy! I hope speech-to-text capabilities don't advance any time soon, because that was just awful! My husband's looking at me like I'm a crazy person! Anyway, we have another three questions for one of GA's authors!  • • • • • Solitude of the Photo C.T. Piatt The lens of the camera is shallow.  It sees colour and shape.  It gives the illusion of motion in two dimensions.  It draws the lig

May CSR Discussion Day: Torn in Two by Graeme

Well how did this month treat you? I cannot believe it's already finished, but I am so glad it's done! Here comes June, Pride month! Who has something planned? I know it's a time for many to reflect on our community, coming out, and so much more. I think Graeme's story reflected that quite well, but what do you think? Share in the comments below, but first my interview with him!   What’s one location you’d love to go to research for a story? I have an idea for a story set in the p

Weekly Wrap Up (May 23 - May 29)

Well hello happy campers . I know it is the Memorial Day long weekend in the US of A, and the Late Bank Holiday long weekend in the UK. Also if you live in Australia's Capital Territory, it is the Reconciliation Day long weekend for them. So did any of you get out camping? Do they call it camping in the UK and Australia? I know here we have trailers or recreational vehicles and tents to go camping, but don't you all call them caravans?  Oh wait, if you are out camping, you won't be here to


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Anthology Entry Revisited: Born Again

Upcoming Anthology Due: October 31, 2021 Top Themes A Winding Path An Unconventional Gift Pot Luck Themes Pick Your Poison     -     Lockdown     -     Left Behind     -     Dire Monotony     -     Mutation is Progress     -     Blood Moon Birthday Presents     -   

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Featured Story: Sentinels

Happy Monday!  Hope everyone had a great weekend. To help you start your week off right, check out this review from Aditus! Sentinels C.T. Piatt Reviewer: Aditus Status: Complete Word Count: 8,475 I was immediately intrigued when I read:  Father Allen is one of few priests whose duty it is to visit Heaven and hear the confessions of fallen angels. He gives absolution if he feels their regret is sincere. Without his absolution, the Fallen cannot go before God to ask for f

Weekly Wrap Up (May 16 - May 22)

Bettlejuice, Bettlejuice, Beetlejuic................... Whoops, just about said it 3 times  So this is the Victoria Day long weekend up here in Canadia and in my little neck of the woods, although we consider this is as the official kick off to summer, we are getting rain and snow  So how about my fellow Canucks? How are you making out? And to our 'merican neighbours to the south, any big plans for your upcoming Memorial Day long weekend next week? I know I have to check every year with a f


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Anthology Entry Revisited: Explosions

Upcoming Anthologies   Spring/Summer Due: May 31st, 2021 Top Themes On the Road Forbidden Pot Luck Themes But Wait; There’s More     -     Through a Glass Darkly     -     Of Gods and Monsters     -     It Takes All Kinds     -     Darkness Falls

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

May Classic Author Feature: The Knife That Twists Within by Stefan Schmidt

May is here, and with it another Classic Author banner and story feature. Do you take the time to search out these older stories? Well, if you don't, never fear, we'll bring them to you with our monthly features! I don't know about you, but the past year plus has been crazy, so I thought... let's turn the feature on its ear and do a Christmas season story in May.  Length: 160,370 Description: Nicholas is a young street painter in Berlin and full of painful memories until he meets


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (May 9 - May 15)

Well how the heck are you?   First things first, thank you to Cia for stepping in last moment for me last week when I was suddenly hit with a wave of nausea again. Unfortunately still side effects of a new medicine. I know when I reached out to her, she and her hubby had just settled down to watching Justin Bieber's, Never Say Never . Okay, maybe the last part isn't the whole truth . I really can't believe how a week can make a difference. Last Sunday, I think we had a high of 2 (37F)


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Featured Story: The Cockney Canuck

Sorry all, it was a crazy busy weekend! Since I'm running behind, let's just get straight into the review! The Cockney Canuck by Dodger Reviewer: Timothy M. Status: Incomplete Word Count: 883,024 How to review a story which was begun more than five years ago, is the third longest on GA, with 148 chapters, 222 devoted followers and, while incomplete, is still going strong? I admire Dodger immensely for persevering and holding us captive year after year, waiting to find out wh

Weekly Wrap Up (May 2nd-May 8th)

Surprise! No, we didn't go back in time, and it's not an April Fool's week joke. But I am bringing you this week's Wrap Up, so buckle your seat belts... it may be a bumpy ride! It's been a while since I did a Wrap Up, so I hope I don't forget anything.  What's the bumpiest ride or scariest ride you've ever been on? For me, it was an old wooden rollercoaster. I thought my brains would rattle out! 🥴Oh, and FYI it's the final few weeks before the anthology submission. 🕚 Get that writing done


Cia in Weekly Wrap Up

Ask An Author 3.0 #5

Is it that time already? I believe so! Boy, oh boy, do we have a special treat today! We're doing things a wee bit different today, and I am so excited about it! Normally on Ask An Author, I get to pester an author about a story, but not today. This time, I got to pester one of our beloved Administrators about THREE stories! That's right, we got ourselves three amazing questions about a series! I hope y'all are ready, because we're diving right in. Here we go!  • • • • • Carthera Takeo

May CSR Feature: Torn in Two by Graeme

Wow, can you believe by the time you read this story and come back to share read my interview with Graeme... the year will be almost half over? I can't either! Yes, it's May! And with May comes this "tearjerker" because sometimes I can't resist a story recommendation like that. Join me in enjoying this short story and come back to share your thoughts at the end of the month!  Torn in Two by @Graeme Length: 9,024 Description: Scott's heart is torn in two directions. He wants

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 26 - May 1)

Well did you tune into Justin Timberlake and NSYNC yesterday and today as they sang their song, Its Going To Be May. Honestly, listen to it   So that brings up some other May holidays May the Fourth (be with you). Cinco de Mayo Revenge of the Fifth (Sith)  Okay, before you all have me committed , shall we wrap up the last week of April?  It was a short week again, but Cia was here on Monday with bells on to bring us the April CSR Discussion Day: The


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

April CSR Discussion Day: My Faceless Bus Stalker Alpha by Thirdly

Well, I don't know about you, but I absorbed this entire story is one sitting. I loved the dog shifter aspect, but the alpha/omega dynamics had a bit of a fresh twist too. What did you enjoy? Don't forget to share your thoughts below in the comments, but first, my interview with Thirdly!  What brought you to GA? Robin introduced me to the site around 2014, if I’m not mistaken. The GA community is welcoming, diverse, and absolutely amazing.  If you were writing a book about your li


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 18 - Apr. 24)

Greetings all from a cold, wet, ugly, grey corner of Canada   I know the saying is spring showers bring May flowers, but this every 3rd day of snowfall is not making me happy. On top of that I'm sick . So this will be my shortest intro in a long time. On Monday, Cia brought us the new Classic Author Feature: On Wednesday, she was back once again, but this time with the Classic Author Excerpt: Thursday, Renee dropped by to get everyone ramped up and hopefully get some more g


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Reminder: Spring/Summer Anthology Due May 31st!

If you have any questions, send me a message or you can always comment on the blog or in the forum thread! Roll Call: if you have an anthology entry, comment below!  If you want, you can even share your story name and description to make your readers drool in anticipation!    ~2021 Spring/Summer Anthology~ Now, let's take a look at the themes and guidelines for the first anthology of 2021! The themes of the 2021 Anthology #1 are: Top Theme #1: On the Ro

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

April Classic Author Feature: NickolasJames8's Bodega Bay

This isn't an easy story to read, but sometimes that's what we need. Live the ups and downs with Kevin as he struggles to learn how to come to terms with life and all the uncertainty it can throw at a person, no matter what their age.    Length: 114,942 Description: Kevin has always had turbulence in his life, but things when suddenly go from bad to worse and he has no where to turn, he sets off to return to the one place where he was able to build good memories in his young


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 11 - Apr. 17)

Hello everyone, sounds like I finally got the recognition I deserved . You all can now call me the Grand Poo-bah  (check out the Words Of The Day). Actually I laughed when I saw that. For years and years I worked for the Calgary Flames as a rink rat, but I was isolated at the other end of the rink from the other 3 guys I worked with. They monthly had one of the three be the Grand Poo-bah. But looks like I get the name in the end . Speaking of being called names . I thought I would check in


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Featured Story: Family

Happy Monday! Why is it happy? Because it's time to take a look at another review from our wonderful review team!  Enjoy! Family by Dabeagle Reviewer: spikey582 Status: Complete Word Count: 51,241 I’ve read quite a bit of Dabeagle’s stories over the years, and for one reason or another this is one I’ve found myself revisiting more than once since he posted it in 2019. In Family we meet Brandon Crosby, a man with very little going on in his life. He works in an IT depart

Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 4 - Apr. 10)

Now anyone that follows me, yeah, all ten of you , heard that my computer decided that the warranty is up, and it gave me 5 years of loyal service that it was ready to hit the recycling bin  Went out and got a new one, paid the warranty (is it worth it? ), and the $150 to transfer my data from the old hard drive to the new one. I asked, is that possible if the old one is dead? Oh yeah, no problem. Fast forward 24 hours, yeah, your hard drive is not in good condition and we can't transfer the dat


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Ask An Author 3.0 #4

It's the first Wednesday of the month, and you all know what that means! Bringing a fresh face to the Ask An Author universe is always an interesting maneuver, and we got a juicy one! I was sent some questions for a story that differs tremendously from the last AAA. We're going from sweet romance to dark and dangerous! Have you ever wondered what a serial killer thinks about? Well, @C. Henderson did with this gripping story! ***This is a warning to potential readers. The following interview

April CSR Feature: My Faceless Bus Stalker Alpha by Thirdly

Welcome to April! It's spring, love is in the air... so why not a story about a stalker alpha? How could that possibly go wrong? LOL My Faceless Bus Stalker Alpha by @Thirdly   Length: 38,016 Description: As if it wasn't bad enough that Avion was a Yorkshire Terrier shifter with albinism, he also had to deal with his impending birthday and a crazy Alpha.   A reader said: I missed my sassy doggos. Can't wait to see what you put out next ~Hellsheild   Don't
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