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Featuring everything new and experienced authors need to develop creative and technical skills. Check out writing development articles, our Word of the Day, writing prompts, anthology opportunities and more!

Entries in this blog

Story Folding

There are plenty of times when I like to just throw in a few extras with my stories when I'm writing. Sometimes, it's just for a little nod and a wink to the readers and fans of the many stories that I've written over the years. And other times, I do it to poke fun at myself. Hehehe! Because I think it's important to have a sense of humor when it comes to even my best efforts to be error-free, and to giggle at my biggest mistakes and failures. Either way, it makes for a good time, you know? It's

Prompt 878 and Prompt 879

Well, we have made it to the end of April. May brings mother's day and lots of flowers. Today also brings new prompts. Prompt 878 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use  the following words in a story : a card, a single rose, a baby bottle, a soft blanket, and a kitten. Prompt 879 - Creative Tag - Unexpected Your mother always said things happen in threes, but you never expected such different things to happen. First was a job offer from a company you had never heard of


comicfan in Prompts


There's an old proverb out there, and I'll have to paraphrase as I don't remember it word for word...but it says 'the Sun doesn't enjoy its own brightness. The river doesn't drink its own water. The tree doesn't eat its own fruit. And living without giving...isn't really living.' As a writer, I really do believe in that. Being able to create something out of nothing and then share it with people who really enjoy and relate to it brings me a lot of joy. That's my way of giving to my readers. And

Prompt 876 and Prompt 877

Welcome to Friday. No preamble today, just the prompts.  Prompt 876 - Creative Tag - First Line "I'm so late and she will kill me!" Prompt 877 - Creative Tag - Hero Tonight was not your normal night. First your car broke down in the middle of nowhere. Secondly, you couldn't get a signal so you had to walk for miles to get help. When you finally did find help it was one of those new costumed heroes only you never expected him to act or dress as he did. What was your


comicfan in Prompts


And then the pig drop kicked the goat into a meat grinder, and finally...he could rest easy, knowing that justice was served! Hahaha, WHAT??? Does that make much sense? Does it have any impact at all? I'm willing to bet that you guys are quite confused. Hehehe! As you should be. (Unless you're not...in which case, you should seek psychiatric help immediately...) Who? What? When? Where? Why? These are all questions that every writer should be prepared to answer in their projec

Prompt 874 and Prompt 875

Hello to all you lovely people. Welcome to Friday and new prompts. Prompt 874 - Creative Tag - First Line "I promise to consider it, okay?" Prompt 875 - Creative Tag - Mother's Day Lilith is known as the mother of monsters. However, even the most vile wants its mother's love. This year her favorite child is coming to see her. What is this Mother's Day like? So those are the new offerings. Does either appeal to you? Until next time. Remember to read, write, comm


comicfan in Prompts

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