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Featuring everything new and experienced authors need to develop creative and technical skills. Check out writing development articles, our Word of the Day, writing prompts, anthology opportunities and more!

Entries in this blog

Prompt 854 and Prompt 855

Another week is nearly over and so is January. Where did the time go? Time for some new prompts! Prompt 854 - Creative Tag - Snow You've come home early due to snow. There is already four inches and it is still falling. The problem is your town is in the middle of the desert, and the temperature has gone from 90 degrees to 31 degrees and it is supposed to be near zero degrees by sunset.  What happened?  Prompt 855 - Creative Tag - First Line "Wow, is that what you r


comicfan in Prompts


If I was in the back seat of a taxi (Or an Uber)...and the driver took a couple of suspicious left or right turns without asking me, or had a shortcut that I didn't quite recognize...my first question would be, "Hey, where the hell are you taking me? What's happening here?" If the driver was racing down the streets at breakneck speeds, or if they were slowing around as if I had all damn day to get where I wanted to go...I would be thrown off, and probably pretty frustrated. When it comes to

Prompt 852 and Prompt 853

Hello all and welcome to another Prompt Friday. Are you ready for another set of teasers? Well, here they are. Prompt 852 - Creative Tag - First Line "Oh, damn. Now what?" Prompt 853 - Creative Tag - The Library The librarian slowly crossed the room, carefully holding the small crystal on a pillowed tray. "Here is the life you wished to see. Just remember you will see and experience their entire life in twenty-four hours. Just be aware this will become a part of you


comicfan in Prompts

Kill The Dog

Hehehe, you know when I was in college, I had a writing teacher that had a somewhat comical, but very true, rule to follow when it came to getting your audience to truly feel a moment of intense emotional pain in your project. Works every time. He used to say, "If you want to make your audience cry...kill the dog!" And, yes, he meant that literally. Script wise, anyway. You can have Rambo gun down an army of enemies in a foreign land, or have Iron Man burn a bunch of terrorists to ashe

Prompt 850 and Prompt 851

Welcome back to another Prompt Friday. I have some offerings to tempt you into writing. Prompt 850 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - London Bridge, swiss chocolate, a torn ticket, a Welsh Corgi, and a blue umbrella. Prompt 851 - Creative Tag - Destiny It was the day from hell and you weren't sure you could handle any more stress. Falling into you bed, you curse, saying "It's all Destiny's fault." You wake to find an older man who is


comicfan in Prompts

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