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Why do people hate Christmas Shoes so much?



Alright, after a few days of tear jerking, instead of my usual kind of jerking :P I started to research the history of the song that was recommended to me by my Youtube (I was browsing Christmas songs for new things, Clarkson's "Grown up Christmas List" is on my playlist as well). I found out it is ranked as the worst Christmas song ever by several people and Gawker.com



As a gay man, yes, overly Christian dogma is scary, but I really don't get that from this song even though the band that wrote it was "christian". Reading the comments, it seems like most people think the song is too far fetched or extreme cynics are wondering why doesn't the kid stay by his mother's side if she's dying or that he is merely trying to con money off the good man in the story.


Here's the point that I think people are missing when judging this song, so what if the story is far fetched? or you are being conned? Does it matter? Our world is filled with deceit, lies, and backstabbing with kids that can grab a gun as young as 7-8. How far fetched is it to have a caring child attempt to do a small deed for their dying parent versus a kid with a grudge grabbing a gun and taking down his tormentors? A coin has two sides and so does childhood naivete, but people focus far more on the negative than they do on what is potential in everyone for both.


Personally, if there is one chance to do something good, it is still worth helping someone out. If a kid really is trying to get something special for their dying parent, who among us would say no to helping. If he were putting it up as an act, then bravo, he won the Oscars for my sympathy vote.


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People seem to be much more cynical than they used to be.  I find this song very sad, but things like this do happen, and someone chose to write about it, whether it was to touch people's hearts, or to reawaken the spirit of humanity and giving.  Either way, it's a beautiful song and like a lot that goes on, I try to appreciate the positive message is it putting out there.  Whether others do is entirely up to them.

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Here's the thing. At face value, its a sad, depressing song. But when you think about it, it was written purposefully to make you sad and play with your emotions so you'd buy it and the people who made it will made mad $$$$$$. It was written for the sole purpose of making money. Its so ridiculously over-the-top corny that I can't help but crack up whenever I hear it. 


Also, this.


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I can't help it. I think it's just awful. I don't even like the music. I generally dislike things that are too 'over the top' in their design so as to blatantly manipulate my feelings.

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Honestly I have never seen the video. But now that I have, I wish I could take back those minutes of my life .____.

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Honestly I have never seen the video. But now that I have, I wish I could take back those minutes of my life .____.


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Dickens is coming back into style wirhe high amount of poor and underemployed people in the world.


I guess I feel resonance in this song that despite a world of despaie, small miracles are still possible.

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