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Why are people so stupid?

OK, I might not be in the best frame of mind as I type this, but I seriously need to vent - you may want to brace yourselves for some choice language. It's either rant here, or tell a few people exactly what I think of them.


Been a nice quiet morning on my ward.


Sure some of the kidides are suffering side effects from the chemo, but they were all in good spirits and at least they all managed to keep breakfast down.


For a change, we have full nursing support on the ward - first time in weeks where we have had the nine nurses we are supposed to have, and not the seven we have been struggling along with.


No emergency admissions overnight for me to worry about.


Yeah, it was all too fucking quiet wasn't it. I should have known my nice quiet morning wouldn't last.


The older sister of one of our long timers (who I'll call Clare for the sake of this blog) has recently had a baby. Clare has been really happy about becoming an auntie, even the nurses have started calling her Auntie Clare. When her sister comes up with the baby, it seems to lift the spirits of most of the kids on the ward.


Well, what do women do when they have a baby? They breastfeed of course.


Now what the fuck do you all think happened when Clare's sister started breastfeeding her baby on the ward an hour ago? Oh yeah, we had comments and complaints from some of the other kids' families. It's like they've never seen a woman breastfeed!


It's one of the most natural things in the world, and half the fucking parents were acting as though we were exposing their kids to the worst kind of pornography.


Long story short, we ended up having to call security to calm the situation down. After a whole load of shouting and use of language by some of the parents in front of the kids that was far worse than them seeing a woman breastfeed inthe first place, things have kind of calmed down.


The situation now is:

  • five of the parents have been barred from the ward and three had to be physically ejected by security
  • because of certain things that were said by a few fucking arseholes the matter had to be reported to the police
  • we've got several younger kids who are distressed, confused, and upset over the whole thing and they have no fucking idea why
  • Clare's sister is blaming herself for the whole fucking mess
  • Clare is in tears
  • not to mention I'm fucking pissed off

On top of all that, I now have to type out a report of what happened and there is talk about restricting weekend visiting to one person per patient with a maximum visit of 30 mins at a time.


I've only been in work for 3 hours, I've still got another 6 hours to go!


Well, rant over. Hope everyone's day is going better than mine.

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This is so sad. This shouldn't happen on an oncology ward with children. Shouting and screaming in front of these Children just because someone breastfed her baby ! Idiots ! :(


:hug: Hugs Andy



How can parents be such idiots to upset thier kids I fell really sorry for clare and her sister and the poor kids whose parents won't be able to visit them .I hope your day and the kids day gets better keep up the good work Andy

Mann Ramblings


This is just pathetic. The way people overreact to any form of nudity or potential nudity (I'm sure Clare was being somewhat discreet) is unbelievable. What do they think is going to happen? "Oh no, my child has seen a woman breastfeeding and will suddenly become a child molester!"


People are stupid.



Things are getting back to normal and the kids have calmed down.  I've just had lunch, so am feeling better.  But there is a certain tension on the ward.  Hope it goes by tomorrow.


Thanks guys   :hug:



So glad things are better.  Stupidity in people always seems to cause some type of mess.  Hope this blows over and Claire and her sister don't fret over it.  The parents should think about what they did and how it affected the little ones.


Hugs Andy

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Stupidity unfortunately is forever, at least ignorance can be fixed. Even if Claire's sister was totally indiscreet, there should never have been such an uproar. A quiet word with someone on the ward who then whispered to mom would have solved the problem. Maybe the over-reacting parents needed a tension release.

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Sounds like some sick kids with obsessively over-protective parents who may need some counseling.   Shouting, using obscenities and causing a ruckus in general are not what one would expect of adult behaviour on a pediatric oncology ward.  


Keep your report factual, straight forward and to the point.  If new rules of behaviour for visitors need to be implemented, be sure the suggestions are yours and not some ignorant ass'!

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I will never understand why people make such a big deal over a woman breastfeeding her child, don't they realize that two generations back (for many of us) bottles were never used at all? At to upset the children, and the mother, with foul language and rudeness is unthinkable. Sorry to hear that your morning started so rough, hope the rest of the day goes better for you and the kids. 

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The sad thing is, that it could have been a teachable moment as the parents should have taken the opportunity to explain to their children that the mommy was feeding her baby.  End of story for most kids.

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Like the quote goes, "You can't fix stupid!". Unfortunately, we're always going to have to deal with that faction. Much as we wish it were different, these people apparently just can't help themselves. But it still doesn't excuse behavior of that sort. I'm sorry you and the kids had to suffer the experience.

  • Site Administrator


Well, let me state that it sounds like this went waaaaaay overboard.


Where I will differ is that myself, I don't appreciate woman just breastfeeding in front of strangers (mainly me) without covering up.


I could get into a long dissertation on why it bugs me and why it shouldn't be allowed :P but I'm in the minority here.


So all I can say is shame on everyone involved except the patients and staff.



Isn't this a "baby friendly hospital"? If it is then, the woman has the right to breastfeed on the premises. They can not stop you on a legal basis.



blame the baby milk industry and their propaganda that breast milk is bad and bottled milk is good... good for their profits :( The switch to formula milk has been a disaster - culturally (what you've just seen on your ward), economically for families (good for those companies though...) and healthwise - studies have shown beyond doubt that breastfed babies are healthier babies. As if any reasonable person would expect otherwise...

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