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August C S R Feature: Treading Water By Headstall



August is here, and I'm spending all my time with the family, enjoying our extra time together... but sometimes it's not so easy being part of a family. Check out the drama and hopefully happy ending in Headstall's Treading Water for this month's featured CSR read!


by Headstall


Length: 48,955


Description: Craig and Jared, former brothers-in-law, have been tormented in different ways, and lines have been crossed. Can they now find a way to make sense out of a challenging family situation?


A Reader Said: Such a shame to see the end, but, hopefully it won't be for long...hint hint... 0:)


I loved this short story and can't wait to see what you come up with next. ~ Cazpredroso


This month's Discussion day will take place on Monday, August 29th!

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I haven't forgotten the fish curtains.. Nice to see your name in lights, Gary!!

LOL... thanks, tim...

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Gary is such a talented writer! He really can take you into the lives of his characters, he's a magician! :worship:


The only "bad" thing about this story: it has an end :lol:


PS: I miss the COTT's characters... :whistle:

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The only "bad" thing about this story: it has an end :lol:


All good things must end eventually Clo, but Gary always seems to have another character waiting in the wings shouting to make it to print.


Treading water is an excellent read. Catch you all on discussion night.

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I'm still hoping for a sequel or a Prompt entry to see what Craig and Jared are up to these days, :)

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Gary is such a talented writer! He really can take you into the lives of his characters, he's a magician! :worship:


The only "bad" thing about this story: it has an end :lol:


PS: I miss the COTT's characters... :whistle:

Thanks, clochette! Such a nice thing to hear. And I miss the COTT characters too... I revisited the latest chapter last night, and was itching to get back to it... need to finish Morningstar first... just finished chapter 30, so I'm getting closer :)

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All good things must end eventually Clo, but Gary always seems to have another character waiting in the wings shouting to make it to print.


Treading water is an excellent read. Catch you all on discussion night.

Thanks, Sis...  there are way too many people in my head... :hug:

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I'm still hoping for a sequel or a Prompt entry to see what Craig and Jared are up to these days, :)

Thanks, Reader... maybe someday... I DO have an idea... :)

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It was an intriguing story!


Well worth the read. Gary creates three-dimensional characters that one cares about--and even a few one doesn't care about ;)


You rock, Gary!

LOL...Thanks, skinny... and you rock too  :)

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Gary creates three-dimensional characters that one cares about--and even a few one doesn't care about ;)


LOL, dragon, I was wondering if anyone would mention our favorite hate-and-rant person from TW. :lol:

I'm still trying to decide whether the balls of steel namesake was a compliment. :unsure:

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One of things I really like about Gary's writing is how he can change our minds on certain characters we hated in the beginning, often as a result of those characters being redeemed. Which ties in nicely with the theme of redemption that is present in a lot of his stories.


Of course, some characters never have a turn around, like in a certain CSR Feature story by Gary... ;)

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Of course, some characters never have a turn around, like in a certain CSR Feature story by Gary... ;)


If every bad guy(gal) in a story turned good by the end, the stories would get boring! Doesn't happen in real life, shouldn't happen in fiction! Part of the reason Gary's stories are so great is because he tries to keep them real.

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If every bad guy(gal) in a story turned good by the end, the stories would get boring! Doesn't happen in real life, shouldn't happen in fiction! Part of the reason Gary's stories are so great is because he tries to keep them real.

LOL Kitt, I wasn't complaining. I enjoy Gary's villains along with his heroes.

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LOL, dragon, I was wondering if anyone would mention our favorite hate-and-rant person from TW. :lol:

I'm still trying to decide whether the balls of steel namesake was a compliment. :unsure:

Sorry, Tim... I tried, but I just couldn't resist... and of course it was a compliment :)

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One of things I really like about Gary's writing is how he can change our minds on certain characters we hated in the beginning, often as a result of those characters being redeemed. Which ties in nicely with the theme of redemption that is present in a lot of his stories.


Of course, some characters never have a turn around, like in a certain CSR Feature story by Gary... ;)

Thanks, Drew. And don't forget you-know-who from SAD... another hate-and-rant character... whew... I thought you guys were going to search me out and string me up :)

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If every bad guy(gal) in a story turned good by the end, the stories would get boring! Doesn't happen in real life, shouldn't happen in fiction! Part of the reason Gary's stories are so great is because he tries to keep them real.

Thanks so much for that, Kitt... I do try... :)

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 Congrats, Gary!  Such a worthy author and a wonderful story!  I think I know what I'm re-reading this month.  ;)

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 Congrats, Gary!  Such a worthy author and a wonderful story!  I think I know what I'm re-reading this month.   ;)

Thanks, Lit... I enjoyed writing it... :)

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I always loved Gary's writings and this story is one of my favorite ones. I loved the tricky part of the story. And I'd like to know what Gary has in store for us to tell more about it. Waiting here Gary...

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I always loved Gary's writings and this story is one of my favorite ones. I loved the tricky part of the story. And I'd like to know what Gary has in store for us to tell more about it. Waiting here Gary...

Thanks, Emi! This story grew on me pretty quickly, and is a favorite of mine too. Jared's character especially, reached inside me and took hold. I understand what you mean about the tricky part, but I don't want to give a spoiler away. Thanks, buddy... :)

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LOL Speaking as one who can't seem to write anything past 2 or 3 pages (Strictly short story prompt writer here!) I think it's ALL tricky parts!

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