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September C S R Feature: Thaw By Puppilull



Are you ready for things to change? It's September so seasons and schedules are all out of wack for many people in the world, but one thing remains the same... we have great stories to feature for you to read! This month we're focusing on Thaw by Puppilull. Make sure you take the time to read this month's feature and come back on the discussion day to share your thoughts or questions.


by Puppilull


Length: 59,856


Description: The story of Joel and Lucas, meeting by chance or perhaps accident.


A Reader Said: A wonderful way to say 'until next time' to the guys and awesome for grandpa! He has a girlfriend :D And OMG you made JAR blush *high five* ~ LitLover


This month's Discussion day will take place on Monday, September 26th!

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Yay ! I love this story. I read the entire story in one day on my vacation. Thankfully it was complete so I didn't have to wait for next chapter to be posted :P Unfortunatly that meant that I didn't have time to leave reviews :unsure2: Sorry :funny:


 Read it !  running-around-smiley-emoticon.gif

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If my blog review of Thaw didn't get you new readers hopefully this will do it. :yes:


**Beware of some spoiler reveals in this reveal if you don't like to know anything about a story before you start reading it**

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I hope those joining my guys for their story will have a good time! Please let me know what you think!


I love this story and I love elks. (Apropos: What's the plural for moose? The same as singular?)


I believe both moose and elk are the same in plural and singular... 

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Could say the same about you Puppi. I was going to edit my comment since I just got to the part where Lucas finds out that Koda is a Norwegian elkhound. I googled the name to see what that breed looked like - beautiful animal :)

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**Beware of some spoiler reveals in this reveal if you don't like to know anything about a story before you start reading it**


:huh: I actually thought my review of Thaw was quite unrevealing. I didn't even mention the moose. :lol:

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:huh: I actually thought my review of Thaw was quite unrevealing. I didn't even mention the moose. :lol:


You definitely don't give a blow-by-blow, but I know some readers don't like to know the general direction a story is taking. If I'm not researching an author for a first-time buy, I typically won't do more read the blurb and skim ratings to see the general vibe for the story because I sometimes feel knowing even the basics leads to reducing the 'what if' tension or to grasp some of the finer aha moments before their time.

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Yeah, that's a good point, Cia. I actually struggle(d) with this in several of my reviews, trying to entice readers to a story without spoiling it for them. It's a difficult balance.

I often skip the story description if it's an author I like, so I can read without preconceived ideas of the content.

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Congrats on the feature, Puppi! :) 


I loved this story!!! :) I was riveted from the first line. The story totally captivated me. Now I just need to start the sequel! :P

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Adi's right, I couldn't stop reading. Alright, I stopped for dinner and a couple of other things that needed doing but then it was right back to it. The binge has ended and what a treat it was. Fantastic story Puppi! :D


Now, it's very late I need to go to bed....hope I have no trouble waking up later...uh oh...

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I'm late to the party, but congrats on the shout out Puppi!  I really loved Thaw... what's not to like about a hot, blonde hockey player?  :P

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I'm late to the party, but congrats on the shout out Puppi!  I really loved Thaw... what's not to like about a hot, blonde hockey player?   :P


I couldn't agree more. :P

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