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Writing Prompt #588 & #589

Renee Stevens


I hope everyone is having a great week! It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Hopefully you'll find something in this weeks prompts to spark an idea and get you writing!



Prompt 588 – Creative

Tag – The Pitch
You were hired to write a new television show. You were asked to create something unique. What is your pitch?


Prompt 589 – Creative

Tag – First Line
Who is singing that?



Our three responses to Prompt #586:



BHopper2 - Prompt #586


“Where are you planning to get the money for that vacation?” Professor Kline asked looking over at AJ. “Three weeks touring Ireland, England, and Scotland, seems to be rather expensive.”


AJ smiled at his Professor, knowing he meant well. Professor Kline was his academic advisor, and whom he sought guidance on a variety of issues over the years. He’s also the man, which needed to approve him to access the campus computer system while he was away. “It’s mine and Tommy’s wedding honeymoon. Dad’s bankrolling it. Though, we have to take our own spending cash. I’ve already talked to my grandparents, and I can pull the money out from my Trust. It’s going to be a magical trip.” AJ stated with a twinkle in his eye.


“Alright, thanks for answering, though you didn’t need too. Are you going to have the time to study while over there? Don’t get me wrong, schoolwork would be the last thing I thought of, while I was with my new partner while on a honeymoon.”


JohnAR - MetaDeprivation


“Where are you planning to get the money for that vacation?” the mailbox message said. Colt closed his phone before it had finished, checked the time, 30 more minutes, before putting it away. It seemed his mother during one of her not so bright moments, had called him and left that message, instead of on his father’s phone. He didn’t even get excited about the notion of ‘vacation.’ They would never go for a vacation. And even if, he didn’t want to go on vacation. Not with people he didn’t love. So no vacation. Ever.


He only felt guilty for two seconds, he was supposed to love his parents, but he didn’t feel it. No surprise, the freak he was. No surprise, the loner he was.


“You will never belong,” the stranger said, reading his thoughts.



Comicfan - A Prompt A Week


“Where are you planning to get the money for that vacation?” Tony looked over Mark’s broad shoulder at the website on screen.


“I can look. You know I’ve been putting money away.” Tony turned and glared at his brother. “And it isn’t a vacation, it’s called a honeymoon!”


“Yeah, yeah.” Tony smiled and sat on his older brother’s bed. “Just don’t you and Bran forget to bring me back something!”


“You do realize its our honeymoon. We aren’t going for souvenirs, you know?”

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Hmm, that first line prompt struck a chord. Maybe I can get an Eric and Nelson chapter written?

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I like both of these, but 589 particularly. Maybe I have a thought or two. But the garden is calling me...

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589 might turn into a Geoff and Tony episode in the future - got to do Geoff's conversation with his mum first ... :) Hmm .... having just said that,  I've had thoughts about how they first met. 

Edited by northie
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