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Broken, but Good

I started rereading a story I wrote a while back.

Camp Refuge is such a keystone for me.  It has so many good things going for it, embedded in a package of terrible mechanics.  I'm going to try and explain what I mean.

I began it to help a reader who had written while I was in the process of releasing Guarded on another site.  He was recently diagnosed with HIV, and he was wrecked.  I'll never forget the last two lines he ever wrote to me - "Who could love me now?  Who could possibly love me now?"

I was a chapter away from finishing Guarded when I got that email, and I started Camp Refuge immediately after Guarded was done.  I had to.  I had to show him that he deserved love, acceptance, and peace.  He never wrote again, and as I released chapters, I wondered if he even saw them.

But, something started to happen around that story.  Other's wrote.  People who were HIV+, demisexuals, gray asexuals, trans folks, people suffering from depression, those who had been abused... they all reached out.  I got some of them to explore getting treatment locally, even had our HIV nurse and a case manager reach out directly to a few who consented to such.  I began to realize that it was bigger than the beginning.  It made me understand something scary, and thrilling, all at once.

It was the very first time I realized that my words have power.

Rereading it now, I know I can't put it on GA.  Not yet.  I head-hop soooo much; it's almost laughable.  But, the bones are there.  It has a good skeleton.  In the words of the esteemed Stitch, the story is "Broken but Good".

I think it deserves to simply be "good".

Another project... urgh.

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Posted (edited)

You are a beautiful soul, Wayne. Thank you for being there for those in need. :hug: 

As for Camp Refuge, I searched and found it. It’s now on my To Read list. 

Edited by Reader1810
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Wayne Gray


39 minutes ago, mollyhousemouse said:

i've read it. read it before Guarded actually. i liked it then, i'll like a second time around.

Thanks, molly.  It's a special little story for me, in many ways.  I'm gonna do right by it when it gets posted here.

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Wayne Gray


23 minutes ago, Reader1810 said:

You are a beautiful soul, Wayne. Thank you for being there for those in need. :hug: 

As for Camp Refuge, I searched and found it. It’s now on my To Read list. 

Well, thanks, Reader.  I had no idea I could impact someone with my words.  Not really.  It's actually pretty scary.  There's a responsibility now, where I didn't feel one before.  I'm not sure that makes sense...
And wait on reading it!  It's a jumbled little tale right now.  Chapter one is all right, as it's all from one perspective.  But... the rest is a bit of a mess.  I need to do some major clean-up before I can call it "good".

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Wayne Gray


25 minutes ago, chris191070 said:

I’ve read it and it’s a beautiful story. I look forward to reading it a second time around when you publish it on here.

Thanks, Chris.  I love it, warts and all.  I've got work to do on it... and I will.

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Thorn Wilde


Well, when you do decide you want to go back and rewrite and edit, I'll be here. I've been meaning to read it for a while, but if you're planning on doing that I'll definitely wait. :) 

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Thorn Wilde


7 hours ago, Wayne Gray said:

Thanks, Thorn.  It may end up my next project after I finish the two I'm on now.  It'll take a lot of work, but it'd be worth the effort.

Then I wait with bated breath to help edit and proof. ☺️

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