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The Sawmill - A Gay Campground

Wayne Gray


A reader emailed an article written by a woman detailing her struggles finding acceptance for both herself and her partner. The story details them sort of falling into life in an RV, and making their own path. It's a great read, and she has wonderfully perceptive views. Take a look.

Gay and Lesbian RV Living

After I read it, I was curious; I followed the link in the article to the campground in Florida called The Sawmill.

And there it is. A warmer, sunnier, more tanned, though less social-justice leaning version of the campground in my series, Camp Refuge.

The Sawmill is a place to party. It's a place to go, have fun outdoors, eat good food, socialize with others. But that's not all it is, and I'll explain why.

The simple fact remains, we have to be careful where we display affection. We have to have constant situational awareness, and assess if a peck on the cheek, or holding the hand of the person we love will cost too much moment to moment.

But at a place like this campground, we can just be. We can have fun with people like us, and do so unafraid. Even though the focus of the place is "party and party hard" it still offers a respite.

It makes me want to make Camp Refuge real. I mean, I've never stopped wanting that, but yeah ... this has poked that desire and whispered, "See? If they can do it, so can you."


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But at a place like this campground, we can just be.

Wish this wasn’t so, but I do appreciate this place and what it means to those who go there. 

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1 hour ago, Reader1810 said:

Wish this wasn’t so, but I do appreciate this place and what it means to those who go there. 

Thanks, Reader.

It's almost impossible for many to really understand how much it means to be as free as most are every day. These places, that can happen across the board, and that makes them special.

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25 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

We've talked about it. You'd be perfect for running such a place. i hope you can make it real one day.

We have. And it's such a dream for me - one that I've had for so very long.

I could make five acres work if it had the right mix of topography, trees, and water. I've been looking for years now, and I know the property is out there. I just have to find it.

Thanks, tim.

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I've heard of Sawmill. I  worked for a couple who were part of the community there (they ended up being not so great business owners, but my coworkers were amazing- the couple owned a travel agency that catered to both seniors and the LGBTQ community)

I heard from several people that it is a great place. A few others pointed out some faults. (What place doesn't?)

You would be awesome at running such a place. I really hope you can realize your dream someday. 

You would excel. 

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7 minutes ago, MichaelS36 said:

Mmm. I agree with tim.  Find your land and live your dream. You can do this Wayne, if it's what you want. 

Thank you, Mike.

We've been looking. Prices here are doing crazy things, but it works for us too - since we have a mortgage. All we can really do at the moment is watch and save. So that's what we'll do.

Patience isn't my strong suit, but I'll make an exception for this particular dream.

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10 minutes ago, kbois said:

I've heard of Sawmill. I  worked for a couple who were part of the community there (they ended up being not so great business owners, but my coworkers were amazing- the couple owned a travel agency that catered to both seniors and the LGBTQ community)

I heard from several people that it is a great place. A few others pointed out some faults. (What place doesn't?)

You would be awesome at running such a place. I really hope you can realize your dream someday. 

You would excel. 

Yes, every place has its problems. For one, it requires effort to remain an open and welcoming place to everybody. In the process of specializing, a community can become too insular. I don't know if that is an issue The Sawmill suffers from, but I could see it happening (because I've seen it in other places).

It'd take work to be inclusive. Even then, it'd not be what everyone needs, and I've no illusion that we could provide that. You can't please everyone all the time, or be what everyone needs. Instead, we'd decide what kind of place we'd have loved to have found ... and make it ourselves. Those who agree with our sensibilities would find us.

I'd love trying to create something special.

Thanks, kbois.

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11 hours ago, Wayne Gray said:

We have. And it's such a dream for me - one that I've had for so very long.

I could make five acres work if it had the right mix of topography, trees, and water. I've been looking for years now, and I know the property is out there. I just have to find it.

Thanks, tim.

I think you'd have a ready list of waiting campers.  :)

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10 hours ago, chris191070 said:

Find your land and bring your dream of Camp Refuge to life.

Working on it. 🙂

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2 hours ago, Fae Briona said:

I think you'd have a ready list of waiting campers.  :)

Maybe so!

It'd be a thrill to meet people who have enjoyed my stories, and far more of one if it were in my own campground. 😄

Thanks, Fae.

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This is one reason I love Fire Island Pines. It's all gay men, and it's the only place I've ever been where I never had to "straighten" myself up.

There's also a very popular gay campground in Pennsylvania called "The Woods". It's clothing-optional too. ;) 

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24 minutes ago, TetRefine said:

This is one reason I love Fire Island Pines. It's all gay men, and it's the only place I've ever been where I never had to "straighten" myself up.

There's also a very popular gay campground in Pennsylvania called "The Woods". It's clothing-optional too. ;) 

I love it. I love that there are safe places like these. I mean, I despise the need for them, but I am thankful they exist. Maybe someday we won't need them, and that'd be amazing. Till then, it's nice to know they exist.

Thanks for commenting and for the information on "The Woods." 🙂

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