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Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 18 - Feb. 24)



I'm giddy :D

Now it is up to you to figure out why I'm so giddy :gikkle: 

So did you all notice that next week is a 1in every 4 years occurrence, a Leap Year? It seems to me like I don't notice as much, ever since the Winter Olympics were moved from the Leap Year's to two years later and the Summer Olympics stayed on the Leap Year. I guess for the non sports lovers out there, you're saying WTF :P If you are a sports follower, I imagine you are more interested in the Summer Olympics than the Winter, so once again WTF :P 

P.S. Also a PSA, rather than the 1st day of Spring being March 20th it will be March 19th this year :yes: In case you or your fellow Druids were planning on going to Stonehenge, I don't want you a day late!! That would really suck.

You also know what? With an extra day that means you get a whole bonus day to get in your Poetry Anthology entry or entries! Since April 1st is the due date, why procrastinate any longer? Leave that to me where every week at a ridiculous hour I get started on the Weekly Wrap Up :o Well, let's go with I want the most up to date news and chapters published 0:) .

So before I turn into a pumpkin in a minute, let's get this show on the road.

Monday, Cia introduced us to a very popular author in the Signature Author Feature. Did you get into the blog?

Tuesday, Myr left us all kind of guessing what were the top stories in his Deep Dive:

Wednesday, we got the Signature Feature Author Excerpt to go with Monday's Announcement:

On Wednesday, colour me stupid, but I never thought the Author Guess Who Reveal would be who it was!


I mean, other than knowing she is a consistently pestering penguin that has a make believe army, what else was there really to know? :P 

Friday, in a twist of something different, @Aditus brought up some items and called them out as items:

I didn't get a chance to read Comicality's Article this week, but I will take a look later. Maybe you should too! After all, it is all about you :P 


What a mishmash of words this week for the Words of the Day.

mishmash, commodious, jittersimplode, ramekin, earsplitting, gazelle


Upcoming Writing Events 

Poetry Anthology - Seasons, will be due April 1st 2024. Click here for all the information and more that you will need.

Secret Author Contest - More information to come.

Annual Anthology (theme TBA) - More information to come. Due October 1st 2024.

Prompt Team Event/Contest - More information to come.


Member Participation Blogs - Great way to promote yourself!!

Ask a Author 3.0 If you have a author you want to get some answers from, write a PM to @astone2292

Author Guess Who Get our members to guess who you are and also let everyone know who you are. Also write a PM to @astone2292


Here is the look at the past weeks postings on all our Authors and Poets!

6 Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories

  1. Peace of Amiens by Mark Arbour
  2. The Freshmen by Mark Arbour
  3. The Best Year by Krista
  4. The Cockney Canuck by Dodger
  5. Get Into James Shorts by JamesSavik **Complete**
  6. The Ultimate Vehicle of Earthly Bliss by AC Benus

3 Recently Updated 'Classic Author' Stories

  1. Secrets 2: Looking Through Different Eyes by Bill W
  2. Sands of Time by Roland
  3. Keeper of the Rituals by Libby Drew **Complete**

24 Recently Updated 'Author' Stories

  1. Special Circumstances by lawfulneutralmage
  2. Widderkin V. O. E. by Palantir
  3. Ticklish Descendants by Ticklishboy30
  4. Thicker Than Water by John Henry
  5. Luminosity-The Return (book 2) by paren01
  6. No going back by Robert Hugill
  7. Of Pride and Power by W_L
  8. All My Dreams Pass Before My Eyes by JLynch
  9. Before And After the Divorce by Lee Wilson
  10. A Meeting at the Community Centre by chris191070 **Complete**
  11. Trash Polka by Demiurge
  12. Andre and Chris by Paladin
  13. Never walk alone- Walk on by Andre Delport
  14. Life's a Dreamboat by J92
  15. It's Always Something by Ticklishboy30
  16. Blood Of The Wilde by CasualWanderer82 **Complete**
  17. They may not mean to, but they do by Robert Hugill
  18. Well, What Do You Want To Know? by PhillMakracken
  19. Taking Help from Mr Jordan by chris191070 **Complete**
  20. Sands of Time by Roland
  21. Connor and the Wolves by Yeoldebard
  22. Stronger Than Lions by Sean J Halford
  23. Any Way Out by Leslie Lofton
  24. A Night with no Stars by Mercury Eff


Read, Write, and REVIEW!!! (Don't forget to Recommend too!)

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Recommended Comments

Bill W

Posted (edited)

So did you all notice that next week is a 1in every 4 years occurrence, a Leap Year? 

Not exactly.  If the year is divisible by 100, but not divisible by 400, there is no leap year.  There was no leap year in 1700, 1800, and 1900, but there was in 2000.  The actual length of a year in 365.2425, and doing that is supposed to bring the calendar back in sync.  

Edited by Bill W
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1 hour ago, centexhairysub said:

An extra day, what you do with it will say a lot about you...

It just means I get paid a day later. 🤑

  • Haha 3
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