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Thank you, Matt Damon!



It's not often that the people in Hollywood use their accelerated public status for good and not evil, nor do we frequently hear about their campaigns to help people instead of who they had an affair with this month, but I saw this today, and thank God, I'm not the only one thinking these things.



I'm not often super political and I'm very 'live and let live' but when it comes to the country we live in and the future we're creating for ourselves and our kids and their kids... but holy crap! I won't vote for her just cause she's a woman, just as I hope no one else will, nor will I vote for someone purely based on their political party or race. That's not the type of country I want to live in, one founded on discrimination and prejudices.


Anyway, that's it...



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I saw that yesterday and read most of the comments on it... some people are just plain nasty! Just because someone is an actor doesn't mean they don't have a right to free speech. All of those people telling him to stop talking politics just because he's an actor really need to take a step back and look at what the hell they're doing. They can't honestly say that some people shouldn't talk about politics and then turn around in the same comment and say Palin is great and all this other kind of crap. It's stupid!


But, I agree with you for the most part Viv :) I think Palin is a horrible choice for VP. Granted it helped McCain with the conservative vote, but that's one of the reasons I don't like her. She's strictly conservative and then has the same shit going on in her family that she's saying shouldn't happen. If you're that conservative, that's fine, I don't have a problem with it. But when you're being a hypocrite about things, that really irritates the hell out of me.


Plus a lot of the shit that's coming out about her practices while in the Governor's Office (the Yahoo incidents, Troopergate, Bridge to Nowhere(In the beginning)) makes you take a step back and wonder what she'd be like in an even higher position of authority.

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my family has been democrat for as long as i can remember, and all of a sudden my dad is interested in mccain.


this exposes three sides of him at once:


he hates blacks and says he doesn't want them free-loading with obama. (wow)

he's a greedy business owner now.

he'd f**K palin given the chance.




she has an annoying voice and her kids have weird names.

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