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Fighting Back

NOTE: This is a true story that I felt I had to share. While I know the names of the guys, in order to protect there identites I'm going to be vauge on the names. I'll lessen the violence and the graphic nature of it, but you may be offended by it. Don't say I didn't warn you!


I was sitting at work today (got here a little early... around 12) when I heard a large comotion outside on the street, so me being nosy went to go investigate it and I found two larger guys beating up on a smaller guy. What got me going was what they were shouting...


"FAG!" "HOMO!" "COCKSUCKER" All the while punching him and kicking him. I ran over to break it up when one of the guys threw the kid down to the ground. When he went down I yelled to them to break it up now. They paused to look at me and the one kid took off, while the other stayed there and kept beating the victim up. The victim was on the sidewalk curled up in a fetal position holding his head with his arms and the bully didn't let up till I pried him off using a technique that they teach lifeguards to get people off of others. I got behind him and wrapped my one arm around him while I grabbed his wrist and applied a little pressure.


I held the kid back while he kept trying to go after the victim. I yelled for the victim to run into the garage and into the booth and use the phone to call the police and lock himself in the booth. Meanwhile Mary here's me yelling and comes out to see what's going on. I yell for her to grab the victim and take him into the booth and call the police. A few minutes later while i'm still holding the kid who's struggling to get away, the police come and break me and him up. They grab me and the kid and I explain to the officers what happened and while they didn't believe me at first, the victim comes out of the booth with Mary right behind him watching him like a mother lion protecting her cub.


The police take my statement and the victims and thats when it hit me, how I was gonna sink the bully's case of he started it. I explained to the officers that the kid needs to be charged with a Hate Crime becuase of assulting someone for their sexual identity, whether or not the kid knew it. I reinforced the point with explaining what the bully was yelling and also went to support the kid.


The police look at me and I just give them a I'm not gonna mess around with this and moments later, I see the police slap the cuffs on the kid. When I ask what's going on, they explain that they ran his ID and found taht he's on probation and that he violated it by fighting and commiting a felony (hate crime). So the bully's led away and I stick with the victim who's still in shock and I noticed that he's bleeding profusley from his nose. I run inside the booth where we have a first aid kit and grab some gause and gloves and put them on, and hold the gause under the kids nose and tilt his head foreward.


An ambulance arrives and takes the victim away, but i'm not gonna forget what he did before they loaded him on the strecher. He looked at me and gave me a huge hug, and said that I was his guardian angel. When he left, the officer told me that I was lucky that I could've been charged with various offenses and I told him I know, but that helping someone who needed it was worth any penalty that I would be charged with, and I explained to him that I was willing to go through with it. The officer looked at me and smiled and patted me on the shoulder saying that he wasn't going to because I helped the kid and that was enough for him (Thank GOD for honest cops!) and because my shirt is covered in blood, he gave me a shirt to wear and told me that I could keep it (it has the Red Bank PD logo on it B) )


So, I helped defend a kid and was called a guaridan angel today, and I now have mary telling me that this is my passion, to help kids and this proved it.


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I'm Proud of you Eric :D

Former Member


Woo Hoo! Go Eric :)


Bet you look Smexy in your tshirt. Can i start calling you officer?



Few people have ever had freedom handed to them and were told go have fun. One way or another, you have to fight for it. This is an extreme example of our fight but one that makes me proud. Thanks Eric!



So, now you're on your own, and standing up for what you really believe in. This is huge, and great! You might want to check up on the kid in the hospital and see if he was released or kept for observation...



The police officer who went with him to the hospital came back and said that the was doing better now that he's getting treatment. Because he was under the age of 18 (a minor) I couldn't get any information to contact the kid because of confidentality reasons, which is understandable, but i'm just glad that he's doing ok now.

Mark Arbour


You just got some serious karma points. Way to go!



I'm just going to say I'm proud of you. You're my hero. Really.



Eric...our hero! :wub:



Awesome. Totally awesome.



Way to go, Eric! I'm proud of you! :D



You're my hero Eric. :) Being all hot and live-saving... turns me on.


I'm glad that dumb ass is in the slammer with another hate crime on his record...



Who you gonna call? Super-Eric, savior of queerlings everywhere! :worship:


Seriously, when push came to shove, you chose to stand up for someone else. Way to go!



Excellent! Eric, you did exactly the right thing. :sword:


One thing bothers me. Why does the state law allow you to be charged in this case if the policeman had decided to arrest you?



Excellent! Eric, you did exactly the right thing. :sword:


One thing bothers me. Why does the state law allow you to be charged in this case if the policeman had decided to arrest you?


Because the kid that I held down was technically a minor (under the age of 18) and thus I could've been charged with endangering the welfare of a minor, assult and battery, and a few other charged (I cant remember right, I'm about to pass out from being so tired lol). So I was lucky and even if charges were pressed against me, the circumstances of the situation would've at the most let me have a plea bargain or at the least dismissed of all charges.


But like I said, I didn't care, it was the right thing to do and the reason why I posted this was because I want all of you to do the same if something liek this happens. Help a fellow human being, its the best thing to do.


Eric :)



Hope the kid is doing better. :)

Paul Schroder


I'm sure glad you let your emotions get in the way of your thoughts. The thinking part of you would say "I can get into serious trouble by interfering here". But the decent, human, caring part of you simply said "save the boy"! Thank you, Eric, for being you. :)

The Pecman


More people should do stuff like this. The world would be a much better place if people would do what's right, rather than worry about the consequences. Congrats!



That's awesome Eric! You're a true hero. :wub:



A few more words from me: Phantom is to be commended for his bravery, his actions, and doing the right thing without any regard to his own personal safety. That's what a hero does.



You should feel good about yourself for your act of bravery. You did something heroic helping that young man. He is never going to forget that you saved him. :hug:

C James


Eric, you're a hero. Well done, my friend. You may have very well saved his life.



Just a little update... the kid who I helped ended up having three cracked ribs and a broken nose (found this out from the police officer who stayed with him till his parents got to the hospital). Also the guy who beat him up ratted out his friend and now they both are in a LOT of trouble. The kid also gave me a note saying thank you so much, that I will always be a hero and his guardian angel to him.


So pretty much, he's doing a lot better and the police officer told me that i'm the talk of the cops in Red Bank on how I just did what no one would really think of doing.


Honestly, I don't think I did anything speical. I saw someone who needed help and just helped. I'm glad he's ok, and that's good enough for me. So if you guys wanna thank me, just help someone in need like I did, that'll be more thanks to me then anything else.





Spoken like a true hero, Eric. Humility and modesty become you because I know it's not an act. I hope your deeds inspire the people who are reading this. I rarely respect anyone, but I respect you.


I hope that kid contacts you one day. You're amazing.



Bravo Eric, you did the right thing, the kid you saved could have been badly hurt. I hope they throw the book at the assaulter's.



You are the hero of this story. :D

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