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[dkstories] Rich Boy:Awakening

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I really loved the new chapters! But it seems like a lot of the time, Jeremy is left out because he is a mundane. Just a feeling I got. I really feel for Jamie after what he had to do in the last chapter as well. So sad ;_;

If the best way to slay a demon is a Adept with a soul bonded Channel, Worthington is all alone in his quest. Isn't it a coincidence that Carl is right there, and him and Jamie seem to be getting along...Well I don't know if Jamie is ever going to become so dark as to soul bound another but...its a slight possibilty. Heh heh ^^;

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Wow! Wonderful chapter... A little dark, maybe, but good nevertheless. I felt bad for what Jamie had to go through. He just left the Light and to make him go through all that so soon was not a bright idea of Mike's. But then, he may have had his reasons and I grant him the benifit of doubt. Poor, Carl.... :hug:


That thing Uncle Sinclair did with Carl was creepy!!!


I'm glad that Mike has control of his estates back. It gives him a lot more elbow-room. I just hope that Jamie recovers from that ordeal. He would be scarred, yes, but I sincerely hope that he would be able to overcome them and live without the guilt and other paraphernelia that comes with such an act....


The Beastkid

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I've always loved the phrase "Evil done in the name of good is still evil." and its converse " Good done in the name of evil is still good." Now here's a slightly different context of that:


Jamie committed evil acts for the purpose of freeing Carl, an intrinsically good action. Yet, in order to 'free' Carl, he had to free Carl of the enslavement to the Uncle and enslave Carl to himself (Jamie) instead. Granted, Jamie may never use the power that comes with what he's done to Carl, and it is NOT a soul bonding, but he could exert an extreme level of control over Carl any time he wants. It was an interesting predicament and one I just loved...



almost as much as Dumbledore being gay...

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Jamie committed evil acts for the purpose of freeing Carl, an intrinsically good action. Yet, in order to 'free' Carl, he had to free Carl of the enslavement to the Uncle and enslave Carl to himself (Jamie) instead. Granted, Jamie may never use the power that comes with what he's done to Carl, and it is NOT a soul bonding, but he could exert an extreme level of control over Carl any time he wants. It was an interesting predicament and one I just loved...

In which case, better Jamie than Worthington. I would hope to see Carl/Michael/Jamie/Jeremy all as friends with Carl forgetting of his own volition what Worthington did to him.

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It was a dark couple of chapters but it certainly moved the plot forward. It was interesting to see the reaction of the Light Mages to the presence of Worthington et al. I especially liked how he put Roger in his place when questioned the strength of Worthington's abilities!


Two characters that I think will play a big part in the future chapters will be Rob(?) the mage bodyguard whom Worthington is teaching magical combat and the Dwarf King (refered to in name only). I somehow think that the dwarf community will play a big part in bringing down the evil uncle.


Can't wait for more (but know I will have to)!



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It's getting to the point where Carl's butt is playing a bigger role than Carl. :lol: OUCH!! :( Remind me never to get myself possessed by a dark mage. That was quite the exorcism. I guess Jamie had to do it if the result was going to be Carl's enslavement. Michael owes Jamie big time.


I thought Michael had set up some protections around Carl several chapters ago??? :wacko:


I love tough old ladies with that sarcastic edge to them! :music: That meeting was a great scene.


So Uncle Sinclair plans on increasing his power by having these demons goggle up some mages. I guess he's one Sinclair that got over his fear of demons. :( At this point, I just can't see anyone else being the demon summoner. He certainly knows how to hold a grudge! :P


Why are ethical issues only for the people in the middle? :blink:


Great chapters, Dan! :worship:



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On another point...... Jamie, WOW!!! :o


Now twice he has sacrificed everything that he has been taught and believed in in order to help someone else out. I wonder if he is really still more light than dark. And really, didn't he do this to Carl in order to help out Worthington once again.


In a way, I'm beginning to think that he may become more powerful than Worthington, if that is possible. He seems to accept that he has to do some things by the way of dark magic, but he is still holding on to the ideals (or revulsion of dark magic) of the light.


Could Dan be leading us astray, making us believe that Worthington is the stronger of the two? It seems that there is no history of either a dark or light mage walking a middle path. Could Jamie be more successful in doing this and thus end up more powerful?


Great chapters Dan :worship: . Thank you for keeping us guessing.



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What I want to know is why Worthington's instructor wasn't at the meeting and why there isn't a bit more organization among the dark mages to deal with situations like this. The advent of a demon summoner is just as dangerous to dark mages as light, there should be more of them around to deal with this.

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What I want to know is why Worthington's instructor wasn't at the meeting and why there isn't a bit more organization among the dark mages to deal with situations like this. The advent of a demon summoner is just as dangerous to dark mages as light, there should be more of them around to deal with this.

It seems the dark mages - except Worthington/Michael, who is living in shades of gray - are all busy trying to gain supremacy over each other. Worthington's uncle is an example. There are few active dark mages revealed in the story so far, although Worthington's former boarding school appears to be a hotbed of dark activity. The meeting called by Elizabeth and Stacy to deal with the demon problem in the Phoenix area convened only the light mages whom they knew.

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Eh, I just figure that given the circumstances and the apparent mutual interest in an alliance, at the very least Byron Jones should have been notified and present. I've thought, possibly it was because Worthington wanted to establish himself as powerful in his own right to the light mages, however doing so removes a strategic advantage from Worthington. If Worthington is seen as helping Jones to exterminate the demon summoner, the focus of the light mages will be on Jones rather than him... freeing Worthington to grow in power off the general radar of the obviously hostile light mages.

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I think a lot of it boils down to the ethos behind Light and Dark. If Dark can get someone else to do all the work, pay all the price for something, then they let them do just that. Dark only gets involved when they have something to gain...

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