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Jack Scribe

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Juno. I was totally charmed by this film. The plot line focuses on a rather unusual premise concerning a 16 year-old girl who seduces her high school best boy friend (who is a delightful, semi-clueless nerd character and also 16) and become pregnant as a result.


The dialogue - which quite honestly could only come from a talented writer - is priceless and hilarious. The actress who is the lead, Ellen Page, has been nominated for best actress. Rotten Tomatoes gives it a 94% rating on the Tomatometer". This movie will make you smile for a long time.


I also flipped over Sweeney Todd! Don't take the kiddies.


Jack B)

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We went to see Atonement today. Very heavy film, very dark. There are scenes that are very disturbing. My friend Jennifer said she cried several times, some scenes affected her that much. It is not a film I came away from whistling a tune. It is a film that I will think about for a long time. I can't say that I enjoyed it, I can say I'm glad I saw it.


We're going to see Juno, Enchanted, Orphanage, and The Great Debaters between now and the time we move back to the dorm on January 15.


Colin B)

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Charlie Wilson's War was pretty good. It was entertaining, sometimes amusing, dealt with significant subject matter, and was loosely based on fact. They had fun with references to people whom we now know from different contexts, and reminded us a bit of how the Cold War mentality worked for good and ill, sometimes blinding us to our longer-term interests. Hanks, Roberts, and Hoffman gave performances that by themselves would make the film worth seeing.


It's not a documentary, so don't assume that every detail is historically accurate, but you can learn something about the period and the present consequences of our actions and inactions then. The Zen master's story explains all.


Some right-wingers are unhappy with anything that suggests that the fall of the Soviet Union came in part from any historical or economic factors other than Reagan's telling Gorbie to tear down a wall. And you probably don't want to take the kiddies along. But otherwise, I think a lot of people would enjoy the film.

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We went to see Atonement today. Very heavy film, very dark. There are scenes that are very disturbing. My friend Jennifer said she cried several times, some scenes affected her that much. It is not a film I came away from whistling a tune. It is a film that I will think about for a long time. I can't say that I enjoyed it, I can say I'm glad I saw it.


We're going to see Juno, Enchanted, Orphanage, and The Great Debaters between now and the time we move back to the dorm on January 15.


Colin B)



Oh goodness... Atonement is the very movie I want to watch and you just made me want to watch it a lot more... I don't get to go to Theaters though so I'll probably have to wait until it is released on DVD to see it.. :(


Anyway, Charlie Wilson's War is another movie I want to see.



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  • 2 months later...

I saw "Kite Runner" yesterday, and i think its quite a good movie.

I agree, books are usually better than movies, but IMHO its a well done movie worth seeing.

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I read the book Atonement a year or so ago. The author, Ian McEwan, is incredible. Saw an article comparing him to Shakespeare iregarding the use of language and I completely agree. I saw the movie too. It was good...but read the book.

And the same for I Am Legend. Read the book. Was a bit disappointed by the movie but oh well.

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People might think I'm crazy, but the next movie I want to see in the theater is Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. :P

Me too :D

I do love me some Harry Potter.


I felt that Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street was an amazing movie, and was totally robbed of a best picture nod at the Oscars, though it probably wouldn't have won.


I completely missed seeing Atonement in theatres and am very disappointed about it. I really wanted to see it. I, like Krista, will have to wait for the DVD, unfortunately. Another movie I really want to see is Once. I've heard nothing but good things about this movie.

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I don't see enough movies! At least not in theaters. I'm a huge DVD renter...so I can relax at home and watch it, occasionally pause if I have to, take a bathroom break without running in and out, disturbing others. Tripping on the stairs in the dark, etc.


But I did want to see Step-Up....a silly, no plot, dance movie. It's one of those movies you can watch and enjoy, without really paying attention. Great for a multi-tasker like myself.


Jumper because I love Hayden Christensen. He was good in Star Wars. :D


As for other movies that I definitely want to check out: Definitely Juno. The reviews were just amazing.

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We went to see "the spiderwich chronicles". Loved it,you need to go see it if you like fantasy movies



I want to see that. It looks good and reminds me of 'Bridge to Tarabithia.' Sorry about spelling.

I also wanna see Sweeny Todd. I've seen the actual play and the movie looks just as good as it.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix, eh, some what. I'm still trying to find it for a good price. I have heard that so far, it's the best out of all of the moives. A bit darker, but then again, so are the books.

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I personally really enjoyed both movie that I've seen in the past 2 weeks,, Vantage Point and Spiderwich Chronicles,,, The latter is indeed a very nice fantasy movie,, I recommend it for anyone who'd enjoy that type of movie

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I personally really enjoyed both movie that I've seen in the past 2 weeks,, Vantage Point and Spiderwich Chronicles,,, The latter is indeed a very nice fantasy movie,, I recommend it for anyone who'd enjoy that type of movie



B) .....I would like to see 10,000 BC set to release on Friday

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