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Multiple Languages


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How many of you speak more than one language? If you do, how many and what languages?


Also, would you post in an 'International Forum' for non-english conversations only?


I do speak good enough to have decent conversation in French, English and German.


Personally, I don't think I'd really post in an International Forum. I don't think there would have enough visitor, or at least enough interesting threads.



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For me, only English and French, though I do plan on learning more.


No, I wouldn't use an international forum, as everyone here speaks English, and like Menzo said, I think that mostly only people that speak English would stumble

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Aside from English I'm fluent in a trashy southern dialect of spoken Italian and I can stagger my way through spoken French and spoken Spanish. I say spoken because I'm functionally illiterate in all three languages. I can read most Italian but not write it, and I can read and write very, very, basic French.


That having been said, I don't exactly see myself using an international forum.

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English and French. No I wouldn't use an "International forum". Like Menzo said, since all the story content is in English, I would assume most readers speak english.


Plus, I can speak and read French but couldn't write a coherent sentence in French if my life depended on it.



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I speak German and English (duh :P ... but thats a foreign language for me). What language would you use for an "international" forum other than English ? Well, you could try to use English instead of American English (*giggles*), but usually English is the language of choice for "international" forums anyway.

If what you mean by "international forum" is that you make "localized" forums, i.e. a French/German/Spanish/ etc. forum for people from those countries.. i don't think it would be used much. The stories (which is what people usually gets to come here) are all in English, so i think it's safe to assume everybody does speak - or at least read - English.


IMHO, this forum really is an international forum, seeing people from all over the world posting here ;)

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First, I don't need an international forum. The forum like now is fun, because it goes through continents and countries, and english is allready an international language (I mean "english" and not what is spoken in the south of USA :P ).

BTW, my mother langages are french and german, I speak english, italian, swissgerman and spoke (lost because no praxis) russian and spanish. Oh, I forget a little bit of Yiddish :lol: .

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I speak German and English. I learned Latin once, but cannot remember much of it. I don't really understand your question about the non-English-conversation forum. I'm already using a few. Just not here at GA. If you plan one for GA I cannot really see any sense in it. If you can read the stories you can post in English. If you cannot speak English, you are unlikely to find GA in the first place. Next problem would be how to moderate such a forum if you cannot understand what is said yourself? Besides that I know at least one German site, hosting gay-related stories in German and a discussion board. If I would want to post in German I would go there. Those sites probably exist in other countries too.



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English, Tagalog, Bisaya, Hiligaynon


A teeny bit of Spanish (vocabulary only).


Hey! Hasn't this been discussed before?


I don't like the idea of an international forum... :S LOL English is the Lingua Franca (if that made sense) and all the stories in the site are in English anyway. :P

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I speak, talk and write English, French and Hindi. And all of them are foreign for me. My mother tongue is Creole.


But it's not possible to have a Hindi forum since it doesn't use the normal alphabets. Buut we can still try but it won't be great. And French have those 'accents' which will be rather difficult to add.


I believe an international forum will be welcomed but won't be a huge thing.


Take care,


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English, Hindi, Punjabi for me....


And no, I would not be posting in a non-English forum as I would not be knowing the language that most people would converse in...basically French, German, Spanish etc. I can use the translator for normal posts but I can't write... :)

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Well, I grew up in a very diverse household. So I learned Spanish, English, German, French, and ASL in, basically, that order. Unfortunately, I didn't use French or German that much so I'm no longer fluent in them. But if I hear either for a while most of it comes back.

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I speak French and English, and can manage with Spanish or German, or Dutch if it's a need for vital information.

As long as the stories are not hosted in other languages, the exchange language should remain English. I've come across no site like this one in French, but what would be more interesting would be a sort of "franchise" at some point, if we can get enough people to provide stories in French. I think it would create a demand; a lot of conversations with friends got me to think that there was a need.

I know that for our tugstories site it's in the plans to have the stories translated into French, Spanish and German. It's just a lengthy, not very gratifying job. I've translated some of my own stories, but it's very boring, so we'd better recruit people with the ability to do so.

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I speak French and English, and can manage with Spanish or German, or Dutch if it's a need for vital information.

I know that for our tugstories site it's in the plans to have the stories translated into French, Spanish and German. It's just a lengthy, not very gratifying job. I've translated some of my own stories, but it's very boring, so we'd better recruit people with the ability to do so.

Hi Fran

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Well apart from English I'm not fluent in anything. However, I have a very basic level of understanding of several languages: French, Latin, Spanish, German, and ASL. However, with all of them the extent of my skill is not being completely lost if people speak them very slowly and clearly and smile a lot (I'm not sure why the smiling helps, but it does). I'm also much better if I can see the language written out (which obviously doesn't apply to ASL). I cannot, in most cases, speak or write back, and if I can it's only very basic things.


That said I would love to see a multi-language forum. I agree that it might not see much action and isn't really necessary. It would be fun though, and it would probably enhance my abilities in the above mentioned languages.



Besides that I know at least one German site, hosting gay-related stories in German and a discussion board. If I would want to post in German I would go there. Those sites probably exist in other countries too.

Shockingly, so do I! Could it be this one to which you are referring?


If I remember well we were only a very few people speaking french in GA and nobody was interested to read the French version :P .

That's not completely true. I was unable to participate myself, but I did enjoy watching ;)



Edited by AFriendlyFace
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