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changes to LTMP 40

C James

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There were two errors in LTMP 40, "Greylag Goose", that I've changed.


In the prior chapter, I mentioned CO2 emissions from a faulty keroseane heater, but it's supposed to be CO: Carbon Monoxide. I changed that, but stupidly forgot that I'd used the same term in 40, so I changed Dimitri's reference of CO2 to carbon monoxide in 40, too. Sorry.


Also, I goofed regarding Chase's laptop. In fact, I goofed twice. It was pointed out during beta that using a modem to connect to a dialup account via a cell phone is rather antiquated, so I changed it to a nonspecific of just using a cell phone to connect a laptop to the net. However, I forgot that I'd used the word "modem" in a prior sentence, so I have changed it. It now reads:

Chase shook his head; his laptop was able to connect to the Internet WiFi, but he had no idea how to connect it to a cell phone. Jon, sitting across from Brandon and Chase, said,
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Well, we all make mistakes. At some point, I have a few mistakes to fix in Dark Earth: The Prophecy. That should be a lot of fun. Thanks for the heads up, CJ. :2thumbs:

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There were two errors in LTMP 40, "Greylag Goose", that I've changed.


In the prior chapter, I mentioned CO2 emissions from a faulty keroseane heater, but it's supposed to be CO: Carbon Monoxide. I changed that, but stupidly forgot that I'd used the same term in 40, so I changed Dimitri's reference of CO2 to carbon monoxide in 40, too. Sorry.


Also, I goofed regarding Chase's laptop. In fact, I goofed twice. It was pointed out during beta that using a modem to connect to a dialup account via a cell phone is rather antiquated, so I changed it to a nonspecific of just using a cell phone to connect a laptop to the net. However, I forgot that I'd used the word "modem" in a prior sentence, so I have changed it. It now reads:



Sorry for the goofs, and my sincere thanks to those who pointed them out to me. :)


B) .......With all the evil cliffhangers you leave in your chapters, you worry about small errors????????? Suck it up Goat!!

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Well, we all make mistakes. At some point, I have a few mistakes to fix in Dark Earth: The Prophecy. That should be a lot of fun. Thanks for the heads up, CJ. :2thumbs:


Thanks Tim!


One suggestion; it's easier to fix mistakes a chapter at a time than to try and go back and fix them to an entire story. I'm still slogging through FTL trying to fix deficiencies in my writing, and it is a slow process. :)


B) .......With all the evil cliffhangers you leave in your chapters, you worry about small errors????????? Suck it up Goat!!


Cliffhangers?!!?!? :o


But I can honestly say that the first 40 chapters of LTMP are comparatively cliffhanger-free!


BTW, LTMP will have 46 chapters, plus an epilogue. I still need to do some polishing, and of course the beta and editing process, but the writing phase of LTMP is over. :)

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Thanks Tim!


One suggestion; it's easier to fix mistakes a chapter at a time than to try and go back and fix them to an entire story. I'm still slogging through FTL trying to fix deficiencies in my writing, and it is a slow process. :)




Cliffhangers?!!?!? :o


But I can honestly say that the first 40 chapters of LTMP are comparatively cliffhanger-free!


BTW, LTMP will have 46 chapters, plus an epilogue. I still need to do some polishing, and of course the beta and editing process, but the writing phase of LTMP is over. :)

Cliffhanger free? I think not. Chapter 37 was definitely a cliffhanger. Sorry, but I have to include 40 and 19 as well. Those are evil cliffhangers. There are different levels of cliffhangers. Level A is "Damn!" Level B is "Holy S**t!" Level C is Holy <f bombin'> s**t!" :o I put Chapter 37 at Level C; Chapter 40 is at level A. Chapter 19 is at Level B. I can honestly say that I have yet to write a Level A. 0:)

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Cliffhanger free? I think not. Chapter 37 was definitely a cliffhanger. Sorry, but I have to include 40 and 19 as well. Those are evil cliffhangers. There are different levels of cliffhangers. Level A is "Damn!" Level B is "Holy S**t!" Level C is Holy <f bombin'> s**t!" :o I put Chapter 37 at Level C; Chapter 40 is at level A. Chapter 19 is at Level B. I can honestly say that I have yet to write a Level A. 0:)


Alright, if chapter 37 can be considered a cliffhanger ending as it ended in the middle of the action where the plane could have crash or shot down at anytime. Chapter 40, that's not a cliffhanger, the guy is dead! Instinct is not under fire anymore and no one of the good guys are injured enough that we fear to their life. Therefore, that's not a cliffhanger

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Cliffhanger free? I think not. Chapter 37 was definitely a cliffhanger. Sorry, but I have to include 40 and 19 as well. Those are evil cliffhangers. There are different levels of cliffhangers. Level A is "Damn!" Level B is "Holy S**t!" Level C is Holy <f bombin'> s**t!" :o I put Chapter 37 at Level C; Chapter 40 is at level A. Chapter 19 is at Level B. I can honestly say that I have yet to write a Level A. 0:)


I put 37 at b, 40 isn't that high of a cliffe :P

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I just caught up with the story and I have to agree you got some nice cliffies there C.J. :rolleyes:


You write a story like a Grisham novel meets Hollywood's "Sex, Scandal, and videotape" with a lot of intrigue, character build-up, and fun. Can't wait to read the next 6 chapters. Also, shame on you for creating that allusion of "lost to the world" to cause such great fear that our heroes would die, hehe.


Thank you for the great story.

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