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Have you made it to home with the opposite sex?

Have you had sex with someone of the opposite sex?  

58 members have voted

  1. 1. I am:

    • Gay
    • Lesbian
    • Bi
    • Transgender
    • Straight
  2. 2. I have gone all the way with someone of the opposite sex

    • Yes
    • No
  3. 3. I am a virgin as far as going all the way

    • yes
    • no

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  • Site Administrator

Hi all,


I was listening to the radio and a classic Tragically Hip song was on: He's Thirty Eight Years Old, Never Kissed A Girl.


This got me to thinking, have you ever gone all the way with a person of the opposite sex?


I tried to be inclusive in the poll as I realize some of out members are GLBT and straight. Also i realize some people falling in all the categories listed may have never gone all the way with either their own or the opposite sex.


Myself....In my early teen years, when I didn't know what I was, I did have a couple of 'girlfriends' who we made it as far as oral sex, but I have never had full intercourse with a woman. I'm not sure what base that would be (and I'm really confused now that Kevin introduced 'Shortstop' in Buy Me a Drink). I don't have any urge to see what this is like, but I'm curious if anyone else feels if they missed out on anything?


Anyways, curious to hear what you have to say.

Edited by wildone
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For those who know me from my posts, blogs and comments since more than 2 years, i suppose it will be easy to guess my vote :lol: .

But I have again a translation problem :

The expression Wildone used ("made it to home with the opposite sex?") ? Does it mean you had to live "home" with him or her ? Or does it mean you did it yourself ( like in "homemade") ?

And what about a "threesome" with a girl and a guy ? In which category to put it in ?

Old Bob :lol::D:P

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The expression Wildone used ("made it to home with the opposite sex?") ? Does it mean you had to live "home" with him or her ? Or does it mean you did it yourself ( like in "homemade") ?

And what about a "threesome" with a girl and a guy ? In which category to put it in ?

Old Bob :lol::D:P

I think he meant full fledged intercourse as in "home run" or "all the way". Those might be expressions used only in the US. I think the expressions are the same regardless of gender combinations or number of participants.

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  • Site Administrator
ewwwww, breeder sex.

:lol: Don't forget, James, that I wouldn't have my two boys if I didn't do breeder sex :P But it's not for everyone B)

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I think he meant full fledged intercourse as in "home run" or "all the way". Those might be expressions used only in the US. I think the expressions are the same regardless of gender combinations or number of participants.

Old Bob, it's an analogy to American baseball. So you have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd bases and then home run.


I can't believe there's a wikipedia entry for practically everything!

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Old Bob, it's an analogy to American baseball. So you have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd bases and then home run.


I can't believe there's a wikipedia entry for practically everything!

Good grief! I would never have thought of checking Wikipedia for that. Thanks.

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and I'm really confused now that Kevin introduced 'Shortstop' in Buy Me a Drink



Well I couldn't let everyone get too complacent in their understanding of the bases. For those not athletically oriented the shortstop stands between second and third base ;)



Anyway, unfortunately I haven't even gotten on the field when it comes to the opposite sex. Not only haven't I batted, I'm not even up on deck yet ;)


Actually, I do regret this. Not to be vulgar or share TMI, but I'm very much open to the idea of 'experimenting' if the right girl and situation present themselves. In fact, I may even let her get her hands on my pop fly :ph34r:




-Kevin :boy:

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Well I couldn't let everyone get too complacent in their understanding of the bases. For those not athletically oriented the shortstop stands between second and third base ;)



Anyway, unfortunately I haven't even gotten on the field when it comes to the opposite sex. Not only haven't I batted, I'm not even up on deck yet ;)


Actually, I do regret this. Not to be vulgar or share TMI, but I'm very much open to the idea of 'experimenting' if the right girl and situation present themselves. In fact, I may even let her get her hands on my pop fly :ph34r:




-Kevin :boy:

*gasp* A girl??? Playing with Kevin's pogo stick??? I just can't picture it... partly because I could never look Kevin in the eye if I did LOL.


I have kissed two girls who are not family. I have received [expletive deleted] from a guy (third base). That's the extent of my sex life.

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Jesus... I guess I was extremely, um, eager. I had 'full fledged intercourse' with a willing 17-year-old member of the opposite sex when I was 15. In the back seat of a 1962 Dodge Dart. In my mother's driveway. So I guess I was not only eager, but athletic and suicidal. :P


Having experienced the charms of both, I have to say that sex with one gender made me appreciate sex with the other, and vice versa. So many emotions and sensations in common, yet different acts entirely.

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I definitely consider myself gay. I don't know if I would ever want to have any kind of sexual relations with a woman. I really like men. I could possibly go there in a threesome, but that is questionable. I never have and probably never would. I used to be more open to it when I was "bi". However, I realized a while back that I'm gay and just hadn't completely accepted it. It took me 5 years.

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  • Site Administrator
For those who know me from my posts, blogs and comments since more than 2 years, i suppose it will be easy to guess my vote :lol: .

But I have again a translation problem :

The expression Wildone used ("made it to home with the opposite sex?") ? Does it mean you had to live "home" with him or her ? Or does it mean you did it yourself ( like in "homemade") ?

And what about a "threesome" with a girl and a guy ? In which category to put it in ?

Old Bob :lol::D:P


Sorry Old Bob, I guess I should have explained 'rounding the bases' a bit better for our foreign members :unsure:


ewwwww, breeder sex.


Next you'll be asking about trailer parks.


Okay jamessavik, have you ever scored a home run in a trailer park? :lol:


:lol: Don't forget, James, that I wouldn't have my two boys if I didn't do breeder sex :P But it's not for everyone B)


I didn't want to exclude our 'breeders' in this poll :D


third base with a girl when i was thirteen.


i was such a prepubescent pimp.


Hey, same age as me 0:)


Old Bob, it's an analogy to American baseball. So you have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd bases and then home run.


I can't believe there's a wikipedia entry for practically everything!


Wow Steph, I didn't even think to look there either :worship: . Now who is going to write Wikipedia and let them know they missed out on shortstop? Oh Kevin..... :P

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  • Site Administrator
Never done it. Not even a date. Not even a kiss. Not even a good old sex.


I'm pure that way.


Now I hope your referring to the opposite sex only :D




Well I couldn't let everyone get too complacent in their understanding of the bases. For those not athletically oriented the shortstop stands between second and third base ;)



Anyway, unfortunately I haven't even gotten on the field when it comes to the opposite sex. Not only haven't I batted, I'm not even up on deck yet ;)


Actually, I do regret this. Not to be vulgar or share TMI, but I'm very much open to the idea of 'experimenting' if the right girl and situation present themselves. In fact, I may even let her get her hands on my pop fly :ph34r:




-Kevin :boy:


Would that be on a pop fly or when your fly pops? :lol: I don't know if I regret it, but sometimes I just wonder. Hmmmm


*gasp* A girl??? Playing with Kevin's pogo stick??? I just can't picture it... partly because I could never look Kevin in the eye if I did LOL.


I have kissed two girls who are not family. I have received [expletive deleted] from a guy (third base). That's the extent of my sex life.


I respect your honesty Robbie :worship: , I really hadn't done too much more at your age either.


"Gotten to home"? You mean sex? Have I ever had sex with a girl? Well the answer, is private. :lol:


I respect that answer too :P


Jesus... I guess I was extremely, um, eager. I had 'full fledged intercourse' with a willing 17-year-old member of the opposite sex when I was 15. In the back seat of a 1962 Dodge Dart. In my mother's driveway. So I guess I was not only eager, but athletic and suicidal. :P


Having experienced the charms of both, I have to say that sex with one gender made me appreciate sex with the other, and vice versa. So many emotions and sensations in common, yet different acts entirely.


That would most definitly be my curiousity. Not that I think I will try to find out, but I wonder if it makes you a better lover :wub: ?


I definitely consider myself gay. I don't know if I would ever want to have any kind of sexual relations with a woman. I really like men. I could possibly go there in a threesome, but that is questionable. I never have and probably never would. I used to be more open to it when I was "bi". However, I realized a while back that I'm gay and just hadn't completely accepted it. It took me 5 years.


I can totally relate to that Tiger. Back when I told myself I was Bi, I just couldn't really see myself with a girl. As far as the threesome goes I would probably be more willing to try two males: one girl, than visa versa :D .

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I think he meant full fledged intercourse as in "home run" or "all the way". Those might be expressions used only in the US. I think the expressions are the same regardless of gender combinations or number of participants.

Thanks for your effort to answer my "silly" questions. I was just a way to tease Wildone about his poll :P .

But now when I read all the posts, and even what Wikipedia write about the baseball analogy, I find the pool very interesting. Maybe I will once tell more about my experiences :rolleyes: . But for now I have too much to remember :lol: .

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Thanks for your effort to answer my "silly" questions. I was just a way to tease Wildone about his poll :P .

But now when I read all the posts, and even what Wikipedia write about the baseball analogy, I find the pool very interesting. Maybe I will once tell more about my experiences :rolleyes: . But for now I have too much to remember :lol: .

You are welcome, of course. I feel that I should point out that the baseball analogy is very appropriate here in the US since baseball is the "national pastime". There's one you didn't see in Wikipedia.

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Now I hope your referring to the opposite sex only :D

Duh. I've never let an opposite sex corrupt my pure gay mind and urges.


*gasp* A girl??? Playing with Kevin's pogo stick??? I just can't picture it... partly because I could never look Kevin in the eye if I did LOL.

I almost spat my hotdog all over my PC screen reading that. (No, it's not a double entendre.)


*starts laughing*








*back to eating my ham sandwich*

Edited by Jack Frost
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Never done it. Not even a date. Not even a kiss. Not even a good old sex.


I'm pure that way.


I'm on par with Jack Frost. Never kissed a girl, been on a date, or had sex, unfortunately this same statement can also be used for men in my life. I'm a complete and total virgin.

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  • Site Administrator

Interestingly, the latest edition of the DNA magazine in Australia as the results of a sex survey (not scientific, so take the results with a grain of salt).


It reported that 47.3% of the respondents admited to having has sex with a woman.


It also reported that 18.1% (I think) of males in the 18-21 age range said they were virgins.


There were also a lot of other results, but I can't remember them (I only flicked through the magazine at the local Border's store).

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Graeme, I'm definitely not surprised about that. First of all, there are still so many who are in denial. Others are just curious and want to try it just to see what it's like. I happen to think there is a higher percentage of virgins in the gay community than the hetero community. I don't know for sure though. I'm not sure if there has been any research on that particular subject.

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Graeme, I'm definitely not surprised about that. First of all, there are still so many who are in denial. Others are just curious and want to try it just to see what it's like. I happen to think there is a higher percentage of virgins in the gay community than the hetero community. I don't know for sure though. I'm not sure if there has been any research on that particular subject.

I suspect you're right, Tim. It usually takes so long for gay people to work out their sexuality, come out, and start dating that - I would think - they often don't start dating and having sex until an older age. For example, I think most straight people have their first boyfriend/girlfriend much younger than the average gay person has his/her first boyfriend/girlfriend.


On the bright side this trend seems to be decreasing as GLBT youth come out at a younger and younger age, face less stigma, and accept and embrace their sexuality earlier! :great:

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You're right about the changing trend. Still, there are a lot of youths that have some difficulties. I suspect that the heteros will always lose their virginity at an lower age on average. I could be wrong though.

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