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why to be or to become a writer ?

old bob

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My questions are going to both, readers and writers.The first answer will be mine.

English is not my mothertongue and I can only write fluently in french. I tried once to translate a short story from Graeme with great pleasure, but I found only one reader (Bonwriter) able to read it :(:D .

A "Pulitzer Price" for GA writers ?

It would be interesting but only under following conditions :

- several categories for each kind of story,

- two types of prices :

the first one selected by a very large panel of readers (and readers only !)

the second one selected jury elected by all members, for instance the twelve most appreciated writers, selected through the general quality of their comments .

I know, it would be complicated, but it would be funny :lol:

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  • Site Administrator

Old Bob, I would love to respond to this survey, but I can't. The first question doesn't have an option that I can agree with, and the second question doesn't have an option for someone who has stories posted here at GA. Since I didn't select an option, the system doesn't accept my vote :)


As for the last question, my vote is for No. I find grading authors becomes a popularity contest, rather than a quality question. Authors in niche genres, such as historical, horror, science fiction, fantasy, etc., don't stand a chance in general. There just wouldn't be enough readers to praise the quality. The only way it could be close to fair is to have a group of impartial judges, which would be very, very difficult to manage in a purely volunteer environment like GA.

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I can't speak for everyone, but I think most authors come here to improve their writing or find an audience that appreciates their stories more so than the porn-esque stuff on nifty, where I originally started out. And over here on GA there are anthology themes which are fun and challenging in their own way.


Comments/feedback are encouraging whether positive or negative, but I'm against a grading system as it puts too much pressure on the writers and it becomes a competition to one up someone else. Writers should write for themselves and of course try to improve any problems they may have in the process.

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  • Site Administrator
edit : Graeme, I followed your suggestion for the first question.

Thanks, old bob!


I answered wanting to hear critics and congrats, as well as other, for the first question. While I always love getting feedback, positive and negative, my main reason was simply to enjoy myself. The stories I post here are in the anthologies and when I find a theme that inspires me, I enjoy both the writing and the anticipation of waiting to see how the entire anthology is received.


I answered "Other" for the second question, since I do write :)


I answered "No" for the last question because I dislike trying to grade authors/stories for the reasons I gave before.

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Why do writers write?


Why do painters paint or sculpters sculpt? I believe that there is a drive in some prople to create. If they don't write, they simply use another media. It does come from the same place whether its done on paper with words, on canvas with oils or in carved marble.


Others have a message or want to be understood.


Or they read a paperback at $5.75 + tax that is such drivel that they think I couldn't do much worse and this clown got paid..

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Why do writers write?


Why do painters paint or sculpters sculpt? I believe that there is a drive in some prople to create. If they don't write, they simply use another media. It does come from the same place whether its done on paper with words, on canvas with oils or in carved marble.


Others have a message or want to be understood.


Or they read a paperback at $5.75 + tax that is such drivel that they think I couldn't do much worse and this clown got paid..


:lol: Don't forget that some people don't write, not because they don't have a story, but because they can't get through their memories and pain... :(


Hey! I read paperbacks...but not just anything. I try to stay within a very specific pair of genre. BTW, your price reference is three years old...paperbacks are now $7.99 at BORDERS!


But here, where the non-e-fiction stuff all contains sexual situations and romance, and all sorts of fun situations along those lines, usually with a great story built around it, to boot? That's fun for exploring those other genre. :P

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BTW, I forgot the fact that a sort of grading allready exists !

Once again, I found the best example in CJames's site :

under "Awards the stories have received"

And IMO he is right to be proud about it :worship:

My only hope is that this poll, and the comments it got, will encourage more readers to cross the border and become members of the writing tribe :2thumbs: .

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I think there is a more simple explanation than some sort of primal urge to create.


Boredom is a major force that drives almost every aspect of our lives or rather; escaping from boredom by doing something is. People get bored easily. QED.


Its good that they do, though, because it helps more people elevate themselves above base boredom! :D So thanks! :P

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I started writing about five years ago. Actually, that's when I started posting it on the internet, I can't remember when I started writing. And I think I started posting my writing because of the effect some of the stories I'd read online had had on me. I didn't think I'd ever be able to actually effect someone that read one of my stories, but I wanted to share them. They were just sitting there on my comp collecting dust anyway. I never thought I'd get any feedback...I was to worried about getting bad feedback to even hope for it, but I was pleased when I got it. Shocked, but pleased. And those that didn't like what I'd posted were kind enough to keep it to themselves, apparently. I kept at it because I liked sharing and find out what others thought and discussing it with them. I've always loved writing. Sharing my writing was hard but I like it almost as much as I like writing.


I know the question is why I started posting here, but that one is simple. I'd been posting online for so long that it doesn't really feel like as big a deal as it was then. I was nervous and a little worried about flames...but not so much anymore. I'm still nervous, but I do it anyway. I started posting here because I liked the community when browsing as a guest. So, for me, it wasn't about having the courage to post here. I just like the community.


As for the second question, I answered 'No'. I agree with Graeme, mostly, because if it's up to the readers, those writers that write sci-fi or fantasy and whatnot aren't going to get as many votes even if they have an excellnt but I'd like to add that I don't think it'd be possible even for any group of people to judge a story as the 'best' or 'worst' unless they're judging on grammar alone. People have different tastes. Even a group of judges with very different tastes aren't going to cover what everyone likes. It'd be more of a 'favorites' list. Like, these stories were the favorites of these people.


Everyone loves feed back, which is kind of what this best/worst thing would be. But to lable someones writing as the 'worst', I think, would end up alienating a few people that might end up decent authors if they keep working at it.


I think a better way to get feedback, instead of this judging system, would be to create a 'group' of sorts for authors that would like to get feedback and make 'giving' feedback a requirement. In order to stay a member of this 'group' and continue to receive the feedback on your story, you have to leave a certain amount of it yourself. *shrug* Obviously, there are flaws that would need to be worked out and I'm not even sure it'd work. I'm just thinking out loud here.

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When I write, it's because I end up with all these pieces of storyline, character, setting, etc. floating around in my head for days and I can't sleep or concentrate on stuff until I get them written down.


... but when I then go and publish 'em, it's because I'm hoping to hear a few oohs and ahhs. :)

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I write mainly for the fact I love to tell stories. I started writing a few years ago and gave up on it because I didn't get any feedback from what I posted on nifty. Then I discovered GA and started to read some of the stories on here and before I knew it, I was bugging CJ on how to become an author here. Since then I've posted some stories and poems that I wrote and I loved every minute of it.


Also to give credit, it was DomLuka who originally inspired me to write when I came across Desert Dropping on nifty and found my way to GA. THANKS DOM! :D

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I answered


1) become a better writer


2) other reasons - My vote was not accepted, so I had to pick an answer here.


3) no


I started writing in 2003. I started posting my stories in 2004. I came across this site in August 2008. GA is very different from other writing boards. Many stories are on a very high level.


I turned to eFiction, wondering if I could dare to post a story. I was truly scared. I'm not a native speaker of English also. I started to rewrite and polish two stories and finally I posted them. Well, there was only very little feedback and I almost gave up. I received some encouragement recently, though. To me GA is a challenge. This challenge helps me a lot. I find that my writing improves and that counts. That's why I answered 'become a better writer'.


I also don't want a grading system for the reasons already mentioned by others.


Dolores Esteban



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Even though you guys, other than Graeme, havent seen it yet, I did submitt to the anthology so I can answer this one (and not feel guilty).


The reason I write is because I have so much stuff going on in my head and the only way to calm it down, at least untill new stuff pops up, is to get it out through writing.


In 1 story (Ive only ever completed 4 stories, the anthology one included) my muse will change his ideas 20 or 30 times... in one day.


I am currently in the middle of 3 stories, though one is for the Young Writers Group I run at my local library.


Ive rewritten one of those stories, 3 times, and Im only on page 14! Dontcha ever want to strangle your muse. *sigh*


Yes, reason I submitted in the anthology is because I want to be read. I like to know what people think, how people react to my stories.


It ticks off one of my friends cause whenever I have her read one of myne and she laughs, I always ask "What?" and interupt her.

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I read some Severitus fan fiction stories and had an idea for one myself, and thought others might enjoy reading it too -- so I wrote it and posted it purely for people's entertainment -- mine and others'. It was great fun. And then it went on from there -- it's a balance between wanting to write something and hoping (and thinking) that people will enjoy reading it. Sometimes I stray into the minefield of writing something Good, and that's hardly ever a good thing, it messes with the enjoyability. And if a story can't be enjoyed, it's usually not a Good story, either, though there are exceptions.

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  • 1 year later...
  • Site Administrator

I have to say I posted because I was encouraged to by Nephy and Lugh. I write because I get an idea from a situation, a story I've read or just something that comes to me. At times I have no choice and will sit and write for hours because it has to come out or I go a bit batty.


The 2nd question, well, before I posted I would have to say it was fear. Fear of what others would say, what if no one commented or all the comments were harsh and super critical? I think everyone is plagued by self-doubt at some point or another. Mine happened to be when it came to my writing. TPoH was the first story I have ever shared and I felt like I was taking a flying leap when I did.


the 3rd question, A grading system? NO way! I would hate to be held up against seasoned writers who have the skills and know-how that I am lacking as a newbie. I think that would be discouraging to many, even if it did manage to stay an un-biased system. Now, awards are flattering and gratifying I think. It may be partly a popularity contest but I have to say that being nominated for a few categories in the GA RCA was very gratifying. I appreciate every comment in the topics and every review I get for my stories, it definitely keeps me writing.

Edited by Cia
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